hp hp pavilion pavilion 505n
505n desktop desktop pc
hp hp pavilion pavilion 505n
hp hp pavilion pavilion 505n
505n desktop desktop pc
505n desktop desktop pc
key specifications
key specifications
MicroprocessorMicroprocessor MicroprocessorMicroprocessor
MicroprocessorMicroprocessor MicroprocessorMicroprocessor
Front-side Front-side BusBus Front-side Front-side BusBus
Front-side Front-side BusBus Front-side Front-side BusBus
MemoryMemory MemoryMemory
MemoryMemory MemoryMemory
Hard Hard DriveDrive Hard Hard DriveDrive
Hard Hard DriveDrive Hard Hard DriveDrive
CD-rewritable CD-rewritable drivedrive CD-rewritable CD-rewritable drivedrive
CD-rewritable CD-rewritable drivedrive CD-rewritable CD-rewritable drivedrive
Video Video GraphicsGraphics Video Video GraphicsGraphics
Video Video GraphicsGraphics Video Video GraphicsGraphics
Network Network CardCard Network Network CardCard
Network Network CardCard Network Network CardCard
SoundSound SoundSound
SoundSound SoundSound
Fax/ModemFax/Modem Fax/ModemFax/Modem
Fax/ModemFax/Modem Fax/ModemFax/Modem
Front Front Mounted Mounted PortsPorts Front Front Mounted Mounted PortsPorts
Front Front Mounted Mounted PortsPorts Front Front Mounted Mounted PortsPorts
Total Total Drive Drive BaysBays Total Total Drive Drive BaysBays
Total Total Drive Drive BaysBays Total Total Drive Drive BaysBays
Available Drive Available Drive BaysBays Available Drive Available Drive BaysBays
Available Drive Available Drive BaysBays Available Drive Available Drive BaysBays
Total Total Expansion Expansion SlotsSlots Total Total Expansion Expansion SlotsSlots
Total Total Expansion Expansion SlotsSlots Total Total Expansion Expansion SlotsSlots
Available Available SlotsSlots Available Available SlotsSlots
Available Available SlotsSlots Available Available SlotsSlots
Total Total External External PortsPorts Total Total External External PortsPorts
Total Total External External PortsPorts Total Total External External PortsPorts
Available Available External External PortsPorts Available Available External External PortsPorts 6 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallelparallel6 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallelparallel
Available Available External External PortsPorts Available Available External External PortsPorts 6 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallelparallel6 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallelparallel
Total Total Memory Memory SlotsSlots Total Total Memory Memory SlotsSlots
Total Total Memory Memory SlotsSlots Total Total Memory Memory SlotsSlots
Available Available Memory Memory SlotsSlots Available Available Memory Memory SlotsSlots 1 1 DIMM DIMM (184 (184 pin, pin, DDR)DDR)1 1 DIMM DIMM (184 (184 pin, pin, DDR)DDR)
Available Available Memory Memory SlotsSlots Available Available Memory Memory SlotsSlots 1 1 DIMM DIMM (184 (184 pin, pin, DDR)DDR)1 1 DIMM DIMM (184 (184 pin, pin, DDR)DDR)
Memory Memory SpeedSpeed Memory Memory SpeedSpeed
Memory Memory SpeedSpeed Memory Memory SpeedSpeed
Primary Primary Cache Cache (L1)(L1) Primary Primary Cache Cache (L1)(L1)
Primary Primary Cache Cache (L1)(L1) Primary Primary Cache Cache (L1)(L1)
Secondary-Level Secondary-Level Cache Cache (L2)(L2) Secondary-Level Secondary-Level Cache Cache (L2)(L2) 128Kb128Kb128Kb128Kb
Secondary-Level Secondary-Level Cache Cache (L2)(L2) Secondary-Level Secondary-Level Cache Cache (L2)(L2) 128Kb128Kb128Kb128Kb
KeyboardKeyboard KeyboardKeyboard
KeyboardKeyboard KeyboardKeyboard
MouseMouse MouseMouse
MouseMouse MouseMouse
Diskette Diskette DriveDrive Diskette Diskette DriveDrive
Diskette Diskette DriveDrive Diskette Diskette DriveDrive
Warranty Warranty and and SupportSupport Warranty Warranty and and SupportSupport
Warranty Warranty and and SupportSupport Warranty Warranty and and SupportSupport
IntelIntel® ® CeleronCeleronTM TM Processor Processor 2.2GHz2.2GHzIntelIntel® ® CeleronCeleronTM
IntelIntel® ® CeleronCeleronTM TM Processor Processor 2.2GHz2.2GHzIntelIntel® ® CeleronCeleronTM
256MB 256MB DDR(Double DDR(Double Data Data Rate)SDRAM Rate)SDRAM (exp. (exp. to to 1GB)1GB)256MB 256MB DDR(Double DDR(Double Data Data Rate)SDRAM Rate)SDRAM (exp. (exp. to to 1GB)1GB)
256MB 256MB DDR(Double DDR(Double Data Data Rate)SDRAM Rate)SDRAM (exp. (exp. to to 1GB)1GB)256MB 256MB DDR(Double DDR(Double Data Data Rate)SDRAM Rate)SDRAM (exp. (exp. to to 1GB)1GB)
60GB* 60GB* Ultra Ultra DMA; DMA; *Gigabyte(GB) *Gigabyte(GB) is is defined defined as as 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 bytes bytes (accessible (accessible capacity capacity may may vary)vary)60GB* 60GB* Ultra Ultra DMA; DMA; *Gigabyte(GB) *Gigabyte(GB) is is defined defined as as 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 bytes bytes (accessible (accessible capacity capacity may may vary)vary)
60GB* 60GB* Ultra Ultra DMA; DMA; *Gigabyte(GB) *Gigabyte(GB) is is defined defined as as 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 bytes bytes (accessible (accessible capacity capacity may may vary)vary)60GB* 60GB* Ultra Ultra DMA; DMA; *Gigabyte(GB) *Gigabyte(GB) is is defined defined as as 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 bytes bytes (accessible (accessible capacity capacity may may vary)vary)
hp hp CD-Writer CD-Writer (48x12x48x) (48x12x48x) 48x 48x max. max. write write speed speed with with 12x 12x max max re-write re-write speed, speed, 48x 48x max max read read speedspeedhp hp CD-Writer CD-Writer (48x12x48x) (48x12x48x) 48x 48x max. max. write write speed speed with with 12x 12x max max re-write re-write speed, speed, 48x 48x max max read read speedspeed
hp hp CD-Writer CD-Writer (48x12x48x) (48x12x48x) 48x 48x max. max. write write speed speed with with 12x 12x max max re-write re-write speed, speed, 48x 48x max max read read speedspeedhp hp CD-Writer CD-Writer (48x12x48x) (48x12x48x) 48x 48x max. max. write write speed speed with with 12x 12x max max re-write re-write speed, speed, 48x 48x max max read read speedspeed
Integrated Integrated IntelIntel®® Extreme Extreme graphics graphics with with up up to to 64MB 64MB shared shared video video memorymemoryIntegrated Integrated IntelIntel®® Extreme Extreme graphics graphics with with up up to to 64MB 64MB shared shared video video memorymemory
Integrated Integrated IntelIntel®® Extreme Extreme graphics graphics with with up up to to 64MB 64MB shared shared video video memorymemoryIntegrated Integrated IntelIntel®® Extreme Extreme graphics graphics with with up up to to 64MB 64MB shared shared video video memorymemory
Integrated Integrated 10/100Base-T 10/100Base-T networking networking interfaceinterfaceIntegrated Integrated 10/100Base-T 10/100Base-T networking networking interfaceinterface
Integrated Integrated 10/100Base-T 10/100Base-T networking networking interfaceinterfaceIntegrated Integrated 10/100Base-T 10/100Base-T networking networking interfaceinterface
Polk Polk Audio Audio stereo stereo speakers speakers with with Power Power Port Port technologytechnologyPolk Polk Audio Audio stereo stereo speakers speakers with with Power Power Port Port technologytechnology
Polk Polk Audio Audio stereo stereo speakers speakers with with Power Power Port Port technologytechnologyPolk Polk Audio Audio stereo stereo speakers speakers with with Power Power Port Port technologytechnology
ITU ITU V.90 V.90 K56flex K56flex modem, modem, data/fax data/fax only only (33.6Kbps (33.6Kbps send/download send/download up up to to 56Kbps/14.4Kbps 56Kbps/14.4Kbps fax)fax)ITU ITU V.90 V.90 K56flex K56flex modem, modem, data/fax data/fax only only (33.6Kbps (33.6Kbps send/download send/download up up to to 56Kbps/14.4Kbps 56Kbps/14.4Kbps fax)fax)
ITU ITU V.90 V.90 K56flex K56flex modem, modem, data/fax data/fax only only (33.6Kbps (33.6Kbps send/download send/download up up to to 56Kbps/14.4Kbps 56Kbps/14.4Kbps fax)fax)ITU ITU V.90 V.90 K56flex K56flex modem, modem, data/fax data/fax only only (33.6Kbps (33.6Kbps send/download send/download up up to to 56Kbps/14.4Kbps 56Kbps/14.4Kbps fax)fax)
2 2 USB USB 2.02.02 2 USB USB 2.02.0
2 2 USB USB 2.02.02 2 USB USB 2.02.0
External External (1) (1) 3.5", 3.5", (2) (2) 5.25"; 5.25"; Internal Internal (2) (2) 3.5"3.5"External External (1) (1) 3.5", 3.5", (2) (2) 5.25"; 5.25"; Internal Internal (2) (2) 3.5"3.5"
External External (1) (1) 3.5", 3.5", (2) (2) 5.25"; 5.25"; Internal Internal (2) (2) 3.5"3.5"External External (1) (1) 3.5", 3.5", (2) (2) 5.25"; 5.25"; Internal Internal (2) (2) 3.5"3.5"
(1) (1) 3.5 3.5 Internal, Internal, (1) (1) 5.25 5.25 ExternalExternal(1) (1) 3.5 3.5 Internal, Internal, (1) (1) 5.25 5.25 ExternalExternal
(1) (1) 3.5 3.5 Internal, Internal, (1) (1) 5.25 5.25 ExternalExternal(1) (1) 3.5 3.5 Internal, Internal, (1) (1) 5.25 5.25 ExternalExternal
6 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallel; parallel; 2 2 PS/2PS/26 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallel; parallel; 2 2 PS/2PS/2
6 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallel; parallel; 2 2 PS/2PS/26 6 USB USB 2.0; 2.0; 1 1 serial; serial; 1 1 parallel; parallel; 2 2 PS/2PS/2
2 2 DIMM DIMM (184pin, (184pin, DDR)DDR)2 2 DIMM DIMM (184pin, (184pin, DDR)DDR)
2 2 DIMM DIMM (184pin, (184pin, DDR)DDR)2 2 DIMM DIMM (184pin, (184pin, DDR)DDR)
2100 2100 MB/sec MB/sec (PC (PC 2100)2100)2100 2100 MB/sec MB/sec (PC (PC 2100)2100)
2100 2100 MB/sec MB/sec (PC (PC 2100)2100)2100 2100 MB/sec MB/sec (PC (PC 2100)2100)
8KBytes 8KBytes of of Data Data Cache Cache + + 12K 12K Micro-Op Micro-Op Trace Trace CacheCache8KBytes 8KBytes of of Data Data Cache Cache + + 12K 12K Micro-Op Micro-Op Trace Trace CacheCache
8KBytes 8KBytes of of Data Data Cache Cache + + 12K 12K Micro-Op Micro-Op Trace Trace CacheCache8KBytes 8KBytes of of Data Data Cache Cache + + 12K 12K Micro-Op Micro-Op Trace Trace CacheCache
MPEG2 MPEG2 for for full-motion full-motion digital digital videovideoMPEG2 MPEG2 for for full-motion full-motion digital digital videovideo
MPEG2 MPEG2 for for full-motion full-motion digital digital videovideoMPEG2 MPEG2 for for full-motion full-motion digital digital videovideo
hp hp Pavilion Pavilion KeyboardKeyboardhp hp Pavilion Pavilion KeyboardKeyboard
hp hp Pavilion Pavilion KeyboardKeyboardhp hp Pavilion Pavilion KeyboardKeyboard
2 2 button button scrolling scrolling mousemouse2 2 button button scrolling scrolling mousemouse
2 2 button button scrolling scrolling mousemouse2 2 button button scrolling scrolling mousemouse
3.5" 3.5" (1.44MB)(1.44MB)3.5" 3.5" (1.44MB)(1.44MB)
3.5" 3.5" (1.44MB)(1.44MB)3.5" 3.5" (1.44MB)(1.44MB)
One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty; warranty; 24-hour, 24-hour, 7 7 days days a a week week phone phone supportsupportOne-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty; warranty; 24-hour, 24-hour, 7 7 days days a a week week phone phone supportsupport
One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty; warranty; 24-hour, 24-hour, 7 7 days days a a week week phone phone supportsupportOne-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty; warranty; 24-hour, 24-hour, 7 7 days days a a week week phone phone supportsupport
Processor Processor 2.2GHz2.2GHz
Processor Processor 2.2GHz2.2GHz
datasheet datasheet
datasheet datasheet datasheet datasheet
bundled software
bundled software
Operating Operating System System
Operating Operating System System Operating Operating System System
Productivity Productivity
Productivity Productivity Productivity Productivity
Photo Photo
Photo Photo Photo Photo
CD CD Recorder Recorder
CD CD Recorder Recorder CD CD Recorder Recorder
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Online Online Services Services Online Online Services Services
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*Monitor *Monitor is is not not included. included. HP HP and and the the invent invent signature signature are are trademarks trademarks of of the the Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Company. Company. All All brand brand or or product product names names listed listed are are trademarks trademarks or or registered registered trademarks trademarks of of their their respective respective companies.
*Monitor *Monitor is is not not included. included. HP HP and and the the invent invent signature signature are are trademarks trademarks of of the the Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Company. Company. All All brand brand or or product product names names listed listed are are trademarks trademarks or or registered registered trademarks trademarks of of their their respective respective companies.
companies. Specifications Specifications are are subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice. Windows Windows is is a a registered registered trademark trademark of of Microsoft Microsoft Corporation Corporation in in the the United United States States and and other other countries. countries.
companies. Specifications Specifications are are subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice. Windows Windows is is a a registered registered trademark trademark of of Microsoft Microsoft Corporation Corporation in in the the United United States States and and other other countries. countries.
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