HP AMD Radeon 7000 Installation Manual

HP PCI AMD Radeon® 7000 Graphics Adapter Installation Guide
HP Part Number: AH391-9000A_ed3 Published: September 2010 Edition: 3
© Copyright 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
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ATI Radeon is a registered trademark of AMD, Inc.
Table of Contents
About This Document.........................................................................................................7
Intended Audience.................................................................................................................................7
Document Organization.........................................................................................................................7
Typographic Conventions......................................................................................................................7
Related Information................................................................................................................................8
HP Encourages Your Comments............................................................................................................8
1 Overview.........................................................................................................................9
Module Description................................................................................................................................9
Connector Pinouts.................................................................................................................................10
2 Installation.....................................................................................................................11
Installation Procedure...........................................................................................................................11
3 HP OpenVMS I64 — Graphics Software Installation and Customization.............13
Video Resolutions Supported...............................................................................................................13
Restrictions, Limitations, and Defaults.................................................................................................13
Minimum Console Revision.................................................................................................................14
VGA Console Support..........................................................................................................................14
HP Integrity Platform Support.............................................................................................................14
Default Depth (24 Bits Per Pixel)..........................................................................................................14
Multiple Colormaps (8 Bits Per Pixel)...................................................................................................14
Single Pixel Depth (No Mixed Depth Windows).................................................................................14
Visual Types..........................................................................................................................................14
Open3D Support...................................................................................................................................15
Multiple Graphics Cards Support........................................................................................................15
Multi-Screen Versus XINERAMA.........................................................................................................15
Screen Order and Forcing Single Headed Operation...........................................................................15
Modifying the Graphics Configuration................................................................................................15
HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter Default Graphics Settings..........................................15
Determining Current settings...............................................................................................................15
Overriding the Default Settings............................................................................................................16
Server Startup and Configuration Messages........................................................................................17
4 HP-UX Configuration....................................................................................................21
Verification of Software Installation.....................................................................................................21
Including the gvid Module in the Kernel.............................................................................................22
Verification of Hardware Installation...................................................................................................22
HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter as Default Xserver Device..........................................23
Restrictions and Limitations.................................................................................................................24
No Accelerated 3D Support..................................................................................................................24
Multiple Colormaps..............................................................................................................................24
Default Visual Information...................................................................................................................24
Configuring Graphics Resolution or Vertical Refresh Rates for HP-UX..............................................25
Table of Contents 3
Default Graphics Resolution.................................................................................................................25
How to Change the Resolution and Refresh Rate................................................................................25
Multihead Support................................................................................................................................25
Manual Multi-Screen Configuration.....................................................................................................26
Xf86Config Changes.............................................................................................................................26
4 Table of Contents
List of Figures
1-1 The HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter........................................................................9
List of Tables
1-1 Option Numbers.............................................................................................................................9
1-2 Standard 15–Pin VGA Connector Pinout......................................................................................10
2-1 Contents of the HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter Box.............................................11
3-1 Supported Video Modes — HP OpenVMS I64.............................................................................13
3-2 Troubleshooting Criteria...............................................................................................................18
4-1 AH391A Graphics Adapter Supported Resolutions ....................................................................24
4-2 Troubleshooting Criteria...............................................................................................................28
6 List of Tables
About This Document
This preface contains the following sections:
Intended Audience
Document Organization
Typographic Conventions
Related Information
HP Encourages Your Comments
Intended Audience
This document is intended for managers and operators of HP Integrity server systems, running either HP-UX 11i or HP OpenVMS I64 operating systems with the HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter installed.
Document Organization
This document is organized as follows: Chapter 1, Overview This chapter provides a brief overview of the HP PCI AMD
Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter.
Chapter 2, Installation This chapter describes the installation of the HP PCI AMD
Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter module in a supported HP product.
Chapter 3, HP OpenVMS I64 — Graphics Software Installation and Customization
This chapter provides information for installing and modifying the software required to support 2D (two-dimensional) graphics with the HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter under the HP OpenVMS I64 operating system.
Chapter 4, HP-UX Configuration This chapter provides information for installing and
modifying the software required to support 2D (two-dimensional) graphics with the HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter under the HP-UX operating system.
Typographic Conventions
This document uses the following typographical conventions:
%, $, or #
A percent sign represents the C shell system prompt. A dollar sign represents the system prompt for the Bourne, Korn, and POSIX shells. A number sign represents the superuser prompt.
A command name or qualified command phrase.
Computer output
Text displayed by the computer.
Ctrl+x A key sequence. A sequence such as Ctrl+x indicates that you
must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or mouse button.
ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE The name of an environment variable, for example, PATH.
The name of an error, usually returned in the errno variable.
Key The name of a keyboard key. Return and Enter both refer to the
same key.
Term The defined use of an important word or phrase.
User input
Commands and other text that you type.
Intended Audience 7
The name of a placeholder in a command, function, or other syntax display that you replace with an actual value.
[ ] The contents are optional in syntax. If the contents are a list
separated by |, you must choose one of the items.
{ } The contents are required in syntax. If the contents are a list
separated by |, you must choose one of the items.
... The preceding element can be repeated an arbitrary number of
Indicates the continuation of a code example.
| Separates items in a list of choices.
WARNING A warning calls attention to important information that if not
understood or followed will result in personal injury or nonrecoverable system problems.
CAUTION A caution calls attention to important information that if not
understood or followed will result in data loss, data corruption, or damage to hardware or software.
IMPORTANT This alert provides essential information to explain a concept or
to complete a task
NOTE A note contains additional information to emphasize or
supplement important points of the main text.
Related Information
Visit the HP Web site at:
for service tools and more information about the HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter.
The Graphics Administration Guide: for HP-UX 11.X Servers is a highly recommended resource. Locate this guide at the following website:
http://www11.itrc.hp.com/service/home. Enter the following part number in the search box to
access the document: 5991-7583.
You can find other information on HP server hardware management , Microsoft® Windows®, and diagnostic support tools in the following publications.
Web Site for HP Technical Documentation:
This is the main web site for HP technical documentation.
Server Hardware Information:
This is the main web site for the systems hardware. This web site provides HP nPartition server hardware management details, including site preparation, installation, and more.
HP Encourages Your Comments
HP welcomes your feedback. To make comments and suggestions about product documentation, send a message to:
Include the document title and manufacturing part number. All submissions become the property of HP.
1 Overview
This chapter provides a brief overview of the HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter.
Reference to the HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter is also known by its HP Product Number: AH391A. They are interchangeable.
Module Description
The HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter module is a single 32–bit expansion-slot, 66/33MHz Universal PCI option that provides 2D graphics acceleration for HP Integrity systems running HP-UX 11i and HP OpenVMS I64 operating systems.
The HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter card is based on AMD’s RV100 graphics chip.
Table 1-1 Option Numbers
HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter.AH391A
For minimum operating system and firmware revision information supported for the HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter, see the I/O Cards and Networking Software website located at:
Click open the Remote Manageability & Graphics/USB Cards link for current information.
Figure 1-1 The HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter
1. HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter
2. DVI-I connector
3. Standard 15–pin VGA connector
The HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter has a standard 15-pin VGA connector and a DVI-I connector. There is no VGA switch; VGA functions are automatically configured through the console firmware and software.
DVI-I to VGA Connector adapter
HP OpenVMS I64 does not support direct DVI to DVI operation on the HP PCI AMD Radeon 7000 Graphics Adapter card. The DVI port is only usable with a DVI to analog (VGA) adapter
Module Description 9
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