4.2 Technical data
UltraGas® (15-50)
Type (15) (20) (27) (35) (50)
• Nominal output 80/60°C with natural gas
kW 3,0-14,0 3,8-18,2 4,5-24,5 5,2-32,2 7,5-45,2
• Nominal output 40/30°C with natural gas
kW 3,3-15,5 4,3-20,3 5,0-27,2 5,8-35,7 8,3-50,1
• Nominal output 80/60°C with liquid gas
kW 4,5-13,8 4,9-18,6 6,6-24,3 6,9-32,2 9,9-45,5
• Nominal output 40/30°C with liquid gas
kW 5,0-15,3 5,5-20,7 7,3-27,0 7,7-35,7 10,9-50,5
• Nominal load with natural gas
kW 3,1-14,5 4,0-19,0 4,7-25,4 5,4-33,3 7,7-46,9
• Nominal load with liquid gas
kW 4,7-14,3 5,1-19,3 6,8-25,2 7,2-33,4 10,2-47,2
• Working pressure heating max./min. bar 3,0 / 1,0 3,0 / 1,0 3,0 / 1,0 3,0 / 1,0 3,0 / 1,0
• Working temperature max.. °C 85 85 85 85 85
• Boiler water capacity l 57 55 51 81 75
• Flow resistance boiler
z-value 3,5 3,5 3,5 1,1 1,1
• Min. water circulation l/h 0 0 0 0 0
• Boiler Weight (without water content, incl. casing) kg 131 135 143 161 174
• Boiler efficiency at partial load 30% (according to EN 303)
(related to net / gross calorific value)
107,1/96,5 106,9/96,3 106,7/96,1 106,7/96,1 106,9/96,3
• Standard efficiency 40/30°C % 109,5/98,6 109,5/98,6 109,5/98,6 109,5/98,6 109,5/98,6
(net calorific value / gross calorific value) 75/60°C % 107/96,4 107/96,4 107/96,4 107,0/96,4 107,0/96,4
• Heat loss rate at 70°C Watt 160 160 160 220 220
• Standard emission rate NOx. mg/kWh 25 26 28 31 29
CO. mg/kWh 11 11 10 11 4
• Content of CO
in the exhaust gas max./min. power % 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8
• Dimensions See table of dimensions
• Connections Flow /ReturnInches R 1" R 1" R 1" R 1¼" R 1¼"
Gas Inches Rp ¾" Rp ¾" Rp ¾" Rp ¾" Rp ¾"
Flue gas Ø mm E80 E80 E80 E80 E80
• Gas flow pressure min./ max.
Natural gas E/LL mbar 18-50 18-50 18-50 18-50 18-50
Liquid gas mbar 37-50 37-50 37-50 37-50 37-50
• Gas connection value at 0°C / 1013 mbar:
Natural gas E - (Wo = 15,0 kWh/m
) Hu = 9,97 kWh/m
m3/h 1,5 1,9 2,6 3,3 4,7
Natural gas LL- (Wo = 12,4 kWh/m
) Hu = 8,57 kWh/m
m3/h 1,7 2,2 3,0 3,9 5,5
Propane gas (Hu = 25,9 kWh/m
) m3/h 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,3 1,8
• Operation voltage V/Hz 230/50 230/50 230/50 230/50 230/50
• Control voltage V/Hz 24/50 24/50 24/50 24/50 24/50
• Min./Max. electrical power consumption Watt 24/46 24/64 24/58 29/98 30/122
• Standby Watt 12 12 12 12 12
• IP rating (integral protection) IP 20 20 20 20 20
• Acoustic capacity
- Heating noise (EN 15036 part 1) (room air-dependent) dB(A) 57 61 66 62 60
- Exhaust noise is radiated from the mouth
(DIN 45635 part 47) (room air-dependent/room air-independent)
dB(A) 43 49 55 55 58
• Acoustic pressure level (depending on installation)
dB(A) 50 56 59 55 53
• Condensate quantity (Natural gas ) at 40/30°C l/h 1,3 1,8 2,4 3,1 4,4
• pH value of the condensate pH ca. 4,2 ca. 4,2 ca. 4,2 ca. 4,2 ca. 4,2
• Value for flue calculation
Temperature class T120 T120 T120 T120 T120
Flue gas mass flow kg/h 23 31 42 55,0 78,0
Flue gas temperature at nominal output and operation 80/60°C °C 62 63 64 65 68
Flue gas temperature at nominal output and operation 40/30°C °C 45 45 45 46 46
Mass flow combustion air Nm
/h 17 23 31 41 58
Feed pressure for combustion air/ flue gas system Pa 100 100 100 120 120
Maximal Draft / negative pressure flue gas outlet Pa - 50 - 50 - 50 - 50 - 50
Data related to Hu. The boiler series is tested for EE/H-settings. With a factory setting of the Wobbe coefficient of 15,0 kWH/m3
operation at a Wobbe coefficient of 12,0 up to 15,7 kWh/m3 is possible (a readjustment may be necessary).
Data related to Hu.
Flow resistance boiler in mbar = volume flow (m3/h)2 x z
See also notes at „Engineering“.
• Boiler flow resistence see diagram.