Technical Specifications
Model t427k DT090A
Processor & Speed AMD Athlon(B) XP3000+ 2.167 GHz/333
Chipset nforce2-ISP
Motherboard Focus-UL6E (A7NBX-LA)
RAM 512/2700 MB 333 DDR SDRAM
Maximum 2 GB (2x1024MB DDR SDRAM)
Sockets Two 184-pin DDR DIMMs
Size 128, 256, 512 and 1024 MB DDR DIMMs
Free DIMM Sockets One
Pairs Required No
Type Supported JEDEC unbuffered DDR SDRAM DIMM specification
Cache 128 KB L1, 512 KB L2 Integrated on Processor module
Hard Drive 80 GB (7200 RPM)
Optical Drive DVD+R/RW Drive
Transfer rates
Diskette Drive None
7 in 1 Card Reader Compact Flash I/II; Memory Stick/Pro; MMC/SD; Smart
Video Graphics AGP 8X Graphics Card
Controller ATI R9200SE
Video Memory 128 MB DDR, not upgradeable
Video Connectors Composite & S-Video - NTSC
Network Card 10/100 BaseT, Integrated
1394 Card IEEE-1394, Integrated
Sound AC’97, 6 Channel, Integrated on MB
Controller Realtek ALC650F
Chassis Jaguar, 250HV
USB Interface Specification USB 2.0
External Ports 5= USB, 1= serial, 1= parallel; 2= 1394
Front I/O Connector 1= USB, 1=1394, 7 in 1 Card Reader, 1= Line-In,
Expansion Slots (Total) 3= PCI, 1= AGP
Expansion Slots (FREE) 3= PCI
Drive Bays (Total) Two 5.25” external, One 3.5” external,
Drive Bays (FREE) One 5.25” external, One 3.5” internal, One 3.5” external
Keyboard/Mouse One-touch Enhanced Keyboard, PS/2 Optical scrolling
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is provided "as is" with no warranty.
Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for any direct,
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Write: Up to 10x (CD-RW)
Write: Up to 16x (CD-R)
Write: Up to 4x (DVD+RW)
Read: Up to 40x (CD-RW)
Read: Up to 40x (CD-R/CD-ROM)
Read: Up to 8x (DVD+RW)
1=Microphone; 1= Headphone
Two 3.5” internal