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For the most current technical support information for the fc-Switch 6164,
visit the HP web site lo cated at:
Firmware and software updates are found on the HP web site at:
For information ab out produ ct avai labil ity, configurat ion, and co nnecti vity,
consult your HP account representative.
Related Publications
Related product information can be found in the following publications.
Those publications with part numbers are provided as printed copies with
your product. The HP Surestore FC Switch 6164 Documentation CD
contains all publications listed in the table below and is also provided with
your product.
TitlePart Number
HP Surestore FC Switch 6164 Documentation
HP Surestore FC Switch 6164 Installation and
Reference Guide
Distributed Fabrics User’s Guide, version 2.2Available only on CD
Fabric OS Reference Manual, version 2.4Available only on CD
Fabric Wa tch User’s Guide, versi on 2.2Available only on CD
MIB Reference Manual, version 2.3Available only on CD
TitlePart Number
QuickLoop User’s Guide, version 2.3Available only on CD
Web Tools User’s Guide, version 2.3Available only on CD
Zoning User’s G uide, version 2.2Available only on CD
For information about Fibre Channel standards, visit the Fibre Channel
Association web site, locat ed at
Quick Start Guide
The HP Surestore FC Switch 6164 provides a 64-port ent erpri se-cl ass fi bre
channel switching solution for any-to-any connectivity requirements in a
Storage Area Network (SAN). The FC 6164 provides a cost- effective
means of meeting the large-port-count requirements of workgroups and
The FC 6164 is a rack-mountable solution, comprised of a chassis and six
fully integrated Silkworm 2250 switch modules, with preconfigured
inter-switch link (ISL) fibre optic cables and enhanced management
software. The FC 6164 includes Fabr ic Manager , a management application
that provides a centralized view of the integrated switch modules to
simplify administration and maintenance.
Using this preconfigured, stand-alone fabric as a building block of larger
fabrics, you can sca le your st orage envi ronment as n eeded while leveragi ng
your existing server and storage infrastructure.
Quick Start Guide
This chapter provides the step-by-step instructions for installing the FC
Switch 61 64 in either a HP rack or a Compaq/Rit tal 19-inch rack.
was installed at an HP inte grati on cente r prior to sh ipme nt. However, Steps
16 and 17 (assembling and installing the plenum) and Step 19 (installing
the switch door) must be performed for factory-integrated switches (see
pages 29 and 32).
Most of the steps in this procedure are unnecessary if the FC 6164
Rack-Mount Safety Guidelines
In a rack-mount installation, follow these safety guidelines:
•When installing a switch in a closed or multi-rack assembly, make
certain the air te mper ature, measured a t th e front panel, doe s not exce ed
40° C during operation.
•Ensure that the airflo w available to the switch is at least 300 cfpm .
•Verify the supply circuit, line fusing, and wire size are adequate. Refer to the switch’s nameplate for its p ower requirements.
•Verify that all equipment installed in the rack has a reliable ground
connection. Do not rely on conn ection to a branc h circuit , such as powe r
•Route and support the power cord to ensure that it does not become
crimped or damaged a nd to preve nt it from interfering with other
equipment and cabling installed in the rack.
•The FC 6164 weighs approximately 200 pounds. A lift is required to
move and position the switc h safely, and at lea st two people ar e require d
to lift and position the switch onto the lift. Two or more people are also
required to move the switch from the lift into the rack and when
positioning the switch in the rack. Move the switch chassis slowly and
carefully at all times, and continue supporting it until it is correctly
positioned on the rail tray and fastened t o t he r ac k. Use extreme caution
when handling or transporting the switch to prevent injury to personnel,
damage to the switch, and/or damage to the rack and other equipment
mounted in it.
Quick Start Guide
Package Contents
Figure 1 shows the major items contained in the FC 6164 shipping
carton(s). Table 1 lists the contents of the shipping carton.
Figure 1. Major Items Contained in the Shipping Carton(s)
Table 1. Contents of the Shipping Carton(s)
BPlenum kit (4 rectangular sheets of Lexan with 6 adhesive strips
CFront bezel (HP P/N A7326-40001)
Installing the Switch
pre-attached) (HP P/N A7326-87903)
Table 1. Contents of the Shipping Carton(s) (continued)
screws) (HP P/N A6534-60016)
EShim plates (2 ea. HP P/N A7326-87904)
FRack-Mount Bracket set (2 Rack-Mount brackets)
(HP P/N A7326-87901)
GSwitch door (part of Accessory kit [HP P/N A7326-70001], which
also includes: software CD, docu mentation C D, and seri al cable)
HMiscellaneous hardware: (not shown) (HP P/N A7326-87905)
Note: The hardware in the standard hardware package (unmarked plastic bag)
is required to install the switch in an HP rack. Some of the hardware in the
standard hardware package and the hardware in the Compaq/Rittal hardware
package is required to install the switch in a Compaq/Rittal rack.
Standard hardware package
8 #8-32 x .375-inch (.3125) flat-head screws w/patchlock
8 M5 torx screws with lock washers
6 M5 Tinnerman nuts
4 1/4-20 x 1/2-inch Phillips pan-head screws with lock washers
Compaq/Rittal hardware package
6 #10-32 Tinnerman nuts
6 #10-32 x 5/8-inch Phillips pan-head screws with captive lock washers
6 spacers
4 1/4-inch flat wash e r s
4 M5 flat washers
A package containing two mounting rails may be included with the
switch. These rails are not used and can be discarded.
Quick Start Guide
Tools Required
The following tools are required to install the switch:
•#2 Phillips screw driver
•T20 torx screwdriver
•Genie lift (to transport switch); for information on the li ft, see:
Figure 2 contains drawings and descriptions of the hardware used when
installing the FC 6164 in an HP rack or a Compaq /Ri tt al rack. Use this key
to help identify the hardware specified in the installation procedure in this
#8-32 x .375-inch flat-head Phillips screw
M5 Torx screw with captive lock washer
M5 Tinnerman nut
1/4-20 x 1/2 inch Phillips screw and washer
#10-32 Tinnerman nut
#10-32 X 5/8-inch pan-head Phillips screw
Spacers for Compaq/Rittal racks
1/4-inch flat washer
M5 flat washer
Figure 2. Hardware Key
Quick Start Guide
Installing the Switch
Mount the switch as low as possible in the rack to ensure that
the weight of the switch does not make the rack unstable. 15 Rack Units
(RUs) are required (see Figure 3).
15 RU
Figure 3. Switch Mounted Back-to-Front and Low in the Rack
of the rack. When the switch is mounted this way, the air flows throu gh t he
switch in the same direction as it does through the other equipment in the
rack (see Figure 3).
Installing the Switch
Front of rack
The switch must be installed with the front end facing the back
In these inst ruc ti ons , the 15 RUs used to mount the switch ar e called
RU-1 through RU-15 (see Figure 3); RU-1 is the lowest of the 15 RUs.
1. Check the contents of the shipping carton and the kits within the carton
to verify that all of the required parts and hardware are available (see
Figure 2, Table 1, and Figure 3).
2. Choose a mounting l ocation in the rack f or the switch (see the W ARNING
at the beginning of this section and Figure 3).
3. Install the rail tray in the rack:
a. Locate the lowest RU of the 15 you chose for mounting the switch
(this is RU-1).
b. Attach the rear rail-tray brackets to the r ear rack uprights at RU-1:
For an HP rack, use one M5 torx screw for each bracket (see Figure 4).
For a Compaq/Rittal rac k, insert spacers in th e upper and lower hol es
where the brackets are to be mounted, position the brackets on the
spacers, and use one M5 torx screw with captive lock washer and two
M5 flat washers to attach each bracket (see Figure 4).
Quick Start Guide
HP rack
M5 Screw
with attached
lock washer
M5 Screw
with attached
lock washer
Figure 4. Installing the Rear Rail-Tray Brackets
Rear Tray
Rear Tray
Installing the Switch
When installing the rail tray in a Compaq/Rittal rack, ignore the
mounting instructions on the label attached to the rail tray (some rail
trays do not have this label).
c. Install Tinnerman nuts for the top hol es of RU-1 in both of the r ack’s
front uprights (see Figure 5).
The Tinnerman nuts used for the two types of racks (HP and
Compaq/ Rittal) are o f different styles and diffe rent sizes. Refer to
Figure 3 and Figure 5 to identify the correct Tinnerman nut to use with
the rack you are installing the switch in.
Inner surface of
Outer surface of
HP rack
Figure 5. Installing Tinnerman Nuts and Spacers on the Front Uprights
Quick Start Guide
d. For a Compaq/Ritt al rack, insert spacers in the holes immediately
below the Tinnerman nuts you inserted in Step 3c (see Figure 5).
e. Orient the rail tray as shown in Figure 6, and insert it into the rack
from the front. The slots in the sides of the rail tray must slide over
the posts on the re ar ra il-t ray br acket s, and t he pos ts on the rail tra y’s
front mounting flanges must be inserted in the center holes of RU-1.
Installing the Switch
Figure 6. Inserting the Rail Tray in the Rack
f. Insert M5 torx screws through the top holes in both of the rail tray
mounting flanges. The screws pass through the holes in the rack
uprights and thread into the Tinnerman nuts you installed on the
uprights in Step 3c. Tighten the screws.
4. Place a shim plate on each side of the rail tray (see Figure 7).
Figure 7. Placing the Shim Plates on the Rail Tray
The shim plates must be placed on top of both sides of the
rail tray to prevent mis alignment b etween the mounting holes in the
switch flanges and the holes in the rack uprights.
Quick Start Guide
5. Insert T inner man nuts ont o the cent er holes of RU-5 a nd the top h oles of
RU-12 in both of the rack’s rear uprights (see Figure 8).
M5 Tinnerman nuts
#10-32Tinnerman nuts
Rack uprights
HP RackRittal Rack
Figure 8. Installing Tinnerman Nuts in RU-5 and RU-12
Installing the Switch
6. Install the rack-mount brackets on the switch:
a. The rack-mount b rackets consist of a stati onary plate and an adjusta ble
plate that are attache d to each other with two s crews. Remove the
screws that attach th e adjustable plates t o the stationary plate s. Set the
screws and the adjustable plates aside for later use (see Figure 9).
Figure 9. Separating the Rack-Mount Bracket Plates
b. Use four #8-32 x 5/1 6-inch Phil lips flat -head screws to moun t one of
the stationary p lat es ont o ea ch side of the switch. The plates must b e
oriented so that the end of the plat e that has the slot ted holes protrude s
past the back of the switch, and if the plate has arrows stamped into
it, the arrows must point up (see Figure 10). Do not tighten the screws
fully at this time.
Some stationary plates have arro ws sta mped into th em, and som e
do not. The arrow determines which side of the switch the plate must be
mounted on. If the stationary plates provided with the switch do not
have arrows, they can be mounted on either side.
Figure 10. Mounting the Rack-Mount Bracket Stationary Plates to the Switch
Quick Start Guide
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