HP 6S User Manual

HP 6S Scientific Calculator
This manual and any examples contained herein are provided as is and are subject to change without notice. Except to the extent prohibited by law, Hewlett-Packard Company makes no express or implied warranty of any kind with regard to this manual and specifically disclaims the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental or consequential damage in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this manual and the examples herein.
© Hewlett-Packard Company 1999. All rights reserved.
This calculator has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This calculator generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and may interfere with radio and television reception. In the unlikely event that this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, try the following:
reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
increase separation between the calculator and the receiver
consult your dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003.
1. Keyboard 5
General keys 5 Memory keys 5 Special keys 5 Base-n keys 5 Function keys 6 Statistical keys 6
2. The display 7
Exponent displays 7
3. Basic functions 8
Entering numbers 8 Entering negative numbers 8 Entering exponential numbers 8 Arithmetic operator 8 Equals 8 Making corrections 9 Clearing errors 9 Fixing the number of decimal places displayed 9 Setting the display to scientific notation 9
4. Calculations 10
Precision 10 Order of operations 10 Simple calculations 10 Specifying the order of calculations 10 Re-using arithmetic operations 11 Using memory 11 Fraction arithmetic 11 Percentage calculations 12
5. Other functions 13
Converting minutes and seconds to decimal format 13 Conversion between angles, radians and grads 13 Trigonometric functions 13 Hyperbolic functions 14 Logarithmic functions 14 Powers and roots 14 Miscellaneous functions 15 Polar to rectangular coordinates conversions 15 Rectangular to polar coordinates conversions 15
6. Binary, octal and hexadecimal values 16
Binary/octal/decimal/hexadecimal conversions 16 Binary/octal/decimal/hexadecimal calculations 16 Logical operations 17 Radix complement 18
7 . Using statistics 19
Entering a list of data items to analyse 19 Using statistical functions on your data 19
8 . Specifications 20
9 . Changing the battery 21

1. Keyboard

General keys

Key Functions Page
0 to9:. Data entry 8
+-* Basic calculation 8 d=
¡ Reset the calculator 9
and clear the memory
Ô Clear/clear error 9
Ó Change sign 8

Memory keys

Key Functions Page
r Retrieve data from the 11
independent memory
´ Store display data in 11
³ Exchange of display data 11
and contents of memory
m Add displayed data to 11

Special keys

Key Functions Page
I Inverse 7
M Mode 7
() Brackets (parentheses) 10
¹ Exponent 8
P Pi 13
Key Functions Page
ØÅ Sexagesimal/decimal 13
notation conversion
¯ Mode of angle 13
Ù Angular conversion of data 13
² Register exchange 11
Õ Clearing the last 9
entered digit
¼ Fix the number of digits 9
after the decimal point
» Floating notation 9
½ Scientific notation 9
¾ Engineering notation 15

Base-n keys

Key Functions Page
¦ Hexadecimal 16
§ Octal 16
A to F Hexadecimal numbers only 1618
x Exclusive Or 17
Decimal 16
Binary 16
And 17
Or 17
Exclusive Nor 17
Ì Not 17
N Negative 18

Function keys

Key Functions Page
Sine 13
Cosine 13
t Tangent 13
Arc sine 13
¨ Arc cosine 13
T Arc tangent 13
Hyperbolic 14
L Common logarithm 14
Û Common antilogarithm 14
È Natural logarithm 14
Natural antilogarithm 14
 Square root 14
º Square 14
ˬ Fraction 12
Cube root 14
Ç Reciprocal 12
Æ Factorial 14
K e y Functions Page
Power 8
Ê Root 14
Rectangle to polar 15
à Polar to rectangular 15
% Percent 12

Statistical keys

Key Functions Page
À Data entry 19
Ò Population standard deviation 19
n Number of data 19
Í Sum of value 19
Statistical data mode 19
Data delete 19
Sample standard deviation 19
Arithmetic mean 19
Sum of square value 19

2. The display

1 2
The display shows input data, interim results and answers to calculations. The mantissa section displays up to 10 digits. The exponent section displays up to ±99.
Display Meaning Page
-E- Indicates an error 9
INV I has been pressed to enable inverse key functions 9
M Indicates that data is stored in the memory 11
HYP ª has been pressed for hyperbolic functions 14
BIN, OCT, HEX BASE-N mode has been selected 16
SD Statistical mode has been selected 19
DEG, RAD, GRAD ¯ has been pressed to switch between the DEG, RAD and GRAD 13
FIX (this does not display) The number of decimal places of a displayed value has been set 9,15 SCI
(this does not display) Converts a displayed value to exponent display 9
(this does not display) Converts a displayed value to exponent display of which the exponent 15
(this does not display) Convert a SCI or ENG form display to a normal display value 15
45Ö12×123 45
12.°3'45.6" Sexagesimal figure 12°3'45.6" 13
angle types
is a multiple of 3 and mantissa is between 0 to 999
/123 11
LCD Diagram

Exponent displays

The display can show calculation results only up to 10 digits long. When an intermediate value or a final result is longer than 10 digits, the calculator automatically switches over to exponential notation. Values greater than 9,999,999,999 are always displayed exponentially.
The Display
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