HP 3PAR User Manual

HP 3PAR Online Import for EMC Storage Data Migration Guide 1.2.0

This guide provides information on using HP 3PAR Online Import for EMC Storage software to migrate data from an EMC Storage system to an HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system.
HP Part Number: QL226-98029 Published: January 2015 Edition: 3
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1 Overview of HP 3PAR Online Import for EMC Storage....................................7
Types of Data Migration............................................................................................................7
Understanding Which Data is Migrated......................................................................................7
EMC to HP 3PAR Migration Process............................................................................................8
2 Migration Process Checklists........................................................................9
Online Migration......................................................................................................................9
Prerequisite Component Installation........................................................................................9
Minimally Disruptive Migration.................................................................................................11
Prerequisite Component Installation......................................................................................11
Offline Migration....................................................................................................................12
Prerequisite Component Installation......................................................................................12
3 Installation and Setup for Data Migration.....................................................15
Configuration Rules for HP 3PAR Online Import for EMC Storage Support......................................15
Installing EMC SMI-S Provider..................................................................................................15
Configuring EMC SMI-S Provider..............................................................................................16
Installing the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage.......................................................17
Migrations Supported by HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage......................................24
Migrations Supported for VNX, CLARiiON CX4, and VMAX...................................................25
Migrations Supported by the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for VMAX Only..............................28
4 Preparing for Data Migration.....................................................................30
Data Migration Considerations.................................................................................................30
General Considerations......................................................................................................30
System Requirements..........................................................................................................31
Planning for Migration........................................................................................................31
Reconfiguring the Host DSM................................................................................................31
Network and Fabric Zoning Requirements.............................................................................32
Premigration Steps..................................................................................................................33
Zoning the Source EMC Storage to the Destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage System...............33
Preparing the Host for MDM...............................................................................................34
Preparing Windows Clusters for Migration........................................................................35
Identifying the Source and Destination Storage Systems..........................................................35
Required Information.....................................................................................................36
Identifying the Source Storage System..............................................................................36
Identifying the Destination Storage System........................................................................37
Creating the Data Migration Task........................................................................................37
5 Performing Online Data Migration Using Linux.............................................40
Online Data Migration with Removal of EMC PowerPath..............................................................40
Viewing Migration Status....................................................................................................45
Viewing all Migrations...................................................................................................45
Contents 3
Viewing Migrations for a Selected Source Storage System..................................................45
Viewing a Selected Migration.........................................................................................45
Viewing Selected Migration Progress by Volume................................................................45
Online Data Migration with Native device-mapper Multipath.......................................................45
Viewing Migration Status....................................................................................................50
Viewing all Migrations...................................................................................................50
Viewing Migrations for a Selected Source Storage System..................................................50
Viewing a Selected Migration.........................................................................................50
Viewing Selected Migration Progress by Volume................................................................50
6 Performing MDM Using a Windows Host.....................................................51
Required Information...............................................................................................................51
Creating the Data Migration Task.............................................................................................51
Updating Host Multipath Software and Unzoning from the Source EMC Storage System..................52
Starting the Data Migration from Source EMC Storage System to Destination HP 3PAR StoreServ
Storage System.......................................................................................................................54
Bringing the Windows Host Back Online...................................................................................54
Viewing Migration Status.........................................................................................................55
Viewing all Migrations........................................................................................................55
Viewing Migrations for a Selected Source Storage System.......................................................55
Viewing a Selected Migration..............................................................................................55
Viewing Selected Migration Progress by Volume....................................................................55
Aborting a Migration..............................................................................................................55
Performing Subsequent Migrations............................................................................................55
7 Performing MDM Using a Linux Host...........................................................56
Required Information...............................................................................................................56
Creating the Data Migration Task.............................................................................................56
Updating Host Multipath Software and Unzoning from Source EMC Storage System........................57
Starting the Data Migration from Source EMC Storage System to Destination HP 3PAR StoreServ
Storage System.......................................................................................................................58
Bringing the Linux Host Back Online..........................................................................................59
Viewing Migration Status.........................................................................................................60
Viewing all Migrations........................................................................................................60
Viewing Migrations for a Selected Source Storage System.......................................................60
Viewing a Selected Migration..............................................................................................60
Viewing Selected Migration Progress by Volume....................................................................60
Aborting a Migration..............................................................................................................60
Performing Subsequent Migrations............................................................................................60
8 Performing MDM Using a Hyper-V Host.......................................................61
Required Information...............................................................................................................61
Creating the Data Migration Task.............................................................................................61
Updating Host Multipath Software and Unzoning from the Source EMC Storage System..................62
Starting the Data Migration from Source EMC Storage System to Destination HP 3PAR StoreServ
Storage System.......................................................................................................................63
Bringing the Hyper-V Host Back Online......................................................................................64
Viewing Migration Status.........................................................................................................64
Viewing all Migrations........................................................................................................64
Viewing Migrations for a Selected Source Storage System.......................................................64
Viewing a Selected Migration..............................................................................................64
Viewing Selected Migration Progress by Volume....................................................................64
Aborting a Migration..............................................................................................................64
Performing Subsequent Migrations............................................................................................65
9 Performing Offline Data Migration..............................................................66
Prerequisite Component Installation...........................................................................................66
4 Contents
Preparing Host for Migration....................................................................................................66
Preparing Windows Clusters for Migration............................................................................66
Zoning the Host to the Destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage System...........................................66
Shutting Down the Host...........................................................................................................66
Removing the Host from the Storage Group................................................................................66
Identifying the Source and Destination Storage Systems...............................................................66
Required Information..........................................................................................................67
Identifying the Source Storage System...................................................................................67
Identifying the Destination Storage System.............................................................................67
Creating the Data Migration Task.............................................................................................68
Starting the Data Migration from Source EMC Storage System to Destination HP 3PAR StoreServ
Storage System.......................................................................................................................69
Performing Post-Migration Tasks................................................................................................70
10 Removing a Storage System from EMC SMI-S Provider.................................71
11 HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage: Commands.........................73
12 Troubleshooting......................................................................................86
Understanding the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility Data Migration Process......................................86
HP 3PAR Online Import Utility Service.......................................................................................87
HP 3PAR Online Import Utility Server Logs and Output................................................................87
Increase the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility Server Logging Level..............................................87
EMC SMI-S Provider Server Logs and Output..............................................................................88
Increasing the EMC SMI-S Provider Server Logging Level.........................................................88
Troubleshooting Communication Between the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility Server and EMC SMI-S
TestSmiProvider Login and Command Examples with Output.........................................................90
HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage Error Messages...................................................93
Troubleshooting Issues.............................................................................................................94
Not able to add a source EMC Storage system......................................................................94
Not able to create migration...............................................................................................95
Initiating a createmigration command to create a host on a destination produces an error
HP Storage Migration group user receives an error message when attempting to login to the
HP 3PAR Online Import Utility.............................................................................................95
Migrated LUNs with No Host in a Storage Group Failed OIU:createmigration............................96
OIU:createmigration Error for LUN Name or Host Name Containing Special Characters.............96
HP 3PAR Online Import Utility does not open on Windows 7 when double-clicking icon or right
mouse-click icon and selecting “Run As Administrator”............................................................96
Contents 5
HP 3PAR Online Import Utility startmigration error for Host name greater than 31 characters or
with spaces.......................................................................................................................96
Error Logging into the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility CLI.........................................................96
HP 3PAR Online Import Utility createmigration Results in “ERROR: OIUERRAPP0000 An unexpected error occurred.” or “OIURSLAPP0000 Contact HP support. You may try restarting the application
HP 3PAR Online Import Utility createmigration Results in “ERROR: OIUERRDB1006 Database
constraint violated”............................................................................................................96
HP 3PAR Online Import Utility createmigration Results in “preparationfailed(-NA-)(OIUERRPREP1014:
Error creating host on destination)”.......................................................................................97
HP 3PAR Online Import Utility createmigration ERROR: OIUERRCS1002....................................97
HP 3PAR Online Import Utility addsource ERROR: OIUERRDST0004.........................................97
An “unexpected error” message when destprov/destcpg are not specified for all LUNs...............98
Error message when source array LUN has persistent reservation..............................................98
An adddestination Command May Fail When HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage
Attempts to Connect an HP 3PAR Storage System when using Secure Connections......................98
Error when Importing LUN of Size Smaller than 256 MB.......................................................100
Restarted Migration Showed Incorrect FAILED Status.............................................................101
Migration Includes Unexpected LUNs and Hosts...................................................................101
Masking View Required for Offline Migration of LUN with No Host........................................101
HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage does not distinguish between source arrays when
managing same host........................................................................................................101
13 Support and Other Resources.................................................................102
Contacting HP......................................................................................................................102
HP 3PAR documentation........................................................................................................102
Typographic conventions.......................................................................................................105
HP 3PAR branding information...............................................................................................105
14 Documentation feedback.......................................................................106
6 Contents

1 Overview of HP 3PAR Online Import for EMC Storage

HP 3PAR Online Import for EMC Storage manages the migration of data from a source EMC Storage system to a destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system. Using HP 3PAR Online Import for EMC Storage, you can migrate EMC volumes and host configuration information to a destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system without changing host configurations or interrupting data access. The terms storage system and array are used interchangeably throughout this guide, and may refer to either the EMC Storage or HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage systems. The source in the migration is the EMC Storage system, and the destination is the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system.
HP 3PAR Online Import for EMC Storage coordinates the movement of data from the source to the destination while servicing I/O requests from the hosts. During the data migration, host I/O is serviced from the destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system. The host/volume presentation implemented on the EMC Storage is maintained on the destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system.

Types of Data Migration

The HP 3PAR Online Import Software supports three types of data migration procedures. The appropriate type of data migration depends on the objects being migrated and the migration type.
Online—Migration type used when migrating a host or a volume presented to a host. During
online migration, all presentation relationships between hosts and volumes being migrated are maintained. Host I/O to the data is not disrupted during an online migration.
Minimally disruptive migration (MDM)—Migration type used when migrating a host or a
volume presented to a host. Host I/O is interrupted only during the time it takes to reconfigure the host.
Offline—Migration type used when migrating one or more unpresented volumes. During offline
migration, only the selected volumes are migrated. No hosts are migrated in this situation.
For additional information about online migration, see the support matrix for online import for EMC Storage on HP SPOCK:
HP SPOCK (http://www.hp.com/storage/spock)

Understanding Which Data is Migrated

Data can be migrated by selecting a host or a volume on the source EMC Storage system. In addition to the host or volume explicitly selected for an online migration or for MDM, other objects can be included in the migration using implicit selection. A premigration process identifies the relationship between hosts and presented volumes and selects all additional objects to completely migrate the hosts. Consequently, the objects that will be migrated are the combination of the explicit and the implicit selection and may lead to the migration of a large amount of volumes.
For example, selecting a single host results in migration of the following:
The host as well as any volumes presented to it
Any other hosts to which those volumes are presented
Any volumes presented to those other hosts
IMPORTANT: The implicit selection of objects for migration occurs automatically and cannot be
modified. If the number of objects selected for migration becomes too large, migration might be canceled before it is started. Once migration begins, it cannot be stopped. See “Aborting a
Migration” (page 55).
The maximum number of volumes that can be migrated with MDM or an online migration is 255. If you have more offline volumes to migrate, rerun the migration steps for the additional volumes.
Types of Data Migration 7
The migration process selects objects to migrate using the following rules:
Host—When selecting a single host or group of hosts with volume presentations, all the volumes
presented to the host(s) are migrated. In addition, any presentations the source volumes have to other hosts will include those hosts and all of their presented volumes in the migration.
Presented volumes—When selecting a volume or group of volumes with host presentations,
the selected volumes and the hosts to which they are presented are migrated. In addition, any presentations the source hosts have with other volumes will include those volumes in the migration.
Unpresented volumes—Only the selected unpresented volumes are migrated. The offline
migration type is the only type available for unpresented volume migration.
NOTE: For more information about supported and unsupported configurations and about the
implicit selection of objects for migration, see “Migrations Supported by HP 3PAR Online Import
Utility for EMC Storage” (page 24).

EMC to HP 3PAR Migration Process

The process to migrate EMC Storage volumes to HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system consists of three parts:
Premigration—Work done to define the source and destination storage system to a migration
definition. This work is not repeated when migrating a second host or additional volumes after a first migration.
Migration—Creating and executing the migration. Migration includes the process of unzoning
the destination storage system from the source storage system and removing the source storage system after the migration is complete. This work is repeated for every migration.
Post-migration—Removal of the online import setup.
8 Overview of HP 3PAR Online Import for EMC Storage

2 Migration Process Checklists

Follow the steps in this chapter to perform online migration, MDM, or offline migration.

Online Migration

Prerequisite Component Installation

Table 1 Prerequisite component installation—Online


If EMC PowerPath is installed, it must be uninstalled, and device-mapper must be used to configure multipathing; see the third column in the Table 2 (page 9) for details about each step. If EMC PowerPath is not installed, see the column on the right for details.
Table 2 Premigration checklist—Online
Install the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility.3
Zone EMC Storage systems and HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage systems as peers.
Add source storage system (HP 3PAR Online Import Utility: addsource command).
HP SPOCK (http://www.hp.com/storage/spock)Check the HP SPOCK website to confirm proper
See also “Configuration Rules for HP 3PAR Online
Import for EMC Storage Support” (page 15)
“Installing EMC SMI-S Provider” (page 15)Install EMC SMI-S Provider.2
“Installing the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage” (page 17)
If EMC PowerPath is installed, see:StepNumber
“Online Data Migration with Removal of EMC PowerPath” (page 40), step 1
“Online Data Migration with Removal of EMC PowerPath” (page 40), step 2
If EMC PowerPath is not installed, see:
“Online Data Migration with Native device-mapper Multipath” (page 45), step 1
“Online Data Migration with Native device-mapper Multipath” (page 45), step 2
5 1. Uninstall EMC PowerPath:
Add destination storage system (HP 3PAR Online Import Utility: adddestination command).
Zone the host to the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system.
Configure device-mapper on the host.
“Online Data Migration with Removal of EMC PowerPath” (page 40), step 3
“Online Data Migration with Removal of EMC PowerPath” (page 40), step 4
“Online Data Migration with Removal of EMC PowerPath” (page 40), step 5
“Online Data Migration with Native device-mapper Multipath” (page 45), step 3
“Online Data Migration with Native device-mapper Multipath” (page 45), step 4
“Online Data Migration with Native device-mapper Multipath” (page 45), step 5
Online Migration 9
Table 2 Premigration checklist—Online (continued)
If EMC PowerPath is installed, see:StepNumber
NOTE: (A maintenance
window is required.)
2. Configure device-mapper on
the host:
“Online Data Migration with Removal of EMC PowerPath” (page 40), step 6
3. Remount application file
“Online Data Migration with Removal of EMC PowerPath” (page 40), step 7
Create migration (HP 3PAR Online Import Utility: createmigration command)
Change the HP 3PAR host persona/host OS.
Update path configurations.8
“Online Data Migration with Removal of EMC PowerPath” (page 40), steps 8–10
“Online Data Migration with Removal of EMC PowerPath” (page 40), step 11
“Online Data Migration with Removal of EMC PowerPath” (page 40), steps 12–14
If EMC PowerPath is not installed, see:
“Online Data Migration with Native device-mapper Multipath” (page 45), steps 6–8
“Online Data Migration with Native device-mapper Multipath” (page 45), step 9
“Online Data Migration with Native device-mapper Multipath” (page 45), steps 10–12


Table 3 Migration checklist—Online


Table 4 Post-migration checklist—Online
Start the migration (HP 3PAR Online Import Utility: startmigration.
Monitor migration with the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility until completion.
definition when the migration has completed.
When all migrations are complete, remove the source storage system (EMC).1
Remove peer zones and reconfigure peer ports to host ports.2 .
If you uninstalled EMC PowerPath (in “Premigration” (page 9), step
“Online Data Migration with Removal of EMC PowerPath” (page 40), step 15
“Viewing Migration Status” (page
If you are using native device-mapper-multipath:
“Online Data Migration with Native device-mapper Multipath” (page 45), step 13
“Viewing Migration Status” (page
“removemigration” (page 80)“removemigration” (page 80)Optional: Remove the migration
10 Migration Process Checklists

Minimally Disruptive Migration

Prerequisite Component Installation

Table 5 Prerequisite component installation—MDM


Table 6 Premigration checklist—MDM
Install the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility.3
Zone EMC Storage systems and HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage systems as peers.
Add destination storage system (HP 3PAR Online Import Utility: adddestination command).
createmigration command)
HP SPOCK (http://www.hp.com/storage/spock)Check the HP SPOCK website to confirm proper
See also “Configuration Rules for HP 3PAR Online
Import for EMC Storage Support” (page 15)
“Installing EMC SMI-S Provider” (page 15)Install EMC SMI-S Provider.2
“Installing the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage” (page 17)
“Zoning the Source EMC Storage to the Destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage System” (page 33)
“Preparing the Host for MDM” (page 34)Stop all server applications; offline/unmount
“Identifying the Source Storage System” (page 36)Add source storage system.3
“Identifying the Destination Storage System” (page
“Creating the Data Migration Task” (page 37)Create migration (HP 3PAR Online Import Utility:
Update host native multipath software, finish zoning, and shut down the host.
Follow EMC PowerPath documentation instructions.Remove EMC PowerPath from the server, if
For Windows:
“Updating Host Multipath Software and Unzoning from the Source EMC Storage System” (page 52)
For Linux:
“Updating Host Multipath Software and Unzoning from Source EMC Storage System” (page 57)
For Hyper-V:
“Updating Host Multipath Software and Unzoning from the Source EMC Storage System” (page 62)
Minimally Disruptive Migration 11


Table 7 Migration checklist—MDM
Start the migration (HP 3PAR Online Import Utility: startmigration command)
Restart the host and rescan migrating disks. Restart server applications (including cluster).
For Windows:
“Starting the Data Migration from Source EMC Storage System to Destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage System” (page 54)
For Linux:
“Starting the Data Migration from Source EMC Storage System to Destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage System” (page 58)
For Hyper-V:
“Starting the Data Migration from Source EMC Storage System to Destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage System” (page 63)
For Windows:
“Bringing the Windows Host Back Online” (page 54)
For Linux:
“Bringing the Linux Host Back Online” (page
For Hyper-V:
“Bringing the Hyper-V Host Back Online” (page
Import Utility until completion.
the migration has completed.


Table 8 Post-migration checklist—MDM
Remove zoning between the EMC Storage system and HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system after all migrations from the EMC Storage system are complete.
When all migrations are complete, remove the source storage system (EMC).2
Remove peer zones and reconfigure peer ports to host ports.3 .

Offline Migration

Prerequisite Component Installation

Table 9 Prerequisite component installation—offline
“Viewing Migration Status” (page 55)Monitor migration with the HP 3PAR Online
“removemigration” (page 80)Optional: Remove the migration definition when
12 Migration Process Checklists
HP SPOCK (http://www.hp.com/storage/spock)Check the HP SPOCK website to confirm proper
Table 9 Prerequisite component installation—offline (continued)
See also “Configuration Rules for HP 3PAR Online
Import for EMC Storage Support” (page 15)
“Installing EMC SMI-S Provider” (page 15)Install EMC SMI-S Provider2


Table 10 Premigration checklist—offline


Install the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility.3
Zone EMC Storage systems and HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage systems as peers.
Zone the host and the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system; then shut down the host.
Add source and destination storage systems (HP 3PAR Online Import Utility: addsource and
adddestination commands).
createmigration command)
“Installing the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage” (page 17)
“Zoning the Source EMC Storage to the Destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage System” (page 33)
“Preparing Host for Migration” (page 66)Stop all server applications; offline/unmount
“Zoning the Host to the Destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage System” (page 66)
“Identifying the Source and Destination Storage Systems” (page 66)
“Creating the Data Migration Task” (page 68)Create migration (HP 3PAR Online Import Utility:
Table 11 Migration checklist—offline
Start the migration (HP 3PAR Online Import Utility: startmigration command)
Import Utility until completion.
the migration has completed.
“Starting the Data Migration from Source EMC Storage System to Destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage System” (page 69)
“Viewing Migration Status” (page 55)Monitor migration with the HP 3PAR Online
“removemigration” (page 80)Optional: Remove the migration definition when
Offline Migration 13


Table 12 Post-migration checklist—offline
Follow EMC PowerPath documentation instructions.Perform the following tasks for offline migration1
1. Unzone the source EMC Storage system from
the host.
2. Restart the host.
3. Remove the EMC PowerPath multipath
software, if present, and configure native multipath software.
4. Export the LUNs to the host on the HP 3PAR
StoreServ Storage system.
all migrations are complete.
“Performing Post-Migration Tasks” (page 70).Remove the source storage system (EMC) when
14 Migration Process Checklists

3 Installation and Setup for Data Migration

This chapter describes requirements for an online import migration.

Configuration Rules for HP 3PAR Online Import for EMC Storage Support

For detailed information about ensuring that the source EMC Storage system and the destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system are configured properly for data migration, see the HP SPOCK website:
HP SPOCK (http://www.hp.com/storage/spock)
The HP SPOCK website lists the supported system environment, including:
The supported source EMC Storage systems and the associated firmware levels.
The supported destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage systems and the associated HP 3PAR
OS levels.
The supported host operating systems.
The supported HBAs and the associated BIOS/firmware/driver versions to allow HP 3PAR
StoreServ Storage and EMC Storage coexistence.
The supported configuration environments for installing HP 3PAR Online Import for EMC

Installing EMC SMI-S Provider

The HP 3PAR Online Import Utility manages the EMC Storage systems through the EMC SMI-S Provider software. The EMC SMI-S Provider is a component of EMC Solutions Enabler and requires underlying EMC Solutions Enabler code to function correctly. However, installation of the base EMC Solutions Enabler software does not include the EMC SMI-S Provider component.
Installation of the EMC SMI-S Provider includes only the necessary underlying EMC Solutions Enabler code, not a full installation of EMC Solutions Enabler.
NOTE: It is technically possible to install the EMC SMI-S Provider on a machine where EMC
Solutions Enabler is already installed, but be aware that the EMC SMI-S Provider installation uninstalls any existing EMC Solutions Enabler software and reinstalls only the subset of EMC Solutions Enabler that comes with the EMC SMI-S Provider.
SMI-S Provider and VMAX require a Fibre Channel connection. VNX and CLARiiON CX4 connect to the SMI-S Provider over an Ethernet Connection.
For VMAX, a VMAX gatekeeper device must be presented to the SMI-S server.
The EMC Solutions Enabler and the EMC SMI-S Provider are provided by EMC as separately installable products and are available from the EMC Powerlink website. To install the EMC SMI-S Provider software, follow these steps:
NOTE: The HP 3PAR Online Import Utility supports installation of the EMC SMI-S Provider only
on Windows. See product release notes for full installation details:
SMI Provider Release Notes (https://developer-content.emc.com/developer/devcenters/storage/
snia/smi-s/downloads/SMI_Provider_RN.pdf) This link will take you outside the Hewlett-Packard website. HP does not control and is not responsible
for information outside hp.com.
Configuration Rules for HP 3PAR Online Import for EMC Storage Support 15
1. Download EMC SMI-S Provider Installer from EMC. An EMC login account is required.
To download the program, go to the following website:
EMC (https://support.emc.com/downloads/5587_SMI-S-Provider)
NOTE: This link will take you outside the Hewlett-Packard website. HP does not control and
is not responsible for information outside hp.com.
2. Launch the se76123 installer. The EMC Solutions Enabler welcome page appears, prompting
you to install Solutions Enabler with SMI-S version V4.6.1.6.
3. Click Next to begin the installation process.
4. The Destination Folder dialog box opens and prompts you to select an install directory for
Solutions Enabler and EMC SMI-S Provider. It is recommended that you choose the default directory.
5. Click Next to continue. The Provider List dialog box opens.
6. Select Array Provider.
7. Click Next to continue. The Ready to Install Program dialog box opens.
8. Click Install to begin installing files to your selected folder. This may take several minutes.
9. When the Installation Wizard Completed dialog box opens, click Finish to complete the setup.

Configuring EMC SMI-S Provider

Installing EMC SMI-S Provider is a prerequisite to allow remote software to connect to the EMC Storage system.
You can either work directly on the EMC SMI-S Provider server or start a Remote Desktop Connection to it.
1. Open a Windows command prompt on the server where the EMC SMI-S Provider software
is installed.
2. Change the directory to the location of the EMC SMI-S Provider installation. The default is:
C:\Program Files\EMC\ECIM\ECOM\bin
3. In the Windows command prompt, type C:\Program Files\EMC\ECIM\ECOM\bin>
4. Accept all default settings when prompted.
5. Attach the storage system to the SMI-S Provider.
NOTE: To migrate both a VMAX storage system and an EMC CLARiiON or VNX storage
system, follow both of the following steps.
a. For VMAX storage systems, any VMAX storage arrays connected to the SMI-S Provider
server will be automatically detected, provided that:
SMI-S and VMAX have a Fibre Channel connection and are zoned.
The gatekeeper LUN is presented to the SMI-S server.
If the VMAX does not show up, run the disco command to rescan for arrays. Proceed to step 6, unless you intend to migrate volumes from an EMC CLARiiON or VNX storage system.
b. To attach an EMC CLARiiON or VNX storage system to SMI-S Provider, use the addsys
(localhost:5988) ? addsys
Add System {y|n} [n]: y
ArrayType (1=Clar, 2=Symm) [1]:
One or more IP address or Hostname or Array ID
16 Installation and Setup for Data Migration
Elements for Addresses
IP address or hostname or array id 0 (blank to quit): <IP address of SPA>
IP address or hostname or array id 1 (blank to quit): <IP address of SPB>
IP address or hostname or array id 2 (blank to quit):
Address types corresponding to addresses specified above.
(1=URL, 2=IP/Nodename, 3=array ID)
Address Type (0) [default=2]:
Address Type (1) [default=2]:
User: <Global Administrator> global administrator user for CX4 array
Password [null]: <password>
Output codes are shown in the following table:
Not Supported1
Invalid Parameter5
Job Queued4096
Size Not Supported4097
6. Use the dv command to verify the storage system is discovered.
If your EMC SMI-S Provider has client IP filtering enabled, you need to add the IP address of the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility server to the trusted IP address list.
To add an HP 3PAR Online Import Utility server to the EMC SMI-S Provider trusted IP address list:
1. Log into SMI-S ECOM administration page using one of the SMI-S user and password
https://<SMI-S IP address>:5989/ECOMConfig
http://<SMI-S IP address>:5988/ECOMConfig
2. Select the Client IP Filtering link on the ECOM Administration page.
3. Add the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility server IP address in the Trusted client’s IP field on the
Client IP Filtering page and click Execute to complete.

Installing the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage

These steps describe the process for installing the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility. The HP 3PAR Online Import Utility software can be obtained from the HP Software Depot using the following link:
Installing the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage 17
HP Software Depot
NOTE: If you have HP 3PAR Online Import Utility 1.1.0 and are upgrading to HP 3PAR Online
Import Utility 1.2.0, you must uninstall version 1.1.0 before upgrading to version 1.2.0. See the HP SPOCK website for supported target environments for the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
HP SPOCK (http://www.hp.com/storage/spock)
The HP 3PAR Online Import Utility software consists of two installable applications: the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility client and the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility server.
If one component has already been installed on a given system, and you want to add the second component on the same system, first run the installer to remove the component already installed, and then rerun the installer to install both components at once.
The default directories and options are shown below:
Default Installation Directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\hp3paremcoiu
Default Log File Name
hp3paremc.log (under C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\
Default Port Numbers
Service Port: 2396
Shutdown Port: 2397
1. Double-click the Installer Package Image icon to begin the installation process.
The HP 3PAR Online Import Utility splash screen and appears with the InstallShield Wizard.
18 Installation and Setup for Data Migration
2. When the Welcome screen appears, click Next.
Installing the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage 19
3. Accept the end user license agreement and click Next.
The Custom Setup dialog box appears.
4. To choose the default setup (both the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility server and client installed
on this machine), click Next. Otherwise, select the component that you want to omit from this installation. Use this option
if you want to install the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility server and client on separate machines, and then click Next to continue.
5. Click Yes if you have a CA signed certificate, or click No to generate a certificate from the
20 Installation and Setup for Data Migration
NOTE: After the certificate installation dialog box is passed, the installer checks whether the
default ports are already in use on this machine. If they are, another dialog box will be displayed, prompting you to specify available ports to use for this installation. This is not a common occurrence.
NOTE: If there was a conflict with the default port numbers and different port numbers were
supplied to the installation process, the following must be done after installation is complete to properly use the new ports:
a. Edit OIUCli.bat, located at:
<Install location>\Hewlett-Packard\ hp3paremcoiu\CLI
b. On the following line in the file, change the service port number from the default (2396)
to the supplied port number:
java -jar ..\CLI\oiucli-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar %* -port 2396
6. Confirm the installation, click Install.
Installing the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage 21
7. Monitor the progress of the installation. When complete, click Next.
8. Tomcat services will begin installation. When complete, click Next.
IMPORTANT: The installer does not support doing a close, cancel, or kill action during the
Tomcat Installation. If the installation of Tomcat is interrupted, the software installation is not fully cancelled and left in an indeterminate state. Do not click the Cancel button or close the window by clicking the X in the upper-right corner.
9. When the installation completes, click Finish.
22 Installation and Setup for Data Migration
10. The HP 3PAR Online Import Utility shortcut will be installed on your desktop.
11. After successful installation, verify that the HP Storage Migration Admins group has been
12. Add the Administrator account or another account with administrator privileges as a member
of HP Storage Migration Admins group. This is the USERNAME that will be used in starting the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility.
Installing the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage 23
13. To start the utility, double click the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage desktop
icon, and provide local credentials as stated in the note below.
NOTE: If the client and server have been installed on the same machine, you can use the
keyword LOCALHOST to connect to the local server. Otherwise, use the IP address of the machine where the server is located.
NOTE: The server version is shown as This is the correct version number
for HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage version 1.2.0.

Migrations Supported by HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage

Verify the types of migrations supported by the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility. For migration types supported by VNX, CLARiiON CX4, and VMAX, see Table 14 (page 25) For migration types supported by VMAX only, see Table 15 (page 29) See Table 13 (page 25) for a legend for the migration-type tables.
24 Installation and Setup for Data Migration
Table 13 Legend for the migration support tables
Storage Group
Item selected by user input on CLI

Migrations Supported for VNX, CLARiiON CX4, and VMAX

Migrations supported by the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for VNX, CLARiiON CX4, and VMAX are shown in Table 14 (page 25).
Table 14 Migration supported by the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
DescriptionSupported Configuration
Single LUN, single host The host is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Single LUN, single host The LUN is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Multiple LUNs, single host The host is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Migrations Supported by HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage 25
Table 14 Migration supported by the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility (continued)
DescriptionSupported Configuration
Multiple LUNs, single host All LUNs are selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Multiple LUNs, single host Not all LUNs are selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import
Utility CLI. (All LUNs will be migrated.)
Single LUN, multiple hosts The host is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Single LUN, multiple hosts The LUN is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Multiple LUNs, multiple hosts The host is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Multiple LUNs, multiple hosts All LUNs are selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
26 Installation and Setup for Data Migration
Multiple LUNs, multiple hosts Not all LUNs are selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import
Utility CLI.
Table 14 Migration supported by the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility (continued)
DescriptionSupported Configuration
Single LUN, multiple hosts The host is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Single LUN, multiple hosts The LUN is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Multiple LUNs, multiple hosts The host is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Multiple LUNs, multiple hosts All LUNs are selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Multiple LUNs, multiple hosts Not all LUNs are selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import
Utility CLI.
Single LUN, multiple hosts The host is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Migrations Supported by HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage 27
Table 14 Migration supported by the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility (continued)
DescriptionSupported Configuration
Single LUN, multiple hosts The LUN is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Multiple LUNs, multiple hosts The host is selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Multiple LUNs, multiple hosts All LUNs are selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility
Multiple LUNs, multiple hosts Not all LUNs are selected on the HP 3PAR Online Import
Utility CLI.

Migrations Supported by the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for VMAX Only

IMPORTANT: The migrations shown here are supported only for VMAX.
NOTE: These configurations are not supported for EMC VNX or CLARiiON CX4:
The createmigration command checks for these configurations and blocks migrations of
unsupported configuration.
In most cases, unsupported configurations are those in which multiple LUNs that span multiple
storage groups are to be added to the migration (either explicitly or implicitly).
It is an error when the added storage groups do not contain exactly the same LUNs.
28 Installation and Setup for Data Migration
Table 15 Migration supported by the HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for VMAX only
DescriptionUnsupported Configuration
A LUN in multiple storage groups is selected, and the groups are not identical.
A LUN in a single storage group is selected, but it is grouped with a shared LUN, and the shared LUN’s storage groups are not identical.
A host is selected, but it is grouped with a shared LUN, and the shared LUN’s storage groups are not identical.
LUNs are selected spanning multiple groups, and the storage groups are not identical.
LUNs are selected spanning multiple storage groups, and the storage groups are not identical.
Migrations Supported by HP 3PAR Online Import Utility for EMC Storage 29

4 Preparing for Data Migration

Use the information in this chapter to ensure all necessary tasks are performed and considerations are understood before beginning a migration.

Data Migration Considerations

Before migrating data using 3PAR Online Import for EMC Storage, be aware of the following general considerations, system requirements, and other tasks associated with planning, host configuration, and network and zoning requirements.

General Considerations

LUNs and hosts can be implicitly added to the migration, even if they are not specified by the
Only volumes presented to Fibre Channel hosts can be migrated. Volumes presented to iSCSI
or FCoE hosts cannot be migrated.
All hosts and LUNs in the source groups are migrated. If there are multiple hosts or LUNs in
the configuration, they all end up in a single CPG.
When a cluster is being migrated, all the hosts in the cluster must be moved at once.
HP 3PAR host persona/host OS: EMC Storage arrays do not implement specific OS settings
when registering host initiators on the EMC Storage array. During migration, online import cannot determine the host OS when migrating the hosts to the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage. All hosts that are being created on the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage during EMC migration are set by default to host persona 2. Consider changing the HP 3PAR host persona/host OS to the appropriate setting before enabling access to the HP 3PAR array.
LUNs identified for migration should not be part of any other current application jobs. For
example, make sure the LUN is not part of a replication job or backup job.
The LUN limit for offline migrations is 25. The maximum number of volumes that can be
migrated with MDM or an online migration is 255. See “Aborting a Migration” (page 55)
A createmigration command cannot simultaneously contain a host and a LUN for
Only one createmigration is allowed at a time because 3PAR Peer Ports can only be in
one EMC Storage Group at a time.
When a volume on the source EMC Storage system is migrated, an SCSI-3 reservation is
installed to prevent any unwanted management changes to the volume during the migration. The SCSI-3 reservation remains on the volume after the migration.
Only one EMC Storage system at a time can be attached as a source to the destination
HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system.
EMC volumes cannot be migrated if they are larger than 16 TB, the maximum volume size on
the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system.
EMC volumes cannot be migrated if they are less than 256 MB, the minimum volume size on
the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage systems.
Snapshots become standalone objects on the destination HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system.
LUNs that have been migrated cannot be part of a replication group.
30 Preparing for Data Migration
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