HPE C8R35A Product Data Sheet

HP 3PAR Storage System Installation and Startup Service
HP Care Pack Services
Technical data
For smooth startup, the HP 3PAR Storage System Installation and Startup Service provides deployment of your HP 3PAR Storage System, helping to ensure proper installation in your storage environment—and helping you realize
the maximum benet from your storage investment.
The service provides the necessary activities required to deploy your HP 3PAR Storage System into operation. With the assistance of your designated IT storage administrator, a service specialist deploys your array.
When ordered with the upgrade products, the service also provides deployment of hardware upgrades to your existing HP 3PAR Storage System.
The service includes:
• For array upgrades, installation and conguration of the array upgrade products and the minimum activities
required to present the upgrade products to designated hosts
• For array rack transition, removal of the array from the HP 3PAR factory rack and installation of the array into a
rack you supply that meets HP requirements
Reconguration of your existing array—for example, Virtual Volumes, hosts, or SAN—is excluded from this service.
For installation of the rack version of the array into a rack you supply, assembly, conguration, and positioning of the rack are excluded from this service.
Rack transition does not include installation of upgrades or relocation services. Rack transition service delivery requires that the HP 3PAR Storage System be temporarily powered down. Upgrade installation and relocation services are available separately.
Additional conguration/integration activities can be accommodated at incremental cost.
Service benets
• Allows your IT resources to stay focused on their core tasks and priorities
• Reduces implementation time as well as impact on and risk to your storage environment
• Helps ensure a successful implementation by providing HP installation planning and coordination
• Helps you more eectively utilize your HP 3PAR Storage System, thanks to the knowledge you gain from the
service specialist during onsite delivery of the service
Service Feature Highlights
• Service planning and coordination
• Service deployment
• Installation verication tests (IVT)
• Customer orientation session
Specifications Table 1. Service features
Service planning and coordination
Delivery specifications
A service specialist will plan all the necessary activities, including the identification of any prerequisites (see service eligibility requirements), and schedule the delivery of the service at a mutually agreed upon time, which shall be during local HP standard business hours excluding HP holidays, unless otherwise agreed. Any services provided outside of HP standard business hours may be subject to additional charges. The service specialist will provide the planning and coordination activities detailed below either remotely or onsite, at HP’s discretion.
The service specialist will perform the following installation planning and coordination
• Communicate with the Customer, including handling Customer queries regarding service
delivery or requests for information needed from the Customer
• Verify, using a predelivery checklist, that all service prerequisites have been met
• Schedule the array deployment at a mutually agreed-upon time
• Provide a brief consultation to guide the Customer in dening the array conguration
objectives based on application performance, availability needs, Virtual Volume layout, and
HP best practices
• Create a written installation plan, which will serve as the guide for the coordination of the
installation and startup deliverables
HP Techno logy Serv ices are gove rned by the applica ble HP terms a nd conditions of service provided or in dicated to Customer at the t ime of purcha se.
Service deployment
Installation verification tests (IVT)
The service specialist will perform the following array deployment activities:
• Coordinate the installation plan
• Conrm appropriate operating-system patch levels on up to two hosts identied in the
installation plan
• Install HP 3PAR Storage System hardware and upgrades according to the product
• Upgrade to latest release of 3PAR Inform OS software and conrm that the Inform OS
version is at a supported and appropriate version
• Initialize the array
• Assist the Customer with installation of the Management Console software on a Customer-
provided server
• Verify that keys for purchased optional features are installed and active, that the Customer
has access to appropriate product documentation, and that the Customer understands how
to obtain additional optional integration assistance if required
• For initial installation of an array, create and present Virtual Volumes for up to 2 hosts as
documented in the installation plan that the Customer has provided at the time of service delivery
• For hardware performance, capacity, and functionality upgrades, as applicable, verify that
the prerequisite Inform OS version is met, install OS updates as required, and install and
initialize purchased upgrade components based on the agreed-upon upgrade installation plan
• For rack transition, remove the array from the HP 3PAR factory rack and install it into a
customer-supplied rack that meets HP requirements
• For optional HP 3PAR software purchased beyond the Inform OS and Management Console:
For array-based software titles, verify that keys for purchased optional features are
installed and active, that the Customer has access to appropriate product documentation,
and that the Customer understands how to obtain additional optional integration
assistance if required
For software titles external to the array, verify that the Customer has access to software
and appropriate product documentation, and conrm that the Customer understands how to obtain additional optional integration assistance if required
• Provide limited integration of up to 2 hosts (physical or virtual) running a single OS into a pre-existing operational SAN/network consisting of switch technologies that meet the supportability standards of the HP SAN Design Guide or other HP supported conguration. Integration of a host is dened as performance of the following essential tasks necessary to establish and conrm visibility of the desired Virtual Volumes to the intended host:
– Advise the Customer of zoning and multi-pathing requirements based on the host
Implementation Guides
Verify that the Customer has read-write access to Virtual Volumes from the target hosts,
as applicable
Conrm that the Customer has path failover and failback functionality to the target
hosts, as applicable
• Congure appropriate supported HP remote monitoring and support solutions, as applicable
The service specialist will perform the appropriate installation verication tests to conrm product functionality, including verication that:
• The event logs are accumulating data
• The array is production ready, including conrming visibility of Virtual Volumes for up to two hosts as applicable
• Remote support tools are installed and operational, as applicable
HP Techno logy Serv ices are gove rned by the applica ble HP terms a nd conditions of service provided or in dicated to Customer at the t ime of purcha se.
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