Build to Customer Order Rebate Program
Build to Customer Order Rebate Program (mail-in rebate)
Build to Customer Order Rebate Program Build to Customer Order Rebate Program
June 24 to August 19, 2003
You may be eligible for a rebate based on the dat e of your purc hase and the produc ts purchased. To take advant age of this offer you mus t
purchase any HP Pavilion Build to Order deskt op PC and one or more of the eli gible products list ed below between June 24 to August 19,
2003. If your purchase qualifies, follow the instructions below to claim your rebate:
1) Please Check Eligible Product:
[ ] $50 Rebate m703c Monitor P9604C#ABA
[ ]
$50 Rebate vf15 Monitor P9619C#ABA
2) Provide the Following Information: (All information is required; except for email address)
Name: ¨ Mr. ¨ Mrs. ¨ Ms. _________________________________________________________________
First Last
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________ State/Province: _________________ Zip/Postal Code: ___________
Phone: _________________________________________ Email: (optional) ________________________________________
Desktop Model No.: _______________________ Serial No.: ______________________________________
Monitor Model No.: _______________________ Serial No.: ______________________________________
3) Submit: a) this completed coupon, b) original or copy of store-identifi ed receipt and
HP Pavilion Build to Customer Order Desktop Product. The order date must be of June 24 to August 19, 2003 with the purchas e price and
order date circled, c) original or copy of UPC barcode for the qualif ying HP Pavilion Desktop PC. The Hewlett-Pac kard UP C/barcode proofof-purchase label is located on the outside of you HP product box.
4) Your request for process ing of your claim must be received no later than 45 days af ter your original purchase date from the retailer.
Claims postmarked or received after applicable dates and incomplete or illegible submissions will be returned as ineligible.
5) Mail to: HP Build-to-Customer Order Rebate, P.O. Box 8157 Young America, MN 55551-8157
6) Receive: Your rebate check payable in U.S. dollars, as specified. Allow 8-10 weeks for processing. If terms and conditions are not met,
rebate will not be sent. HP is not responsible for any claims lost, damaged or delayed in transit. Rebate checks are void if not cashed within
90 days of issuance and cannot be reissued.
General Terms and Conditions:
Offer good on purchases made between of June 24 to August 19, 2003 of qualif ying HP P avilion Bui ld to Cust omer Order Desktop pl us one
of more qualifying accessories. Products purchased before or after thes e dates are not eligible for this offer. Purchase date is determined
by the invoice or receipt dat e not the packing slip s hip date. Your request for proces sing of your claim must be received no later than 45
days after your original purchase date from the retailer. This offer is combinable with other offers except another Build to Customer Order
Rebate Program offer. Offer not valid on refurbis hed product s. Keep copi es of mat erials submitted; originals becom e HP property and will
not be returned. HP reserves the right to reques t additional information regarding this claim. False information disqual ifies this claim,
making it subject to review under U.S. Postal Regul ations or Canadian law. Violators may be prosecuted. Only purchases made b y an enduser customer or a commercial business from an authorized HP reseller in the United States, Canada and their territories are valid.
Purchases made by HP resellers and internal HP orders are ineligible. Off er void where prohibited, taxed or restricted by l aw. If you have
any questions regarding this offer, please c all the HP Awards Center at 1-800-728-9665 f rom 7:00A M through 6:30PM, CT, 7 days a week.
Limit one (1) rebate per product per offer. Limit one (1) rebate check per product.
your packing slip from your order for the qualifyi ng
Thank you for your business!