HP A3100-16 v2 SI, A3100-16 v2 EI, A3100-8-PoE v2 EI, A3100-24 v2 EI, A3100-16-PoE v2 EI Command Reference Manual

HP A3100 v2 Switch Series
High Availability Command Reference
HP A3100-8 v2 SI Switch (JG221A)
HP A3100-16 v2 SI Switch (JG222A)
HP A3100-24 v2 SI Switch (JG223A)
HP A3100-8 v2 EI Switch (JD318B)
HP A3100-8-PoE v2 EI Switch (JD311B)
HP A3100-16-PoE v2 EI Switch (JD312B)
HP A3100-24-PoE v2 EI Switch (JD313B)
Part number: 5998-1980
Software version: Release 5103
Document version: 6W100-20110909
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Ethernet OAM configuration commands···················································································································· 1
display oam ······························································································································································1 display oam configuration·······································································································································4 display oam critical-event ········································································································································6 display oam link-event ·············································································································································7 oam enable···························································································································································· 10 oam errored-frame period ···································································································································· 10 oam errored-frame threshold································································································································11 oam errored-frame-period period ························································································································ 11 oam errored-frame-period threshold···················································································································· 12 oam errored-frame-seconds period ····················································································································· 13 oam errored-frame-seconds threshold ················································································································· 13 oam errored-symbol period·································································································································· 14 oam errored-symbol threshold······························································································································ 14 oam loopback························································································································································ 15 oam loopback interface········································································································································ 16 oam loopback reject-request ································································································································16 oam mode ······························································································································································ 17 oam timer hello······················································································································································ 18 oam timer keepalive·············································································································································· 18 reset oam································································································································································ 19
DLDP configuration commands ·································································································································20
display dldp ··························································································································································· 20 display dldp statistics ············································································································································ 22 dldp authentication-mode ····································································································································· 23 dldp delaydown-timer ··········································································································································· 24 dldp enable···························································································································································· 24 dldp interval··························································································································································· 25 dldp reset ······························································································································································· 26 dldp unidirectional-shutdown ······························································································································· 27 dldp work-mode····················································································································································· 27 reset dldp statistics ················································································································································ 28
Smart Link configuration commands(available only on the A3100 V2 EI)····························································29
display smart-link flush ·········································································································································· 29 display smart-link group········································································································································ 30 flush enable···························································································································································· 31 port·········································································································································································· 31 port smart-link group ············································································································································· 32 preemption delay ·················································································································································· 33 preemption mode ·················································································································································· 34 protected-vlan ························································································································································35 reset smart-link statistics ········································································································································ 36 smart-link flush enable··········································································································································· 36 smart-link group ····················································································································································· 37
Monitor Link configuration commands (available only on the A3100 V2 EI)·······················································38
display monitor-link group···································································································································· 38 monitor-link group ················································································································································· 39
port·········································································································································································· 39 port monitor-link group ········································································································································· 40
Support and other resources ·····································································································································42
Contacting HP ································································································································································ 42
Subscription service ·············································································································································· 42
Related information························································································································································ 42
Documents······························································································································································ 42 Websites································································································································································· 42
Conventions ···································································································································································· 43
Index ···········································································································································································45
Ethernet OAM configuration commands
display oam
display oam { local | remote } [ interface interface-type interface-number ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Any view
Default level
2: System level
local: Displays the Ethernet OAM connection information of the local end.
remote: Displays the Ethernet OAM connection information of the remote end.
interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies a port by its type and number.
|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular
expressions, see the Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.
exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.
include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.
Use the display oam command to display the information about an Ethernet OAM connection, including connection status, information contained in the Ethernet OAM packet header, and Ethernet OAM packet statistics.
If you do not specify the interface keyword, this command displays the information about all Ethernet OAM connections.
Related commands: reset oam.
# Display the information about the Ethernet OAM connection established on the local port Ethernet 1/0/1.
<Sysname> display oam local interface ethernet 1/0/1 Port : Ethernet1/0/1 Link Status : Up EnableStatus : Enable Local_oam_mode : Active Local_pdu : ANY Local_mux_action : FWD Local_par_action : FWD
OAMLocalFlagsField :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------­Link Fault : 0 Dying Gasp : 0 Critical Event : 0 Local Evaluating : COMPLETE Remote Evaluating : COMPLETE
Packets statistic : Packets Send Receive
-------------------------------------------------------------------------­OAMPDU 645 648 OAMInformation 645 648 OAMEventNotification 0 -­OAMUniqueEventNotification -- 0 OAMDuplicateEventNotification -- 0
Table 1 Output description
Field Description
Port index
Link Status
Link status
Ethernet OAM state (enabled or disabled)
Local Ethernet OAM mode, which can be:
Active, indicating the port operates in the active Ethernet OAM mode
Passive, indicating the port operates in the passive Ethernet OAM
The way in which the local end processes Ethernet OAMPDUs:
RX _INFO, indica ting the p ort only receives I nformat ion OAMPDUs and
does not send any Ethernet OAMPDUs.
LF_INFO, indicating the port only sends the Information OAMPDUs
without Information TLV triplets and with their link error flag bits being set.
INFO, indicating the port sends and receives only Information
ANY, indicating the port sends and receives Ethernet OAMPDUs of
any type.
Working mode of the local transmitter, which can be:
FWD, indicating the port can send any packets.
DISCARD, indicating the port only sends Ethernet OAMPDUs.
Working mode of the local receiver, which can be:
FWD, indicating the port can receive any packets.
DISCARD, indicating the port only receives Ethernet OAMPDUs.
LB, indicating the local receiver is in the loopback state. All the packets
other than Ethernet OAMPDUs received on the local receiver are returned to their sources along the ways they came.
OAMLocalFlagsField Local flags inserted in the local flag fields of the Ethernet OAMPDUs sent
Link Fault
Indicates whether an Ethernet OAM link error is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes
Dying Gasp Indicates whether a fatal error is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes
Field Description
Critical Event Indicates whether a critical error is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes
Local Evaluating
Indicates whether the local-to-remote configuration negotiation is complete:
COMPLETE for completed
REVERSED for uncompleted
Remote Evaluating
Indicates whether the remote-to-local configuration negotiation is complete:
COMPLETE for completed
REVERSED for uncompleted
Packets statistic Statistics about Ethernet OAMPDUs sent and received
OAMPDU Total number of the Ethernet OAMPDUs sent and received
OAMInformation Number of the Information OAMPDUs sent and received
OAMEventNotification Number of the Event notification OAMPDUs sent and received
Number of the unduplicated Event notification OAMPDUs sent or received uniquely
OAMDuplicateEventNotification Number of the duplicate Event notification OAMPDUs sent or received
# Display the Ethernet OAM information of the peer port Ethernet 1/0/1.
<Sysname> display oam remote interface ethernet 1/0/1 Port : Ethernet1/0/1 Link Status : Up Information of the latest received OAM packet: OAMRemoteMACAddress : 00e0-fd73-6502 OAMRemotePDUConfiguration : 1500
OAMRemoteState :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------­Remote_mux_action : FWD Remote_par_action : FWD
OAMRemoteConfiguration :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------­OAM Mode : Active Unidirectional Support : YES Loopback Support : YES Link Events : YES Variable Retrieval : NO
OAMRemoteFlagsField :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------­Link Fault : 0 Dying Gasp : 0 Critical Event : 0 Local Evaluating : COMPLETE Remote Evaluating : COMPLETE
Table 2 Output description
Field Description
Port Port index
Field Description
Link Status Link status
Information of the latest received OAM packet
Information about the latest received Ethernet OAMPDU
OAMRemoteMACAddress MAC address of the Ethernet OAM peer
OAMRemotePDUConfiguration Maximum Ethernet OAMPDU size allowed
OAMRemoteState State of the Ethernet OAM peer
Remote_mux_action Peer sending mode. For more information, see Table 1.
Remote_par_action Peer receiving mode. For more information, see Table 1.
OAMRemoteConfiguration Configuration of the peer Ethernet OAM entity
OAM Mode Ethernet OAM mode
Unidirectional Support Indicates whether unidirectional transmission is supported (YES or NO)
Loopback Support
Indicates whether Ethernet OAM remote loopback is supported (YES or NO)
Link Events
Indicates whether Ethernet OAM link error events are supported (YES or NO)
Variable Retrieval Indicates whether MIB variable retrieval is supported (YES or NO)
OAMRemoteFlagsField Values of the peer Ethernet OAM flag fields in OAM packets
Link Fault Indicates whether a link fault is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes
Dying Gasp Indicate whether a fatal fault is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes
Critical Event Indicate whether a critical fault is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes
Local Evaluating
Indicates whether the local-to-remote configuration negotiation is complete:
COMPLETE for completed
REVERSED for uncompleted
Remote Evaluating
Indicates whether the remote-to-local configuration negotiation is complete:
COMPLETE for completed
REVERSED for uncompleted
display oam configuration
display oam configuration [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Any view
Default level
2: System level
|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular
expressions, see the Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.
exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.
include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.
Use the display oam configuration command to display global Ethernet OAM configuration, including the periods and thresholds for Ethernet OAM link error event detection.
Related commands: oam errored-symbol period, oam errored-symbol threshold, oam errored-frame
period, oam errored-frame threshold, oam errored-frame-period period, oam errored-frame-period threshold, oam errored-frame-seconds period, oam errored-frame-seconds threshold, oam timer hello, and oam timer keepalive.
# Display global Ethernet OAM configuration.
<Sysname> display oam configuration Configuration of the link event window/threshold :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------­Errored-symbol Event period(in seconds) : 1 Errored-symbol Event threshold : 1 Errored-frame Event period(in seconds) : 1 Errored-frame Event threshold : 1 Errored-frame-period Event period(in ms) : 1000 Errored-frame-period Event threshold : 1 Errored-frame-seconds Event period(in seconds) : 60 Errored-frame-seconds Event threshold : 1
Configuration of the timer :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------­Hello timer(in ms) : 1000 Keepalive timer(in ms) : 5000
Table 3 Output description
Field Description
Configuration of the link event window/threshold
Detection intervals and triggering thresholds configured for link events
Errored-symbol Event period (in seconds)
Errored symbol event detection interval, which defaults to one second.
Errored-symbol Event threshold Errored symbol event triggering threshold, which defaults to 1.
Errored-frame Event period (in seconds)
Errored frame event detection interval, which defaults to one second.
Errored-frame Event threshold Errored frame event triggering threshold, which defaults to 1.
Field Description
Errored-frame-period Event period (in ms)
Errored frame period event detection interval, which defaults to 1000 milliseconds.
Errored-frame-period Event threshold
Errored frame period event triggering threshold, which defaults to 1.
Errored-frame-seconds Event period (in seconds)
Errored frame seconds event detection interval, which defaults to 60 seconds.
Errored-frame-seconds Event threshold
Errored frame seconds event triggering threshold, which defaults to 1.
Configuration of the timer Ethernet OAM connection detection timers.
Hello timer(in ms)
Ethernet OAM handshake packet transmission interval, the value of which defaults to 1000 milliseconds.
Keepalive timer(in ms)
Ethernet OAM connection timeout timer, the value of which defaults to 5000 milliseconds.
display oam critical-event
display oam critical-event [ interface interface-type interface-number] [ | { begin | exclude | include }
regular-expression ]
Any view
Default level
2: System level
interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies a port by its type and number.
|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular
expressions, see the Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.
exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.
include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.
Use the display oam critical-event command to display the statistics on critical Ethernet OAM link events that have occurred on a port.
If you do not specify the interface keyword, this command displays the statistics on the critical Ethernet OAM link events occurred on all the ports of the switch.
# Display the statistics on critical Ethernet OAM link events occurred on all the ports.
<Sysname> display oam critical-event Port : Ethernet1/0/1
Link Status : Up Event statistic :
------------------------------------------------------------------------­Link Fault :0 Dying Gasp : 0 Critical Event : 0
Table 4 Output description
Field Description
Port Port index
Link Status Link status
Event statistic Statistics on critical Ethernet OAM link events
Link Fault Indicates whether a link fault is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes
Dying Gasp Indicate whether a fatal fault is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes
Critical Event Indicate whether a critical fault is present: 0 for no and 1 for yes
display oam link-event
display oam link-event { local | remote } [ interface interface-type interface-number ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Any view
Default level
2: System level
local: Displays the statistics on the local Ethernet OAM link error events.
remote: Displays the statistics on the peer Ethernet OAM link error events.
interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies a port by its type and number.
|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular
expressions, see the Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.
exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.
include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.
regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.
Use the display oam link-event command to display the statistics on Ethernet OAM link error events that occurred on a local port or a peer port. Ethernet OAM link error events include errored symbol events, errored frame events, errored frame period events, and errored frame seconds events.
If you do not specify the interface keyword, this command displays the statistics on the Ethernet OAM link error events that occurred on all the local/peer ports.
Related commands: display oam configuration and reset oam.
# Display the statistics on Ethernet OAM link error events occurred on all the local ports.
<Sysname> display oam link-event local Port : Ethernet1/0/1 Link Status : Up
OAMLocalErrFrameEvent : (ms = milliseconds)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------­Event Time Stamp : 3539 Errored Frame Window : 10(100ms) Errored Frame Threshold : 5 Errored Frame : 1488111 Error Running Total : 260908758 Event Running Total : 307
OAMLocalErrFramePeriodEvent :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------­Event Time Stamp : 3539 Errored Frame Window : 976500 Errored Frame Threshold : 1 Errored Frame : 1042054 Error Running Total : 260909151 Event Running Total : 471
OAMLocalErrFrameSecsSummaryEvent : (ms = milliseconds)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------­Event Time Stamp : 3389 Errored Frame Second Summary Window : 600(100ms) Errored Frame Second Summary Threshold : 1 Errored Frame Second Summary : 60 Error Running Total : 292 Event Running Total : 5
Table 5 Output description
Field Description
Port Port index
Link Status Link status
Information about local errored frame events.
Event Time Stamp: time when an errored frame event occurred (in 100
Errored Frame Window: Error frame detection interval (in 100
Errored Frame Threshold: error threshold that triggers an errored frame
Errored Frame: the number of detected error frames over the specific
detection interval.
Error Running Total: the total number of error frames.
Event Running Total: the total number of errored frame events that have
Field Description
Information about local errored frame period events:
Event Time Stamp: time when an errored frame event occurred (in 100
Errored Frame Window: maximum number of 64-byte frames that can
be transmitted through an Ethernet port over the configured error frame period detection interval. For more information, see the “oam
errored-frame-period period“ command.
Errored Frame Threshold: error threshold that triggers an error frame
period event.
Errored Frame: the number of detected error frames over a detection
Error Running Total: the total number of error frames that have
Event Running Total: the total number of error frame period events.
OAMLocalErrFrameSecsSummary Event
Information about local errored frame seconds events:
Event Time Stamp: time when an error frame seconds event occurred (in
terms of 100 milliseconds).
Errored Frame Second Summary Window: error frame second
detection interval (in 100 milliseconds).
Errored Frame Second Summary Threshold: error threshold that
triggers an error frame seconds event.
Errored Frame Second Summary: the number of detected error frame
seconds over a detection interval.
Error Running Total: the total number of error frame seconds.
Event Running Total: the total number of error frame seconds events that
have occurred.
# Display Ethernet OAM link event statistics of the remote ends of all the ports.
<Sysname> display oam link-event remote Port :Ethernet1/0/1 Link Status :Up OAMRemoteErrFrameEvent : (ms = milliseconds)
--------------------------------------------------------------------­Event Time Stamp : 5789 Errored Frame Window : 10(100ms) Errored Frame Threshold : 1 Errored Frame : 3 Error Running Total : 35 Event Running Total : 17
Table 6 Output description
Field Description
Port Port index
Link Status Link status
Field Description
Information about remote errored frame events.
Event Time Stamp: Time when an errored frame event occurred (in 100
Errored Frame Window: Error frame detection interval (in 100
Errored Frame Threshold: Error threshold that triggers an errored frame
Errored Frame: The number of detected error frames over the specific
detection interval.
Error Running Total: The total number of error frames.
Event Running Total: The total number of errored frame events that have
oam enable
oam enable
undo oam enable
Ethernet port view
Default level
2: System level
Use the oam enable command to enable Ethernet OAM on the Ethernet port.
Use the undo oam enable command to disable Ethernet OAM on the Ethernet port.
By default, Ethernet OAM is disabled on all Ethernet ports.
# Enable OAM on port Ethernet 1/0/1.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0/1 [Sysname-Ethernet1/0/1] oam enable
oam errored-frame period
oam errored-frame period period-value
undo oam errored-frame period
System view
Default level
2: System level
period-value: Errored frame event detection interval, ranging from 1 to 60 (in seconds).
Use the oam errored-frame period command to set the errored frame event detection interval.
Use the undo oam errored-frame period command to restore the default.
By default, the errored frame event detection interval is one second.
Related commands: oam errored-frame threshold, display oam link-event, and display oam
# Set the errored frame event detection interval to 10 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] oam errored-frame period 10
oam errored-frame threshold
oam errored-frame threshold threshold-value
undo oam errored-frame threshold
System view
Default level
2: System level
threshold-value: Errored frame event triggering threshold, ranging from 0 to 4294967295.
Use the oam errored-frame threshold command to set the errored frame event triggering threshold.
Use the undo oam errored-frame threshold command to restore the default.
By default, the errored frame event triggering threshold is 1.
Related commands: oam errored-frame period, display oam link-event, and display oam configuration.
# Set the errored frame event triggering threshold to 100.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] oam errored-frame threshold 100
oam errored-frame-period period
oam errored-frame-period period period-value
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