Aikido Stereo 9-Pin PCB
Revision C
Recommended Configurations
Tube Lists
Assembly Instructions
Copyright 2006-2008© All Rights Reserved

GlassWare Audio Design
voltage power supply; thus, a real shock hazard exists.
Once the power supply is attached, be cautious at all times. In fact, always assume
disconnected or shut down. If you are not an experienced electrical practitioner,
plus voltage have someone who is experienced review your
loving solder slingers left; we cannot afford to lose any
PCB is extra thick, 0.094 inches (inserting and pulling tubes from their sockets won’t
thus, one board is all that is needed for stereo unbalanced use or one board for one
eight mounting holes, which help to prevent excessive PCB bending while inserting
film resistors, for example). In addition, most capacitor
The boards hold two coupling capacitors, each finding
its own 1M resistor to ground. Why? The idea here is that you can select (via a rotary
citors in parallel. Why again? One coupling
tantalum…. As they used to sing in a candy bar commercial: “Sometimes you feel like
capacitor has its virtues and failings. So use the one that best suits the
music; for example, one type of coupling capacitors for old Frank Sinatra recordings
valued capacitor would set
frequency cutoff of 80Hz for background or late night listening; the other
be hardwired together on the PCBs via jumpers J8 and J9, one smaller one acting as a
This PCB is for use with a high-
that capacitors will have retained their charge even after the power supply
before applying the Bwork. There are too few tubemore.
Rev. C Overview
Thank you for your purchase of the TCJ Aikido 9-pin stereo Rev. C PCB. This FR-
bend or break this board), double-sided, with plated-through 2oz cop
the boards are made in the USA. Each PCB holds two Aikido line-
channel of balanced amplification. The boards are four inches by ten inche
and pulling tubes from their sockets.
PCB Features
Redundant Solder Pads This board holds two sets of differentlyfor each critical resistor, so that radial and axial resistors can easily be used (bulkresistors and carbonlocations find many redundant solder pads, so wildly differingcapacitors can be placed neatly on the board, without excessively bending their leads.
Dual Coupling Capacitors
switch) between C1 or C2 or both capa
capacitor can be Teflon and the other oil or polypropylene or bee’s wax or wet-
a nut; sometimes you don't.”
Each type of
and the other for Beethoven string quartets.
Or the same flavor capacitor can fill both spots: one lowera lowhigher-valued capacitor, 5Hz for full range listening.
Or if you have found the perfect type of coupling capacitor, the two capacitors
bypass capacitor for the lager coupling capacitor.

amplifier delivers the sonic goods. It offers low distortion, low output
lies in its internal symmetry,
, complementary, balancing
perfect, then perfectly flat (perfectly linear) lenses would be needed, whereas imperfect
works well to flatten the transfer curve out of the
would never fit on the printed circuit board (PCBs), 211 and 845 triodes could be used
, not the tubes that make the Aikido
any believe that a different triode equals a different topology; it
The Aikido circuit sidesteps power supply noise by incorporating the noise into its
normal operation. The improved PSRR advantage is important, for it greatly unburdens
king or tube selecting, you should easily be able to get a
cathode amplifier with the same tubes
6dB PSRR); with some tweaking of resistor R15’s value,
ditionally, unless regulated power supplies are used for
the plate and heater, these critical voltages will vary at the whim of the power company
and your house’s and neighbors’ house’s use, usually throwing the once fixed voltage
rtheless, the Aikido amplifier will still function flawlessly, as it
GlassWare Audio Design
Introduction to the Aikido
The Aikido
impedance, a great PSRR figure, and feedback-free amplification. The secret to it
superb performance— in spite not using global feedback—
h balances imperfections with imperfections. As a result, the Aikido
at least a magnitude better than the equivalent SRPP or grounded-cathode amplifier.
For example, the Aikido circuit produces far less distortion than comparable circuits
using the triode’s own nonlinearity against itself. The triode is not as linear as a
so ideally, it should not see a linear load, but a corresponding
non-linear load. An analogy is found in someone needing eyeglasses; i
eyes need counterbalancing lenses (non-linear lenses) to see straight. Now,
triode with the same triode— under the same cathode-to-plate volt
and with the same cathode resistor—
6922 6922
Aikido Amplifier
In the schematic above, the triodes are so specified for example only.
to make an Aikido amplifier. The circuit does not rely on 6922 triodes
specific triodes to work correctly. It’s the topology
special. (Far too m
doesn't. Making this mistake would be like thinking that the essential aspect o
seeing- eye dog rested in being a Golden Lab.)
the power-supply. With no twea
-30dB PSRR figure (a conventional groundedand current draw yields only a -
-60dB or more is possible. Ad
relationships askew. Neve
tracks these voltage changes symmetrically.

wear out. Just as a tire’s weight and diameter decrease over time, so too the tube’s
conductance. So the fresh 6DJ8 is not the same as that same 6DJ8 after 2,000 hours of
which they are inclined to do,
the Aikido amplifier will always bias up correctly, splitting the B+ voltage between the
triodes. Moreover, the Aikido amplifier does not make huge popping swings at start
up, as the output does not start at the B+ and then swing down a hundred or so volts
when the tube heats up, as it does in a ground
supply noise from the output, by injecting the same
tube cathode follower circuit.
The way it works is that the input stage (the first two triodes) define a voltage divider
the PS noise is presented to the CF's grid; at the same time the
100k resistors also define a voltage divider of 50%, so the bottom triode's grid also
sees 50% of the PS noise. Since both of these signals are equal in amplitude and phase,
other out, as each triodes sees an identical increase in plate current
If the output connection is taken from the output cathode follower's cathode, then the
true if the cathode follower's cathode resistor
is removed. (Besides, this resistor actually makes for a better sounding cathode
follower, as it linearizes the cathode follower at the expense of a higher output
ohms for example. When used
o cathode resistor bypass capacitors should be used, as these
y few do not damage the sound,
How do I wire up a rotary switch for switching between the two coupling
position switch and some hookup wire. All
four coupling capacitors attach to the input contacts and the two channels of output
coupling capacitors C1’s or C2’s or both capacitors’ outputs. The
drawing below shows the knob on the faceplate and the rotary switch from behind.
GlassWare Audio Design
Remember, tubes are not yardsticks that never change, being more like car tires—
use. But as long as the two triodes age in the same way—
as they do the same amount of work and share the same materials and environment
-cathode amplifier.
This circuit eliminates poweramount of PS noise at the top and bottom of the two-
of 50%, so that 50% of
they cancel each
(imagine two equally strong men in a tug of war contest).
balance will be broken. The same holds
impedance. Unfortunately, it should be removed and the bypass capacitor C3
be used when driving low- impedance headphones, 32as a line stage amplifier, n
capacitors are very much in the signal path and ver
unless high quality capacitors are used.)
capacitors? We need a four- pole, three-
can receive either
(The switch is shown on the "C1 + C2" position.)
Right Output
Lt C2
Lt C1
Rt C1
Switch Rear
Rt C2
C1 & C2
Switch Front
Left Output