HP InfiniBand Mezzanine HCA Cards and
Mellanox InfiniBand PCI HCA Cards
Read This First: Documentation Roadmap
This roadmap describes how to access the documentation providing information about the Mellanox and HP
InfiniBand host channel adapters (HCAs) and mezzanine cards that are used in some HP InfiniBand fabrics.
Part number: AM-HCARM-1A
First Edition: September 2008

This document provides links to the Mellanox data sheets describing various Mellanox InfiniBand host
channel adapter cards (HCAs) and HP mezzanine cards. You can link directly to any of the
documentation here to provide you with more information about your product.
Mellanox InfiniBand HCA Overview................................................................................................................3
HP 4X DDR InfiniBand Mezzanine HCAs (448262-B21 and 410533-B21) ....................................................4
Mellanox ConnectX IB InfiniBand HCAs (448397-B21 and 483514-B21) ......................................................5
Mellanox InfiniHost III Ex Dual-Port InfiniBand HCAs with PCI Express x8 (483513-B21, 409376-B21,
Mellanox InfiniHost Dual-Port 10 Gb/sec InfiniBand HCAs with PCI-X (380299-B21)....................................7
Mellanox InfiniHost III Lx Single-Port InfiniBand HCAs with PCI Express (431038-B21 and 431039-B21)....8
HP InfiniBand Information...............................................................................................................................9
Cluster Platform InfiniBand Information.......................................................................................................... 9
Revision History
Revision Date Changes
September 2008 First edition

Mellanox InfiniBand HCA Overview
One of the features of an InfiniBand fabric is that individual components can contain an InfiniBand
host channel adapter (HCA) or a mezzanine HCA. The components that contain HCAs are visible
and manageable parts of your InfiniBand fabric. The HCA may be an integrated circuit embedded
on the circuit board of a component (such as a storage array controller) or it can be a PCI card that
is installed in a server. In an HP Cluster Platform configuration, the HCA can be a single-port or
dual-port InfiniBand PCI card.
These Mellanox HCAs were installed by HP, but it is assumed that you are familiar with the
Mellanox HCAs and have the knowledge necessary to maintain and troubleshoot the HCA and
mezzanine card technology. This document contains links to the documentation that describe the
various Mellanox and HP HCAs.
All of the documentation referenced in this document is currently available on the
docs.hp.com and
Mellanox websites. If you have any comments about this document, please send them to:
NOTE: For technical support and updates, contact your HP representative.