HP PolyServe Migration Utility for SQL Server User Manual

HP StorageWorks

HP PolyServe Migration Utility for SQL Server user guide

MxMigrate 4.0.0
Part number: T5392-96058 First edition: February 2010
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1 Introduction ...................................................................... 4
Overview ........................................................................................................... 4
How MxMigrate works .................................................................................. 4
Migrated data .............................................................................................. 5
Prerequisites ................................................................................................. 5
Migration scenarios ............................................................................................. 6
Migrate to a new matrix, using different hostnames/IPs ...................................... 6
Migrate to a new matrix, using the same hostnames/IPs .................................... 8
Migrate to an existing matrix, using different hostnames/IPs ............................... 9
2 Using MxMigrate ............................................................ 11
Install MxMigrate .............................................................................................. 11
Perform a migration ........................................................................................... 11
Start MxMigrate ......................................................................................... 11
Source Login window .................................................................................. 12
Target Login window ................................................................................... 14
Select Databases for Transfer window ............................................................ 16
Options window ......................................................................................... 17
Validation window ...................................................................................... 18
Access check ....................................................................................... 19
Validation process ................................................................................ 19
Backup and Restore Databases window ......................................................... 21
Pre-Switch Steps window .............................................................................. 23
Backup and Restore Logs window ................................................................. 24
SSIS (SQL2005/2008 only) window ............................................................. 25
Post-Switch Steps window ............................................................................. 25
Finished window ......................................................................................... 26
HP PolyServe Migration Utility for SQL Server user guide 3

1 Introduction


The HP PolyServe Migration Utility for SQL Server (MxMigrate) is a wizard-based utility designed to move SQL Server databases into HP PolyServe Software for Microsoft SQL Server. At the end of the process, the migrated SQL databases will be highly available and manageable via HP PolyServe Software for Microsoft SQL Server.

How MxMigrate works

MxMigrate is a WinForm application built on .NET 3.5 and SQL Server Management Object (SMO). It consists of a single executable, MxMigrate.exe, that can be launched from either a node in the Matrix Server cluster or a third system that has network connectivity to both the source and target server. One node in the cluster is used as the target server.

Migrated data

MxMigrate migrates the following:
User data
SQL logins
Linked/remote servers
SQL jobs
SSIS packages
MxMigrate does not migrate or handle the following:
System databases (for example, master, msdb, tempdb)
SSIS settings
Log shipping
Database mirroring
External dependencies
Reporting Services
Notification Services
Service Broker
MxMigrate does not handle auto-close or offline databases. The databases to be migrated must be online.


The following Microsoft Software must be installed on the computer running MxMigrate:
Microsoft Windows 2008, or Microsoft Windows Vista or 2003 (R2, SP1, SP2),
either 32-bit or 64-bit
Windows Installer 4.x
.NET Framework 3.5
Microsoft XML provider (MsXml6)
Microsoft SQL 2008 Native Client provider (MsNCli)
Microsoft SQL 2008 Management Objects (SMO)
Microsoft SQL 2008 CLR Types
Following are additional requirements for the target server:
HP PolyServe Migration Utility for SQL Server user guide 5
Matrix Server must be installed and running on all nodes in the cluster.
HP PolyServe Software for Microsoft SQL Server must be installed on all cluster
nodes that might host the SQL Server instance.
The Microsoft SQL Server instance must be installed as described in the HP Poly-
Serve Software for Microsoft SQL Server Administration Guide.

Migration scenarios

The following scenarios are supported for migrating a stand-alone, non-virtualized SQL Server instance into a Matrix Server cluster, making the instance highly available.
The scenarios assume that Matrix Server, HP PolyServe Software for Microsoft SQL Server, and the SQL Server instance are installed on the target node. In the New Matrix” scenarios, the SQL Server instance is virtualized on the target node during the migration procedure. In the Existing Matrix scenario, the SQL Server instance is virtualized on the target node before starting the migration procedure.
A SQL 2000 or 2005 instance can be migrated to SQL 2005 or SQL 2008. A SQL 2008 instance can be migrated only to SQL 2008.
The supported migration scenarios are:
Migrate to a new matrix. The SQL Server instance on the source node and the
Virtual SQL Server on the target node will use different hostnames and IP ad­dresses.
Migrate to a new matrix. The SQL Server instance on the source node and the
Virtual SQL Server on the target node will use the same hostname and IP address.
Migrate to an existing matrix. The SQL Server instance on the source node and
the Virtual SQL Server on the target node will use different hostnames and IP ad­dresses.

Migrate to a new matrix, using different hostnames/IPs

In this scenario, Matrix Server, HP PolyServe Software for Microsoft SQL Server, and the SQL Server instance are installed on the target node. The SQL Server instance has not yet been virtualized with HP PolyServe Software for Microsoft SQL Server.
After the target SQL Server instance is virtualized during the procedure, the source SQL Server and the target Virtual SQL Server will have unique host names and IPs and can be running side-by-side.
Complete the following steps:
1. Start MxMigrate.
3. Validate and connect to the target (physical) SQL Server instance (Target Login
4. Select the databases to be migrated (Select Databases for Transfer window).
5. Specify the location for the backup files (Options window).
6. Validate your entries (Validation window).
7. Create any missing databases on the target server (Validation > New Database
8. Back up the source databases (Backup and Restore Databases window).
9. Restore databases to the target server, using the Recovery feature. (Backup and
Restore Databases window).
10. Apply the SQL securities and logins, the SQL jobs, and the linked/remote server
configurations found on the source server to the target server (Pre-Switch Steps window).
11. Apply any third-party applications, tools, and libraries to the target server so
that it will match the configuration of the source server.
12. Test applications against the target server in stand-alone mode.
13. Virtualize the SQL Server instance on the target server. (Using HP PolyServe
Software for Microsoft SQL Server, create a Virtual SQL Server and add the SQL Server instance to it.)
14. Test applications against the Virtual SQL Server.
15. Back up the source databases (Backup and Restore Databases window).
16. Restore databases to the target server using NonRecovery (Backup and Restore
Databases window).
17. Put the source database in ReadOnly mode. Users will now be accessing the
target server for data, not the source server (Pre-Switch Steps window)
18. Back up the source transaction logs (Backup and Restore Logs window).
19. Restore the transaction logs to the target server (Backup and Restore Logs
20. Migrate SSIS/DTS packages to the target server.
21. Re-sync SQL securities and logins on the target server (Post-Switch Steps window)
22. Test applications against the Virtual SQL Server.
HP PolyServe Migration Utility for SQL Server user guide 7

Migrate to a new matrix, using the same hostnames/IPs

In this scenario, Matrix Server, HP PolyServe Software for Microsoft SQL Server, and the SQL Server instance are installed on the target node. The SQL Server instance has not yet been virtualized with HP PolyServe Software for Microsoft SQL Server.
After the target SQL Server instance is virtualized during the procedure, the Virtual SQL Server will use the same host name and IP as the source SQL Server instance. Therefore, the source SQL Server instance must be shut down before virtualizing the target SQL Server instance.
1. Start MxMigrate.
3. Validate and connect to the target (physical) SQL Server instance (Target Login
4. Select the databases to be migrated (Select Databases for Transfer window).
5. Specify the location for the backup files (Options window).
6. Validate your entries (Validation window).
7. Create any missing databases on the target server (Validation > New Database
8. Back up the source databases (Backup and Restore Databases window).
9. Restore databases to the target server, using the Recovery feature (Backup and
Restore Databases window).
10. Apply the SQL securities and logins, SQL jobs, and linked/remote server
configurations found on the source server to the target server (Pre-Switch Steps window).
11. Apply any third-party applications, tools, and libraries to the target server so
that it will match the configuration of the source server.
12. Test applications against the target server in stand-alone mode.
13. Back up the source databases (Backup and Restore Databases window).
14. Restore databases to the target server using NonRecovery (Backup and Restore
Databases window).
15. Put the source database in ReadOnly mode. Users will now be accessing the
target server for data, not the source server (Pre-Switch Steps window).
16. Back up the source transaction logs (Backup and Restore Logs window).
17. Restore the transaction logs to the target server (Backup and Restore Logs
18. Migrate SSIS/DTS packages to the target server.
19. Re-sync SQL securities and logins on the target server (Post-Switch Steps window)
20. Shut down the source server.
21. Virtualize the SQL Server instance on the target server. (Using HP PolyServe
Software for Microsoft SQL Server, create a Virtual SQL Server with the same IP and hostname as that of the source server and add the SQL Server instance to it.)
22. Test applications against the Virtual SQL Server.

Migrate to an existing matrix, using different hostnames/IPs

In this scenario, Matrix Server, HP PolyServe Software for Microsoft SQL Server, and the SQL Server instance are installed on the target node and the SQL Server instance has already been virtualized with HP PolyServe Software for Microsoft SQL Server.
At the end of the procedure, the target Virtual SQL Server and the source SQL Server instance will have unique host names and IPs and can be running side-by-side.
1. Start MxMigrate.
3. Validate and connect to the target (physical) SQL Server instance (Target Login
4. Select the databases to be migrated (Select Databases for Transfer window).
5. Specify the location for the backup files (Options window).
6. Validate your entries (Validation window).
7. Create any missing databases on the target server (Validation > New Database
8. Back up the source databases (Backup and Restore Databases window).
9. Restore databases to the target server, using the Recovery feature (Backup and
Restore Databases window).
10. Apply the SQL securities and logins, SQL jobs, and linked/remote server
configurations found on the source server to the target server (Pre-Switch Steps window).
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