HP Premium Stereo Headset DATASHEET

HP HP Premium Premium Stereo Stereo HeadsetHeadsetHP HP Premium Premium Stereo Stereo HeadsetHeadset
HP HP stereo stereo headset headset with with microphone microphone & & volume volume control
HP HP stereo stereo headset headset with with microphone microphone & & volume volume control control Ideal Ideal for: for:
control Ideal Ideal for: for:
• Voice Voice & & video video chat chat
• Voice Voice & & video video chat chat Voice Voice & & video video chat chat
• Multi-player Multi-player gaming gaming
• Multi-player Multi-player gaming gaming Multi-player Multi-player gaming gaming
• Music Music listening listening
• Music Music listening listening Music Music listening listening
• Speech Speech recognitionrecognition
• Speech Speech recognitionrecognitionSpeech Speech recognitionrecognition
Features Features & & Benefits:Benefits:
Features Features & & Benefits:Benefits:
Features Features & & Benefits:Benefits:
Features Features & & Benefits:Benefits:
Noise Noise canceling canceling microphone microphone filters filters out out unwanted unwanted background
Noise Noise canceling canceling microphone microphone filters filters out out unwanted unwanted background
Noise Noise canceling canceling microphone microphone filters filters out out unwanted unwanted background
• Noise Noise canceling canceling microphone microphone filters filters out out unwanted unwanted background
Noise Noise canceling canceling microphone microphone filters filters out out unwanted unwanted background background noise noise
background noise noise
background noise noise
background noise noise
background noise noise
• 38mm 38mm drivers drivers lets lets you you immerse immerse yourself yourself in in your your music music and
• 38mm 38mm drivers drivers lets lets you you immerse immerse yourself yourself in in your your music music and
• 38mm 38mm drivers drivers lets lets you you immerse immerse yourself yourself in in your your music music and
• 38mm 38mm drivers drivers lets lets you you immerse immerse yourself yourself in in your your music music and
38mm 38mm drivers drivers lets lets you you immerse immerse yourself yourself in in your your music music and and games games
and games games
and games games
and games games
and games games
• Comfort Comfort fit, fit, foldable foldable design design & & cushioned cushioned ear ear cups cups for for hours
• Comfort Comfort fit, fit, foldable foldable design design & & cushioned cushioned ear ear cups cups for for hours
• Comfort Comfort fit, fit, foldable foldable design design & & cushioned cushioned ear ear cups cups for for hours
• Comfort Comfort fit, fit, foldable foldable design design & & cushioned cushioned ear ear cups cups for for hours
Comfort Comfort fit, fit, foldable foldable design design & & cushioned cushioned ear ear cups cups for for hours hours of of continuous continuous enjoyment enjoyment
hours of of continuous continuous enjoyment enjoyment
hours of of continuous continuous enjoyment enjoyment
hours of of continuous continuous enjoyment enjoyment
hours of of continuous continuous enjoyment enjoyment
• In-line In-line volume volume and and mute mute control control for for precise precise control control
• In-line In-line volume volume and and mute mute control control for for precise precise control control
• In-line In-line volume volume and and mute mute control control for for precise precise control control
• In-line In-line volume volume and and mute mute control control for for precise precise control control In-line In-line volume volume and and mute mute control control for for precise precise control control
• Virtual Virtual surround surround and and uncompromised uncompromised gaming gaming audio audio
• Virtual Virtual surround surround and and uncompromised uncompromised gaming gaming audio audio
• Virtual Virtual surround surround and and uncompromised uncompromised gaming gaming audio audio
• Virtual Virtual surround surround and and uncompromised uncompromised gaming gaming audio audio Virtual Virtual surround surround and and uncompromised uncompromised gaming gaming audio audio
• Compatible Compatible with with MSNMSN®® Messanger, Messanger, Skype, Skype, Vonage, Vonage, Yahoo
• Compatible Compatible with with MSNMSN®® Messanger, Messanger, Skype, Skype, Vonage, Vonage, Yahoo
• Compatible Compatible with with MSNMSN®® Messanger, Messanger, Skype, Skype, Vonage, Vonage, Yahoo
• Compatible Compatible with with MSNMSN®® Messanger, Messanger, Skype, Skype, Vonage, Vonage, Yahoo
Compatible Compatible with with MSNMSN®® Messanger, Messanger, Skype, Skype, Vonage, Vonage, Yahoo Yahoo®® IM, IM, Google Google Talk Talk
Yahoo®® IM, IM, Google Google Talk Talk
Yahoo®® IM, IM, Google Google Talk Talk
Yahoo®® IM, IM, Google Google Talk Talk
Yahoo®® IM, IM, Google Google Talk Talk
• Gold-plated Gold-plated connectors connectors provide provide superior superior signal signal transfer transfer
• Gold-plated Gold-plated connectors connectors provide provide superior superior signal signal transfer transfer
• Gold-plated Gold-plated connectors connectors provide provide superior superior signal signal transfer transfer
• Gold-plated Gold-plated connectors connectors provide provide superior superior signal signal transfer transfer Gold-plated Gold-plated connectors connectors provide provide superior superior signal signal transfer transfer
• 5 5 Foot Foot (1.5M) (1.5M) cord, cord, connects connects directly directly to to your your PCPC
• 5 5 Foot Foot (1.5M) (1.5M) cord, cord, connects connects directly directly to to your your PCPC
• 5 5 Foot Foot (1.5M) (1.5M) cord, cord, connects connects directly directly to to your your PCPC
• 5 5 Foot Foot (1.5M) (1.5M) cord, cord, connects connects directly directly to to your your PCPC5 5 Foot Foot (1.5M) (1.5M) cord, cord, connects connects directly directly to to your your PCPC
What's What's in in the the Box:Box:
What's What's in in the the Box:Box:
What's What's in in the the Box:Box:
What's What's in in the the Box:Box:
HP HP Premium Premium Stereo Stereo headset headset
HP HP Premium Premium Stereo Stereo headset headset
HP HP Premium Premium Stereo Stereo headset headset
• HP HP Premium Premium Stereo Stereo headset headset HP HP Premium Premium Stereo Stereo headset headset
• Quick Quick set-up set-up guide guide
• Quick Quick set-up set-up guide guide
• Quick Quick set-up set-up guide guide
• Quick Quick set-up set-up guide guide Quick Quick set-up set-up guide guide
• Warranty Warranty card card
• Warranty Warranty card card
• Warranty Warranty card card
• Warranty Warranty card card Warranty Warranty card card
Key Key Selling Selling PointsPoints
Key Key Selling Selling PointsPoints
38mm 38mm speaker speaker driver driver
38mm 38mm speaker speaker driver driver
• Noise Noise canceling canceling mic mic
• Noise Noise canceling canceling mic mic
• Foldable Foldable design design
• Foldable Foldable design design
• In-line In-line volume volume and and mute mute controlcontrol
• In-line In-line volume volume and and mute mute controlcontrol
Warranty Warranty and and Support:Support:
One-year, One-year, worldwide worldwide parts-and-labor parts-and-labor limited limited warranty warranty
• 24x7 24x7 HP HP technical technical phone phone support support during during warranty warranty period period
Key Key Selling Selling PointsPoints
Key Key Selling Selling PointsPoints
38mm 38mm speaker speaker driver driver
• 38mm 38mm speaker speaker driver driver 38mm 38mm speaker speaker driver driver
• Noise Noise canceling canceling mic mic
• Noise Noise canceling canceling mic mic Noise Noise canceling canceling mic mic
• Foldable Foldable design design
• Foldable Foldable design design Foldable Foldable design design
• In-line In-line volume volume and and mute mute controlcontrol
• In-line In-line volume volume and and mute mute controlcontrolIn-line In-line volume volume and and mute mute controlcontrol
Warranty Warranty and and Support:Support:
Warranty Warranty and and Support:Support:Warranty Warranty and and Support:Support:
One-year, One-year, worldwide worldwide parts-and-labor parts-and-labor limited limited warranty warranty
One-year, One-year, worldwide worldwide parts-and-labor parts-and-labor limited limited warranty warranty
• One-year, One-year, worldwide worldwide parts-and-labor parts-and-labor limited limited warranty warranty One-year, One-year, worldwide worldwide parts-and-labor parts-and-labor limited limited warranty warranty
• 24x7 24x7 HP HP technical technical phone phone support support during during warranty warranty period
• 24x7 24x7 HP HP technical technical phone phone support support during during warranty warranty period
• 24x7 24x7 HP HP technical technical phone phone support support during during warranty warranty period
24x7 24x7 HP HP technical technical phone phone support support during during warranty warranty period period
Questions Questions about about the the HP HP Premium Premium Stereo Stereo Headset? Headset?
Questions Questions about about the the HP HP Premium Premium Stereo Stereo Headset? Headset?
Questions Questions about about the the HP HP Premium Premium Stereo Stereo Headset? Headset? Look Look us us up up online online at at www.hp.com www.hp.com
Look Look us us up up online online at at www.hp.com www.hp.com
Look Look us us up up online online at at www.hp.com www.hp.com HP HP Part Part Number Number RF823AA#ABA RF823AA#ABA
HP HP Part Part Number Number RF823AA#ABA RF823AA#ABA
HP HP Part Part Number Number RF823AA#ABA RF823AA#ABA UPC UPC code: code: 882780728981882780728981
UPC UPC code: code: 882780728981882780728981
UPC UPC code: code: 882780728981882780728981
Questions Questions about about the the HP HP Premium Premium Stereo Stereo Headset? Headset? Look Look us us up up online online at at www.hp.com www.hp.com HP HP Part Part Number Number RF823AA#ABA RF823AA#ABA UPC UPC code: code: 882780728981882780728981
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