HP AlphaServer 300 User Manual

AlphaServer 300 User’s Guide
Order Number: EK-AS300-UG. A01
Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts
November 1996
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation.
Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that might appear in this document.
The software, if any, described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software or equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies.
Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013.
Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation:
AlphaGeneration, AlphaServer, DEC, Digital, OpenVMS, ThinWire, and the DIGITAL logo.
The following are third-party trademarks:
Microsoft and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd.
All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
FCC Information - Class B
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
Any changes or modifications made to this equipment may void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpful: How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems. This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C., 20402. Stock No. 004-00398-5.
All external cables connecting to this basic unit need to be shielded. For cables connecting to option boards, see the option manual or installation instructions.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Acoustics - Preliminary Declared Values per ISO 9296 and ISO 7779. 1B=10dBA
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
Sound Power Level
, B
Idle Operate
4.8 4.9 39 40
Sound Pressure Level
, dBA
pAm (operator position) Idle Operate
Table of Contents
1 System Overview
PCI Architecture ...................................................................................................................1-2
System Front View................................................................................................................ 1-3
System Rear View................................................................................................................. 1-4
Security Features................................................................................................................... 1-5
Chassis Lock ...........................................................................................................1-5
Security Loop..........................................................................................................1-5
2 Getting Started
Before Starting Your System................................................................................................2-2
Identifying the Correct AC Power Cord......................................................................... 2-3
Installing Your System.........................................................................................................2-4
Connecting System Parts...............................................................................................2-5
Console Terminals.........................................................................................................2-7
Serial Port Connectors...................................................................................................2-7
Network Connection...................................................................................................... 2-7
Installing the Operating System.....................................................................................2-8
Digital UNIX and OpenVMS.................................................................................. 2-8
Microsoft Windows NT Server...............................................................................2-8
Starting Your System ........................................................................................................... 2-9
Turning Off Your System................................................................................................... 2-10
3 Console Commands
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3-1
ARC Console....................................................................................................................... 3-2
ARC Menus .................................................................................................................. 3-2
Boot Menu Functions: ............................................................................................ 3-2
Supplementary Menu Functions: ............................................................................ 3-2
Setup Menu Functions:........................................................................................... 3-2
Booting the System ....................................................................................................... 3-3
Boot "boot selection identifier"............................................................................... 3-3
Boot an Alternate Operating System....................................................................... 3-3
Manage Boot Selection Menu................................................................................. 3-3
Setup Autoboot....................................................................................................... 3-4
Display Hardware Configuration................................................................................... 3-4
Setting System Parameters ............................................................................................ 3-6
Set Default Environment Variables......................................................................... 3-6
Set Default Configuration....................................................................................... 3-6
Other Menu Functions................................................................................................... 3-7
Install New Firmware............................................................................................. 3-7
Install Windows NT from CD-ROM....................................................................... 3-7
Switching from ARC to SRM Console ................................................................... 3-7
SRM Console....................................................................................................................... 3-8
SRM Console Conventions............................................................................................ 3-8
SRM Console Special Characters .................................................................................. 3-9
Boot Command........................................................................................................... 3-10
Boot Command Examples.................................................................................... 3-11
Show Command.......................................................................................................... 3-12
Show Command Examples................................................................................... 3-13
Set Command.............................................................................................................. 3-16
Set Command Examples....................................................................................... 3-16
Switching from SRM to ARC console .................................................................. 3-17
ISA Configuration Utilities.......................................................................................... 3-17
ICONFIG Utility .................................................................................................. 3-17
Using the Built-in ICONFIG Scripts............................................................ 3-18
Adding Options Manually ........................................................................... 3-18
ISACFG Utility........................................................................................................... 3-20
Command Format................................................................................................. 3-20
Adding ISA Options to OpenVMS and Digital UNIX Systems ............................. 3-22
ISACFG Command Examples.............................................................................. 3-23
4 Installing System Options
Removing the Top Cover ..................................................................................................... 4-2
System Unit Components.....................................................................................................4-4
Installing Additional System Memory..................................................................................4-7
Adding Memory Modules.....................................................................................................4-8
Installing Expansion Boards............................................................................................... 4-10
General Information on Installing Drives............................................................................ 4-12
SCSI Bus Length......................................................................................................... 4-12
Internal SCSI Termination........................................................................................... 4-12
External SCSI Termination.......................................................................................... 4-13
Cable Layout............................................................................................................... 4-13
Installing Storage Options in the Drive Bracket.................................................................. 4-17
Storage Bay........................................................................................................................ 4-22
Replacing the Battery.........................................................................................................4-26
Replacing the System Cover............................................................................................... 4-27
Connecting External Options.............................................................................................. 4-29
Cabling for a Printer or Other Parallel Device ............................................................. 4-29
External SCSI Options................................................................................................. 4-29
5 Troubleshooting
Initial Troubleshooting.........................................................................................................5-1
Equipment Log.....................................................................................................................5-2
General Troubleshooting...................................................................................................... 5-2
Error Beep Codes................................................................................................................. 5-9
Diagnostic LEDs................................................................................................................ 5-10
Location of the LEDs .................................................................................................. 5-10
Interpreting the LED Indicator Values......................................................................... 5-10
A Technical Specifications
System Specifications...........................................................................................................A–2
Power Supply and Input Power Requirements ......................................................................A–4
Motherboard Jumpers...........................................................................................................A–4
B Updating System Firmware
Location of Firmware Updates.............................................................................................B–1
Updating the Console Firmware...........................................................................................B–2
Using the Flash Update Utility from the SRM Console..................................................B–3
Using the Flash Update Utility from the ARC Console .................................................. B–5
Updating PCI Option Firmware............................................................................................B–5
PCI Firmware Update Procedure...................................................................................B–5
C Starting an Operating System Installation
Introduction ........................................................................................................................C–1
Starting a Windows NT Installation ....................................................................................C–2
Starting a Digital UNIX Installation....................................................................................C–5
Starting an OpenVMS Installation....................................................................................... C–6
D Equipment Log
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... D–1
Equipment Log ....................................................................................................................D–1
Welcome to the AlphaServer 300 System
This guide introduces the AlphaServer 300 system.
Use the information here to start, use, update, troubleshoot, and configure your
AlphaServer 300 system. You can also find general information on the system
components, technical specifications, and console commands.
If you are operating, configuring, or adding options to the AlphaServer 300 system, the
information included here is helpful to you.
Organization of the Information
This information for users covers the following topics (see the Table of Contents for a detailed listing):
Chapter 1, System Overview. Motherboard, keyboard, system controls, indicators,
ports, and connections.
Chapter 2, Getting Started. Installing, starting, restarting, and turning off the system.
Chapter 3, Console Commands. Basic commands for ARC and SRM consoles.
Chapter 4, Installing System Options. Installing hard disk, compact disc, and tape
drives, memory, option cards, printer cable, and external SCSI cable.
Chapter 5, Troubleshooting. Possible causes and actions to solve problems.
Appendix A, Technical Specifications.
Appendix B, Updating System Firmware.
Appendix C, Starting an Operating System Installation.
Appendix D, Equipment Log.
This guide uses the following conventions:
Convention Example Description
[Enter] Square brackets surrounding text represent a key on the
[Ctrl]+[R] A plus sign indicates that you press both the keys shown at
Monospaced text indicates file names, path names, directories, or screen text. Each operating system has its own specific syntax.
the same time. Italic text indicates environment variables. Italic is also
occasionally used for emphasis. A pointing hand indicates a reference to additional
This guide uses the following abbreviations:
Abbreviation Meaning
ARC Advanced RISC Computing (the Windows NT Console).
CD Compact disc.
CD-ROM Compact disc read-only memory.
CPU Central processing unit.
DMA Direct memory access.
DRAM Dynamic random access memory.
DROM Diagnostic read only memory.
FDC Floppy disk controller.
flashROM Electrically erasable, rewriteable, nonvolatile memory.
GB A GB suffix to a numerical value indicates size in
IRQ Interrupt request.
ISA Industry-standard architecture.
Kb A Kb suffix to a numerical value indicates size in
KB A KB suffix to a numerical value indicates size in
LED Light-emitting diode.
Mb An Mb suffix to a numerical value indicates size in
MB A MB suffix to a numerical value indicates size in megabytes
MHz Megahertz.
MAU Media adapter unit.
ns Nanoseconds.
NVRAM Nonvolatile random access memory.
Digital UNIX Digital UNIX operating system.
PCI Peripheral component interconnect.
RISC Reduced instruction set computing.
ROM Read only memory.
(for example, 1 GB). A gigabyte equals 1,073,741,824 bytes.
example, 512 Kb). A kilobit equals 1024 bits.
(for example, 640 KB). A kilobyte equals 1024 bytes.
(for example, 10 Mb). A megabit equals 1,048,576 bits.
(for example, 550 MB). A megabyte equals 1,048,576 bytes.
Abbreviation Meaning
SCSI Small computer system interface. SIMM Single in-line memory modules. SRM The Digital UNIX and OpenVMS console firmware. SROM Serial read only memory. VMS OpenVMS operating system.
Special Notices
This guide uses four kinds of notices to emphasize specific information.
A WARNING indicates the presence of a hazard that can cause personal injury.
________________________CAUTION ___________________________
A CAUTION indicates the presence of a hazard that can cause damage to hardware or that might corrupt software.
_________________________ NOTE_____________________________
A NOTE gives general information, such as compatibility with other products or pointers to other information.
__________________________HINT _____________________________
A HINT includes suggestions to make your computing tasks easier.
Additional Information Resources
You may wish to consult the following information resource on your AlphaServer 300
AlphaServer 300 Installation Information (order number EK-AS300-IN) presents a
graphical overview of the AlphaServer 300 installation.
AlphaServer 300 Service Information (order number AK-R2M9A-CA) provides
troubleshooting and removal and replacement procedures, presented as an on-line help file.
On the Internet go to: http://www.digital.com/info/alphaserver/products.html where
you will find more information on Digital AlphaServer products.
Contact your distributor or Digital representative for other product-related information.
This chapter describes the AlphaServer 300 system hardware components, including the
motherboard, PCI architecture, keyboard, front panel controls, rear panel connectors, and
security features.
Your AlphaServer 300 system uses a high-performance DECchip 21064A CPU (central
processing unit). System features include:
2 MB cache memory.
Memory controller and data path that connects through a 128-bit wide data bus to
main memory and through a 128-bit wide data bus to second-level cache. The data is longword parity protected (each set of 32 bits has a parity bit).
PCI bus adapter with a 32-bit wide multiplexed address/data bus.
Floppy disk controller that supports a floppy drive and one additional CD drive.
PCI-based embedded SCSI-2 controller that supports up to seven SCSI peripherals
such as hard disk drives, CD-ROM drive, and tape drives.
System Overview
One slot for a PCI option, one slot for a PCI or ISA option, and one additional slot for
a half-size ISA option.
Keyboard and mouse ports, two serial ports, and one enhanced bidirectional parallel
PCI based Ethernet adapter.
Refer to Appendix A, Technical Specifications, for additional information.
System Overview 1-1
PCI Architecture
Your system’s PCI architecture represents the latest advances in local bus technology. The AlphaServer 300 system PCI architecture delivers maximum performance by providing a wider data path, greater speed, and improved expandability. PCI removes various types of peripheral controllers from the slower ISA bus and connects them directly to a wider, faster data path. The result is faster data transfers for devices such as SCSI controllers and network interface cards—a critical advantage when you are running I/O-intensive software.
PCI local bus features include:
Highest performance in the market today.
Best expandability for high-performance peripheral devices.
Support for multiple bus masters.
32-bit data transfer at 132 MB per second (peak).
PCI-to-ISA bridge capability that allows you to use commonly available ISA options.
1-2 AlphaServer 300 User’s Guide
System Front View
Figure 1-1 is a front view of the system showing the location of the controls and indicators.
Table 1-1 describes these items.
1 2 3 6
Figure 1-1 Front Controls and Indicators
Table 1-1 Front Controls and Indicators
Legend Control or Indicator Function
1 Power indicator Lights when the system is on. 2 Disk activity indicator Lights when a hard disk drive is in use. 3 Reset button This button resets the system and causes the
self-test to run. See Appendix A, Technical Specifications, for directions on setting the
Reset jumper. 4 Floppy drive Location of 3.5-inch diskette drive. 5 Floppy eject button Push to eject the floppy disk. 6 Power on/off button Turns AC power on and off. 7 CD-ROM eject button Opens the CD loading drawer. 8 CD drive (optional) 5.25-inch half-size front-accessible drive
bay. 9 Hard drive (optional) 3.5-inch low-profile front-accessible hard
drive bay.
10 Louvered air intake Passageway for cooling air to enter the
system. (Do not block air intake.)
System Overview 1-3
System Rear View
Figure 1-2 shows the rear connectors and lock. Table 1-2 describes their functions.
6 7
1 2 3
15 14 13
Figure 1-2 Rear Connectors
Table 1-2 Rear Connectors
Figure Legend Connector Function
1 Voltage selector switch Allows you to set your system to work with 115 or
230 volts AC power. 2 Keyboard connector Use to connect a 101- or 102-key keyboard. 3 System (chassis) lock Locks top cover. 4 Twisted pair connector Connection to the embedded Ethernet controller . 5 ThinWire connector Connection to the embedded Ethernet controller . 6 ISA expansion slot Used for half-size ISA expansion options only. 7 PCI/ISA expansion slot Either a PCI or ISA option can use this slot. 8 PCI expansion slot Used for PCI expansion options. In this example,
a PCI graphics adapter is in the slot. 9 Security loop Attachment point for a padlock and security cable.
10 LED viewing ports Ports for viewing diagnostic LED indicators. 11 SCSI port Provides the interface between the system unit and
external SCSI devices.
1-4 AlphaServer 300 User’s Guide
Table 1-2 Rear Connectors (
Figure Legend Connector Function
12 Enhanced bidirectional
parallel port 13 Serial port connectors Connects serial devices. 14 Mouse connector Connects a PS/2-compatible mouse. 15 AC power connector Connects the system to AC power.
Security Features
Chassis Lock
To avoid theft of internal components, your AlphaServer 300 system comes with a chassis key lock, which is located on the back of your system box. When this lock is in the locked position, the system box cover cannot be removed. Store the key in a safe place.
Security Loop
The security loop discourages theft of your system unit. The loop is designed to be used with a padlock and secure cable.
For additional security, most screen saver and pause screen displays can have password protection enabled.
Connects an industry-standard parallel printer or other parallel device.
System Overview 1-5
Your AlphaServer 300 system is a high-performance system that uses the latest microprocessor technology. This chapter describes how to install, turn on, boot, and turn off your AlphaServer 300 system. Figure 2-1 shows a typical AlphaServer 300 system.
Getting Started
Figure 2-1 AlphaServer 300 System
Getting Started 2-1
Before Starting Your System
Before starting your system, perform the following steps:
1. Read and understand the information supplied with your system.
2. Select a well-ventilated site near a grounded power outlet and away from sources of excessive heat. The site should also be isolated from electric noise (for example, spikes, sags, and surges) produced by devices such as air conditioners, large fans, radios, and televisions.
3. Save all shipping containers and packing material for repackaging or moving the system later.
_________________________NOTES ____________________________
1. Do not install optional hardware or application software until you have started your system and verified that the base system is working correctly.
2. On systems that have preloaded software, a label attached to the system unit informs you that licensed software has been installed. Carefully review the software license agreement shipped with your system.
When unpacking and moving system components, be aware that some components (such as the system unit or monitor) may be too heavy for you to safely lift alone. If you are doubtful about whether you can lift these items alone, please get assistance.
2-2 AlphaServer 300 User’s Guide
Identifying the Correct AC Power Cord
A country specific detachable power supply cord will be provided or specified for your AlphaServer 300 system. As there are variations from one country to another, and systems may be moved, please inspect your power cord to ensure it is the correct one for your country or region. If you are not sure that the supplied AC power cord is correct, contact your authorized Digital service representative before you use it.
________________________WARNING __________________________
Do not attempt to modify or use an external 115-volt AC power cord for 230-volt AC input power. Modifying the power cord can cause personal injury and severe equipment damage.
Power cords for AlphaServer 300 systems must meet the following criteria:
Within the U.S. and Canada, this cord set will be Listed, Certified*, SVT, #18AWG,
3-conductor, grounding type, rated minimum 125V, 10A.
In other countries, this cord set will be <HAR>, minimum 1.0mm
250V, 6A, with plugcap appropriate for the country where used.
, rated minimum
Getting Started 2-3
Installing Your System
The AlphaServer 300 Installation Information accompanying your system shows the steps to follow when installing your system.
_______________________ CAUTIONS __________________________
1. To ensure that your system is properly cooled, make sure that air can freely flow into the front and out of the rear of the system unit.
2. The system is designed to be placed horizontally on a desktop. Do not use a stand or rack that would hold the system on its side.
Check to make sure that you received all your system components. (See Appendix D, Equipment Log, to list your equipment.) If something is missing, please contact your distributor or Digital representative.
Position your system so that air can flow freely to and from the vents, as shown in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2 System Airflow
2-4 AlphaServer 300 User’s Guide
Connecting System Parts
To connect the components of your AlphaServer 300 system, perform the following steps:
1. Confirm that the voltage selector switch matches your local voltage (either 115 volts or 230 volts), as Figure 2-3 shows.
Figure 2-3 Voltage Selector Switch
________________________ CAUTION___________________________
Improper voltage selection can damage the system's power supply.
2. Ensure that the power switch is in the off (out) position. Refer to your system's Installation Information for a view of the positions of this switch.
3. Connect the mouse, keyboard, video cable, and power cords to the system components, as Figure 2-4 shows.
Getting Started 2-5
Figure 2-4 Connecting Cables and Power Cords
4. If you have an external SCSI device or SCSI storage box, connect the SCSI cable to the SCSI port on the rear of the system. See the SCSI termination section in Chapter
2-6 AlphaServer 300 User’s Guide
Console Terminals
The AlphaServer 300 system supports two types of console terminals, a graphics terminal and a serial terminal. The console terminal is used to configure the system and boot the operating system. From the console terminal, you can issue commands to the system when the operating system is not running. If you are using the Windows NT operating system, a graphics terminal is required. If you are using either OpenVMS or Digital UNIX, the terminal may be graphics or serial.
The graphics terminal attaches to the graphics adapter card on the back of the system.
(This terminal is shown on the right side of Figure 2-4.) The “console” environment variable should be set to “graphics.”
The serial terminal attaches to the COM1 port on the back of the system. (This
terminal is shown at the bottom of Figure 2-4.) The “console” environment variable should be set to “serial.”
See Chapter 3, Console Commands, for more information on environment variables.
Serial Port Connectors
The serial port connectors consist of two 9-pin D-subminiature connectors. The baud rates supported by the system's serial ports are 50, 75, 110, 134.5, 150, 300, 600,
1200, 1800, 2000, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600 (56000 with approximately 3% error), and 115200.
Refer to your operating system documentation to confirm which baud rates are supported by your operating system.
Network Connection
Connect your network interface cable to the appropriate port on your network module. If you are using the Digital UNIX or OpenVMS operating systems, the ThinWire port is selected by default. You can change to the twisted-pair port by entering the following SRM console command:
>>>set ewa0_mode twisted (See Chapter 3, Console Commands.)
Getting Started 2-7
Installing the Operating System
Digital UNIX and OpenVMS
If you ordered a Digital UNIX or OpenVMS version of the AlphaServer 300 system, your operating system came preloaded.
You may encounter a special circumstance that requires you to reload your operating system, In such a case, refer to your operating system documentation for information on loading. Also refer to Appendix C, Starting an Operating System Installation.
Microsoft Windows NT Server
If you ordered a system with a Microsoft Windows NT license, the operating system is not preloaded. However, Disk 0 on the first SCSI bus is partitioned and formatted so that you can immediately install the operating system. Refer to your operating system documentation for information on loading.
2-8 AlphaServer 300 User’s Guide
Starting Your System
1. Turn on the system unit power, monitor power, and any external devices. Figure 2-5
shows the location of the system unit power button.
Figure 2-5 Starting Your System
2. If necessary, adjust the monitor contrast and brightness to obtain a readable screen
display. (Refer to the information supplied with your monitor for further instructions.)
3. Allow your system to complete any power-on self-tests and device initialization
messages. During initialization, you will see information scroll by quickly on the screen. (This takes approximately 1 minute.)
4. If you are booting Digital UNIX or OpenVMS, the system halts and displays the SRM
console prompt (>>>). You can now boot the operating system using the boot command. (See boot command in the SRM console section of Chapter 3.) If the environment variable auto_action is set to boot, the system will boot automatically without using a boot command. (See the SRM environment variables section of Chapter 3 for more information.)
5. If you are booting Windows NT, the system normally halts and displays the ARC
console Boot Menu. You can now boot the system by selecting Boot Windows NT menu choice. (See the ARC console section of Chapter 3 for more information on the Boot Menu.) If autoboot is enabled, the system will boot automatically without using the menu. (See Setup Autoboot in the ARC console section of Chapter 3 for more information on setting autoboot and other system parameters.
Getting Started 2-9
Turning Off Your System
Before turning off your system, make sure to save and close all open files. If you turn the system off without saving and closing files, you might lose some or all of your work.
Perform the following steps to turn off your system:
1. Close any application data files you have open as well as any applications you have running. Most application programs prompt you to save the information before closing.
2. Shut down the operating system with the appropriate command from Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Operating System Shutdown
Operating System Action
Microsoft Windows NT From the Program Manager File Menu, choose Shutdown.
Choose the OK button to confirm.
Digital UNIX Type the following from a superuser account:
OpenVMS Type the following from a privileged account:
3. Wait for the operating system to complete the shutdown process. For OpenVMS and Digital UNIX, the SRM console prompt (>>>) is displayed. Microsoft Windows NT displays a window indicating it is safe to turn off or restart the system.
shutdown -h now
4. Do not turn off power to your system and peripherals until the shutdown sequence has completed.
2-10 AlphaServer 300 User’s Guide
The AlphaServer 300 system contains two console subsystems: ARC firmware that supports the Microsoft Windows NT operating system, and SRM firmware that supports the Digital UNIX and OpenVMS operating systems. The console firmware resides in flashROM on the motherboard. The user is responsible for performing system firmware upgrades. Consult Appendix B, Updating System Firmware, for more information.
This chapter gives a basic description of each console's commands.
Console Commands
Console Commands 3-1
ARC Console
The ARC console has a menu interface that supports the use of the Microsoft Windows NT operating system. When an AlphaServer 300 system with Microsoft Windows NT is powered on, initialization is performed. During initialization, the firmware checks the information stored in the nonvolatile memory. If the information is unreadable or inconsistent, a warning message is displayed. The warning message identifies the areas that must be fixed prior to booting Microsoft Windows NT. If the information is correct, a menu similar to the following displays after initialization:
Alpha Firmware Version 4.49 Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Digital Equipment Corporation
Boot menu:
Boot Windows NT Boot an alternate operating system Run a program Supplementary menu...
Use the arrow keys to select, then press Enter.
ARC Menus
The ARC console consists of three primary menus: Boot, Supplementary, and Setup.
Boot Menu Functions:
Boot the default boot selection
Boot an alternate boot selection
Run a program
Access the Supplementary menu
Supplementary Menu Functions:
Install new firmware
Install Microsoft NT from a compact disc
Access the Setup menu
Display the hardware configuration
Return to the Boot menu
Setup Menu Functions:
Set the system time
Set the default system partition
3-2 AlphaServer 300 User’s Guide
Configure the system floppy drives and keyboard
Manage the ARC boot selections
Set the system to boot automatically
Edit the system environment variables
Reset the system to factory defaults
Set the default operating system and system firmware
Return to the Supplementary menu, with or without saving Setup menu changes
Booting the System
Boot "boot selection identifier"
Selecting this menu item causes the system to boot the default operating system. The boot selection identifier, Windows NT in this case, uses values that were set up with the “Manage boot selection” menu. The default boot selection identifier is the identifier at the top of the identifier list. When the Boot Windows NT command is selected, you will see something similar to the following:
OS Loader V3.5
Microsoft (R) Windows NT (TM) Version 3.5 1 System Processor [49128 Kb memory] Checking file system on C: The type of file system is FAT. The volume is clean.
The screen then displays a Microsoft Windows NT Server graphic and the Welcome box appears.
Boot an Alternate Operating System
The “Boot an alternate operating system” command is located in the Boot menu. Use this command to select a boot selection identifier that is different from the default selection. For example, you could have multiple versions of Microsoft Windows NT installed, each with its own unique boot selection identifier; use this command to select the version you want to boot.
Manage Boot Selection Menu
Reach the “Manage boot selection menu” from the Setup menu. Use the manage boot selection menu to add, change, check, delete, dump (list), and rearrange boot selections.
Console Commands 3-3
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