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IP addressing commands ································································· 22
display ip interface ··············································································································· 22
display ip interface brief ········································································································ 24
ip address ·························································································································· 25
ip address unnumbered ········································································································ 27
display bootp client ············································································································ 100
ip address bootp-alloc ········································································································ 101
DNS commands ··········································································· 102
display dns domain ············································································································ 102
display dns host ················································································································ 102
display dns server ············································································································· 104
display ipv6 dns server ······································································································· 105
dns domain ······················································································································ 105
dns dscp ·························································································································· 106
dns proxy enable ··············································································································· 107
dns server ························································································································ 107
dns source-interface ·········································································································· 108
dns spoofing ····················································································································· 109
dns trust-interface·············································································································· 110
ip host ····························································································································· 111
ipv6 dns dscp ··················································································································· 111
ipv6 dns server ················································································································· 112
ipv6 dns spoofing ·············································································································· 113
ipv6 host ·························································································································· 114
reset dns host ··················································································································· 115
Basic IP forwarding commands ······················································· 126
display fib ························································································································ 126
ip forwarding-table save ······································································································ 128
ip irdp ······························································································································ 138
ip irdp address ·················································································································· 138
ip irdp lifetime ··················································································································· 139
ip irdp interval ··················································································································· 140
ip irdp multicast ················································································································· 140
ip irdp preference ·············································································································· 141
IP performance optimization commands ············································ 143
Index ························································································· 307
ARP commands
arp check enable
Use arp check enable to enable dynamic ARP entry check.
Use undoarp check enable to disable dynamic ARP entry check.
arp check enable
undo arp check enable
Dynamic ARP entry check is enabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
Dynamic ARP entry check disables a device f rom supporting dynamic ARP entries with multicast
MAC addresses. The device cannot learn dynamic ARP entries containing multicast MAC
addresses. You cannot manually add static ARP entries that contain multicast MAC addresses.
When this function is disabled, ARP entries containing multicast MAC addresses are supported. The
device can learn dynamic ARP entries containing multicast MAC address es obta in ed f r om the ARP
packets sourced from a unicast MAC address. You can also manually add static ARP entries
containing multicast M AC addresses.
# Enable dynamic ARP entry check.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] arp check enable
arp check log enable
Use arp check log enable to enable the ARP logging function.
Use undo arp check log enable to disable the ARP logging function.
arp check log enable
undo arp check log enable
ARP logging is disable d.
System view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
This function enables a device to log ARP events when ARP cannot resolve IP addresses correctly.
The device can log the following ARP events:
On a proxy ARP-disabled interface, the target IP address of a received ARP packet is not one of
the following IP addresses:
The IP address of the receiving interface.
The virtual IP address of the VRRP group.
The public address after NAT.
The sender IP address of a received ARP reply conflicts with one of the following IP addresses:
The IP address of the receiving interface.
The virtual IP address of the VRRP group.
The public address after NAT.
The device sends ARP log messages to the information center. Y ou can use the info-center source
command to specify the log output rules for the information center. For more information about
information center, see Network Manage men t and Mo nitoring Configuration Guid e.
The device can gener ate a large am ount of ARP logs . To conserve system resources, enab le ARP
logging only when you are troubleshooting or debugging ARP events.
# Enable ARP logging.
<Sysname> sy stem-view
[Sysname] ar p check log enable
arp max-learning-num
Use arp ma x-learning-num to s et th e m axim um number of dynamic ARP entries that an i nterfac e
can learn.
Use undo arp max-learning-num to restore the default.
arp max-learning-num number
undo arp max-learning-num
An interface can learn a maximum of 16384 dynamic ARP entries.
number: Specifies the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries for an interface. The value range is
0 to 16384.
Usage guidelines
An interface can dynamically learn ARP entries. To prevent an interface from holding too many ARP
entries, you can set the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries that the interface can learn. When
the maximum number is reached, the interface stops learning ARP entries.
When the number argument is set to 0, the interface is disabled from learning dynamic ARP entries.
# Specify VLAN-interface 40 to learn a maximum of 500 dynamic ARP entries.
Use arp max-learning-number to set the m axim um num ber of dynamic ARP entries that a device
can learn.
Use undo arp max-learning-number to restore the default.
arp max-learning-number number slot slot-number
undo arp max-learning-number slot slot-number
A device can learn a maximum of 16384 dynamic ARP entries.
System view
Predefined user roles
number: Specifies the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries for a device. The value range is 0
to 16384.
slotslot-number: Specifies an IRF m ember device by its member ID or a PEX by its virtual slot
Usage guidelines
A device can dynamically learn ARP entries. T o prevent a device from holding too many ARP entries,
you can set the maxim um number of dynamic ARP entries that the d evice can learn. When the
maximum number is reached, the device stops learning ARP entries.
When the number argument is set to 0, the device is disabled from learning dynamic ARP entries.
# Set the IRF member device in slot 1 to learn a maximum of 64 dynamic ARP entries.
<Sysname> sy stem-view
[Sysname] ar p max-learning-number 64 slot 1
arp multiport
Use arp multiport to configure a multiport ARP entry.
Use undo arp to remove an ARP entry.
ip-address: Specifies an IP address for the multiport ARP entry.
mac-address: Specifies a MAC address for the multiport ARP entry, in the format of H-H-H.
vlan-id: Specifies a VLAN for the multiport ARP entry, in the range of 1 to 4094.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPL S L3V PN instance for the multiport ARP entry.
The vpn-instance-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. The specified VPN
instance must already exist. Without this option, the multiport ARP entry belongs to the public
Usage guidelines
The specified VLAN must already exist. If the VLAN or the corresponding VLAN interface is
removed, the multiport ARP entry is also removed.
The specified IP address must reside on the sam e subnet as the VLAN i nterface of the specified
VLAN. Otherwise, the multiport ARP entry does not take effect.
To use the multiport ARP entry, you must configur e a multicast or multiport unicas t MAC address
entry to specify multiple output interfaces. The MAC address entry must have the same MAC
address and VLAN ID as the multiport ARP entry.
# Configure a multiport ARP entry that comprises IP address and MAC address
00e0-fc01-0000 in VLAN 10.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ar p multiport 00e0-fc01-0000 10
Related commands
display arp multiport
reset arp multiport
arp static
Use arp static to configure a static ARP entry.
Use undo arp to remove an ARP entry.
ip-address: Specifies an IP address for the static ARP entry.
mac-address: Specifies a MAC addr es s for the static ARP entry, in the format of H-H-H.
vlan-id: Specifies the ID of a VLAN t o which the static ARP entry belongs. The va lue range is 1 to
4094. The VLAN and VLAN interface must already exist.
interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number. Make sure the
interface belongs to the specified VLAN.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN for the static ARP entry. The
vpn-instance-name argumentis a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. T he VPN instance
must already exist. To specify a static ARP entry on the public network, do not specify this option.
Usage guidelines
A static ARP entry is manually configured and maintained. It does not age out and cannot be
overwritten by any dynamic ARP entry.
Static ARP entries ca n be clas s if ied int o l on g an d s hor t st atic ARP entr i es. A short static ARP entry
contains an IP-to-MAC mapping. A long static ARP entry contains an IP-to-MAC mapping, a VL AN,
and an output interface.
A static ARP entry is effective when the device works correctly.
When the VLAN or VLAN inter f ace is deleted, long sta tic ARP entr ies i n the VLA N ar e del eted , and
resolved short static ARP entries in the VLAN become unresolved.
A resolved short static ARP entry becomes unresolved upon cer tain ev ents, f or exam ple, when the
output interface goes down.
A long static ARP entry is ineffective when the corresponding VLAN interface or output i nterface is
down. An ineffective long static ARP entry cannot be used to for ward pac kets.
If you specify both the vlan-id and ip-address arguments, the IP address of the corresponding VLAN
interface must be on the same network as the specified IP address.
If you do not specify a VPN, the undo arp command removes ARP entries only for the public
# Configure a static ARP entry that comprises IP address, MAC address
00e0-fc01-0000, and output interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 in VLAN 10.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ar p static 00e0-fc01-0000 10 Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1
Related commands
display arp
reset arp
arp timer aging
Use arp timer aging to set the aging timer for dynamic ARP entries.
Use undo arp timer aging to restore the default.
arp timer aging aging-time
undo arp timer aging
The aging timer for dynamic ARP entries is 20 minutes.
System view
Predefined user roles
aging-time: Sets the aging t imer for dynamic ARP entries, in the range of 1 to 1440 minutes.
Usage guidelines
Each dynamic ARP entr y in the ARP table has a limited lifetim e, called an aging timer. The aging
timer of a dynamic ARP entr y is reset each tim e the dynam ic ARP entr y is updated. D ynamic ARP
entries that are not updated before their aging timers expire are deleted from the ARP table.
Set the aging timer for dynamic ARP entries as needed. For exam ple, when you configure proxy
ARP, set a short aging time so that invalid dynamic ARP entries can be deleted in time.
# Set the aging timer for dynamic ARP entries to 10 minutes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ar p timer aging 10
all: Displays all ARP entries.
dynamic: Disp lays dynamic ARP entries.
multiport: Displays multiport ARP entries.
static: Displays static ARP entries.
slot slot-number: Specif ies an IRF member device by its member ID or a PEX by its virtual slot
vlan vlan-id: Disp lays th e ARP entries f or the spec ified VLAN. T he VLAN I D is in the range of 1 to
interface interface-type interface-number: Displays the ARP entries for the interface specified by the
argument interface-type interface-number.
count: Displays the number of ARP entries.
verbose: Displays detailed information about ARP entries.
Usage guidelines
This command displa ys information a bout ARP entries, including the IP addres s, MAC address,
VLAN ID, output interface, entry type, and aging timer.
If you do not specify any parameters, the command displays all ARP entries.
# Display all ARP entries.
<Sysname> di splay arp all
Type: S-Static D-Dynamic O-Openflow M-Multiport I-Invalid
IP Address MAC Address VLAN Interface Aging Type 00e0-fc00-0001 N/A N/A N/A S 00e0-fe50-6503 100 XGE1/0/1 N/A IS 000d -88f7-9f7d 1 XGE1/0/2 18 D 0012 -a990-2241 1 XGE1/0/3 20 D 000c-299d-c041 10 N/A N/A M
# Display detailed information about all ARP entries.
<Sysname> di splay arp all verbose
Type: S-Static D-Dynamic O-Openflow M-Multiport I-Invalid
IP Address MAC Address VLAN Interface Aging Type
Vpn Instance 00e0-fc00-0001 N/A N/A N/A S
[No Vrf] 00e0-fe50-6503 100 XGE1/0/1 N/A IS
[No Vrf]
To obtain the output interface inform atio n of the multiport ARP entry, look 000d -88f7-9f7d 1 XGE1/0/2 18 D
[No Vrf] 0012 -a990-2241 1 XGE1/0/3 20 D
[No Vrf] 000c-299d-c041 10 N/A N/A M
[No Vrf]
# Display the number of all ARP entries.
<Sysname> display arp all count
Total number of entries : 5
Table 1 Command output
IP Address IP address in an ARP entry.
MAC Address MAC address in an ARP entry.
Vpn Instance
Total number of entries Number of ARP entries.
Related commands
ID of the VLAN to which the ARP entry belongs. This field displays
either of the following situations:
• The ARP entry is an unresolved short static ARP entry.
• The output interface of the ARP entry does not belong to the VLAN.
Output interface in an ARP entry. This field displays
following situations:
• The ARP entry is an unresolved short static ARP entry.
• The ARP entry is a multiport ARP entry and has no output interface
up the MAC address table according to the MAC address in the ARP
Aging time for a dynami c ARP entry in minutes.
time or no aging time.
ARP entry type:
• D—Dynamic.
• S—Static.
• O—OpenFlow.
• M—Multiport.
• I—Invalid.
Name of VPN instance.
for the ARP entry.
[No Vrf]
is displayed if no VPN in stan ce is configured
in either of the
means unknown aging
arp static
reset arp
display arp ip-address
Use display arp ip-address to display the ARP entry for an IP address.
ip-address: Displays the ARP entry for the specified IP address.
slot slot-number: Specif ies an IRF member device by its member ID or a PEX by its virtual slot
verbose: Displays the detailed inform ation abo ut the specified ARP entry.
Usage guidelines
The ARP entry information inclu des the IP addres s , M AC ad dr ess , VLA N ID, out p ut int erface, entry
type, and aging timer.
# Display the ARP entry for the IP address
<Sysname> display arp
Type: S-Static D-Dynamic O-Openflow M-Multiport I-Invalid
IP address MAC address VLAN Interf ace Aging Type 00e0-fc00-0001 N/A N/A N/A S
Related commands
arp static
reset arp
display arp entry-limit
Use display arp entry-limit to display the maximum number of ARP entries that a device supports.
display arp entry-limit
Any view
Predefined user roles
# Display the maximum number of ARP entries that the device supports.
vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to
31 characters.
count: Displays the number of ARP entries.
Usage guidelines
This command displays information about ARP entries for a VPN instance, including the IP address,
MAC address, VLAN ID, output interface, entry type, and aging timer.
# Display ARP entries for the VPN instance named test.
<Sysname> display arp vpn-instance test
Type: S-Static D-Dynamic O-Openflow M-Multiport I-Invalid
IP address MAC address VLAN ID Int erface Aging Type 00e0-fc00-0001 N/A N/A N/A S
Related commands
arp static
reset arp
reset arp
Use reset arp to clear ARP entries from the ARP table.
all: Clears all ARP entries.
dynamic: Clears all dynamic ARP entries.
multiport: Clears all multiport ARP entries.
static: Clears all static ARP entries.
slot slot-number: Specif ies an IRF member device by its member ID or a PEX by its virtual slot
interface interface-type interface-number: Clears the ARP entries for the interface specif ied b y the
argument interface-type interface-number.
Usage guidelines
This command can separately clear static ARP entries, dynamic ARP entries, multiport ARP entries,
or ARP entries on specified interfaces.
When the interfaceinterface-type interf ace-number option is specif ied, this com mand clears onl y
dynamic ARP entries for the specified interface.
When the slot slot-number option is specified, this com mand clears only d ynamic ARP entries for
the specified IRF member device or PEX.
# Clear all static ARP entries.
<Sysname> re set arp static
Related commands
arp static
display arp
Gratuitous ARP commands
arp ip-conflict log prompt
Use arp ip-conflict log prompt to enable IP conflict notification without conflict confirmation.
Use undo arp ip-conflict log prompt to restore the default.
IP conflict notification is disabled. The receiving device sends a gratuitous ARP request, and it
displays an error message after it receives an ARP reply about the conflict.
System view
Predefined user roles
# Enable IP conflict notification on the device.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ar p ip-conflict log prompt
arp send-gratuitous-arp
Use arp send-gratuitous-arp to e nable periodic sending of grat uitous ARP packets and set th e
sending interval on an interface.
Use undo arp send-gratuitous-arp to disable the interface from periodicall y sending gratuitous
ARP packets.
interval milliseconds: Sets the interval at which gratuitous ARP packets are sent, in the range of 200
to 200000 milliseconds. The default value is 2000 milliseconds.
Usage guidelines
This function takes effect only when the enabled interface is up and an IP address has been
assigned to the interface.
This function c an se nd gratuitous ARP requ ests only f or a V RRP virtual IP addres s, or the s endi ng
interface's primary IP address or manually configured secondary IP address. The primary IP address
can be configured manually or automatically , whereas the secondary IP address must be configured
If you change the interval for sending gratuitous ARP packets, the conf iguration takes effect at the
next sending interval.
The frequency of sending gratuitous ARP packets might be much lower than expected when any of
the following conditions exist:
This function is enabled on multiple interfaces. Each interface is configured with multiple secondary IP addresses. A small sending interval is configured in the preceding cases.
# Enable VLAN-interface 2 to send gratuitous ARP packets every 300 milliseconds.
<Sysname> sy stem-view
[Sysname] in terface vlan-interface 2
[Sysname-Vlan-interface2] ar p send-gratuitous-arp interval 300
gratuitous-arp-learning enable
Use gratuitous-arp-learning enable to enable learning of gratuitous ARP packets.
Use undo gratuitous-arp-learning enable to disable learning of gratuitous ARP packets.
The learning of gratuitous ARP packets function allows a device to maintain its ARP table by creating
or updating ARP entries based on received gratuitous ARP packets.
When this functio n is disabled, the de vice uses r ecei ve d gratuitous ARP pack ets to update existing
ARP entries only. ARP entries are not created based on the received gratuitous ARP packets, which
saves ARP table space.
Use gratuitous-arp-sending enable to ena ble sending of gratuitous ARP packets upon receiving
ARP requests whose sender IP address is on a different subnet.
Use undo gratuitous-arp-sending enable to restore the default.
interface interface-type interface-number: Displays the local proxy ARP status for the specified
Usage guidelines
You can use this command to check whether local proxy ARP is enabled or disabled.
If an interface is specified, this command displays the local proxy ARP status for the specified
If no interface is specified, this command displays the local proxy ARP status for all interfaces.
# Display the local proxy ARP status for VLAN-interface 2.
<Sysname> display local-proxy-arp interface vlan-interface 2
Interface Vl an-interface2
Local Proxy ARP st atus: enabled
Related commands
local-proxy-arp enable
display proxy-arp
Use display proxy-arp to displ a y the proxy ARP status.
interface interface-type interface-number: Displays the proxy ARP status for the specified interface.
Usage guidelines
You can use this command to check whether proxy ARP is enabled or disabled.
If an interface is specified, this command displays proxy ARP status for the specified interface.
If no interface is specified, this command displays proxy ARP status for all interfaces.
# Display the proxy ARP status on VLAN-interface 1.
ip-range startIP to endIP: Specifies the IP address range for which local proxy ARP is enabled. The
start IP address must be lower than or equal to the end IP address.
Usage guidelines
Proxy ARP enables a device on a net work to answer ARP requests f or an IP address not on that
network. With proxy ARP, hosts in different broadcast domains can communicate with each other as
they do on the same network.
Proxy ARP includes common proxy ARP and local proxy ARP.
Common proxy ARP allows communication between hosts that connect to different Layer 3
interfaces and reside in different broadcast domains.
Local proxy ARP allows com munication between hosts that c onnect to the same La yer 3 interface
and reside in different broadcast domains.
Only one IP address range can be specified by using the ip-range keyword on an interface.
# Enable local proxy ARP on VLAN-interface 2.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 2
[Sysname-Vlan-interface2] lo cal-proxy-arp enable
# Enable local proxy ARP on VLAN-interface 2 for an IP address range.
<Sysname> sy stem-view
[Sysname] in terface vlan-interface 2
[Sysname-Vlan-interface2] lo cal-proxy-arp enable ip-range to
Related commands
display local-proxy-arp
proxy-arp enable
Use proxy-arp enable to enable proxy ARP.
Use undo proxy-arp enable to disable prox y ARP.
Proxy ARP enables a device on a net work to answer ARP requests f or an IP address not on that
network. With proxy ARP, hosts in different broadcast domains can communicate with each other as
they do on the same network.
Proxy ARP includes common proxy ARP and local proxy ARP.
Common proxy ARP allows communication between hosts that connect to different Layer 3
interfaces and reside in different broadcast domains.
Local proxy ARP allows com munication between hosts that c onnect to the same La yer 3 interface
vlan vlan-id: Displays ARP snooping entries for a VLAN. The vlan-id argument is in the range of 1 to
count: Displays the number of the current ARP snooping entries.
ip ip-address: Displays the ARP snooping entry for the specified IP address.
slot slot-number: Specif ies an IRF member device by its member ID or a PEX by its virtual slot
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any keywords or arguments, the command displays all ARP snooping entries.
# Display ARP snooping entries for VLAN 2.
<Sysname> disp lay arp snooping vlan 2
IP Address MAC Address VLAN ID Interface Aging Status 0003-0003-0003 2 XGE1/0/1 20 Valid 0004-0004-0004 2 XGE1/0/2 5 Invalid
# Display the number of the current ARP snooping entries.
<Sysname> disp lay arp snooping count
Total entries: 2
Table 2 Command output
IP Address IP address in an ARP snoopin g entry.
MAC Address MAC address in an ARP snoo ping entry .
VLAN ID ID of the VLAN to which the ARP snooping entry belongs.
Interface Input interface in an ARP snoo ping entr y .
Aging Aging time for an ARP snoopi ng entry in minutes.
Total entries Number of ARP snooping entries.
Related commands
reset arp snooping
reset arp snoopin g
Use resetarpsnooping to remove ARP snooping entries.
reset arp snooping [ ip ip-address | vlan vlan-id ]
User view
Predefined user roles
Status of an ARP snooping entry:
Valid, Invalid, Collision
ip ip-address: Removes the ARP entry for the specified IP address.
vlan vlan-id: Removes the ARP entries for the specified VLAN. The vlan-id argument is in the range
of 1 to 4094.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any keywords or arguments, the command removes all ARP snooping entries.
# Remove ARP snooping entries for VLAN 2.
<Sysname> rese t arp snooping vlan 2
Related commands
display arp snooping
ARP fast-reply commands
arp fast-reply enab le
Use arp fast-reply enable to enable ARP fast-reply for a VLAN.
Use undo arp fast-reply enable to disable ARP fast-reply for a VLAN.