Hoval UltraGas 15, UltraGas 27, UltraGas 20, UltraGas 35, UltraGas 50 Installation Instructions Manual

The oor standing gas condensing boiler UltraGas® are designed and approved for use as heat generators for hot water heating systems with a permissible ow tem­perature of up to 85ºC1), in accordance with EN 483 and EN 677. They are designed for continuously adjustable reduced output operation in heating systems.
See technical data
Rated output levels at 40/30ºC and for natural gas 30-UltraGas
(15) 3,1 - 15,5 kW 30-UltraGas® (20) 4,0 - 20,2 kW 30-UltraGas® (27) 5,0 - 27,2 kW 30-UltraGas® (35) 5,8 - 35,7 kW 30-UltraGas® (50) 8,3 - 50,1 kW
UltraGas® (15-50)
Condensing gas heating boilers for natural gas and liquid gas for modulating operation
Hoval products must be installed and commissioned only by appropriately qualied experts. These instruc­tions are intended exclusively for the specialist. Electri­cal installations may only be carried out by a qualied electrician.
Subject to modi cations |
Technical information Installation instructions
4 210 264 / 04 - 08/13
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Table of contents
1. Safety instructions
1.1 Key to symbols used .............................................................................................................................. 4
2. Important notes
2.1 Acceptance of delivery ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Scope of guarantee ................................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Instruction manuals ................................................................................................................................ 4
2.4 Regulations, official permits .................................................................................................................. 4
2.4.1 Germany § ................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.4.2 Austria § .................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4.3 Switzerland § ............................................................................................................................................. 5
3. Assembly
3.1 Set-up, levelling ....................................................................................................................................... 6
4. Technical data
4.1 Description of the boiler ......................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Technical data .........................................................................................................................................8
4.3 Dimensions .............................................................................................................................................. 9
4.4 Space requirements .............................................................................................................................. 10
4.5 Boiler-Flow resistance .......................................................................................................................... 11
4.6 Brief description of the automatic firing device ................................................................................ 11
5. Installation
5.1 Safety information ................................................................................................................................. 12
5.2 Boiler room requirements .................................................................................................................... 12
5.2.1 Room air dependent installation .............................................................................................................. 12
5.2.2 Room sealed installation ......................................................................................................................... 12
5.3 Flue gas connection and flue ............................................................................................................... 13
5.4 Condensate drainage ............................................................................................................................ 14
5.5 Design variants ..................................................................................................................................... 14
5.6 Fitting the condensate drain (standard design with siphon) ............................................................ 15
5.7 Fitting the neutralisation box (if fitted) ............................................................................................... 16
5.8 Fitting the condensate delivery pump ................................................................................................ 17
5.9 Fitting the neutralisation box and the condensate delivery pump ................................................... 18
5.10 Hydraulic connection ............................................................................................................................ 20
5.10.1 Customer-side requirements ................................................................................................................... 20
5.10.2 Hydraulic interconnection ........................................................................................................................ 20
5.11 Electrical connection ............................................................................................................................ 21
6. Commissioning
6.1 Safety information ................................................................................................................................ 22
6.2 Filling with water ................................................................................................................................... 22
6.3 Water quality .......................................................................................................................................... 23
6.4 Bleeding the air from the gas line ....................................................................................................... 24
6.5 Switching on the system ...................................................................................................................... 24
6.6 Gas inlet pressure ................................................................................................................................. 24
6.7 Setting the gas flow rate CO2(O2) and measurement of NOx/CO content in the flue gas
(flue gas measurement) ........................................................................................................................ 25
6.8 Changing over to a different gas type ................................................................................................. 26
6.9 Handover to the user ............................................................................................................................ 26
6.10 Record - Activation of screed function ............................................................................................... 27
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Table of contents
7. Maintenance
7.1 Safety information ................................................................................................................................ 29
7.2 Bleeding ................................................................................................................................................ 29
7.3 Water refilling ....................................................................................................................................... 29
7.4 Information for combustion controller/chimney sweep regarding emission monitor key ............. 30
7.5 Cleaning ................................................................................................................................................. 31
7.5.1 Cleaning the burner cylinder ................................................................................................................... 31
7.5.2 Cleaning the exterior of the combustion chamber and burner cylinder ................................................... 32
7.5.3 Cleaning/adjusting the ignition and ionisation device ..............................................................................33
7.6 Setting the gas flow rate CO2(O2) and measurement of NOx/CO content in the flue gas (flue gas
measuring according to point 6.7) ..................................................................................................... 33
7.7 Clean siphon or neutralisation box .................................................................................................... 34
7.8 Maintenance of the Neutralisation equipment (if available) .............................................................. 35
7.8.1 Procedure for servicing the neutralisation installation ............................................................................. 35
8. Overview of settings
8.1 Table of parameters .............................................................................................................................. 36
8.2 FIRING DEVICE UltraGas® (15-50) ....................................................................................................... 43
8.3 Fault Reporting overview TopTronic®T ................................................................................................ 48
8.4 Automatic firing device (Warning, Blocking, Lock-out) ..................................................................... 50
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Safety instructions
1. Safety instructions
The system shall not be put into opera­tion until all relevant standards and safe­ty regulations are met.
For a test run, the following minimum conditions must be satisfied:
- Safety valve installed (closed system)
- Controls operative (connected to power supply)
- Sensor for safety temperature limiter is connected (= boiler temperature sensor)
- System filled with water
- Siphon filled with water
- Expansion tank connected
- Flue gas adapter pipe with flue gas pipe connect­ed to flue.
- Burner is preset (see point 6.7).
1.1 Key to symbols used
Tools: Shows the tools required for the following work.
Result: Shows the expected reaction to your ac­tion.
Note: Provides important information.
Safety information: Indicates an immediate hazard to per­sons.
Safety information: Warning of dangerous electrical voltage.
Warning information: Indicates danger to machines and Instal­lations.
Provides important information. Reference to standards and regulations.
2. Important notes
2.1 Acceptance of delivery
A visual control of the heating boiler
should be conducted upon delivery.
In the event of damage, the necessary steps should be followed as specified in
the delivery contract. The costs for cor-
recting the damage shall be taken over
by the individual risk bearer.
2.2 Scope of guarantee
The guarantee does not cover defects
caused by:
- non-observance of these instructions
- non-observance of the operating in­structions
- incorrect Installation
- unauthorised alterations
- improper use
contaminated operating media (gas,
water, combustion air)
unsuitable chemical additives to the
heating water
- damage due to the exercise of force
- corrosion through halogen compounds
- corrosion through nonconforming wa­ter quality
2.3 Instruction manuals
A summary of all the instruction manuals
relevant to this system can be found in
the Hoval System User Guide! In excep­tional cases the instructions are kept with the respective components!
Additional sources of information:
- Hoval catalogue
- Standards and regulations
2.4 Regulations, official permits
When installing and operating the sys­tem, the standards and regulations spec­i fied in point 2.4.1 to 2.4.3 must be com­plied with at all times.
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Important notes
2.4.1 Germany §
• DIN EN 12831 Heating systems in buildings ­Methods for calculating the design heat load
• DIN EN 13384 Flue gas systems - Heat and flow calculation methods
• DIN EN 12828 Heating systems in buildings ­Planning of hot water heating systems.
• DIN 4755 Oil fired combustion systems.
• Construction, design, safety requirements.
• DIN 4756 Gas fired combustion systems. Con­struction, design, safety requirements, design and execution (for gas burner operation).
• DIN 18160 Domestic chimneys, requirements, de­sign and construction.
• TRD 702 Steam boilers with group II hot water generators.
• TRD 721 Safety equipment against excessive pressure / safety valves for group II steam boilers.
• VDI 2035 Prevention of damage through corrosion and scale formation in hot water heating systems.
• DIN 57 116 / VDI 0116 Electrical equipment in combustion systems (VDE regulation).
• See enclosure N-430 020 for further standards ap­plicable in Germany.
2.4.2 Austria §
• OENORM 12831 Heating systems in buildings ­Methods for calculating the design heat load
• OENORM 13384 Flue gas systems ­Heat and flow calculation methods
• OENORM 12828 Heating systems in buildings ­Planning of hot water heating systems.
• ÖNorm B 8130 Open water heating systems; safety equipment.
• ÖNorm B 8131 Closed water heating systems; requirements to safety, construction and testing.
• ÖNorm B 8133 Hot water supply systems; safety requirements.
• ÖNorm B 8136 Heating systems, space and other building requirements.
• ÖNorm M 7515 Dimensioning of chimneys; definitions and calculation procedure.
• ÖNorm H 5171 Heating systems - construction requirements for buildings.
2.4.3 Switzerland §
• SN EN 12831 Heating systems in buildings - Methods for calculating the design heat load
• SN EN 13384 Flue gas systems - Heat and flow calculation methods
• SN EN 12828 Heating systems in buildings - Planning of hot water heating systems.
• VKF - Association of Cantonal Fire Insurances.
• Fire service regulations.
• SVGW Switzerland. Association of the gas and water trade.
• SNV 27 10 20 Ventilation requirements for the boil­er Installation room.
• SWKI BT102-01 Quality of water in installations of building technology.
• Technical tank regulations TTV 1990.
and further standards and regulations issued by CEN, CEN ELEC, DIN, VDE, DVGW, TRD and by the legislator. Regulations from the local building au­thority, insurance companies and chimney sweeps must also be complied with. When using gas as fuel, the regulations of the responsible gas board must also be observed. An official permit may be required.
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3. Assembly
3.1 Set-up, levelling
The boiler is fixed to wooden transport chocks. For transport up and down stairs, it is wise to leave these timbers in place under the boiler.
A special foundation plate for the boiler is not an es­sential, but it is recommended.
Space requirement
For further information on space requirements, see chapter 4.4.
The cleaning apertures must be easily accessible.
Installing and levelling the boiler
Remove transport chocks. Store nuts and washers. Lift the boiler on one side and put grub screws of boiler base from the bottom through the slot of the boiler sockets. Fix boiler feet using hexagonal nuts (figure 01).
Using a spirit level, set the boiler in longitudinal and transverse direction and position it with a slight forward tilt. This is done by adjusting the nuts on the boiler feet. After this adjustment, the upper (locking) nuts on the boiler feet must be tightened.
Fig. 01
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Technical data
4. Technical data
4.1 Description of the boiler
The Hoval UltraGas® is a low emission, energy-saving condensing gas boiler comprising the Ultraclean burner system, a gas fired premix burner with com­bustion air fan. The Hoval UltraGas® has a vertically disposed combustion chamber of stainless steel as a primary heating surface and a secondary heat­ing surface of a corrosion resistant aluminium alloy.
The secondary heating surface is designed so that part of the water vapour contained in the flue gas is condensed and the vaporisation heat it contains is utilised for the heating circuit. The gas burner is in the form of a break draught burner, which can easily be swung up for maintenance purposes. The UltraGas
is designed to operate with natural and liquid gas. The figure below shows the design principle.
Feed tube on left and/or right side
High temperature return on left and/or right side
Low temperature return on left and/or right side
Gas safety and control devices
Combustion air fan
Electrode for ignition
and flame monitoring
T controller
heat exchanger
Condensate collection tray
Flue gas connection
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Technical data
4.2 Technical data UltraGas® (15-50)
Type (15) (20) (27) (35) (50)
• Nominal output 80/60°C with natural gas
kW 3,0-14,0 3,8-18,2 4,5-24,5 5,2-32,2 7,5-45,2
• Nominal output 40/30°C with natural gas
kW 3,3-15,5 4,3-20,3 5,0-27,2 5,8-35,7 8,3-50,1
• Nominal output 80/60°C with liquid gas
kW 4,5-13,8 4,9-18,6 6,6-24,3 6,9-32,2 9,9-45,5
• Nominal output 40/30°C with liquid gas
kW 5,0-15,3 5,5-20,7 7,3-27,0 7,7-35,7 10,9-50,5
• Nominal load with natural gas
kW 3,1-14,5 4,0-19,0 4,7-25,4 5,4-33,3 7,7-46,9
• Nominal load with liquid gas
kW 4,7-14,3 5,1-19,3 6,8-25,2 7,2-33,4 10,2-47,2
• Working pressure heating max./min. bar 3,0 / 1,0 3,0 / 1,0 3,0 / 1,0 3,0 / 1,0 3,0 / 1,0
• Working temperature max.. °C 85 85 85 85 85
• Boiler water capacity l 57 55 51 81 75
• Flow resistance boiler
z-value 3,5 3,5 3,5 1,1 1,1
• Min. water circulation l/h 0 0 0 0 0
• Boiler Weight (without water content, incl. casing) kg 131 135 143 161 174
• Boiler efficiency at partial load 30% (according to EN 303)
(related to net / gross calorific value)
107,1/96,5 106,9/96,3 106,7/96,1 106,7/96,1 106,9/96,3
• Standard efficiency 40/30°C % 109,5/98,6 109,5/98,6 109,5/98,6 109,5/98,6 109,5/98,6
(net calorific value / gross calorific value) 75/60°C % 107/96,4 107/96,4 107/96,4 107,0/96,4 107,0/96,4
• Heat loss rate at 70°C Watt 160 160 160 220 220
• Standard emission rate NOx. mg/kWh 25 26 28 31 29
CO. mg/kWh 11 11 10 11 4
• Content of CO
in the exhaust gas max./min. power % 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8
• Dimensions See table of dimensions
• Connections Flow /ReturnInches R 1" R 1" R 1" R 1¼" R 1¼"
Gas Inches Rp ¾" Rp ¾" Rp ¾" Rp ¾" Rp ¾" Flue gas Ø mm E80 E80 E80 E80 E80
• Gas flow pressure min./ max.
Natural gas E/LL mbar 18-50 18-50 18-50 18-50 18-50 Liquid gas mbar 37-50 37-50 37-50 37-50 37-50
• Gas connection value at 0°C / 1013 mbar:
Natural gas E - (Wo = 15,0 kWh/m
) Hu = 9,97 kWh/m
m3/h 1,5 1,9 2,6 3,3 4,7
Natural gas LL- (Wo = 12,4 kWh/m
) Hu = 8,57 kWh/m
m3/h 1,7 2,2 3,0 3,9 5,5
Propane gas (Hu = 25,9 kWh/m
) m3/h 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,3 1,8
• Operation voltage V/Hz 230/50 230/50 230/50 230/50 230/50
• Control voltage V/Hz 24/50 24/50 24/50 24/50 24/50
• Min./Max. electrical power consumption Watt 24/46 24/64 24/58 29/98 30/122
• Standby Watt 12 12 12 12 12
• IP rating (integral protection) IP 20 20 20 20 20
• Acoustic capacity
- Heating noise (EN 15036 part 1) (room air-dependent) dB(A) 57 61 66 62 60
- Exhaust noise is radiated from the mouth (DIN 45635 part 47) (room air-dependent/room air-independent)
dB(A) 43 49 55 55 58
• Acoustic pressure level (depending on installation)
dB(A) 50 56 59 55 53
• Condensate quantity (Natural gas ) at 40/30°C l/h 1,3 1,8 2,4 3,1 4,4
• pH value of the condensate pH ca. 4,2 ca. 4,2 ca. 4,2 ca. 4,2 ca. 4,2
• Value for flue calculation Temperature class T120 T120 T120 T120 T120
Flue gas mass flow kg/h 23 31 42 55,0 78,0 Flue gas temperature at nominal output and operation 80/60°C °C 62 63 64 65 68 Flue gas temperature at nominal output and operation 40/30°C °C 45 45 45 46 46 Mass flow combustion air Nm
/h 17 23 31 41 58 Feed pressure for combustion air/ flue gas system Pa 100 100 100 120 120 Maximal Draft / negative pressure flue gas outlet Pa - 50 - 50 - 50 - 50 - 50
Data related to Hu. The boiler series is tested for EE/H-settings. With a factory setting of the Wobbe coefficient of 15,0 kWH/m3 operation at a Wobbe coefficient of 12,0 up to 15,7 kWh/m3 is possible (a readjustment may be necessary).
Data related to Hu.
Flow resistance boiler in mbar = volume flow (m3/h)2 x z
See also notes at „Engineering“.
• Boiler flow resistence see diagram.
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Technical data
4.3 Dimensions
(Dimensions in mm)
Type A B C D E F G H
(15-27) 1400 655 333 1320 1220 852 1184 144
(35,50) 1640 895 573 1560 1460 930 1340 222
Type UltraGas
(15-27) (35,50)
1 Heating flow / safety flow R 1" R 1¼" 2 Low temperature-return R 1" R 1¼" 2a High temperature-return R 1" R 1¼" 3 Gas connection Rp ¾" Rp ¾" 4 Flue gas outlet DN80 DN80 5 Boiler control 6 Condensate drain (left or right) incl.
siphon DN25 and 2 m PVC continuous-
flow tube inner Ø 19 x 4 mm 7 Draining 8 Electric cable entry point 9 Sound absorber hood 10 Heating armature group
or loading group (Option)
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Technical data
4.4 Space requirements
(Dimensions in mm)
Boiler door incl. burner swings upward and to the left or outward.
A = minimum 150 mm *
Burner service position front - boiler cleaning from the right
A = optimum 300 mm *
- Burner service position left - boiler cleaning from the front
- Boiler can be placed with the right side di­rectly against the wall
- however, a minimum gap of 160 mm is re­quired.
* without armature group,
500 mm with armature group
- The cleaning aperture must be easily accessible.
- Ensure access to the area behind the boiler.
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Technical data
4.5 Boiler-Flow resistance
UltraGas® (15-27)
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5
m3/h = Volume flow mbar = Flow resistance
4.6 Brief description of the automatic fir­ing device
The automatic firing device BIC960 of the UltraGas® only operates in conjunction with the
heating controller
TopTronic®T/UG. For this rea-
son, the automatic firing device only needs to take care of the last remaining functions to ensure the correct operation of a modulating gas boiler.
The automatic firing device comprises the following functions:
- PWM fan control (230V AC)
- Modulating operation
- Common electrode for ignition and flame monitor­ing (ionisation)
- LPG valve and boiler room fan controllable
- Inputs for flow sensor 1 flow sensor 2 flue gas sensor water pressure sensor safety temperature limiter (not used) air pressure switch (not used) gas pressure switch
- Status outputs “fault” and “flame signal”
- Allows connection of additional (external) ignition device
- RS 485 connection to TopTronic®T/UG
- RS 232 connection to PC
- Start attempts: maximum 4
- Safety period: 5 sec
- Pre-ignition period: 5 sec
- Pre-purging period: 50 sec
- Follow-on time pump (230V AC): 5 min after heat demand
The BIC 960 is fitted with 3 fuses: 2AT Mains 4AT Pump 4AT Burner fan
Blowing of one of the two 4AT fuses securing the pump or the burner fan, respectively, will prevent the affected device from starting. A failure of the mains fuse of the automatic firing device is displayed on the TopTronic
T/UG by the failure message „DATABUS ERROR 70-6“. The failure appears when there is no communication between automatic firing device and TopTronic
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5. Installation
5.1 Safety information
Sharp edges pose a cutting hazard. Handle the cladding parts with care and avoid contact with sharp edges.
5.2 Boiler room requirements
- The boiler room must satisfy the ap­plicable local building regulations.
- The boiler room ventilation must satisfy
the applicable local regulations in this
Boilers may not be installed in rooms containing halogen compounds which
can be carried into the combustion air
(e.g. wash rooms, drying rooms, DIY
rooms, hair dresser rooms).
Halogen compounds can originate, for
example, from cleaning and degreas­ing agents, solvents, glue, and bleach­ing lyes.
Ensure that the required combustion air can flow un­hindered at all times. This is important for the correct operation of all the boilers installed therein and to protect the users from an oxygen depleted atmos­phere. An adequate fresh air supply meeting the lo­cal regulations must be provided.
5.2.1 Room air dependent installation
• The applicable regulations do not normally provide any specific data on the size of air intakes. They only require the pressure in the boiler room not to be below 3 N/m2.
• This means that for a rated thermal output of up to 50 kW an air intake with a cross section of at least 300 cm2 must be available.
• For rectangular apertures the aspect ratio should not exceed 1.5:1. If a grid is fitted on the air intake, a suitable allowance must be made to obtain an air intake cross section of 300 cm
5.2.2 Room sealed installation
Configuration based on a concentric flue system:
• The suction air is supplied through a double-wall flue system.
• Ensure the boiler room is sufficiently ventilated.
Configuration using a separating piece (optional):
The following must be observed when laying out the intake pipe:
- If the intake opening is installed on the house facade near to a noise-sensitive
area (e.g. bedroom windows, garden
seating area, etc.) we recommend in-
stalling a noise damper in the direct
fresh air suction line.
- The intake opening must be easily ac­cessible.
- No chemicals or poisonous substances may be stored close to the intake open­ing
- The intake opening may not be installed beside fume extraction outlets or other venting outlets.
Ensure that the intake aperture is free from any obstructions at all times
(leaves, snow, ...)
A safety grid must be installed on the
suction opening on the outside wall.
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5.3 Flue gas connection and flue
Due to the low flue gas temperatures, condensate forms within the flue. For this reason, Hoval gas heating boilers can not be connected to convention­al house chimneys.
The flue gas extraction system must
comply with the following directives:
- SVGW/VKF Pursuant to the abovementioned regula­tions, a flue gas temperature limiter must be installed in the boiler.
The flue gas system must meet the
following requirements:
- Gastight
- Watertight
- Acid-proof
Approved for flue gas temperatures of
up to 120ºC (T 120)
- Approved for overpressure
Unhindered back flow of condensate into the boiler can only be ensured if: The gradient of the horizontal connection elements is at least 50 mm/m..
Only one heat generator may be con­nected to the same chimney. If two heat generators are to be con-
nected to the same chimney, the relevant
regulations must be complied with.
Cross sections and maximum lengths are calculated on the basis of graphs or tables. The tables can be obtained from the chimney or flue system manufacturer. The calculation values can be obtained
from the table under point 4.2.
The flue gas conduit cross sections and
lengths are calculated following the tech­nical data for the boiler.
The concentric supply air/exhaust sys-
tem of the boiler can also be conducted
horizontally backwards. The Hoval remo­delling set allows a remodelling on site.
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Possibility 3 - see chapter 5.8
• Siphon and condensate delivery pump
• Without neutralisation, condensate discharge into higher drain line.
Fig. 04
Possibility 4 - see chapter 5.9
• Neutralisation box and condensate delivery pump
• With condensate neutralisation - condensate dis­charge into higher drain line.
Fig. 05
5.4 Condensate drainage
The condensate drainage pipes on
the boiler must be made of corro-
sion resistant material. The following materials are suitable for condensate
The local regulations regarding con­densate drainage must be observed.
5.5 Design variants
Possibility 1 - see chapter 5.6
• Execution with siphon
• Condensate discharge into lower drain line.
Fig. 02
Possibility 2 - see chapter 5.7
• Execution with neutralisation box
• For condensate discharge in lower drain line, incl. condensate neutralisation.
Fig. 03
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5.6 Fitting the condensate drain (stand­ard design with siphon)
1. Remove front cover (1a, fig. 06). Release lateral
locking bolt (1, fig. 06) (approx. ¼ turn to the left). Lift the front cover straight upwards and remove towards the front.
2. Remove base plate (2, fig. 06). Lift base plate
straight upwards and remove.
3. Screw siphon (3) on the condensate tray (4) and
tighten securely (connection must be sealed)!
Slide the siphon support (3a) un­der the siphon.
6. Fit drain (5) on siphon (3) and lead it outwards
(optionally left or right side) through the aperture (5a).
7. Fit connecting line (5) to the drain line (2m hose
enclosed with the boiler).
8. Reattach front cover (1a, fig. 06) and base plate
(2, fig. 06).
Before commissioning, the siphon must be filled with water in order to prevent flue gas leakage..
The condensate drain must be made of corrosion-resistant material.
Fig. 06
If a neutralisation box is to be fitted, you will find the further installation steps on the next page.
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5.7 Fitting the neutralisation box (if fitted)
1. Remove the neutralisation box from its pa­ckaging. Remove the front and rear cover of the neutralisation box.
2. Empty the neutralisation granulate (Neutroxid) into the neutralisation box and distribute evenly.
Neutralisation granulate
Fig. 07
3. Remove front cover (1a, fig. 08). Release lateral locking bolt (1, fig. 08) (approx. ¼ turn to the left). Lift the front cover straight upwards and remove it towards the front.
4. Remove base plate (2, fig. 08). Lift the base plate straight upwards and remove it.
Fig. 08
5. Fit rear cover (9, fig. 09) of the neutralisation box.
6. Fit jubilee clip (10, fig. 09) approx. 20mm from the upper end of the hose and tighten slightly. The hose (10a, fig. 09) of the connection eccen­tric (10b, fig. 09) must be aligned towards the left.
Fig. 09
7. Slide the neutralisation box (11, fig. 10) into the boiler until the hose of the siphon (6, fig. 07) is directly beneath the drain connection.
Fig. 10
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