RETIRED: Retired products sold prior to the November 1, 2015 separation of Hewlett-Packard Company into Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company and HP Inc. may
have older product names and model numbers that differ from current models.
HP Rack and Power Manager 1.0
HP Rack and Power Manager 1.0
HP Rack and Power Manager 1.0HP Rack and Power Manager 1.0
HP Rack and Power Management Pack 2.0 delivers rack and power manageability software for HP branded UPS and Environmental Monitoring products for
single, multiple and redundant UPS environments which is available with every HP Uninterruptible Power System (UPS).
information and most current versions, visit
Product Description
Product Description
Product DescriptionProduct Description
HP Rack and Power Manager, version 1.0 is enterprise-grade software that ensures maximum power reliability of computer systems through comprehensive
control of HP Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPSs) and the HP rack environmental monitor, the Console Management Controller (CMC). This software
provides comprehensive device control in datacenter environments where multiple users need to access and manage many devices both locally and remotely.
A familiar browser interface provides secure remote access (128-bit SSL encryption) to management agents anywhere on your network.
HP Rack and Power Manager allows users to schedule system shutdowns, control power failure settings, and define UPS load segments to allow for maximum
uptime of critical servers. This software offers several new features, such as, the ability to configure redundant UPSs and system event handling, which allows
users to establish power and environmental failure policies with programmed automatic responses.
HP Rack and Power Manager software can be configured to send alert traps to HP Insight Manager or other SNMP-management programs, or runs as a
standalone power management system. This flexibility allows you to monitor, manage and control the rack and power environments of networked and
serially-attached devices (CMC's & UPS's) regardless of your system management method.
For ease of configuration, HP Rack and Power Manager can be configured to perform device auto-discovery and copy event configurations of already
managed devices to newly managed devices. To facilitate day-to-day maintenance tasks, the software provides detailed system logs and system diagnostics
including UPS battery checks.
Individual and legacy utilities are available on on the website as downloadable softpaqs. For more
Enables the configuration of redundant UPSs to support advanced power management features in today's high availability servers with multiple
power supplies.
Fully integrates the functionality of Compaq Intelligent Rack Manager Lite and Compaq Power Manager into an Enterprise grade device
management package. System Administrators can control system UPSs and Console Management Controllers from an integrated console either
locally or remotely.
Provides the ability to establish power failure policies and automatically respond 24x7 to power faults or security risks without IT administrators
Device actions can be performed on any device that is being managed. Example. If a CMC detects excessive temperatures inside the rack, HP Rack
and Power Manager can be configured to instruct the UPS with in the same rack to shut down load segments.
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RETIRED: Retired products sold prior to the November 1, 2015 separation of Hewlett-Packard Company into Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company and HP Inc. may
have older product names and model numbers that differ from current models.
Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements for Rack and Power Management Server
Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements for Rack and Power Management Server
Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements for Rack and Power Management ServerMinimum Hardware and Software Requirements for Rack and Power Management Server
Hardware and Software
Hardware and Software
Hardware and SoftwareHardware and Software
System Memory
System Memory
System MemorySystem Memory
Disk Space
Disk Space
Disk SpaceDisk Space
Server Operating System
Server Operating System
Server Operating SystemServer Operating System
Server Software
Server Software
Server SoftwareServer Software
Minimum Requirements for Rack and Power Management Agents
Minimum Requirements for Rack and Power Management Agents
Minimum Requirements for Rack and Power Management AgentsMinimum Requirements for Rack and Power Management Agents
Hardware and Software
Hardware and Software
Hardware and SoftwareHardware and Software
System Memory
System Memory
System MemorySystem Memory
Disk Space
Disk Space
Disk SpaceDisk Space
Server Operating System
Server Operating System
Server Operating SystemServer Operating System
Server Software
Server Software
Server SoftwareServer Software
Minimum Requirements
Minimum Requirements
Minimum RequirementsMinimum Requirements
500 MHz processor or greater.
256 MB of RAM with Microsoft® SQL Server or MSDE on same server
100 MB for HP Rack and Power Management Software and Database
Microsoft Windows® NT® Server 4.0 Retail with Service Pack 6a or greater
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise with Service Pack 6a or greater
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 2 or greater
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 2 or greater
Red Hat Linux 7.2 Server
Red Hat Linux 7.3 Server
TCP/IP installed
SNMP services installed and active
Minimum Requirements
Minimum Requirements
Minimum RequirementsMinimum Requirements
233 MHz processor
64 MB of RAM
10 MB for the System Agent
10 MB for the Serial Relay Agent
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Retail with Service Pack 6a or greater
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise with Service Pack 6a or greater
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 2 or greater
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 2 or greater
Red Hat Linux 7.2 Server
Red Hat Linux 7.3 Server
Novell NetWare 5.1
Novel Netware 6.0
TCP/IP installed
SNMP services installed and active
HP Rack and Power Manager 1.0
HP Rack and Power Manager 1.0
HP Rack and Power Manager 1.0HP Rack and Power Manager 1.0
Browser Requirements for remotely accessing Compaq Insight Manager 7/Version Control Agents/Version Control Repository
Browser Requirements for remotely accessing Compaq Insight Manager 7/Version Control Agents/Version Control Repository
Browser Requirements for remotely accessing Compaq Insight Manager 7/Version Control Agents/Version Control RepositoryBrowser Requirements for remotely accessing Compaq Insight Manager 7/Version Control Agents/Version Control Repository
Hardware and Software
Hardware and Software
Hardware and SoftwareHardware and Software
Web Browser client
Web Browser client
Web Browser clientWeb Browser client
Monitor Resolution
Monitor Resolution
Monitor ResolutionMonitor Resolution
© Copyright 2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Microsoft and Windows NT are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein
should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Minimum Requirements for Browser/Client-side OS
Minimum Requirements for Browser/Client-side OS
Minimum Requirements for Browser/Client-side OSMinimum Requirements for Browser/Client-side OS
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later with Sun Java Plug-in 1.3.1_06 (recommended)
Netscape 6.2 for Windows or later with Sun Java Plug-in 1.3.1_06 (recommended)
Netscape 6.2 for Linux or later with Sun Java Plug-in 1.4.1_01 (recommended)
To verify you have the correct browser version, open the browser and click Help from the menu bar. Select and an
information box will appear. This box lists the version you are running.
Screen resolution of 1024 X 768 with browser window maximized
Display Color Settings:
A minimum of 256 colors
Recommended is High Color (16 bit) colors
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