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This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. No part of this
document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language without the prior
written consent of Hewlett-Packard. The information contained in this document is subject to change
without notice.
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Printed in the U.S.A.
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
Second Edition (August 2002)
Part Number: EK–G80CL–RA. B01
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guideiii
ivHSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
This Command Line Interface reference guide provides information to help you:
•Use the CLI commands
•Contact technical support for additional assistance
Document Conventions
The conventions included in Table 1 apply in most cases.
Table 1: Document Conventions
Key names, menu items, buttons,
and dialog box titles
File names and application namesItalics
User input, command names, system
responses (output and messages)
VariablesMonospace, italic font
Website addressesSans serif font (
About this Guide
Monospace font
COMMAND NAMES are uppercase
unless they are case sensitive
Symbols in Text
These symbols may be found in the text of this guide. They have the following
WARNING: Text set off in this manner indicates that failure to follow directions
in the warning could result in bodily harm or loss of life.
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guidev
About this Guide
CAUTION: Text set off in this manner indicates that failure to follow directions could
result in damage to equipment or data.
IMPORTANT: Text set off in this manner presents clarifying information or specific instructions.
NOTE: Text set off in this manner presents commentary, sidelights, or interesting points of
Symbols on Equipment
Any enclosed surface or area of the equipment marked with these
symbols indicates the presence of electrical shock hazards. Enclosed
area contains no operator serviceable parts.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury from electrical shock hazards, do
not open this enclosure.
Any RJ-45 receptacle marked with these symbols indicates a network
interface connection.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of electrical shock, fire, or damage to the
equipment, do not plug telephone or telecommunications connectors into
this receptacle.
Any surface or area of the equipment marked with these symbols
indicates the presence of a hot surface or hot component. Contact with
this surface could result in injury.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury from a hot component, allow the
surface to cool before touching.
Power supplies or systems marked with these symbols indicate the
presence of multiple sources of power.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury from electrical shock,
remove all power cords to completely disconnect power from the
power supplies and systems.
viHSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
Rack Stability
WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to the equipment, be
sure that:
•The leveling jacks are extended to the floor.
•The full weight of the rack rests on the leveling jacks.
•In single rack installations, the stabilizing feet are attached to the rack.
•In multiple rack installations, the racks are coupled.
•Only one rack component is extended at any time. A rack may become
unstable if more than one rack component is extended for any reason.
About this Guide
Any product or assembly marked with these symbols indicates that the
component exceeds the recommended weight for one individual to
handle safely.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to the
equipment, observe local occupational health and safety requirements
and guidelines for manually handling material.
Getting Help
If you still have a question after reading this guide, contact service representatives or
visit our website.
StorageWorks Technical Support
In North America, call StorageWorks technical support at 1-800-OK-COMPAQ,
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
NOTE: For continuous quality improvement, calls may be recorded or monitored.
Outside North America, call StorageWorks technical support at the nearest location.
Telephone numbers for worldwide technical support are listed on the StorageWorks
Be sure to have the following information available before calling:
•Technical support registration number (if applicable)
•Product serial numbers
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guidevii
About this Guide
•Product model names and numbers
•Applicable error messages
•Operating system type and revision level
•Detailed, specific questions.
StorageWorks Website
The StorageWorks website has the latest information on this product, as well as the
latest drivers. Access the StorageWorks website at:
From this website, select the appropriate product or solution.
StorageWorks Authorized Reseller
For the name of your nearest StorageWorks Authorized Reseller:
•In the United States, call 1-800-345-1518.
•In Canada, call 1-800-263-5868.
•Elsewhere, see the StorageWorks website for locations and telephone numbers.
viiiHSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
Command line interface (CLI) provides a set of commands used to maintain controller
parameters and manage storagesets. These CLI commands can be delivered to the
controller by any of the following means:
•A local terminal connected to the maintenance port of the controller
•A remote connection by way of the host system terminal
•The StorageWorks Command Console (SWCC)
This chapter provides a general description of the CLI interface and an outline of how
to use this interface. Chapter 2 contains a description of each CLI command with the
correct syntax and examples of usage.
CLI Overview
Issuing CLI commands via the maintenance port of the controller is the most direct
means of communicating with the controller. The CLI commands allow you to
manage the subsystem by viewing and modifying the configuration of the controller
and the devices attached to them. You can also use the CLI to start controller
diagnostic and utility programs.
CLI Command Introduction
While the CLI provides the most detailed level of subsystem control, a graphical user
interface (GUI) is available for use with the CLI. The GUI that is designed for use in
the application of CLI commands is called the StorageWorks Command Console
(SWCC). The SWCC replicates most of the functions available within the CLI in
graphic form and provides a user-friendly method of executing CLI commands.
Using the CLI
Access the CLI through the following methods:
•Connecting a PC or local terminal to the maintenance port on the front of the
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide1–1
CLI Command Introduction
•Using the diagnostic utility protocol (DUP) utility from a system terminal, enable
a remote connection to the controller. After the controller is initially configured
and made visible to the host, other configuration tasks can be performed through
this remote connection.
•Using the SWCC by way of a PC setup on the subsystem. The SWCC can be used
to perform most of the CLI commands that the local terminal can perform.
Command Overview
CLI commands are divided into categories based on the options or structures they
control. The following sections list these command categories.
Controller Commands
Controller commands configure the maintenance terminal characteristics, CLI prompt,
and so forth. These commands are also used to shut down and restart the controller.
There are two types of controller commands: general and failover.
The CLI commands that pertain to the controllers in a general way are:
The CLI commands controlling the failover mode of a controller pair are:
1–2HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
Device Commands
Device commands create and configure containers made from physical devices
attached to the controller. There are two types of device commands: general and
The CLI Commands that allow you to add and configure physical devices in general
CLI Command Introduction
The CLI commands that support sparesets and failedsets include:
Selective Storage Presentation Commands
Selective Storage Presentation commands enable or disable access to individually
selected units from host and controller ports. Paths can be enabled or disabled either
all inclusively or specifically on a per-path basis during the addition of new units or as
a modification of existing units.
The CLI commands that pertain to the Selective Storage Presentation feature include:
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide1–3
CLI Command Introduction
•SET unit-number (the ENABLE_ACCESS_PATH switch)
•SET unit-number (the DISABLE_ACCESS_PATH switch)
•SET connection-name (the UNIT_OFFSET switch)
Storageset Commands
Storageset commands create and configure complex containers made from groups of
device containers. These commands group device containers together and allow them
to be handled as single units. There are four types of storagesets: stripesets, RAIDsets,
striped-mirrorsets, and mirrorsets.
The CLI commands that pertain to storagesets include:
Partition Commands
Partition commands create multiple logical disk units from the same container.
The CLI Commands that pertain to partitions include:
1–4HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
Logical Unit Commands
Logical unit commands create and optimize access to logical units made from any
container type.
The CLI commands that pertain to units include:
Diagnostic and Utility Commands
Diagnostic and utility commands perform general controller support functions.
CLI Command Introduction
The commands that pertain to the diagnostics and utilities include:
Data Replication Manager (DRM) Commands
DRM uses the peer-to-peer remote copy function of the HSG80 controller to achieve
data replication. HSG80 controller pairs at the initiator site are connected to a partner
HSG80 controller pair at the target site. Remote copy sets are created from units at the
initiator and target sites. These remote copy sets are mirrors of each other.
The HSG80 controllers provide failover and failback capabilities in case of failures.
Failover makes the data available at the target site after a failure. Failback is used to
move data operations back to the initiator site once the site is back online.
NOTE: All DRM commands are hidden and inoperative until the controller pair is put into
remote copy mode by specifying the REMOTE_COPY switch of the SET controller command.
DRM applies only to the HSG80 array controller running ACS version 8.7P.
The CLI commands used to configure a DRM environment and for failover and
failback procedures include:
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide1–5
CLI Command Introduction
•DELETE association-set-name
•DELETE remote-copy-set-name
•SET association-set-name
•SET remote-copy-set-name
Getting Help
To get help with using the CLI commands, enter HELP at the CLI prompt. The
resulting display shows an overview of the CLI Help System. To obtain help with a
specific command or to determine what switches are available with a command, enter
as much of the command syntax that is known, followed by a space and a question
For example, to get information on the switches used with the SET
THIS_CONTROLLER command, enter:
To see what is allowed for a prompt, enter the following:
Entering CLI Commands
Use the following tips and techniques for the entering of CLI commands:
•Commands are not case-sensitive.
•For most commands, only enter enough of the command to make the command
unique. For example, SHO is the same as entering SHOW.
•The controller processes each command in sequence, regardless of the number of
commands entered. A controller experiencing heavy data I/O might respond
slowly to CLI commands.
Specific keys or a combination of keys allow the ability to recall and edit the last four
commands. This feature can save time and help prevent mistakes when entering
similar commands during the configuration process. Table 1–1 lists the keys used to
recall and edit commands.
1–6HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
CLI Command Introduction
Table 1–1: Recall and Edit Command Keys
Up Arrow key or Ctrl+B
Down Arrow key or
Ctrl+N keys
Left Arrow key or
Ctrl+D keys,
Right Arrow key or
Ctrl+F keys
Ctrl+E keysMoves the cursor to the end of the line.
Ctrl+H keysMoves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl+J keys or Linefeed
Ctrl+U keysDeletes all characters on the same line as the
Ctrl+A keys or F14 keyToggles between insert and overstrike mode:
Steps forwards or backward through the four most
recent CLI commands.
Moves the cursor left or right in a command line.
Deletes the word to the left of the cursor.
•The default setting is insert mode allowing you
to insert characters at the cursor location
(moving the existing characters to the right).
•Overstrike mode replaces existing characters.
The CLI prompt returns to insert mode at the
beginning of each line.
Ctrl+R keysRecalls the contents of the command line. This
function is especially helpful if the system issues a
message that interrupts your typing.
Command Syntax
Each CLI command is described using the following structure:
•COMMAND—A word or phrase expressed as a verb that is used to instruct the
controller what to do. Commands are represented in this guide in capitalized form.
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide1–7
CLI Command Introduction
•PARAMETER_NAME—The name of a parameter, followed by an equal sign and
the parameter variable. If a specific command specifies parameter names, they
must be entered in the command string. Parameter names are represented in this
guide in capitalized form.
•parameter—When required in the command, parameters are used as one or more
words or phrases that supply necessary information to support the action of the
COMMAND. Note that not all CLI commands require parameters. Parameters are
represented in this guide as lowercase, italicized text.
•SWITCHES—An optional word or phrase that modifies the command/parameter
string. Not all CLI commands require switches. Switches are represented in this
guide as capitalized, italicized text.
Changing the CLI Prompt
Change the CLI prompt display by using the SET controller PROMPT command.
Enter a 1- to 16- character string as the new prompt. For example, the prompt could be
changed to indicate the array controller type, such as “HSG>.”
1–8HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
CLI Command Descriptions
The previous chapter provided a general description of the CLI interface and an
outline of how to use the interface. This section contains the CLI command
descriptions that contain the description, full syntax, and examples of the use of each
command available on the CLI interface.
CLI Command Descriptions
This section contains the descriptions of the available CLI commands used with the
ACS versions 8.7F, 8.7G, 8.7P, and 8.7S software. Each command is described using
the following format:
•Command name and brief description
•Syntax needed to enable command
•Parameters needed (if any) to further specify the command
•Switches needed (if any) to modify the command
•Example(s) to illustrate the command usage
•A “See Also” section to cross-reference to others with similar usage
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide2–1
CLI Command Descriptions
An association set is a group of remote copy sets that shares common attributes (See
SET ASSOCIATIONS for the attribute list). This command adds an association set to
the controller pair’s configuration. The association set can be initialized with a single
remote copy set through the use of the remote-copy-set-name switch. Additional
remote copy sets can be added to the association set with the SET
association-set-name command.
NOTE: This command is hidden and inoperative until the controller pair is put into remote copy
mode by specifying the REMOTE_COPY switch of the SET controller command.
This command is valid only on the node on which the Initiator resides (where remote copy sets
are configured).
This command is rejected if the specified remote copy set is unknown to the controller
ADD ASSOCIATIONS association-set-name
The following parameters are required for the ADD ASSOCIATIONS command:
The association-set-name may consist of a maximum of nine printable characters
excluding commas and back-slashes.
NOTE: Association sets cannot be renamed with the RENAME command. If the wrong
name is entered, the association set must be deleted and then added again.
The following switch is available with the ADD ASSOCIATIONS command:
The name of the first member of the association set.
To create an association set, AS3, from remote copy sets RSC1 and RSC2, enter:
2–2HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
See Also
SET association-set-name
SHOW association-set-name
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide2–3
CLI Command Descriptions
Creates a specialized volume, called a concatset (short for concatenation set), from a
storageset that has been given a unit number. Another storageset can then be added to
the concatset by the SET CONCATSETS command, thereby dynamically increasing
the size of the unit.
CAUTION: This command should only be executed with host operating systems that
support dynamic volume expansion. If the operating system cannot handle one of its
disks increasing in size, use of this command could make data inaccessible.
ADD CONCATSETS concatset-name storageset-name
The following parameters are required for the ADD CONCATSETS command:
These parameters are described in the following paragraphs:
The name to be assigned to the concatenation, or concatset.
The concatset-name must consist of a string of up to nine printable characters
excluding commas and back-slashes.
Designates the first storageset to be a member of the concatset. The storageset
specified must already be configured as a unit.
There are no switches associated with this command.
2–4HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
See Also
To convert unit D0, which consists of stripeset STRIPE1, to a concatset, enter:
To add STRIPE2 to the concatset C1, enter:
DELETE concatset-name
SET concatset-name
SHOW concatset-name
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide2–5
CLI Command Descriptions
Each path between a Fibre Channel adapter in a host computer and an active host port
on a controller is a connection.
This command adds the specified host connection to the table of known connections.
This table is maintained in the controller’s memory. The maximum table length is 96
connections; if the table contains 96 entries, new connections cannot be added unless
some old ones are deleted.
There are two mechanisms for adding a new connection to the table:
•Physically connecting a host adapter to a controller host port. During Fibre
Channel initialization, the controller is aware of the connection and adds it to the
table. The controller assigns a default connection name to new connections that
are discovered through the physical connection. The default connection name is of
the form!NEWCONnn.
NOTE: Certain host conditions, such as a power cycle, that disturb the state of the
switched fabric may cause a connection to reappear in the table. The connection is
assigned a default connection name.
•Adding a connection through the ADD CONNECTIONS command.
NOTE: ADD CONNECTIONS adds an entry to the table whether the connection physically
exists or not. The table can be completely filled with fictitious connections.
The following parameters support the ADD CONNECTIONS command:
2–6HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
These parameters are described in the following paragraphs:
The name assigned to the host connection. The connection-name may consist of a
maximum of nine printable characters excluding commas and back-slashes.
The controller automatically assigns default connection name when a connection
is physically made between a host adapter and a controller port. The form of a
default connection name is !NEWCONnn.
HOST_ID is the parameter name for the host-id variable, which is the worldwide
name (WWN) of the host. WWN is a 16-character hexadecimal number. The
hyphens are not necessary, but are recommended to avoid mistakes in entering the
number. The HOST_ID parameter name must be entered, followed by an equal
sign, followed by the WWN of the host.
For example, to specify a WWN of AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD, enter:
ADAPTER_ID is the parameter name for the adapter-id variable, which is the
worldwide name (WWN) of the host Fibre Channel adapter. WWN is a
16-character hexadecimal number. The hyphens are not necessary, but are
recommended to avoid mistakes in entering the number. The ADAPTER_ID
parameter name must be entered, followed by an equal sign, followed by the
WWN of the host bus adapter.
For example, to specify a WWN of WWN of AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD,
NOTE: The worldwide name of the host and adapter are sometimes the same. This is a
characteristic of the adapter.
CONTROLLER is the parameter name for the controller variable, which specifies
which controller the host is to connect through. The choices are
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide2–7
CLI Command Descriptions
PORT is the parameter name for the port variable that specifies which host port
(1 or 2) the connection is on.
To manually add rejected host zero, issue the following command:
NOTE: Use SHOW CONNECTIONS FULL to display the rejected host connections.
This command adds a !NEWCONxx connection to the connection table in an
OFFLINE state. The host must issue a FC PLOGI to make the connection active.
There are mechanisms to do this in UNIX, VMS, but not NT (except reboot).
For example, to force the connection into an online state, issue the following
followed by:
This forces all hosts connected to that controller/port to re-login. Additionally,
hosts connected to the controller pair through the same switch (regardless of
controller | port) re-login as well.
CAUTION: This implementation is the safest, since pinging the fabric name server
would result in all hosts re-logging in (up to 96).
When the connection is added, it gets deleted from the reject list. Index numbers
for remaining rejected hosts are re-ordered.
The following switches are available with the ADD CONNECTION command:
These switches are described in the following paragraphs:
2–8HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
Specifies the operating system of the host. The OPERATING_SYSTEM switch
tailors the controller's behavior for use with a particular operating system. See
your operating system specific Solution Kit to determine which value should be
used. The following values are supported: WINNT, TRU64_UNIX, VMS, HP,
Selection of a RESERVATION_STYLE should be based upon the capabilities of
the host operating system. See the OS kit for more details. SCSI persistent
reservations are processed differently by the HSG80 based upon the
RESERVATION_STYLE. Normal SCSI reservations (not persistent) are always
When set to HBA_PORT_ID_BASED, a single persistent reservation command is
propagated to all HSG80 controller ports, thereby enabling the host to access the
unit over any available path.
When set to CONNNECTION_BASED, the persistent reservation is only valid for
the port on which it is received, thereby limiting the host access to those paths that
have been explicitly reserved.
IMPORTANT: If a particular host prefers either the CONNECTION_BASED or
HBA_PORT_ID_BASED reservation style, all the connections to that particular host must
have identical reservation style settings.
The most important advantage of this mechanism is that it allows various hosts, with
different reservation style requirements, to be connected to the same HSG80 controllers in
a SAN environment.
UNIT_OFFSET is a decimal value (n) that establishes the beginning of the range
of units that a host connection can access. This offset defines and restricts host
connection access to a contiguous group of unit numbers.
In transparent failover mode, host connections on port 1 default to an offset of 0;
port 1 connections can see units 0 through 99. Host connections on port 2 default
to an offset of 100; port 2 connections can see units 100 through 199.
In multiple-bus failover mode, the default offset is 0 for all host connections.
NOTE: If a controller pair is switched from transparent failover mode to multiple-bus
failover mode, the unit offsets for transparent mode remain in effect.
The LUN number equals the unit number minus the offset:
LUN number = unit number – offset
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide2–9
CLI Command Descriptions
•Logical unit number or LUN number = the logical unit number presented to
the host connection.
•Unit number = the number assigned to the unit in the ADD UNITS command.
This is the number by which the unit is known internally to the controllers.
For example, a system has three host connections, each of which can see 8 LUNs.
Each connection designates its LUNs as 0 through 7. To define for each of these
connections a block of 8 units, set the offset for each connection, as follows:
(It is not necessary to use offsets that are divisible by 10, but it
makes things simpler.)
The effects of these offset assignments are as follows:
•Server1 accesses units D0 through D7, which it sees as LUNs 0 through 7.
•Server2 accesses units D10 through D17, which it sees as LUNs 0 through 7.
•Server3 accesses units D120 through D127, which it sees as LUNs 0
through 7.
There is one additional factor to consider when assigning unit numbers and
offsets. If the SCSI_VERSION qualifier of the SET THIS/OTHER
CONTROLLER command is set to SCSI-3, the command console LUN (CCL) is
presented as LUN 0 to every connection, superseding any unit assignments. For
more information see the ADD UNITS command.
This example shows how to add an entry for a connection named George to the table
of known connections, with the indicated host and adapter worldwide names, on port 2
of “this controller,” and with reservations checked using the port_id of the host bus
2–10HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
See Also
DELETE connection-name
SET connection-name
SHOW connection-name
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide2–11
CLI Command Descriptions
Names a disk drive and adds it to the controller configuration. This command is
typically used when disk drives are added to a previously configured subsystem.
During initial setup, the entire disk set is customarily added to the controller’s
configuration by issuing the RUN CONFIG command.
NOTE: The controller supports a maximum of 84 physical storage devices, even though more
than 84 target IDs are available. Do not exceed the maximum number of physical devices in the
ADD DISKS disk-name scsi-port-target-lun
The following parameters are required for the ADD DISKS command:
These parameters are described in the following paragraphs:
Assigns a name to the disk device. This disk-name can then be used with the ADD
UNITS command to create a logical unit, or a parameter in the adding of a
The disk-name may consist of a maximum of nine printable characters excluding
commas and back-slashes.
A disk drive is commonly named DISKpttll, where pttll is the disk
Port-Target-LUN address. Although other naming conventions are acceptable, this
naming convention presents the type of disk drive and the disk drive SCSI
Indicates the SCSI device PTL address. Place at least one space between the port
number, target number, and the LUN number when entering the PTL address.
•port—Designates the SCSI device port number, from 1 to 6, on which the disk
2–12HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide
•target—Designates the SCSI target ID of the disk on the port. Valid device
target IDs for single controller configurations are 00–15, excluding ID 7.
Valid device target IDs for dual controller configurations are 00–15, excluding
IDs 6 and 7.
•lun—Indicates the LUN of the disk drive and is always zero.
The parameters port, target, and lun must be entered with at least one space between
them. Leading zeroes can be excluded.
The following switches are available with the ADD DISKS command:
These switches are described in the following paragraphs:
Specifies the maximum data transfer rate at which the controller is to
communicate with the disk drive. The transfer rate might need to be limited to
accommodate long cables between the controllers and the device.
Indicates whether a disk drive can be accessed exclusively by StorageWorks
controllers or can be used by non StorageWorks systems:
•TRANSPORTABLE = disk drives do not contain any metadata or restricted
areas. Therefore, transportable disks forfeit the advantage metadata provides,
but can be moved to a non StorageWorks environment with their data intact.
Disks that are to be used in storagesets cannot be set as transportable.
•NOTRANSPORTABLE = the controller makes a small portion of the disk
inaccessible to the host. This restricted space is used to store administrative
information (metadata) used to improve data reliability, error detection, and
the ability to recover data. As a result of this metadata, only StorageWorks
controllers can retrieve data from non-transportable devices.
HSG80 Array Controller V8.7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide2–13
CLI Command Descriptions
If you specify the NOTRANSPORTABLE switch and there is no metadata on the
unit, the unit must be initialized. If you specify TRANSPORTABLE for a disk that
was originally initialized as a NOTRANSPORTABLE, you should initialize the
NOTE: StorageWorks recommends you avoid using transportable disks unless there is no
other way to move the data.
To add DISK10000 at port 1, target 0, LUN 0, enter:
ADD DISKS DISK10000 1 0 0
To add DISK40200 as a transportable disk drive to port 4, target 2, LUN 0, enter:
To add a disk drive named DISK30200 as a non-transportable disk to port 3, target 2,
LUN 0 and set the data transfer rate to 10 MHz, enter the following on one line: