4.2 Technical data
UltraGas® (125-300)
Type (125) (150) (200) (250) (300)
• Nominal output 80/ 60 °C with natural gas
kW 25-113 25-138 39-185 44-230 51-278
• Nominal output 40/ 30 °C with natural gas
kW 28-123 28-150 44-200 49-250 57-300
• Nominal output 80/ 60 °C with propane gas kW 31-113 35-138 63-185 78-230 80-278
• Nominal output 40/ 30 °C with propane gas kW 34-123 39-150 70-200 87-250 91-300
• Nominal load with natural gas
kW 26-116 26-141 40-188 45-235 52-283
• Nominal load with propane gas kW 32-116 36-141 65-190 80-235 84-283
• Working pressure heating maximum/minimum bar 5,0 / 1,0 5,0 / 1,0 5,0 / 1,0 5,0 / 1,0 5,0 / 1,0
• Working temperature maximum °C 90 90 90 90 90
• Boiler water content l 206 194 359 341 318
• Minimum water flow l/h 0 0 0 0 0
• Boiler weight (without water content, incl. casing) kg 383 409 634 672 724
Boiler efficiency at partial load 30% (according to EN 303)
(related to net / gross calorific value)
% 106,9/96,3 106,9/96,3 106,7/96,1 106,5/95,9 107,0/96,4
• Standard efficiency (according to DIN 4702 part 8) 40/ 30 °C % 109,6/98,7 109,6/98,7 109,7/98,8 109,7/98,8 109,7/98,8
(related to net / gross calorific value) 75/ 60 °C % 107,1/96,5 107,1/96,5 107,2/96,6 107,2/96,6 107,2/96,6
• Heat loss rate at 70 °C Watt 480 480 530 530 530
• Standard emission rate Nitrogen oxides mg/kWh 26 29 39 38 38
Carbon monoxide mg/kWh 3 4 4 4 9
• Content of CO
in the exhaust gas maximum/minimum output % 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8
• Dimensions see table of dimensions
• Connections Flow/return DN DN65/PN6 DN65/PN6 DN65/PN6 DN65/PN6 DN65/PN6
Gas Inches Rp1" Rp1" Rp1½" Rp1½" Rp1½"
Flue gas Ø inside mm 155 155 252 252 252
• Gas flow pressure minimum/maximum
Natural gas E/LL mbar 18-80 18-80 18-80 18-80 18-80
Propane gas mbar 37-57 37-57 37-57 37-57 37-57
• Gas connection value at 0°C / 1013 mbar:
Natural gas E - (Wo = 15,0 kWh/m
) Hu = 9,97 h/m
m3/h 11,6 14,1 18,8 23,5 28,3
Natural gas LL- (Wo = 12,4 kWh/m
) Hu = 8,57 h/m
m3/h 13,5 16,5 21,9 27,4 33,0
(Hu = 25,9 kWh/m3) m3/h 4,5 5,4 7,3 9,1 10,9
• Operation voltage V/Hz 230/50 230/50 230/50 230/50 230/50
• Control voltage V/Hz 24/50 24/50 24/50 24/50 24/50
• Minimum/maximum electrical power consumption Watt 44/168 44/247 44/143 44/224 46/345
• Stand-by Watt 12 12 12 12 12
• IP rating (integral protection) IP 20 20 20 20 20
• Sound power level
- Heating noise (EN 15036 part 1) (room air dependent) dB(A) 69 72 65 68 72
- Exhaust noise is radiated from the mouth
(DIN 45635 part 47)
dB(A) 65 67 61 64 66
• Sound pressure level (depending on installation conditions)
dB(A) 59 62 55 58 62
• Condensate quantity (natural gas ) at 40/ 30 °C l/h 10,9 13,3 17,7 22,1 26,6
• pH value of the condensate ca. 4,2 ca. 4,2 ca. 4,2 ca. 4,2 ca. 4,2
• Flue gas system: requirements, values
Temperature class T120 T120 T120 T120 T120
Flue gas mass flow kg/h 192 234 312 330 470
Flue gas temperature at nominal output 80/ 60 °C °C 69 71 69 70 71
Flue gas temperature at nominal output 40/ 30 °C °C 48 49 48 49 49
Volume flow rate combustion air Nm
/h 143 175 233 291 350
Feed pressure total at the combustion air/flue gas pipe
Pa 100 120 120 130 130
Maximum draught / depression at flue gas outlet Pa - 50 - 50 - 50 - 50 - 50
Data related to Hu. The boiler series is tested for EE/H-settings. With a factory setting of the Wobbe coefficient of 15.0 kWH/m3 operation at a
Wobbe coefficient of 12.0 up to 15.7 kWh/m3 is possible (a readjustment may be necessary).
See also notes at „Engineering“.
Details for multi-boiler plants (cascade) with common flue gas line: see Hoval UltraGas® (250D-2000D).
• Boiler flow resistence see separate page.