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changing the printing date. the manual part number will change when extensive changes
are made.
Manual updates may be issued between editions to correct errors or document product
changes. To ensure that you receive the updated or new editions, you should subscribe to
the appropriate product support service. See your HP sales representative for details.
First Edition: January, 1997
Second Edition: August, 1997
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SERIOUS ERRORS, such as technical inaccuracies that may render a
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The HP 9000/D2xx and D3xx Class of servers can be mounted into a cabinet to consolidate
the pieces of the core system. The cabinet is available in a 1.1 meter (44.3 inches) size
(A1896A) and a 1.6 meter (63.8 inches) size (A1897A). Both cabinets have a usable depth of
.905 meter (35.6 inches). The cabinets have mounting columns to receive equipment with
EIA standard 19 inch mounting flanges.
Inspecting the Shipment
When the shipment arrives, make sure the cabinet has been received as specified by the
carrier's bill of lading. Inspect the shipping container for evidence of mishandling during
transit. If the container is damaged or water-stained, ask that the carrier's agent be
present when the cabinet is unpacked. Refer to the instructions described in the ClaimsProcedure section. If everything appears to be in satisfactory condition, proceed with the
unpacking instructions.
NOTEDo not discard or destroy the shipping container or the packaging material. If
it becomes necessary to repackage the cabinet, these items will be needed. HP
also suggests that you keep this manual, in case you later have to repackage
the cabinet for shipment.
Claims Procedure
If the shipment is incomplete or if the equipment is damaged or fails to meet specifications,
notify the nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Support Office. If damage occurred in
transit, notify the carrier as well. Hewlett-Packard will arrange for replacement or repair
without waiting for settlement of claims against the carrier. If the shipment was damaged
in transit, keep the shipping containers and packaging material for inspection.
Chapter 11-1
Cabinet Configurations
Cabinet Configurations
Although the cabinets are designed to accommodate a variety of components mounted in
just about any configuration, there are some basic rules that apply to mounting a computer
system. These rules allow for weight distribution, accessibility of the components, and
cable management inside the rack-mount cabinet. Figure 1-1shows some example
Figure 1-1 Cabinet Configuration Examples
1-2Chapter 1
Required Tools
Required Tools
Before beginning the installation process, make sure you have the necessary tools.
1. Standard hand tools (including Torx-drive set and voltmeter).
2. Flat-blade screwdriver, 3/16-inch by 9 inches long.
3. Open-ended 9/16-inch wrench.
Chapter 11-3
Required Tools
1-4Chapter 1
Site Requirements
2Site Requirements
This chapter describes the site requirements for the installation of an HP A1896A or HP
A1897A cabinet. There is no HP site preparation required for the rack-mount cabinets.
There are some customer site preparation requirements. The customer is responsible for
having the proper type and amount of electrical outlets at the cabinet site. The customer
must also be aware of any system site requirements that the computer in the cabinet may
have. Be sure to check all site requirements before installing any equipment. Refer to
Table 2-1 for the cabinet physical specifications, and Table 2-2 for the cabinet electrical
requirements. T able 2-1 shows the types of receptacles that are needed to match the power
cords for specific cabinet power configurations.
NOTEThere are no special environmental site requirements for the HP A1896A or
HP A1897A cabinets, or the computer systems contained in them.
Table 2-1 Physical Specifications
All ModelsWidth: 600 mm (23.6 in)
Depth: 905 mm (35.6 in)
Cooling and access space: 610 mm (24 in), front and rear
A1897AHeight: 1.6 meter (63.8 inches)
A1896AHeight: 1.1 meter (44.3 inches)
Table 2-2 Power Requirements
CabinetPDU V/APlug TypeReceptacle Type
(1.1 meter)
(1.6 meter)
US 100-129V/50/60HZ, 16A maxNEMA 5-20PNEMA 5-156
US 208-240V/50/60Hz, 16A maxNEMA L6-20PNEMA L6-20R10
Europe 230V/50/60Hz, 16A maxCable no plugCountry dependent10
US 208-240V/50/60Hz,16A maxNEMA L6-20PNEMA L6-20R10
Europe 230V/50/60Hz,16A maxCable no plugCountry dependent10
# IEC 320
Refer to Figure 2-1 for the type of receptacle required to accommodate the cabinet power
Chapter 22-1
Site Requirements
NOTEThe cabinets that are sold in Europe are shipped without a power plug on the
end of the PDU cable. It is the responsibility of the customer to supply the
correct plug and receptacle for the particular country and electrical code, or
have the power cord wired to the power outlet.
Figure 2-1 Receptacle Types
CAUTIONEnsure external power connection matches voltage settings of all products in
this cabinet.
2-2Chapter 2
Unpacking and Installation
3Unpacking and Installation
This chapter describes how to unpack the A1896A or A1897A cabinet assembly. Both
cabinets are shipped on a pallet. The instructions for unpacking are the same for both the
A1896A and A1897A cabinet.
It is the customer's responsibility to inspect the shipping package for shipping damage.
It is the Hewlett-Packard Customer Engineer’s responsibility to remove the cabinet
assembly from the shipping pallet.
NOTEDo not discard or destroy the shipping container or the packaging material. If
it becomes necessary to repackage the cabinet, these items will be needed. HP
also suggests that you keep this manual, in case you later have to repackage
the cabinet for shipment.
Chapter 33-1
Unpacking and Installation
Unpacking the Cabinet Assembly
Unpacking the Cabinet Assembly
All cabinet types are packaged the same way. Be sure to read the unpacking instructions
before proceeding.
WARNINGA fully configured 1.6 meter cabinet (A1897A) can weigh up to
approximately 362.8 kg (800 lbs). Be very careful when unpacking the
To unpack an A series cabinet, perform the following steps:
1. Cut the plastic polystrap bands around the shipping container.
WARNINGWear protective glasses while cutting the plastic bands around the
shipping container. These bands are under tension. When cut, they
can spring back and cause serious eye injury.
2. Lift the cardboard top cap off of the shipping box. See Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1 Removing the Cardboard Container
3-2Chapter 3
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