HP Policy Manager Software User Manual

HP 3PAR Policy Manager Software User Guide

This guide is intended to be used as a reference when installing, configuring, and maintaining HP 3PAR Policy Manager (Policy Manager). It contains administration-level information and some user configuration information for the Policy Manager.
HP Part Number: QL226-96117 Published: August 2011
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1 Introduction...............................................................................................5
Related Documentation..............................................................................................................5
Typographical Conventions........................................................................................................5
2 Overview..................................................................................................6
What is the HP 3PAR Policy Manager?........................................................................................6
User Authentications.................................................................................................................6
HP 3PAR Policy Manager Connections........................................................................................6
How It All Works......................................................................................................................7
3 Installing the HP 3PAR Policy Manager..........................................................9
Hardware Requirements..........................................................................................................11
Software Requirements..............................................................................................................9
Installation and Setup................................................................................................................9
Reinstalling HP 3PAR Policy Manager...................................................................................10
4 Configuring Users.....................................................................................11
Configuring Users...................................................................................................................11
5 Starting the HP 3PAR Policy Manager.........................................................14
Starting HP 3PAR Policy Manager.............................................................................................14
Starting the Policy Manager User Interface............................................................................14
Default Login Information................................................................................................14
Stopping HP 3PAR Policy Manager...........................................................................................15
6 Understanding the User Interface................................................................16
Overview of the User Interface.................................................................................................16
Home Tab.............................................................................................................................17
Policy Tab..............................................................................................................................18
Sorting Policy Columns.......................................................................................................20
Pending Requests Tab..............................................................................................................20
Sorting Pending Requests....................................................................................................21
Audit Log Tab........................................................................................................................21
Configuration Tab...................................................................................................................22
7 Using HP 3PAR Policy Manager.................................................................24
Policy Inheritance and Hierarchy...............................................................................................24
Working in the Policy Tab........................................................................................................24
Base Installation Actions.....................................................................................................25
Viewing Policies by Group...................................................................................................26
Editing Permissions.............................................................................................................27
Adding New Parameters................................................................................................27
Removing Permission Parameters.....................................................................................29
Considerations when Creating Permissions.......................................................................29
Assigning Access Rights......................................................................................................30
Software Management Package Access Rights..................................................................30
Locking Permissions............................................................................................................31
Removing Policy Overrides..................................................................................................31
Setting Access Rights for All Policy Permissions.......................................................................32
Working in the Configuration Tab.............................................................................................32
Creating New Groups........................................................................................................32
Contents 3
Editing Existing Group Configurations...................................................................................33
Configuring Group Notification Settings................................................................................34
Deleting Existing Groups.....................................................................................................35
Finding and Removing Missing Devices.................................................................................36
Working in the Pending Requests Tab........................................................................................37
Accepting and Denying Requests.........................................................................................38
Viewing Action Details and Specifying a Timeout...................................................................38
Container Actions..............................................................................................................38
Working in the Audit Log Tab...................................................................................................39
Viewing Audit Logs............................................................................................................40
Viewing Audit Log Entries by Group or Device..................................................................40
Audit Log Entries Online and in Log Files..............................................................................40
Audited Operations and Activity..........................................................................................40
Agent Audit Log Persistence.................................................................................................41
8 Troubleshooting and Maintenance..............................................................42
Maintaining the Server and Database.......................................................................................42
4 Contents

1 Introduction

Related Documentation

The following document provides information related to HP 3PAR Secure Service Architecture:
Read the…For information about…
Configuring the Secure Service Custodian

Typographical Conventions

This guide uses the following typographical conventions :
HP 3PAR Secure Service Custodian Configuration Utility Reference
Used for dialog elements such as titles, button labels, and other screen elements.
screen output.
Used for variables in filenames, paths, and screen output.
Used for variables in user input.<ABCDabcd>
When prompted, click Finish to complete the installation.
Open the fileUsed for paths, filenames, and screen
# cd \opt\3par\guiUsed to differentiate user input from
Modify the content string by adding the
-P<x> option after -jar inform.jar
# .\java -jar inform.jar


To avoid injury to people or damage to data and equipment, be sure to observe the cautions and warnings in this guide. Always be careful when handling any electrical equipment.
WARNING! Warnings alert you to actions that can cause injury to people or irreversible damage
to data or the operating system.
CAUTION: Cautions alert you to actions that can cause damage to equipment, software, or data.
NOTE: Notes are reminders, tips, or suggestions that supplement the procedures included in this
NOTE: The InServ Storage Server has been rebranded as HP 3PAR Storage System. There are
instances in this document where menu items and command output refer to the HP 3PAR Storage System as InServ or InServ Storage Server.
Related Documentation 5

2 Overview

What is the HP 3PAR Policy Manager?

The HP 3PAR Policy Manager (Policy Manager) is a server-based software application that enables customers to control and monitor communications between the HP 3PAR Secure Service Custodian (Custodian) and the HP 3PAR Secure Service Collector Server (Collector Server). This server-based application resides on a customer's network and sets and controls all Secure Service Architecture permissions for the Custodians on that network. Policy Manager can be installed to enable only authorized access and use of the managed Custodians.
The Policy Manager manages all operations the Collector Server requests to perform on Custodians, and a subset of actions a Custodian will perform based on its own configuration. The list of managed operations includes Custodian-specific actions, remote access connections to the Custodian, file uploads, script and package registration and execution, and more.
Custodian policies and permissions are configured through the Policy Manager’s browser-based user application pages. Through the application pages, authenticated users can set up and manage Custodian-specific permissions and audit Policy Manager operations and use. Users log in to the Policy Manager through Microsoft® Internet Explorer™, version 6.
You can host Policy Manager on Microsoft Windows NT™ (SP4), Windows 2000™ (SP3), Windows 2003™, or Windows XP™ operating systems. Hypersonic SQL provides a standalone, open source, Java-based database to store and manage the Policy Manager configurations. Apache Tomcat provides the Web application and file realm component for the Policy Manager.

User Authentications

Apache Tomcat provides the Web application and file realm component for the Policy Manager. Tomcat's file realm implementation is used to manage user access to the Policy Manager. Tomcat provides for two authentication levels or roles:
One level of user authentication controls who can configure, manage, and administer the
Policy Manager and the Policy Manager users.
A second level of user authentication specifies who can log in to the Policy Manager to manage
Custodian policies and permissions and view and accept pending requests.
These roles specify the Policy Manager administrators and users. A Policy Manager user has full access to all functionality available through the Policy Manager application pages.

HP 3PAR Policy Manager Connections

Within a customer's organization, a single Policy Manager can be configured to manage some or all Custodians, or multiple Policy Managers can be configured to handle multiple sets of Custodians uniquely; for example, Custodians located in different departments and with separate administration and security needs.
6 Overview
Figure 1 HP 3PAR Policy Manager Configured to Mange Custodian Policies

How It All Works

The Secure Service Collector Server communicates with the Secure Service Custodian by posting requests for the Custodian and receiving its responses. These can be requests to perform actions, including uploading files, running applications, restarting, executing packages, setting data values on the Custodians, and so forth. These requests are discovered by the Custodian Custodians upon subsequent pings. If a Custodian is managed by the Policy Manager, the Custodian will first reference its policy to determine whether or not it can perform the action.
Each Custodian is also configured with its own actions. These actions may be configured to execute based on an internal schedule set in the Custodian, or based on triggering events. If Policy Manager is in use, some of the Custodian’s own actions will be defined in the related policy.


When a Custodian connected to and managed by Policy Manager is presented with a request to perform an action, it first refers to its policy, as defined by the Policy Manager. A policy is comprised of a list of actions a Custodian can perform and permissions and rights to perform each action. A Custodian’s policy determines how the Custodian will handle an action request and, based on the defined policy, the Custodian will do one of three things:
Accept and perform the action.
Deny the action.
Ask the Policy Manager for permission to perform the action.
The Custodian enforces the policy as set in the Policy Manager and reports its policy-related activities to the Policy Manager and the Collector Server for auditing reasons.
If a Custodian requests permission to perform an action, per its policy, the Policy Manager sends an email notification to specified Policy Manager user(s). Based on the email information, the
How It All Works 7
recipients are informed of the requested action. They need to then accept or deny the action within a defined timeout period.
If the action is accepted, the Policy Manager notifies the Custodian that the action is accepted.
If applicable, the Custodian notifies the Collector Server that the action as approved, and then it performs the action as requested.
If the user denies the action, the Policy Manager sends the action back to the Custodian as
denied. The Custodian notifies the Collector Server that the action was denied.
All communications between the Policy Manager and its managed Custodians are initiated by the Custodians. When a Custodian contacts the Policy Manager, either when it registers or based on its defined ping rate, that Custodian receives any current or updated policy settings or accepted or denied requests. At the same time, the Custodian sends the Policy Manager its action requests and its list of supported actions.
8 Overview

3 Installing the HP 3PAR Policy Manager

The HP 3PAR Policy Manager installation includes all necessary components needed to manage polices on Custodians. The Policy Manager can be hosted from a computer running supported Windows operating system and connected to Custodians via a network connection.
NOTE: The Secure Service Custodian is configured to connect to the Policy Manager at a specified
IP address or host name. If you change the network location of the Policy Manager after deployment, the configuration of each managed Custodian will need to change in kind.
Hardware Requirements
The following are the minimum requirements for the Policy Manager, database, and Web server:
750 MHz processor
256 MB of memory
100 MB of disk space for the installation with additional space available for log files
NOTE: As you use the Policy Manager and audit log files are created, your disk space
requirements will grow substantially. Keep track of the disk space usage and consider archiving log files as possible.
100 MB LAN connection
Network connection between the Policy Manager and connected Custodians

Software Requirements

The following are not included, but required for installation:
Windows NT, 2000, 2003, or XP
For Windows NT 4.0 apply Service Pack 4
For Windows 2000 apply Service Pack 3
HP 3PAR Policy Managerapplication pages are optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer,
version 6.
The following are included in installation:
HP 3PAR Policy Manager, version 1.0
Apache Tomcat, version 5.0.18
Hypersonic SQL version 1.7.1
JDK 1.4.x Java VM (Virtual Machine)

Installation and Setup

To install and set up HP 3PAR Policy Manager, perform the following:
1. Insert the Policy Manager installation CD in the CD-ROM drive of the computer on which you want to install the Policy Manager, or another networked computer to which the Custodians can connect via LAN or WAN connections.
2. Browse to the CD in your computer's file manager or explorer application.
3. Locate and run install3PARSSPM_x_x_x_x.exe. The Policy Manager installation program starts installing the server, Web applications, and
database, and prompts you for installation information.
Hardware Requirements 9
4. After clicking Next at the Introduction, provide the following information when prompted:
Installation directory for all of the installed software components.
Port number (listening port) of the computer through which the Policy Manager
communicates with Custodians. The default port is 8080.
Your organization’s email server and email domain name.
The sender’s email address. The source address is 3PAR_SSPM@3par.com.
The administrator’s email address.
The frequency that email is to be retrieved.
The number of days of audit log messages you wish to be made available via the View
Audit Log Entries page in the Policy Manager application user interface.
5. Review the information you entered at step 4 and click Install to begin the installation.
6. When installation is complete, click Done.

Reinstalling HP 3PAR Policy Manager

If you need to reinstall Policy Manager, perform the following:
1. Remove or uninstall the existing Policy Manager files installed on your computer from the previous installation.
2. Reinstall Policy Manager by following the instructions described in “Installation and Setup”
(page 9).
10 Installing the HP 3PAR Policy Manager

4 Configuring Users


After installing the server, you need to configure the users and groups with privileges for the HP 3PAR Policy Manager, and modify the Policy Manager configuration settings for your specific use of the server.
User configuration is performed through the Apache Tomcat file realm. To manage the user configuration, you need to start the server and then log into the Tomcat server.
NOTE: One other Policy Manager configuration file, log4j.properties, contains diagnostic
settings you may want to modify if troubleshooting server errors. This file is located in ..\Tomcat5\shared\classes. You should change the settings only if you have experience with database and server administration and database debugging.
This chapter explains the following configuration settings available for the Policy Manager system:
Configuring users for server administration and Policy Manager login.
Configuring Policy Manager server properties and functionality.

Configuring Users

The Tomcat file realm controls who has access to administering the server and who can log in to and use the Policy Manager application pages.
To configure the Tomcat file realm for HP 3PAR Policy Manager, you need to specify users for the two user groups, APMAdmin and APMUsers, as follows:
APMAdmin group - individuals defined in this group will be able to log into Tomcat and
configure server settings, additional APMusers, and so forth.
APMUsers group - individuals defined in this group will be able to log into the application
pages, set permissions for all policies and groups defined in Policy Manager, view all audit log messages, add, configure, and delete groups, and so forth.
You configure users for Tomcat and Policy Manager pages in the Tomcat Administration application. The user information you specify in this application is saved to the tomcat-users.xml file.
To configure users:
Overview 11
1. Start the server on your local machine. a. Start your Web browser. b. Enter the local host IP address/listening port in the browser’s address bar, and then
/admin (for example, 123.456.789.111/8080/admin), and press ENTER. The HP 3PAR Tomcat Server Administration Tool appears (Figure 2 (page 12)).
Figure 2 HP 3PAR Tomcat Server Administration Tool
2. Type your Tomcat5 user name and password and click Login. The Administration Tool page appears (Figure 3 (page 12)), with the following navigation
Figure 3 Administration Tool Page
12 Configuring Users
3. Under User Definition, click Users.
The Users List pane appears.
4. From the User Actions list, select Create New User.
NOTE: User names and passwords are case-sensitive.
Figure 4 Creating a User
5. Enter the user name, password, and full name of the user for logging into the application.
6. Select the groups and roles in which this user is to be defined. Each use can be defined in multiple groups and roles. For example, you may want to add this user to two roles: one that administers Tomcat5 and one that has access to the Policy Manager application pages.
7. Select the groups and roles in which this user is to be defined. Each use can be defined in multiple groups and roles. For example, you may want to add this user to two roles: one that administers Tomcat5 and one that has access to the Policy Manager application pages.
8. Click Save.
9. Repeat steps 4 through 7 to add all users you want to add to the system.
Configuring Users 13
+ 29 hidden pages