HP StoreOnce Backup System Health Check
HP Services
Technical data
HP StoreOnce Backup System Health Check Service provides an assessment of system conguration, capacity, and
supportability for up to two HP StoreOnce Backup Systems. The assessment results will help you to improve the
utilization of your storage systems and identify areas of potential concern before they impact your backup system’s
availability or performance. The assessment information is compared to HP best practices, and HP provides your
organization with a summary report that includes recommendations to help you improve the availability and
management of your storage systems. The HP specialist will examine several key conguration and performance
indicators. This service does not include performance analysis, testing, or modeling.
Service benets
• Presents results in a meaningful, relevant format to help you improve your HP StoreOnce Backup System usage
• Identies potential issues before they can aect your business operations
• Facilitates improvements in storage system management by comparing your system’s current state with
recommended HP best practices
• Requires no downtime for your HP StoreOnce Backup System
• Allows your IT resources to stay focused on their core tasks and priorities
• Reduces business risk and project costs by accessing HP specialists
• Simplies IT operational procedures by leveraging HP best practices
Service feature highlights
• Planning and preparation
• Data gathering
• Analysis and report generation
• Report presentation

Service features
Table 1. Service features
Planning and preparation
Data gathering
Analysis and report
Report presentation
Delivery specifications
The HP service specialist will:
• Discuss the process, deliverables, and schedule, and gain Customer approval
• Verify, using the predelivery checklist, that all service prerequisites have been met
The service specialist gathers relevant information about the Customer’s HP StoreOnce Backup
System from the HP data repository.
The information is analyzed and key parameters of the StoreOnce Backup System are
compared to HP best practices. HP prepares a written assessment report for the Customer with
configuration details and an executive summary highlighting findings and recommendations.
HP presents the Customer with a report of findings and recommendations, which is shared
during an interactive question-and-answer session with key members of the Customer’s IT
Service limitations
At the discretion of HP, service delivery will use a combination of remote and onsite delivery methods.
Follow-up activities to implement any recommendations are not included but may be obtained in a separate HP
Services engagement for an additional fee.
Unless specied in this document or in a separate Statement of Work, activities such as, but not limited to, the
following are excluded from this service:
• Service deployment on hardware not covered by an HP warranty or HP support agreement
• Services that, in the opinion of HP, are required due to unauthorized attempts by non-HP personnel to install, repair,
maintain, or modify hardware, rmware, or software
• Performance testing, analysis, or modeling; the service is limited to a predetermined set of conguration
parameters that are compared to HP best practices
• Assessment of more than two HP StoreOnce Backup Systems; additional storage systems can be accommodated by
ordering multiple instances of this service
• Assessment of the Customer’s SAN environment; SAN assessment is available as a separate service
• Assessment of the Customer’s host and application environment, including the backup application; host and
application assessments are available as separate services
• Installation or conguration of any hardware or software products
• Loading, management, migration, or manipulation of the Customer’s production data; the service is limited to
analysis of the Customer’s HP StoreOnce Backup System conguration data
• Operational testing of applications or troubleshooting of interconnectivity, network compatibility, or other
• A site inspection, such as a comprehensive analysis of the Customer facility’s power, cooling and humidity, airborne
contaminant, and vibration characteristics, or the structural capabilities of the data center’s raised oor; such
inspections are available as separate services
HP Techno logy Serv ices are gove rned by the applica ble HP terms and cond itions of service p rovided or indica ted to Custom er at the time of p urchase.