HP AlphaServer 8200, AlphaServer 8400 Upgrade Manual

AlphaServer 8200 to 8400 Upgrade Manual
Order Number: EK–T8284-UI. A01
Use this manual as a quick reference to upgrade from an AlphaServer 8200 system to an AlphaServer 8400 system.
Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts
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The equipment described in this manual generates, uses, and may emit radio frequency energy. The equipment has been type tested and found to comply with t he limits for a Class A digital device pur suant to Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are des igned to pr ovide reasonable protection agains t such radio frequency int erference. Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause interference, in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures are required to correct the interference.
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Dieses ist ein Gerät der Funkst örgrenzwertkl asse A. In Wohnber eichen können bei Betrieb dieses Gerätes Rundfunkstörungen auftreten, in welchen Fällen der Benutzer für entsprechende Gegenmaßnahmen verantwortlich ist.
Cet appareil est un appareil de Classe A. Dans un environnem ent rési dentiel, cet appareil peut provoquer des brouillages radioélectriques. Dans ce cas, il peut être demandé à l'utilisateur de prendre les mesures appropriées.
................................................................................................................ v
1 Overview............................................................................................................. 1
2 Check All Materials ............................................................................................ 2
3 Prepare the Site................................................................................................... 4
4 Power Down the 8200 System............................................................................. 6
5 Remove the Modules from the 8200 TLSB Card Cage........................................ 8
6 Remove the Clock Card from the 8200 TLSB Card Cage...................................10
7 Install the Clock Card in the 8400 TLSB Card Cage...........................................12
8 Insert I/O, Memory, and Terminator Modules in the TLSB Card Cage...............14
9 Insert Processor Modules in the 8400 TLSB Card Cage......................................16
10 Remove PCI Modules from the 8200 PCI Shelves..............................................18
11 Install PCI Modules in 8400...............................................................................20
12 Remove StorageWorks Devices from the 8200 ...................................................22
13 Insert Storageworks Devices in 8400, Move Other Devices and Controllers.......24
14 Update Device Firmware and Verify the System ................................................26
1 8200 Show Config Command.............................................................................. 4
2 Inserting Processor Modules...............................................................................16
3 Updating Firmware and Verifying the System....................................................26
1 8200 System Circuit Breakers (shown with redundant power supply).................. 6
2 Removing Modules from the 8200 TLSB Card Cage........................................... 8
3 Removing I/O Cables.......................................................................................... 9
4 Hose Numbering Scheme for KFTIA and KFTHA .............................................. 9
5 Removing the Clock Module from the 8200.......................................................10
6 Installing the System Clock Card .......................................................................12
7 Inserting Modules in the TLSB Card Cage.........................................................14
8 Removing PCI Modules from 8200 System........................................................18
9 Installing PCI Modules in 8400 System..............................................................20
Figures (continued)
10 Removing SCSI Devices from 8200 System......................................................22
11 Inserting SCSI Devices in 8400 PIUs................................................................24
1 AlphaServer 8400 Documentation...................................................................... vi
2 Upgrade Hardware .............................................................................................. 2
Intended Audience
This manual is written for the customer service engineer.
Document Structure
This manual uses a structured documentation design. Topics are organized into small sections for efficient online and printed reference. Each topic begins with an abstract. You can quickly gain a comprehensive overview by reading only the abstracts. Next is an illustration or example, which also provides quick reference. Last in the structure are descriptive text and syntax definitions.
Conventions Used in This Document
Icons. Icons similar to those shown below are used in illustrations for designating part placement in the system described. A shaded area in the icon shows the location of the component or part being discussed.
Documentation Titles
Table 1 lists the books in the AlphaServer 8400 documentation set.
Table 1 AlphaServer 8400 Documentation
Title Order Number
Hardware User Information and Installation
Operations Manual EK–T8030–OP Site Preparation Guide EK–T8030–SP AlphaServer 8400 Installation Guide EK–T8430–IN
Service Information Kit QZ–00RAC–GC
Service Manual (hard copy) EK–T8030–SV Service Manual (diskette) AK–QKNFA–CA
Reference Manuals
System Technical Manual EK–T8030–TM System Technical Manual Supplement: CPU EK–T8030–TS DWLPA and DWLPB PCI Adapter Technical Manual EK–DWLPX–TM
Upgrade Manuals
KN7CC CPU Module Installation Card EK–KN7CC–IN KN7CD CPU Module Installation Card EK–KN7CD–IN KN7CE CPU Module Installation Card EK–KN7CE–IN MS7CC Memory Installation Card EK–MS7CC–IN KFTHA System I/O Module Installation Card EK–KFTHA–IN KFTIA Integrated I/O Module Installation Card EK–KFTIA–IN AlphaServer 8400 Upgrade Manual EK–T8430–UI BA654 DSSI Disk PIU Installation Guide EK–BA654–IN BA655 SCSI Disk and Tape PIU Installation Guide EK–BA655–IN DWLMA XMI PIU Installation Guide EK–DWLMA–IN DWLPA/DWLPB PCI PIU Installation Guide EK–DWL84–IN H7237 Battery PIU Installation Guide EK–H7237–IN
Table 1 AlphaServer 8400 Documentation (Continued)
Title Order Number
H7263 Power Regulator Installation Card EK–H7263–IN KFMSB Adapter Installation Guide EK–KFMSB–IN KZMSA Adapter Installation Guide EK–KXMSX–IN RRDCD Installation Guide EK–RRDRX–IN
1 Overview
The upgrade procedure has 10 steps:
1. Check all materials.
2. Prepare the site.
3. Power down the 8200 system
4. Remove the modules from the 8200 TLSB card cage.
5. Remove the clock card from the 8200 TLSB card cage.
6. Install the clock card in the 8400 TLSB card cage.
7. Insert I/O, memory, and terminator modules in the 8400 TLSB card cage.
8. Insert processor modules in the 8400 TLSB card cage.
9. Repeat the next four substeps until all PCI modules and StorageWorks units
have been moved from the 8200 to the 8400. a. Remove PCI modules from their 8200 PCI shelves. b. Install PCI modules in 8400 DWLPA/B plug-in units (PIU). c. Remove StorageWorks devices from their shelves in the 8200. d. Insert StorageWorks devices in the 8400, and connect hoses and cables
between TLSB I/O modules and PCI buses or StorageWorks devices. Move and connect other I/O devices.
10. Update device firmware and verify the system.
Before You Begin
You might need to install other equipment not included in this upgrade procedure. For KFE70–AA and PCI installation, see the DLWPA/DWLPB PCI PIU Installation Guide, EK–DWL84–IN.
Procedure 1
2 Check All Materials
Check that the upgrade kit is complete. You will need other materials as well.
Table 2 Upgrade Hardware
Quantity Part Number Description
1 75U9A–AC/AD/AE System option. This upgrade kit contains: 1 H9F00–xx System cabinet assembly 1 RRDCD–CA Optical drive assembly 1 DWLPB–AA PCI plug-in unit 1 BA661–AA StorageWorks shelf 4 E2034–AA Terminator modules 1 QZ–00RAB–GZ AlphaServer 8400 documentation kit 1 EK–T8284–UI AlphaServer 8200 to 8400 Upgrade Manual 1 36–26123–07
74–50090–04 74–50090–03 74–50090–02 74–50090–01
Label for shipping 8200 back to Digital for North America Label for shipping 8200 back to Digital for Europe/AP
Sheet, Product ID AlphaServer 8400 5/622 AlphaServer 8400 5/440 AlphaServer 8400 5/350 AlphaServer 8400 5/300
AlphaServer 8200 to 8400 Upgrade Manual2
The upgrade kit contains the 8400 cabinet, one DWLPB plug-in unit, and one BA661 StorageWorks shelf. Any additional TLSB modules, PCI/EISA modules, or I/O devices you may desire to expand your system must be ordered separately. See the Digital Systems and Options Catalog for more information.
Also, any additional DWLPB PCI PIUs or PCI shelves, and any StorageWorks PIUs or shelves needed for the 8400 must be ordered separately. Also, you must ensure that you have I/O hose cables, cables from KFTIA to StorageWorks shelves, and cables from PCI option modules to I/O devices that are the proper length for your new 8400 configuration.
Other upgrade materials include:
Small and large flathead screwdrivers Small and large Phillips head screwdrivers
Antistatic bags
One for each TLSB and PCI/EISA module
AlphaServer 8200 to 8400 Upgrade Manual (EK–T8284–UI) AlphaServer 8400 Documentation Kit (QZ–00RAB–GZ)
Operating system
OpenVMS Digital UNIX Windows NT Server
NOTE: Since you are moving from a working system, keep the existing
configuration. Keep the same I/O cable connections to adapter modules, adapter connections to devices, and keep StorageWorks device numbering by keeping the same position of the device in a StorageWorks shelf. If you keep these the same, there will be no need for device reconfiguration.
Procedure 3
3 Prepare the Site
Get a hard copy of the 8200 system configuration, note any additional options you may be adding with this upgrade, and calculate power requirements.
Example 1 8200 Show Config Command
P08>>> show config Name Type Rev Mnemonic TLSB 4++ KN7CE-AB 8014 0000 kn7ce-ab0 5++ KN7CE-AB 8014 0000 kn7ce-ab1 6+ MS7CC 5000 0000 ms7cc0 7+ MS7CC 5000 0000 ms7cc1 8+ KFTIA 2020 0000 kftia0
C0 Internal PCI connected to kftia0 pci0 0+ ISP1020 10201077 0001 isp00 1+ ISP1020 10201077 0001 isp01 2+ DECchip 21040-AA 21011 0023 tulip0 3+ DEC PCI FDDI F1011 0000 pfi0 4+ ISP1020 10201077 0001 isp02 5+ ISP1020 10201077 0001 isp03 6+ DECchip 21040-AA 21011 0023 tulip1 7+ PCI NVRAM 71011 0000 pci_nvram0 C1 PCI connected to kftia0 pci1 0+ SIO 4828086 0003 sio0
Controllers on SIO sio0 0+ DECchip 21040-AA 21011 0023 tulip2 1+ FLOPPY 2 0000 floppy0 2+ KBD 3 0000 kbd0 3+ MOUSE 4 0000 mouse0
EISA connected to pci1 through sio0 eisa0 3+ KFESB 2EA310 0000 P08>>>
AlphaServer 8200 to 8400 Upgrade Manual4
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