Important FreeDOS
Operating System Information
This PC has the FreeDOS operating system preinstalled,
which provides only limited DOS-based functionality until
another operating system is installed.
Software License and Warranty
HP is not responsible for support of the FreeDOS
operating system, and it is important to note that some
features of FreeDOS may not function on this system.
Some hardware options ordered and delivered with this
PC may not be supported under the FreeDOS operating
system, nor will HP be responsible for providing driver
support for such hardware. Please refer to the standard
warranty document included with your PC to learn about
software technical support.
A copy of the General Public License for FreeDOS can
be found on the PC in the directory
and can be viewed by entering on the command line:
Visit http://www.freedos.org for more information.
You are responsible for obtaining the license for any
additional software you install.
The Documentation and Utilities CD supports one or more
languages. Because the Documentation and Utilities CD
does not autorun on some operating systems, you have
to explore the directory of the CD to access the
documentation files. Browse the documentation folder on
the CD, locate the appropriate language subfolder, then
open the product folder to the Safety & Comfort Guide.
NOTE: Before you can view the contents of the
Documentation and Utilities CD, you must install a
licensed operating system, as well as a compatible
version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, available at:
The Documentation and Utilities CD also contains a PC
diagnostic program called PC Doctor. PC Doctor either
runs automatically when you start your PC with this CD in
the optical drive, or when you install it to your hard drive
after you have installed a licensed operating system.
Some parts of the documentation included with your PC
refer to hardware and software features that function
only with a Microsoft
Windows® operating system.
The Documentation and Utilities CD included with your
PC provides helpful information about the hardware, as
well as regulatory and safety information. Please review
the contents of the Documentation and Utilities CD. You
can also view safety and comfort information online:
Printed in
Software Restore and Recovery
If you need to reinstall FreeDOS, it can be obtained from
the FreeDOS Web site: http://www.freedos.org
© Copyright 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development
Company, L.P.
Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation. Adobe and Acrobat are
trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
The information contained herein is subject to change
without notice. HP shall not be liable for technical or
editorial errors or omissions contained herein.