HP Pre 3 User Guide

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Hewlett-Packard, Inc. and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this guide. Hewlett-Packard, Inc. and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties that may arise through the use of this software. Hewlett-Packard, Inc. and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion of data as a result of malfunction, dead battery or repairs. Be sure to make backup copies of all important data on other media to protect against data loss.
Patent pending. This product also is licensed under United States patent 6,058,304.
Email, mobile number and related information required for setup and activation. Actual speeds may vary. Required data services sold separately; unlimited plan recommended and may be required. Not all web content may be available.
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Open Source Licence information
You can view the Open Source Licence terms on your smartphone. Tap the centre of the gesture area and then tap the Launcher icon. Swipe left until the PDF View icon appears. Tap
PDF View and then tap Open Source Information.pdf.
You can also view the file on your computer. Connect your smartphone to your computer with the USB cable. On your smartphone, tap USB Drive. On your computer, locate and double-click the removable drive named for your smartphone. To locate the drive, do the following for your operating system:
•Windows Vista/Windows 7: Open Computer.
• Windows XP: Open My Computer.
•Mac: Open Finder.
• Linux (Ubuntu): The drive is displayed on the desktop.
• Other Linux distribution: The location of the drive may vary by system. After you open the drive, double-click the file Open Source Information.pdf.


Chapter 1 Welcome
7Your HP Pre 8 What's in the box? 9 Where can I learn more?
Chapter 2 Basics
11 Get to know your smartphone 15 Set up your smartphone 17 Charge the battery 18 Turn your smartphone on/off 20 Use gestures: tap, swipe, drag, flick, pinch 25 Update the HP webOS operating system
Chapter 3 Just Type
27 Just Type overview 27 Get in touch with a contact 28 Search the web 29 Find information in an application on your
smartphone 30 Create a new item such as a message or memo 30 Open an application 31 Repeat a recent search 31 Customise Just Type
Chapter 4 Work with applications
33 Open applications 35 Go up one level in an app (back gesture)
35 Use the menus 37 Enter and save information 41 Close applications 42 Delete applications 42 Manage applications in Card view 44 Manage applications in the Launcher 45 Manage online accounts 47 View and work with notifications 48 Create and work with favourites
Chapter 5 Copy files and sync your personal data
49 Copy files between your smartphone and your
50 Overview: Get your personal data onto your
smartphone 53 Get data from an online account in the cloud 53 Export data from a desktop organiser on your
computer 54 Sync your desktop organiser and your smartphone 56 Transfer data from an old phone
Chapter 6 Phone
57 Make calls 61 Receive calls 62 Use voicemail 64 What can I do during a call? 67 What's my number? 67 View your call history 68 Work with favourites 69 Save a phone number to Contacts
Contents 3
70 Use a phone headset 71 Customise smartphone settings 76 Use SIM Toolkit
157 Use your smartphone as a modem
Chapter 11 Documents
Chapter 7 Email, text, multimedia and instant messaging
77 Email 88 Messaging: All messages in one application 90 Messaging: Text and multimedia messaging 93 Messaging: Instant messaging
Chapter 8 Contacts, Calendar and other personal
97 Contacts 108 Calendar 114 Tasks 116 Memos 118 Clock 119 Calculator 119 Facebook
Chapter 9 Photos, videos and music
121 Camera 122 Photos 126 Videos 129 YouTube 129 Music 134 Amazon MP3
Chapter 10 Web and wireless connections
137 Wi-Fi 141 HP mobile hotspot 143 VPN 145 Web 150 Location Services 151 Maps 153 Bluetooth 156 Touch to Share
wireless technology
159 Quickoffice® mobile office software 162 PDF View
Chapter 12 HP webOS App Catalog and Software
163 Browse applications in HP webOS App Catalog 164 Download a free application 164 Buy an application 166 Reinstall a deleted application 166 Set up a billing account 166 Set billing account preferences 167 Update or delete a billing account 167 Manage applications with Software Manager 168 Update a downloaded application from a
notification 168 Manually check for application updates
Chapter 13 Preferences
169 Backup 173 Date & Time 174 Device Info 176 Exhibition 178 Regional Settings 179 Screen & Lock 181 Sounds & Ringtones
Chapter 14 Troubleshooting
185 6Ts: Ways to get your HP Pre3 working again 188 HP webOS Account 191 Battery 193 Screen and performance 195 Phone 197 Hands-free devices 198 Synchronisation
199 Data connections 200 Email 202 Messaging 203 Wi-Fi 205 Web 205 Calendar and Contacts 209 Camera 209 Photos, Videos and Music 209 Amazon MP3 210 HP webOS App Catalog 213 Transferring information to and from your
computer 214 Backing up and restoring data 215 Updates 215 Transferring information from another HP webOS
phone 215 Making room on your smartphone
B Online accounts available for webOS phones
C Specifications
D Regulatory and safety information
E Use Adobe search
Contents 5

1 Welcome

7Your HP Pre
8 What's in the box? 9 Where can I learn more?
Your HP Pre
NOTE When referring to the company that makes your HP Pre3, this document
uses both the terms HP and Palm. HP and Palm are the same company; the use of both terms reflects company terminology.
In one compact and indispensable device, you now have all of the following:
An advanced wireless smartphone running the HP webOS platform
A full suite of organiser applications: Contacts, Calendar, Memos and
High-speed data transfer with 3G (UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA) and GPRS/
EDGE support
Wi-Fi capability
A 5-megapixel digital camera
GPS functionality
Integrated text, multimedia and instant messaging (IM)
Applications to view and manage Microsoft Office and Adobe PDF files
HP webOS App Catalog, from which you can download applications
designed for your smartphone; select from an ever-expanding list of applications
Your HP Pre
puts HP webOS—a multitasking, gesture-based operating system—inside a small, beautiful device with a keyboard that you can slide out whenever you need it. Here are a few highlights of your new smartphone.
Gestures: On your HP Pre
, you make calls, move around and manage your applications and info by making simple gestures either on the touchscreen or in the gesture area directly beneath the screen. For more information, see Use gestures: tap, swipe, drag, flick, pinch. Carry the
Gesture Guide (included in the box with your HP Pre
) around with you
and you'll soon know all the gestures by heart.
Multitasking: You can have many applications open at once and easily
move among them. Go to the Launcher to open apps. See the line-up of your open apps in Card view. Tap an app to bring it into the foreground and work with it. For more information, see Open applications. You can also send email or surf the web while on a call.
Just Type: Need to call Ed? Just slide out the keyboard and type ed. If
he's listed in your Contacts, you can get his numbers from the search results. Tap a number and you've made the call. Just Type works just as fast when you need to search the web, find info in an application on your smartphone, start an action such as creating an email message or memo or update your status on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter. For more information, see Just Type.
The HP Synergy feature: The HP Synergy feature works in the background
to gather your information from the various online sources where you keep it and then display that information in a single view on your smartphone. You can access your info quickly without having to remember where you stored it.
Chapter 1 : Welcome 7
For example, suppose you have a Google account for personal email, contacts and calendar events, and an Exchange account for your corporate email, contacts and events. The Email, Contacts and Calendar
applications on your HP Pre
all provide a view in which you can see information from both of those accounts in one place—but even though the information is brought into one view, the sources of that information are kept separate. For more information, read about linked contacts, layered calendars and the single inbox for your email in Contacts,
Calendar and Email.
NOTE See Online accounts available for webOS phones for the current list of
online accounts that you can set up on your smartphone and for information about the behaviour of these accounts.
Thanks also to the Synergy feature, in the Messaging application, all your conversations with the same person are grouped together in one chat-style view. If you start an IM chat with Ed, for example, you can continue the same conversation when Ed signs out of IM by sending him a text message – and you can see it all in the same view. For more information, see Messaging: All messages in one application.
Sync: Your HP Pre
gives you synchronisation without a cable. You can sync with online services so that you can store and sync your info in online accounts. For more information, see Get data from an online account in
the cloud.

What's in the box?

All of the following items are included in the smartphone box.


Your HP webOS Account: When you set up your smartphone, you create
an HP webOS Account by entering a valid email address, creating a password and answering a security question. Your account gives you an account in which to create and store contacts and calendar events. It also gives you access to services like automatic updates and automatic, frequent backups of any of your info that is stored only on your smartphone and isn’t synchronised with an online account (see What
information is backed up?).
WARNING Please refer to for information that helps you safely use your
smartphone. Failure to read and follow the important safety information in this guide may result in property damage, serious bodily injury or death.
8 Chapter 1 : Welcome
HP Pre
USB cable (charging and data transfer cable)
AC charger with international plug adapters
Standard lithium-ion battery (installed)
3.5 mm headset (not included with all smartphones)
DID YOU KNOW? The USB cable included with your smartphone is used both to
charge your smartphone battery (see Charge the battery) and to connect your smartphone to your computer as a removable USB drive (see Copy files between
your smartphone and your computer). To simplify charging, you can purchase
an HP Touchstone (sold separately).

Print material

Getting Started guide
Gesture Guide
Limited Warranty
General User Guide: Important Safety and Legal Information

Where can I learn more?

On-device Help: Read short how-tos and watch animations on your new
To view all Help: Open Help .
To view Help topics for a single application: Open the
application, open the application menu and tap Help.
Tools available from online support: Visit hpwebos.com/support to
access the 200+ page User Guide detailing every facet of your smartphone. On the support site you can also edit your HP webOS Account, watch how-to animations and access a tool to help you export data from your desktop to your new smartphone (the Data Transfer Assistant).
Peer-to-peer support: Visit forums.hpwebos.com to share your
experiences and get help and advice from fellow customers.
Self-paced learning guides: Visit learning.hpwebos.com to take a free
online tutorial about your new smartphone. Available in English only.
Customer service from your wireless service provider: For questions
about your mobile account or the features of your mobile account, contact your wireless service provider’s customer care.
Chapter 1 : Welcome 9
10 Chapter 1 : Welcome

2 Basics

11 Get to know your smartphone 15 Set up your smartphone 17 Charge the battery 18 Turn your smartphone on/off 20 Use gestures: tap, swipe, drag, flick, pinch 25 Update the HP webOS operating system

Get to know your smartphone

Slide out the keyboard

Hold the smartphone as shown below and gently push up.
TIP When you are on a call or using data services to check email, browse the
web and so on, you may experience better sound or connection quality if you keep the keyboard slid out.
Chapter 2 : Basics 11

Front view

1 Earpiece: When you hold your smartphone up to your ear when on a call, the screen
darkens. See Why the screen goes dark.
2 Volume 3 Gesture area: Make the back gesture and begin other gestures here. See Use gestures:
tap, swipe, drag, flick, pinch.
4 Keyboard: See Use the keyboard. 5 Camera lens: For live video calling only. See Online accounts available for webOS
6 Touchscreen: Tap and make other gestures directly on the screen. See Touchscreen. 7 Charger/micro USB connector: Connect the small end of the USB cable to charge your
smartphone battery (see Charge the battery) or copy files (see Copy files between your
smartphone and your computer).
8 Microphone
NOTE The volume you set for each individual audio component is saved
automatically, whether the audio component is the earpiece of your smartphone, a wired headset, a wireless headset that uses Bluetooth
wireless technology, music heard through the speaker, music heard through a headset and so on. When you return to using an audio component, the audio plays at the volume you left it the last time you used that component.


1 Option: Press to enter numbers, punctuation and symbols that appear above the letters
on the keys (see Enter alternative keyboard characters) or to move the cursor (see Text
selection gestures).
2 Shift: See Enter upper-case letters and Text selection gestures. 3 Space 4 Backspace 5 Enter: Press to enter a line return (for example, in a memo or in an email message you
are composing) or to accept information you entered in a field. See Enter information in
a field.
6 Sym: Press to enter symbols and accented characters that don't appear on the keys. See
Enter characters from the symbols table.
12 Chapter 2 : Basics


TIP Be careful not to scratch, crush or apply too much pressure on the
touchscreen. Do not store your smartphone in a place where other items might damage it. Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents or aerosols to clean the smartphone or its accessories.
Card view
1 Just Type field: Displays text you type to look for, create or use information on your
smartphone, without needing to go to a specific app. See Just Type.
2 Wallpaper: The background image in Card view. You can customise your wallpaper. See
Change your wallpaper.
3 Quick Launch: Bar containing up to four icons for the apps you use most, plus an icon to
open the Launcher. You can customise the apps that appear in Quick Launch. See Open
an application in Quick Launch and Line up your favourite applications in Quick Launch.
The Launcher
1 Application name: Displays the name of the currently open application. Drag down over
the app name to open the application menu.
2 Launcher: See Open an application in the Launcher. 3 Connection icons: Show the status of wireless service connections and battery strength
(see Icons in the title bar). Drag down over the icons to open the connection menu.
4 Page indicator: Shows that there are Launcher pages to the right of the currently
displayed page. Tap to move to the next page. You can also swipe right or left on the screen to move among Launcher pages.
5 Page name: Tap and hold to change the name (see Rename a Launcher page). 6 Notification icons: Show missed calls, new voicemail and email messages and more. Tap
the bottom of the screen to view notification details. See View and work with
Chapter 2 : Basics 13

Icons in the title bar

Table 1. Title bar icons and descriptions
Table 1. Title bar icons and descriptions
Item Description
The battery is being charged.
The battery is fully charged.
The battery is low. See Charge the battery.
Aeroplane mode is turned on. This means that the phone, Bluetooth
wireless technology feature and the Wi-Fi and VPN features are off (incoming calls go to voicemail). See Turn wireless services off (aeroplane
Wi-Fi is turned on. The number of filled-in bars denotes signal strength. See Wi-Fi.
The smartphone is searching for a Wi-Fi network. The phone is on. The number of filled-in bars denotes
signal strength. See Turn wireless services on. Your smartphone is connected to a GPRS data network.
See I don’t know if I have a data connection. Your smartphone is connected to an EDGE data network.
See I don’t know if I have a data connection.
Item Description
Bluetooth® wireless technology is turned on. See
A Bluetooth connection is in progress. A Bluetooth connection has been made. Your smartphone is performing a search on the
characters you entered. If you are in Card view or the Launcher, your smartphone conducts a global search on your smartphone (see Just Type). If you are in an application such as Contacts or Memos, your smartphone searches for items within the app that match the search term you entered.
Your smartphone is in roaming coverage. See Set
roaming and data usage preferences.
TTY is turned on. See Turn TTY/TDD on/off. HAC is turned on. See Turn HAC on/off.

Top view

wireless technology.
Your smartphone is connected to a 3G (HSDPA, HSUPA or UMTS) data network. See I don’t know if I have a
data connection.
When your phone is on and connected to your wireless service provider’s network, the provider’s name appears in the top left-hand corner of Card view and most Phone screens.
The phone is searching for your wireless service provider’s network.
Your wireless service provider's network is not available. Your smartphone cannot detect or read your SIM card.
You can call your national emergency number only. See
Set up your smartphone.
14 Chapter 2 : Basics
1 3.5 mm headset jack 2 Power: Press to wake up or turn off the screen. Press and hold to turn wireless services on
and off or turn your device completely on and off.
3 Ringer switch: Slide to turn the ringer and notification sounds on or off. (Red means off.)
The ringer switch does not affect music or video playback sounds.

Back view

1 Camera lens and flash: For still photos and video. 2 Speaker 3 Microphone
To take advantage of the high-speed data connection available on your smartphone, you may need to have a 3G SIM card. Check with your wireless service provider for information.
WARNING You must always remove the battery before inserting or removing
the SIM card.
NOTE If you turned on your smartphone before inserting the SIM card, you
must shut it down before proceeding. To shut down your smartphone, press and hold the power button and tap Power > Shut Down/Swap Battery > Shut Down.
1 Slide out the keyboard.

Set up your smartphone

Insert the SIM card and set up your smartphone

Your SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card contains information on your wireless account. Depending on your wireless service provider, this information might include your phone number and voicemail access number. You can also store contact information on your SIM card (see Use
SIM Toolkit).
To make calls or use your smartphone’s email or web features, you need to insert a SIM card. If you don't have a SIM card, contact your wireless service provider.
2 Firmly hold the middle of the smartphone with one hand. With the
thumb of your other hand pressing on the HP logo at the back of the smartphone, place a fingernail in the notch below the keyboard and pull the cover away from the body of the smartphone.
Chapter 2 : Basics 15
7 Press and hold the power button on the top right-hand corner of your
smartphone until you see a logo on the screen (approximately five seconds). Your smartphone needs a few seconds to start up.
TIP If your smartphone does not turn on after you press and hold the power
button, you need to connect your smartphone to the AC charger to charge it.
8 Follow the onscreen instructions to complete setup.
3 To remove the battery: Grasp the tab and pull it up to lift the battery
out of the compartment.
4 Slide the SIM card into the rectangular slot, with the gold contacts
facing down. Note the position of the notch.
9 When the HP webOS Account screen appears, do one of the
If you are a new user: Tap Create New Account. To create an HP
webOS Account, enter a working email address, create a password for your profile and select and answer a security question.
IMPORTANT You must enter a valid email address to access all the features
available on your smartphone. Note that entering an email address here does not set up your smartphone to send and receive messages from that email account; you must do that separately (see Email).
If you are upgrading from another webOS smartphone that you no
longer use: Tap Sign In To My Profile. Enter the username and password for your existing profile. Any information backed up to your profile is restored to your new smartphone (see What
information is backed up?).
NOTE You can't use the same HP webOS Account on two webOS smartphones
at the same time. You can, however, use the same HP webOS Account on your HP Pre3 and on an HP tablet.
* Notch
5 Replace the battery.
6 To replace the cover, first fit the cover over the buttons at the top of
the smartphone, and then press all clasps to fasten the cover to the body of the smartphone.
16 Chapter 2 : Basics
Your smartphone is ready to use. To learn how to make your first call, see
Make calls.

Verify your account

After you finish setup, look for an email on your computer at the address you used for your HP webOS Account. If you don't see the confirmation email in your Inbox, check your spam mail folder in your desktop email program. Click the link in the email to verify your account.
NOTE If you want to erase data on your smartphone while you are still in
possession of the smartphone—for example, before you give it to someone else—don't do a remote erase. Instead, do a partial or full erase of the smartphone itself (see Erase data and reset your smartphone).
For detailed information about your HP webOS Account, see Backup.

What is an HP webOS Account?

Your HP webOS Account gives you the following benefits:
Automatic system and software updates are sent to your smartphone.
An HP webOS Account is automatically created for you on your
smartphone. In this account you can store Contacts and Calendar info that you don't store in online accounts like Google or Exchange.
NOTE You cannot access HP webOS Account data on the account website.
You can access the data on your smartphone only.
Info stored in your HP webOS Account, as well as info you have in
applications on your smartphone (like Memos and Tasks), is automatically backed up to the webOS servers.
If your smartphone is lost or stolen, open the web browser on your
computer, sign in to your HP webOS Account on hpwebos.com/
account and do a remote erase of the info on the smartphone.
Although you create an HP webOS Account by entering a valid email address, setting up an HP webOS Account is different from setting up email on your smartphone. To set up email, see Set up email. To change your HP webOS Account information after you have set it up, see Update
your HP webOS Account settings.

Charge the battery

When the battery is very low, the battery icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen changes to red. When the battery is fully charged, the icon appears full and changes to green .
WARNING Use only chargers that are approved by HP with your smartphone.
Failure to use a charger approved by HP may increase the risk that your smartphone will overheat, catch fire or explode, resulting in property damage, serious bodily injury or death. Use of unapproved third-party power supply accessories may damage the device and void the Limited Warranty for the product.
Although the battery may come with a sufficient charge to complete the setup process, we recommend that after setup you charge your smartphone until the battery icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen is full to ensure that the battery is fully charged.
See Maximising battery life for tips on making your battery's power last longer.
Chapter 2 : Basics 17
1 Connect the small end of the USB cable to the charger/microUSB
connector. The silver circle on the cable faces the front of the
2 Connect the other end of the USB cable to the AC charger.
3 Plug the AC charger into a working socket.
(see Turn wireless services off (aeroplane mode)). If you live or work in an area of poor coverage, you might consider purchasing a signal booster (sold separately) from your wireless service provider. These typically connect to your broadband Internet connection, if available.
If you set up an email account in the Email application, set the interval
to automatically download email to every two hours or less frequently (see Enter advanced account settings).
Lower the screen brightness (see Change screen brightness).
Use a Wi-Fi connection to download system updates and applications
from App Catalog (see Update the HP webOS operating system and
HP webOS App Catalog and Software Manager). Downloads occur
faster over Wi-Fi than over your wireless service provider's data connection, and thus use less battery power.
Keep in mind that frequent use of instant messaging (IM) can reduce
battery life. Sign out of your IM account when you are not using it (see
Sign out of an IM account).
Shut down the smartphone completely when you won't be using it for
an extended period of time (see Shut down your smartphone).
TIP You can also charge your smartphone battery by connecting your
smartphone to your computer using the USB cable. Charging this way takes much longer than using the AC charger. Do not, however, connect a Touchstone (sold separately) to your computer.

Maximising battery life

Battery life depends on how you use your smartphone. You can maximise the life of your battery by following a few easy guidelines:
Charge your smartphone whenever you can. Charge it overnight.
Set your screen to turn off automatically after a shorter period of
inactivity (see Set the interval for turning the screen off automatically).
Keep your battery away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat.
Temperatures over 45 degrees Celsius can permanently reduce the capacity and life span of any lithium-ion battery.
As with any mobile phone, if you are in an area with no wireless
coverage, your smartphone continues to search for a signal, which consumes power. Turn off the phone if you are outside a coverage area
TIP If you think that the battery needs to be replaced, see I need to replace the
battery for instructions.

Turn your smartphone on/off

The screen on your HP Pre3 can be turned on and off separately from its wireless services (which are the Phone app, Wi-Fi app, Bluetooth
app and VPN app). This means you can wake up the screen to use just the organiser features of your device (Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Memos and so on) without turning on the phone and other wireless features. Also, when the screen is turned off, the phone can be on and ready for you to receive phone calls or messages.

Why the screen goes dark

If you hold the smartphone up to your ear while on a call, the screen goes dark. This is normal behaviour. It prevents your accidentally tapping an
18 Chapter 2 : Basics
item on the screen and saves battery power. When you take the smartphone away from your ear, the screen automatically turns back on, ready for use. If the screen doesn't turn on fast enough for you, tap the screen to wake it up.
The same behaviour occurs any time you're on a call and the smartphone screen is placed near another surface. The screen turns on automatically (if the smartphone is still on) when you move the smartphone away from the other surface.
When the smartphone is on and idle, the screen first dims and then turns off. This also is normal behaviour, caused by the auto shut-off interval. You can adjust this auto shut-off interval to be as long as three minutes (see Set
the interval for turning the screen off automatically). At first, the screen
dims as a power-saving measure. Just tap the screen to brighten it. Then, if your smartphone remains inactive for the full interval you set, the screen turns itself off. Press the power button to turn the screen back on.

Turn the screen on/off

NOTE Pressing the power button to turn the screen off also works when your
smartphone is placed on a Touchstone (sold separately).

Turn wireless services off (aeroplane mode)

Aeroplane mode turns off your smartphone’s wireless services (which are the Phone app, Wi-Fi app, Bluetooth Use aeroplane mode when you are on a plane or anywhere else you need to turn off all wireless services. You can’t browse the web, but you can still use apps like Calendar, Contacts, Photos, Music, Quickoffice mobile office software and PDF View.
Do one of the following:
Tap the top right-hand corner of any screen to open the connection
menu. Tap Turn on Aeroplane Mode.
Press and hold the power button and tap Aeroplane Mode.
app and VPN app).
To turn the screen on, do one of the following:
Press the power button. Drag up to unlock the screen.
* Power
Slide out the keyboard.
TIP You can also unlock the screen by dragging up from the gesture area across
the onscreen lock icon.
To turn the screen off, press the power button.
When your smartphone is in aeroplane mode, the aeroplane mode icon appears at the top of every screen, and Aeroplane Mode appears in the top left-hand corner of the screen in the Launcher, Card view and Phone. The phone is not connected to any mobile network.
* These indicate that wireless services are off (aeroplane mode).
TIP When your smartphone is in aeroplane mode, you can turn the Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth and VPN features on individually (see Turn Wi-Fi on/off, Turn the
Bluetooth feature on/off and VPN). To turn the phone back on so you can make
and receive calls, you must turn aeroplane mode off. Note that to make a VPN connection while your smartphone is in aeroplane mode, you must first connect to a Wi-Fi network.
Chapter 2 : Basics 19

Turn wireless services on

When you turn on your smartphone, it automatically connects to your mobile network so that you can make and receive phone calls and use other wireless services (if supported by the local network).
If aeroplane mode is turned on, you need to turn it off before you can connect to your mobile network. Tap the top right-hand corner of any screen to open the connection menu. Tap Turn off Aeroplane Mode.
Press and hold the power button and tap Power. Tap Shut Down/Swap
Battery, and then tap Shut Down.
When your smartphone locates a signal, your wireless service provider name appears in the top left-hand corner of the screen in Card view and Phone, and the signal-strength icon appears at the top of the screen.
* These indicate that wireless services are on.
When you are inside a coverage area, the bars of the signal-strength icon are filled in according to the strength of the signal. If you're outside a coverage area, the bars in the signal-strength icon appear dimmed with an X.

Shut down your smartphone

Usually, turning your smartphone off and/or putting it in aeroplane mode is sufficient for normal periods when you have the smartphone with you but you're not using it. On rare occasions, however, you may want to put your smartphone into deep sleep because you are not going to use it for an extended period. At those times, shut down the screen and wireless services completely by doing one of the following:
NOTE When you turn everything off, the smartphone's alarms, ringer and
notifications are also turned off.
To turn both the screen and wireless services back on, press and hold the
power button until a logo appears onscreen.

Use gestures: tap, swipe, drag, flick, pinch

Gestures are an important, basic part of your smartphone. They're easy to learn, and they make working with the smartphone fast. You make most gestures with one finger. For a few, you need two. Make gestures with the tip of your finger. Do not use your fingernail. Don't bear down.
You make gestures in two areas on your smartphone: the touchscreen and the gesture area. The gesture area is the black area extending along the bottom of the screen.
Open Device Info and tap Reset Options. Tap Shut Down and tap
Shut Down again.
20 Chapter 2 : Basics
* Gesture area
When you're working in an application, the centre of the gesture area displays a lit bar.
Tap the bar to minimise the app and display Card view (see Manage
applications in Card view).
The lit bar also appears when you tap the centre of the gesture area to
maximise a card in Card view.
When the screen is off, the lit bar pulses when a notification arrives and
continues to pulse until you tap the notification or turn on the screen (see
Get notifications when the screen is locked or off).
Tap with the tip of the finger, not the fingernail. Tap fast and firmly, and then immediately lift your fingertip off the screen. Don't bear down on what you're tapping. Don't wait for a response; the response comes after you lift your finger. Don’t linger on the gesture; a tap takes a split second to do.
Tap the centre of the gesture area to do the following:
One kind of swipe you'll use a lot: back. Make the back gesture from right to left anywhere in the gesture area. Back takes you up one level from a detailed view to a more general view of the application you're working in. For example, when you finish reading an email message, make the back gesture to close the message and return to your list of messages. Or when you finish writing a memo, make the back gesture to close and save the memo and return to the display of all your memos. When you make the back gesture in an application and that's the only screen of that app that's open, you minimise the app and go back to Card view.
In Web, the back gesture performs the same function as the back button on the browser, allowing you to move back through previously viewed pages.
The forward gesture, available in Web only, is a swipe from left to right anywhere in the gesture area. The forward gesture allows you to move forward through previously viewed web pages.
When you're working in an application, tap the centre of the gesture
area to see Card view. Card view shows you all the applications that are currently open, displayed as a series of cards (small windows).
When you're in Card view, tap the centre of the gesture area to
maximise the app in the centre of the view.


A swipe is most often a horizontal gesture, from right to left or left to right. Do it fast, do it lightly. In a swipe, your fingertip just skims the surface of the touchscreen or gesture area.


Drag is the gesture you make for a slow scroll up and down, such as in a list, in a document or on a web page. Slide your fingertip slowly along the surface – no need to bear down.
Drag an item: Tap and hold the item. Wait till you get a visual cue that the
item is ready to be dragged and then drag it. Lift your finger to drop it.
Chapter 2 : Basics 21
For example, an icon in the Launcher or a card in Card view is ready to be dragged when it becomes enlarged and transparent.
Display Quick Launch: One kind of drag that you’ll use a lot brings up
Quick Launch when you’re in an application. This drag gesture begins in
the gesture area and ends on the touchscreen. As your fingertip slowly crosses the border between the gesture area and the touchscreen, it drags Quick Launch into view. To open one of the apps in Quick Launch, move your finger to its icon. When you see the app name appear, lift your finger. The application opens.
fingertip just skims the surface. The faster you flick, the faster and further you scroll up or down a list.
Close an application: To close an application in Card view, flick the card
up towards the top of the touchscreen. This is called throwing the card off the top of the screen.
Delete a list item: In some applications, such as Email, Messaging, Tasks,
Music and Bluetooth, you can throw a list item off the side of the screen to delete the item.


As its name tells you, this is a quick gesture, great for scrolling long lists, documents or pages. Do it fast, do it lightly; as with a swipe, your
22 Chapter 2 : Basics
Throw the item off the side of the screen. If prompted, tap Delete to confirm the deletion.
If you can't delete a list item by throwing it, open the item and look in the
application menu for a Delete menu item.
TIP To delete multiple list items, throw each one off the screen. If you get the
Delete confirmation prompt after throwing the first item, you don't need to tap it
– just throw the second item, and the first deletion is confirmed automatically.
TIP In some apps, such as Email, you can set a preference whether to show a
confirmation screen when you delete a list item.
Display Card view or the Launcher: If an application is maximised, you
can flick up from the gesture area to the screen to minimise the app and display Card view. This is the up gesture. If you make the up gesture when Card view is displayed, you open the Launcher.

Pinch (zoom gestures)

Zoom in/pinch out to increase the size of items on the screen (Email,
Web, Photos, PDF View and Maps): Place two fingers on the screen and spread them slowly apart.
Zoom out/pinch in to decrease the size of items on the screen (Email,
Web, Photos, PDF View and Maps): Place two fingers on the screen and bring them together.
Zoom in or out a fixed amount (Web, Photos, Quickoffice
mobile office
software, PDF View): Double-tap the screen.
Chapter 2 : Basics 23

Scroll gestures

Scroll slow: Drag the screen in the desired direction.
Scroll fast: Flick the screen in the desired direction.
Stop scrolling: Tap or drag the screen while scrolling.

Text selection gestures

For information on working with text after you select it, see Cut, copy and
paste information and Use the Copy All or Select All feature.
Insert the cursor in a text field: Tap the location.
24 Chapter 2 : Basics
Move the cursor: Tap the location to insert the cursor. Press and hold
Option . Place your finger anywhere onscreen and drag your finger in
the direction you want to move the cursor.
Select text when you can see a cursor: Tap the location to insert the
cursor. Press and hold Shift . Place your finger anywhere onscreen and drag your finger in the direction you want to select text. Tap the highlighted text to deselect it.
Select a paragraph of text: When you cannot insert a cursor in the text—
for example, on a web page or in an email you received—the smallest amount of text you can select is a whole paragraph. Press and hold
Shift and then tap a paragraph. Tap an adjacent paragraph to add
it to your selection (you can’t skip around). If you need to scroll down to select the next paragraph, release Shift , scroll, press Shift and tap the paragraph. Tapping any part of the highlighted selection deselects it.

Update the HP webOS operating system

HP provides updates to your smartphone's operating system. Update notifications are sent to your smartphone automatically when a system update is available (see Respond to a system software notification). When you update your smartphone's operating system, your personal information and files are not affected. In addition to receiving update notifications, you can manually check for operating system updates at any time (see Manually check for system updates).
Chapter 2 : Basics 25
What's more, both HP and many application developers make updates available for applications you installed on your smartphone. You can check in Software Manager at any time for application updates (see
Update a downloaded application from a notification and Manually check for application updates).

Respond to a system software notification

To avoid roaming charges, updates are not downloaded if your
smartphone is in roaming coverage.
If you do not install an update immediately after downloading it, you
are prompted to install the update the next time you charge your smartphone. You can choose whether to install the update now or later. You have ten minutes to decide; otherwise, the update installs automatically.
When you get a notification that a system update is available, do one of the following:
Tap Install Now twice. When installation is complete and the
smartphone resets, tap Done. Installation times vary depending on the size of the update. You cannot use your smartphone while an update is being installed, not even for emergency calls.
Tap Install Later. The next time you charge your smartphone, you
receive another update notification. You can again choose whether to install the update now or later. If you do not tap Install Later within 10 minutes of receiving the notification, installation begins automatically.
Here is some additional information about system updates:
Whenever possible, use a Wi-Fi connection to download system
updates. Downloads occur faster over Wi-Fi than over your wireless service provider's data connection, and use less battery power. If you see that a system update is available, make sure you have your smartphone’s Wi-Fi feature turned on.
If you have Wi-Fi turned on and the battery has enough charge, your
smartphone automatically downloads a system update if one is available—you don't have to do anything. If Wi-Fi is not turned on when the update becomes available, the webOS servers continue to check your device for Wi-Fi availability.
If you do not have Wi-Fi turned on at any time within a few days of the
system update notification, your smartphone automatically downloads the update over your wireless service provider’s network the next time the battery has enough charge and you have a data connection, as indicated by the , or icon at the top of the screen.
If the battery does not have enough charge, you must charge the
battery before you can download or install an update.

Manually check for system updates

1 Open System Updates .
2 If a message appears stating that a system update is available, do
the following:
Tap Download now.
When prompted, tap Install Now.
After installation has finished and the smartphone resets, tap
26 Chapter 2 : Basics

3 Just Type

27 Just Type overview 27 Get in touch with a contact 28 Search the web 29 Find information in an application on your smartphone 30 Create a new item such as a message or memo 30 Open an application 31 Repeat a recent search 31 Cus t o m i s e Just Ty p e

Just Type overview

The Just Type feature lets you do almost anything you want on your smartphone, without having to go to a specific app. When it crosses your mind to look up, do, or make note of something, just type to put your thought into action.
Just Type works from the two screens on your smartphone that you access most often: Card view and the Launcher. By just typing on either of those screens, you can begin doing any of the following:
Map a location (see Find information in an application on your
Create a new message, memo or other item (see Create a new item
such as a message or memo)
Update your Facebook or Twitter status (see Create a new item such as
a message or memo)
Open an app (see Open an application)
You can also start a search by copying text in another application, opening the Launcher or Card view and pasting the text. The text appears at the top of the screen as the search term. To paste using the application menu (Edit > Paste) in Card view, you first need to tap the Just type box. If you paste by pressing and holding the gesture area and then pressing the
V key, you do not need to tap in the box.

Get in touch with a contact

1 Open Card view (see Manage applications in Card view) or the
Launcher (see Open an application in the Launcher).
Call or send a message to a contact (see Get in touch with a contact)
Search the web (see Search the web)
Search for email messages, web bookmarks, videos and more (see Find
information in an application on your smartphone)
Chapter 3 : Just Type 27
2 Begin typing the contact's first and last initials (no space), first or last
name or email address.
3 When the contact name appears, do one of the following. If only the
contact name is displayed, tap the name to display ways to get in touch.

Search the web

You have several options for using Just Type to search the web.
1 Open Card view (see Manage applications in Card view) or the
Launcher (see Open an application in the Launcher).
2 Begin typing the search term or a website address, such as hp.com.
Tap the name to open the person's contact information.
Tap a phone number to dial it, an email address to send a
message and so on. Tap to the right of a phone number to send a text message.
If you have set up a Skype account on your smartphone and the
contact is a Skype contact, tap to call the contact.
Tap Add Reminder to add a reminder message to the contact (see
Assign a reminder message to a contact).
NOTE If you are using Exchange with a corporate server, you can search your
company's Global Address List (GAL) for a contact: Enter the contact name and then tap Global Address Lookup.
28 Chapter 3 : Just Type
3 Do one of the following. You may need to scroll down to see web
search engines.
To go to a website: If you entered a website address, tap Go to
To search the web using your default search engine: Tap the
search engine name. The search engine appears directly beneath any matching contact entries.
To view suggested search terms from your default search engine
based on the characters you have entered: Tap Suggest to the right of your default search engine name. Tap a suggestion to search on that term. If the characters you entered return no contacts, applications or other items on your smartphone, suggestions are displayed automatically. Tap one to search on it.
To search the web using a different search engine: Under Launch
& Search, tap a search engine name. If the search engine is for a
specific website, such as Wikipedia, your smartphone searches that site only.

Find information in an application on your smartphone

You can search for email messages, web bookmarks and websites you've visited (browsing history) on your smartphone. You can also search for items in Maps or App Catalog directly from Just Type.
If your search term does not show results for a certain app, you may need to turn on a preference to include that app in a Just Type search (see
Customise Just Type). You can use this preference to include more apps in
Just Type searches.
3 Depending on the app you want to search in, tap one of the
following. You may need to scroll down to see app search results.
1 Open Card view (see Manage applications in Card view) or the
Launcher (see Open an application in the Launcher).
2 Begin typing the information you want to find. Depending on which
app you want to search, this could be the subject of an email, a physical address you want to locate on a map, a bookmark name, the name of an app you want to download or some other term.
Email: Your smartphone displays the number of email messages
whose sender name or subject contains your search term. Tap Email to display the list of matching messages. Tap a message to view it.
Bookmarks & History: Your smartphone displays the number of
websites in your bookmarks list and browsing history list whose name contains your search term. Tap Bookmarks & History to view a list of the websites. Tap an entry to go to the website.
Maps: To view your search term on a map, under Launch & Search,
tap Maps. If you don't have Maps installed on your smartphone, App Catalog opens to the Maps app page.
HP App Catalog: To search App Catalog for apps that match your
search term, under Launch & Search, tap HP App Catalog.
NOTE In addition to Just Type, applications such as Contacts, Email, Memos
and PDF View also offer the ability to search within the app for entries or files. When you're in one of those apps, from the list view, type the file name; a few words from a memo; or a contact name, initials, address or number. See the individual application sections for details. You can also enter a search term in the Help application to search for help content related to the term.
Chapter 3 : Just Type 29

Create a new item such as a message or memo

You can use Just Type to create a new item such as an email message or memo by entering all or part of the item's text. These items are grouped in the Quick Actions section of the search results.
To create a new task: Tap New Task. A new task opens with the
text you have entered as the task description.
4 To see more available quick actions, tap More.

Open an application

For some Quick Actions, you need to turn on a preference to create that type of item from your search results (see Customise Just Type).
1 Open Card view (see Manage applications in Card view) or the
Launcher (see Open an application in the Launcher).
2 Type all or part of the item text, such as email message text or memo
1 Open Card view (see Manage applications in Card view) or the
Launcher (see Open an application in the Launcher).
2 Begin typing the app name or a related keyword. See Use
application keywords for a list.
3 When the app appears, tap it.

Use application keywords

If you don't know the name of the app you are searching for, you can enter a keyword associated with the app. This table shows the keywords you can use to find an app on your smartphone.
Table 1. Application keywords
3 If needed, scroll down to see the Quick Actions field. Tap New [item
type]. The relevant application opens, displaying your text as part of
a new item. Here are some examples:
To create a new email message: Tap New Email. A new message
opens with the text you have entered as the message body text.
30 Chapter 3 : Just Type
Application Name Keywords App Catalog Store Backup Settings, Preferences Bluetooth Settings, Preferences, Wireless Calendar Datebook, Meetings, Events Clock Alarm, Time, Watch
+ 204 hidden pages