VOLT AIRE Line Isolation AC Power Transformer
Good sound begins at the power source. For decades, we at Hovland have searched for
a method of providing a cleaner source of electricity for premium music systems. Having
auditioned many power conditioning products, we consistently found that the sonic
drawbacks ultimately outweighed any advantages. It became clear that in order to find a
solution that met our demands, we needed to create it ourselves.
The result is the Volt Aire line isolation AC power transformer, a device which we believe
truly transforms the quality of power supplied to audio system components. The Volt Aire
reveals a sense of dimensionality, impact, and nuance in recordings that continues to amaze
music lovers, recording after recording.
Volt Aire, a skillfully crafted and unique product, provides the following benefits:
• Isolation from earth ground reference for components powered through it, producing a
significant reduction or even complete elimination of a number of forms of potential
interference traveling on the typical AC mains conductors.
• Reduction of noise and non-symmetrical harmonics riding on peaks of the AC mains
wave, offering a purer source of power that allows attached components to operate at
their fullest potential.
• Offers an immediately discernable improvement at a modest cost.
Power capacity: 250 Watts @ 120V AC
200 Watts @ 100V AC
Protection: External fuse and internal thermal protection
Connections: IEC line connector
High quality duplex outlet
Casework dimensions: 6” W x 5.75” H x 5” D
152mm W x 146mm H x 127mm D
Case work description: Hand polished aluminum case with
polished clear cast acrylic base.
Feet are optional, cones recommended.
Blue LED pilot light.
The Hovland Volt Aire Line Isolation AC Power Transformer is a product that
dramatically enhances the musicality of even the finest audio components. The
impressive improvements it makes are accomplished in three major areas of power
line conditioning:
Isolation of the AC power "common" from dirty "earth" ground. This action has the
capability of lowering background noise coming from RFI and noises in the AC
earth ground. Typical sources of interference are: computers and high speed
digital equipment; switching-type power supplies found in many types of electronic
equipment including televisions and computers; clocks and RF oscillators in digital
electronics and television/radio sets; electronic lamp dimmers, electric brush-type
motors found in vacuum cleaners, blenders, hair dryers etc.; fluorescent lights;
neon signs etc.
Lowering externally caused interference on the AC mains conductors and
establishing a lower impedance energy reserve especially on the crests or peaks
of the AC waveform. This is especially important because DC power
supplies—common to most all audio components—demand the greatest amount of
energy at these waveform peaks in order to replenish the charge lost in the power
supply storage capacitors when music demands occur. These demands are in
direct response to the peak energy demands that constantly occur in recorded
music. The quality of energy delivered to the power supply is critical to an audio
component’s ability to accurately reproduce the musical dynamics and transients.
Reducing "dynamic demand echo" modulation interference caused when audio
equipment demands extra energy from AC mains on loud music peaks, and
reducing "demand echo" caused by other types of equipment. The Volt Aire acts
somewhat like the breakwater wall in an ocean harbor that isolates the harbor from
large outside ocean waves. The results are an improved sense of “stillness”, and a
sense of less “noise” during music playback, something often perceived as more
space between the notes. There is also a sense of greater “blackness” and calm in
the music environment.
Overall the Volt Aire allows the music to become more transparent, with greater
dimensionality and focus. The recorded performance is more separate from the
artifacts of the recording, making the music more believable and enjoyable. Good
sound begins at the power source. Once the benefits of the Volt Aire are heard, it is
difficult to go back.
Phone 209-966-4377 • Fax 209-966-4632 • www.hovlandcompany.com • E-mail hovland@earthlink.net