HP Asset Recovery Services
HP Services
Technical data
HP Asset Recovery Services (ARS) help businesses intelligently manage the risks and nancial considerations
associated with eectively handling surplus IT equipment.
The Asset Recovery Services include collecting, inventorying, transporting, sorting, and processing your IT products
for recycling or remarketing. Once decommissioned and staged, an inventory bill of lading is created for all products
destined for ARS processing. Once they are packaged and prepared for transport, these shipment records form
the basis for an ongoing documented chain of custody, helping to ensure that each asset is properly controlled and
tracked during nal processing.
Processing includes inbound receipt, assessment, and sorting of inventory for remarketing or environmentally
sound recycling. The ensuing steps either prepare the assets for resale or for deconstruction into recyclable or
reusable materials. All storage media are cleansed of data, and any identication is removed from the products. If
destined for resale, assets are cosmetically cleaned and tested for functionality. Products destined for recycling
are deconstructed to separate salable subcomponents or valuable metals. Metals and plastic components are then
sorted for recycling. Regardless of the nal processing step, a settlement report is generated for your recordkeeping.
Service benets
• Releasing the market value of surplus IT assets
• Out tasking complex processing by transitioning surplus equipment out of IT inventories
• Protecting sensitive and private data, facilitating compliance with local policies and industry/government
• Creating reports that help your organization to meet its own audit and legal requirements
• Assisting with managing the complexities of properly handling used electronic equipment
• Having environmentally sound recycling practices
• Accommodating HP and non-HP devices, from the end user to the enterprise
• Having a complete turnkey program that enables your organization to remove assets from your inventory

Service features
Table 1. Service features
Planning and preparation
Packaging and transport
Materials and asset
Reporting and settlement
Delivery specifications
HP receives and records Customer account information that is pertinent to the Asset Recovery
Services engagement. This is used to set up an ARS account with the Customer.
HP forwards a welcome packet to the designated Customer contact, who is usually an HP
representative working on the Customer’s premises. An HP customer delivery specialist
establishes an introductory call with the designated Customer contact for the Asset Recovery
Services project to review specific steps and timelines related to the ARS program, as well as
how to request and schedule the pickup of assets as they become available for recovery.
With Asset Recovery Services, arrangements can be made for materials to be picked up at the
Customer’s premises, or the Customer may select self-shipment. If the Customer chooses
to have materials picked up, as each lot of equipment is readied for pickup, the assigned
Customer contact forwards a request to HP to schedule a material pickup. The assigned
Customer contact (or designated appointee) must be available at the scheduled pickup
time. Prior to asset collection, the equipment is moved by the Customer or their agent to an
accessible location on the Customer’s premises, where packaging and staging can take place.
Once the logistics carrier arrives at the site, the material is prepared for transport. A bill of
lading is prepared by the logistics team and material is loaded for transport.
Materials are received at the HP facility, where assets are checked against the bill of lading.
Any discrepancies are noted for immediate further action. Full asset details are captured,
including make and model, serial number, and asset tag. Identifying tags are removed, and
remarketable units are separated. All accessible hard drives on any material to be remarketed
are wiped using industry-standard software and a three-pass wiping process. Products
destined for recycling are reviewed for components or subassemblies that have value for
reuse or resale. Non-remarketable items are shredded into remarketable commodities in a
manner consistent with applicable environmental laws and regulations.
Receipt reports are forwarded to designated contacts after equipment is received at an HP
processing facility.
Once equipment is processed, HP creates a settlement report detailing the origin, the
make model, the serial number, the asset tag, configuration, category, test results, and
service proceeds of the equipment, as well as whether the equipment was remarketed or
resold. Service charges and hardware resale payments are transacted with the Customer in
accordance with regional and local regulations.
Service limitations
Service activities are delivered during HP standard business hours unless additional services have been purchased
or special arrangements have been made.
Conrmation of the execution of data sanitization processes is provided at the completion of this service.
However, HP assumes no liability for any impact resulting from the availability or reconstruction of the
information that previously resided on the data storage device(s).
These services do not include the following:
• Backup, recovery, and support of the operating system, other software, and data
• Any services not clearly specied in this document or the associated Statement of Work
HP Techno logy Serv ices are gove rned by the applicable HP t erms and con ditions of se rvice prov ided or indi cated to Customer at the tim e of purchase.