Schottky Barrier Diodes for
General Purpose Applications
Technical Data
• Low Turn-On Voltage
As Low as 0.34 V at 1 mA
• Pico Second Switching Speed
• High Breakdown Voltage
Up to 70 V
• Matched Characteristics
The 1N5711, 1N5712, 5082-2800/
10/11 are passivated Schottky
barrier diodes which use a
patented “guard ring” design to
achieve a high breakdown
voltage. Packaged in a low cost
glass package, they are well suited
for high level detecting, mixing,
switching, gating, log or A-D
converting, video detecting,
frequency discriminating,
sampling, and wave shaping.
5082-2300 Series
5082-2800 Series
The 5082-2835 is a passivated
Schottky diode in a low cost glass
package. It is optimized for low
turn-on voltage. The 5082-2835 is
particularly well suited for the
UHF mixing needs of the CATV
The 5082-2300 Series and
5082-2900 devices are unpassivated Schottky diodes in a glass
package. These diodes have
extremely low 1/f noise and are
ideal for low noise mixing, and
high sensitivity detecting. They
are particularly well suited for use
in Doppler or narrow band video
Outline 15
0.41 (.016)
0.36 (.014)
25.4 (1.00)
1.93 (.076)
1.73 (.068)
4.32 (.170)
3.81 (.150)
25.4 (1.00)
Maximum Ratings
Junction Operating and Storage Temperature Range
5082-2303, -2900.................................................................-60°C to +100°C
1N5711, 1N5712, 5082-2800/10/11 ....................................-65°C to +200°C
5082-2835............................................................................-60°C to +150°C
DC Power Dissipation
(Measured in an infinite heat sink at T
Derate linearly to zero at maximum rated temperature
5082-2303, -2900.............................................................................. 100 mW
1N5711, 1N5712, 5082-2800/10/11 ................................................. 250 mW
5082-2835......................................................................................... 150 mW
Peak Inverse Voltage ................................................................................. V
= 25°C)
Package Characteristics
Outline 15
Lead Material ........................................................................................ Dumet
Lead Finish..............................................................................95-5% Tin-Lead
Max. Soldering Temperature ................................................260°C for 5 sec
Min. Lead Strength ....................................................................4 pounds pull
Typical Package Inductance
1N5711, 1N5712: ................................................................................ 2.0 nH
2800 Series: ........................................................................................ 2.0 nH
2300 Series, 2900: .............................................................................. 3.0 nH
Typical Package Capacitance
1N5711, 1N5712: ................................................................................ 0.2 pF
2800 Series: ........................................................................................ 0.2 pF
2300 Series, 2900: ............................................................................ 0.07 pF
The leads on the Outline 15 package should be restricted so that the
bend starts at least 1/16 inch from the glass body.
Outline 15 diodes are available on tape and reel. The tape and reel
specification is patterned after RS-296-D.
Electrical Specifications at TA = 25°C
General Purpose Diodes
Min. Max. VF = 1 V Max. Max. Max.
Breakdown Forward at Forward Reverse Leakage Capaci-
Part Package Voltage Voltage Current Current tance
Number Outline VBR (V) VF (mV) IF (mA) IR (nA) at VR (V) CT (pF)
5082-2800 15 70 410 15 200 50 2.0
1N5711 15 70 410 15 200 50 2.0
5082-2810 15 20 410 35 100 15 1.2
1N5712 15 20 550 35 150 16 1.2
5082-2811 15 15 410 20 100 8 1.2
5082-2835 15 8* 340 10* 100 1 1.0
Test IR = 10 µAIF = 1 mA *VF = 0.45 V VR = 0 V
Conditions *IR = 100 µA f =1.0 MHz
Note: Effective Carrier Lifetime (τ) for all these diodes is 100 ps maximum measured with Krakauer method at 5 mA except for 5082-2835
which is measured at 20 mA.