Hoval TopGas 30, TopGas 35, TopGas 45, TopGas 50, TopGas 60 Technical Information Installation Instructions

Subject to modifi cations
Hoval products must be installed and commis­sioned only by appropriately qualifi ed experts. These instructions are intended exclusively for the specialist. Electrical installations may only be carried out by a qualifi ed electrician.
4 205 254 / 03 - 05/10
Gas condensing boiler TopGas® (30,35,45,50,60) for natural and liquid gas
Wall-mounted gas boilers TopGas® (30,35,45, 50,60) according to DIN 4702, DIN EN 483 and DIN EN 677 are suitable and approved as heat producers for hot water heating systems with a permissible flow temperature of up to 85°C). They are designed for a flexibly reduced opera­tion in heating systems according.
Rated output levels at 40/30°C and natural gas
(30) 6,8 - 30,1 kW 5/6-TopGas® (35) 6,8 - 35,0 kW 5/6-TopGas® (45) 11,1 - 45,0 kW 5/6-TopGas® (50) 12,8 - 52,9 kW 5/6-TopGas® (60) 12,8 - 60,7 kW
4 205 254 / 03
Table of contents
1. Important Information ..........................................................................................................4
1.1 Symbols ...................................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Guarantee ................................................................................................................................................4
1.3 Other instructions ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Safety instructions .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Regulations, official approvals .............................................................................................................. 5
1.6 Transport and storage ............................................................................................................................ 5
2. Technical details .................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Technical Data ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Dimensions .............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.3 Boiler flow resistance ............................................................................................................................. 8
2.4 Short description of the automatic firing unit BIC 335 ........................................................................ 8
2.5 Control of the boiler ................................................................................................................................ 9
2.6 Adjustable parameters .........................................................................................................................11
3. Installation .......................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Description of the Hoval TopGas® .......................................................................................................13
3.1.1 Diaphragm expansion tank......................................................................................................................13
3.1.2 Boiler casing ............................................................................................................................................13
3.1.3 Gas fittings ..............................................................................................................................................13
3.1.4 Automatic gas firing unit and heating controller ......................................................................................13
3.1.5 Heating circulation pump .........................................................................................................................13
3.1.6 Hot water supply .....................................................................................................................................13
3.1.7 Scope of supply .......................................................................................................................................13
3.1.8 TopGas® component designation ............................................................................................................14
3.2 Boiler installation room ........................................................................................................................ 15
3.3 Installing the boiler ...............................................................................................................................15
3.4 Hydraulic connection ............................................................................................................................15
3.4.1 Protection planning guidelines for the hydraulic connection ...................................................................15
3.4.2 Boil-dry safeguard ................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4.3 Gravity brake ........................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4.4 Minimum flow rate ................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4.5 To be provided by customer ....................................................................................................................16
3.4.6 Hydraulic interconnection ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.5 Flue gas connection, chimney and condensate pipeline .................................................................. 17
3.5.1 Waste gas pipelines in compliance with building construction law .......................................................... 17
3.5.2 Project planning guidelines for exhaust gas systems .............................................................................. 17
3.5.3 Installation examples for room-air-dependent operation ......................................................................... 18
3.5.4 Exhaust gas system for room-air-independent operation........................................................................19
3.5.5 Attic heating center .................................................................................................................................19
3.5.6 Wall penetration ......................................................................................................................................19
3.5.7 Connection of pipelines ........................................................................................................................... 20
3.5.8 Condensate draining and neutralisation .................................................................................................. 20
3.5.9 Gas connection .......................................................................................................................................20
3.6 Electrical connection ............................................................................................................................ 20
3.6.1 Electrical connection regulations............................................................................................................. 20
3.6.2 Electrical connection (grid) 230 V, 50 Hz................................................................................................. 21
3.6.3 Boiler control / electrical connection diagram .......................................................................................... 21
3.6.4 Connection of the heating controller .......................................................................................................21 TopTronic® RS-OT ......................................................................................................................................................21 TopTronic® T/N ...........................................................................................................................................................21
4 205 254 / 03 Table of contents
4. Commissioning .................................................................................................................. 21
4.1 Setting the control ................................................................................................................................21
4.2 Water quality .......................................................................................................................................... 21
4.2.1 Heating water .......................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Filling and replacement water .............................................................................................................. 22
4.3.1 Filling up the system ...............................................................................................................................23
4.3.2 Gas adjustment ....................................................................................................................................... 23
4.3.3 Bleeding the gas pipeline ........................................................................................................................ 23
4.3.4 Commissioning ........................................................................................................................................ 23
4.3.5 Gas inlet pressure ................................................................................................................................... 23
4.3.6 Gas fitting ................................................................................................................................................ 23
4.3.7 Setting the gas flow rate CO2 (O2) and measurement of NOx/CO content in the flue gas (flue gas
measurement) ......................................................................................................................................... 23
4.3.8 Changing to a different kind of gas .........................................................................................................24
4.4 Handing over to the user ...................................................................................................................... 25
4.4.1 Instruction the user ................................................................................................................................. 25
4.4.2 Checking the water level ......................................................................................................................... 25
4.4.3 Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................ 25
5. Decommissioning .............................................................................................................. 25
6. Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 26
6.1 Water-side leak check ........................................................................................................................... 26
6.2 Refilling .................................................................................................................................................. 26
6.3 Maintenance includes: .......................................................................................................................... 26
6.4 Cleaning the heat exchanger ...............................................................................................................26
6.5 Function check ...................................................................................................................................... 26
7. Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................. 28
8. Parameter List Automatic Burner BIC 335 ....................................................................... 31
4 205 254 / 03Important information
Important Information1.
Safety information (Instructions for the safety and protec-
tion of persons)
Warning information (Instructions for the protection of the
heating system)
Bold type = Important information
Important Note Proper functioning is only guaranteed if the operating instructions are observed and the boiler is regularly maintained according to the DVGW (German association of gas and water management / ÖVGW (Austrian association of gas and water management), respectively SVGW (Switzerland association of gas and water management) directives by an approved specialist. Troubleshooting and damage repair caused by contaminated operating media (gas, water, combustion air), unsuitable chemical ad­ditives to the heating water, incorrect handling, faulty installation, inadmissible modifications and damage due to the exercising of force are not covered by our warranty; the same applies to corrosion through halogen compounds, e.g. from spray cans, paints, adhesives, solvents and cleaning agents. Hoval gas boilers are only to be installed by ap­proved specialists. No modifications are to be made to the boilers.
Other instructions1.3
Depending on the model, any further instructions are enclosed with the individually packed components.
- Adjustment
- Accessories
Further information sources
- Hoval catalogue
- Standards, regulations
Safety instructions1.4
When working on the TopGas® the following points need to be noted:
If you smell flue gas or gas:
no open fire or sparks, ­do not smoke, ­deflector off the heating system, ­close the gas cock, ­open doors and windows -
The system may only be placed in operation when • all relevant standards and safety regulations have been complied with. However, for a trial operation, at least the following conditions must be satisfied:
- Safety valve installed (closed system)
- Control operative (connected to power supply)
- System filled with water
- Expansion tank connected
- Boiler is connected to the regulation type flue gas pipeline
- Burner is preset
With maintenance and repair•
- Allow the gas boiler to cool.
- Deflector off the gas boiler and disconnect from the electrical supply.
- Shut off the gas cock.
- Close the shut-off cocks of the appliance (cold water, heating flow and return).
- Inappropriate actions on water-carrying parts of the gas boiler can result in an outflow of hot water and cause severe burns.
- Replace all removed covers and cladding on completion of the repair / maintenance work.
- Do not exceed the maximum operating pressure and temperature of the gas boiler (see identifica­tion plate).
- Open the appliance cocks (cold water, heating flow and return).
- Open the gas cock.
4 205 254 / 03 Important information
and further standards and regulations issued by CEN, CEN ELEC, DIN, VDE, DVGW, TRD and by the legislator.
Also to be complied with are the regulations of the local building authorities, insurance companies and chimney sweeping operations. When using gas as a fuel, the regulations of the responsible gas supply company are also to be complied with and any neces­sary official approval obtained.
The regulations concerning condensate pipe­lines and treatment are subject to the regula­tions of the local water authorities and can differ from the provisions of the technical drainage directive ATVM251. Please obtain in­formation on the relevant local regulations.
Transport and storage1.6
Please remove the packing materials and examine the consignment for correctness, completeness and possible transport damage. The appliance is only to be transported and stored only in its original packing. Interim storage of Hoval gas boilers is only to take place in weather protected rooms and only in the original packing. The ambient conditions for storage must be within the following limits:
- Air temperature: -10°C - +50°C
- Air humidity: 50 - 85% relative humidity
- no condensation
Regulations, official approvals1.5
The following regulations are to be complied with for installation and operation, in addition to the recognised rules of the art:
DIN EN 12831 Heating systems in buildings - • Methods for calculating the design heat load DIN EN 13384 Flue gas systems - Heat and flow • calculation methods DIN EN 12828 Heating systems in buildings - Plan-• ning of hot water heating systems. VDI 2035 Prevention of damage through corrosion • and scale formation in hot water heating systems. Firing regulation for the Federal regions• DVGW-TRGI 86-96• Technical regulations of gas supply enterprises• VDE 0100 for electrical installations and the TAB • (technical connection conditions of the responsi­ble energy supplier) ATV data sheet M251• Accident prevention regulations•
- VBG 1 General regulations
- VBG 4 Electric systems and equipment
OENORM 12831 Heating systems in buildings - • Methods for calculating the design heat load OENORM 13384 Flue gas systems - Heat and • flow calculation methods OENORM 12828 Heating systems in buildings - • Planning of hot water heating systems. OENORM H5152 Calorific value burner systems.• OENORM H5195-1 Prevention of damage through • corrosion M 7443, (Part 2,3,7) Gas appliances with atmos-• pheric burners M 7446, Heat output appliances for gaseous fuels• M 7457, Heat output appliances with mechanically • supported premix bat-wing burners M 7444, Special gas boilers with burners without • fan M 7459, Gas appliances with gas-air compound • controller ÖVGW TR- Gas• Technical provisions of the gas suppliers•
SN EN 12831 Heating systems in buildings - Meth-• ods for calculating the design heat load SN EN 13384 Flue gas systems - Heat and flow • calculation methods SN EN 12828 Heating systems in buildings - Plan-• ning of hot water heating systems. Requirements of the VKF Cantonal Fire Insurance • Association Fire service regulations• SVGW directives, gas guiding standard G1• SNV271020 Aeration and ventilation of the boiler • installation room SWKI 88-4 Water treatment for heating, steam and • air conditioning systems SWKI 80-2 Technical safety regulations for heating • systems KRW Corrosion through halogen compounds• Procal/FKR Plug-in electrical connections on heat-• ing boiler and burner Technical tank regulations TTV 1990• EKAS - Guideline for liquid gas part 2•
4 205 254 / 03
Technical details
Technical details2.
Technical Data2.1
Typ (30) (35) (45) (50) (60)
Rated heating capacity 80/60°C with natural ga
kW 6,0-27,4 6,0-31,8 10,0-41,0 11,7-48,3 11,7-55,3
Rated heating capacity 40/30°C with natural gas
kW 6,8-30,1 6,8-35,0 11,1-45,0 12,8-52,9 12,8-60,7
Rated heating capacity 80/60°C with propane gas
kW 6,2-27,4 6,2-31,9 10,8-41,0 13,1-47,8 13,1-54,9
Rated heating capacity 40/30°C with propane gas
kW 7,0-30,2 7,0-35,2 11,9-45,0 14,1-52,5 14,1-60,3
Rated thermal loading with natural gas
kW 6,4-28,3 6,4-33,0 10,6-42,5 12,2-49,9 12,2-57,3
Rated thermal loading with propane gas
kW 6,6-28,5 6,6-33,2 11,4-42,5 13,6-49,6 13,6-56,9
Operating pressure, heating max./min. bar 3,0 / 1,0 3,0 / 1,0 3,0 / 1,0 3,0 / 1,0 3,0 / 1,0
Operating temperature max. °C 85 85 85 85 85
Boiler water contents l 4,5 4,5 4,5 6,0 6,0
Minimum water circulation quantity l/h 300 300 350 470 470
Boiler weight (without water content, incl. body) kg 83 83 83 89 89
Standard level of utilization 40/30°C % 109,8 109,7 109,3 109,7 109,5
75/60°C % 106,3 106,1 105,8 105,8 105,6
Standby heat losses at 70°C Watt 92 92 95 115 115
Standard emission factors Nitrous oxide mg/kWh 30,2 30,2 30,2 35,0 35,0
Carbon dioxide mg/kWh 9,0 9,0 11,2 13,0 13,0
content in flue gas max./min. capacity % 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8 9,0 / 8,8 9,0-8,8 9,0 / 8,8
Dimensions See dimension sheet
Connections Flow / Return Zoll Rp 1 1/4" Rp 1 1/4" Rp 1 1/4" Rp 1 1/4" Rp 1 1/4"
Gas Zoll R 3/4" R 3/4" R 3/4" R 3/4" R 3/4" Air / flue gas Ø
mm C80/125 C80/125 C80/125 C80/125 C80/125
Gas flow pressure min./ max. Natural gas E/LL mbar 18-50 18-50 18-50 18-50 18-50 Liquid gas mbar 42-57 42-57 42-57 42-57 42-57
Gas connection values at 0°C / 1013 mbar: Natural gas E - (Wo = 15,0 kWh/m
) Hu = 9,97 m3/h 2,83 3,3 4,3 1,2-5,8 5,8
Natural gas LL- (Wo = 12,4 kWh/m
) Hu = 8,57 m3/h 2,84 3,9 5,0 1,4-6,7 6,7
Propane gas
(Hu = 25,9 kWh/m3) kg/h 1,09 1,27 1,64 0,5-2,2 2,21
Operating voltage V/Hz 230/50 230/50 230/50 230/50 230/50
Control voltage V/Hz 24/50 24/50 24/50 24/50 24/50
Min./max. wattage Watt 29 / 60 29 / 62 29 / 66 30 / 88 30 / 102
Standby Watt 13 13 13 13 13
Type of protection IP 40 40 40 40 40
Noise level max. (room-air dependent) dB(A) 58 58 60 60 60
Acoustic pressure level (dependent on assemly)
dB(A) 40 - 50 40 - 50 40 - 50 40 - 50 40 - 50
Condensate quantity (natural gas) at 40 / 30°C l/h 3,1 3,6 4,4 4,4 5,3
Condansate pH-value ca. 5,5 ca. 5,5 ca. 5,5 ca. 5,5 ca. 5,5
Flue gas system: requirements, values
Temperature class T120 T120 T120 T120 T120 Type of connection B23, B33, C13x, C33x, C43x, C53x, C63(x), C83x Flue gas mass flow kg/h 49,5 57,7 74,3 81,4 100 Flue gas temperature T
80/60°C °C 67 69 75 75 79
Flue gas temperature T
40/30°C °C 45 47 52 46 49 Volume flow combustion air Nm3/h 35,4 41,3 53,1 59,4 71,6 Delivery pressure for supply air / flue gas pipeline Pa 90 95 115 120 140
The boiler series is tested for EE/H setting. Operation is possible without resetting over the Wobbe coefficient range from 12.0 to 15,0 kWh/m3 with a factory setting to a Wobbe coefficient of 15,7 kWh/m
Compare with protection notes .
TopGas® is also suitable für propone / butane (liquid gas)-mixtures
4 205 254 / 03 Technical details
Distance from the side 50 mm• Distance from the ceiling dependent on the utilised flue gas pipeline system• In the front 500 mm•
1 Gas connection R ¾" 2 Heating flow Rp 1¼" 3 Heating return Rp 1¼" 4 Condensate drain 32 5 LAS flue gas supply air
connection DN 80/125
View from below
Top View Borehole drawing
6 Automatic deaeration 7 Boiler control cover 8 Safety valve 9 KFE ball valve
4 205 254 / 03Technical details
Boiler flow resistance2.3
Short description of the automatic fir-2.4 ing unit BIC 335
The automatic firing unit operates both without con­troller (TTT/N) and also without room station (RS­OT). The automatic firing unit comprises the follow­ing functions
- PWM- fan (230V~)
- Modulating operation
- Inputs for Flow sensor Return sensor Flue gas sensor Gas pressure deflector Air pressure deflector: (not used) Water pressure deflector Safety temperature limiter: (external flue gas thermo­ stat) HW-buffer sensor Outdoor sensor Locking entry: (Burner blocking)
- Status exit „Failure“ (invertible by parameter set­ting)
- Three-way-valve control for heating/hot water or loading pump control (230V~exits); Exit for a three-way-valve / HW loading pump is invertible by a parameter.
- Collective electrode for ignition and flame guide (Ionisation)
- Main gas valve (ev. LPG- valve) / heating room ventilation accessable
Water-side resistance [mbar]
Flow rate [m
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5
Boiler incl. connection kit
Boiler only
On the automatic firing unit theres is a mains fuse. The breakdown of this fuse (2AT) is noticeable by an empty display even the main deflector is on.
Ionisation flow
The value of the ionisation flow is noted on the infor­mation level and appears as step 8. The access to the information level is explained in chapter 2.5.
Interface to display ­OpenTherm- interface (RS-OT, TTT/N) ­RS 232- interface to PC ­Start attempts: 4 ­Safety period: 5 sek ­Ignition period: 5 sek ­Pre-ventilation period: 20 sek ­After-run time main pump / heating pump ­(230V ~): 10 min After-run time three-way valve / HW-loading pump: ­2 min Restart locking after a heat demand: 2 min ­Restart locking after a temperature blocking: ­2 min
4 205 254 / 03 Technical details
Control of the boiler2.5
Control elements on the boiler control panel / Basic control N4.1
Usually, no settings of the basic control have to be made by the user. All settings have been made by the installer or by the manufacturer.
Display: temperature
Changing of the values
Display: Mode
Fault-clearance (display is blinking, if there is a failure)
Saving of the settings
Options, to change settings (Parmeter) (p.ex. Calorifier temperature)
ON/OFF Manometer
Function options (stepwise display option)
Mode indication
Value indication
Meaning, Description
Normal position,
Start position
current flow temperature
no indication
= Standby, no heat demand, waiting time main gasvalve
= Rinsing
= Ignition
= Burner „on“ in heating operation
= Burner „on“ in hot water operation
= Air pressure deflector defectiv (no air pressure deflector in use)
= Burner „off“ in heating operation (flow-Temp > flow-temp set point + blockage Offset ZH)
= Pump after-run time in heating operation
= Pump after-run time in hot water operation
= Burner „off“ on hot water operation (flow-Temp > flow-temp. set point + Par.1 (2AB))
= Frost protection is activated
= Summer short operation is activated
4 205 254 / 03Technical details
Setting of the service codes
For entering the code, press the keys „Mode“ and „Step“ simultaneously. The blinking numeral can be changed with the „+“ and „-“ –keys. To deflector between the numerals press the „Step“- key. To confirm and safe the total code press the „Store“- key. After 20 minutes it will be changed into the indication level.
Parameter level (constant point)
The parameter level will be signalised by a constant point behind the second sign. If none of both keys „+“/“-„ are pressed, “P“ + the parameter number will be shown alternating and then also the corresponding parameter value. By pressing „+“ or „-“ the parameter value can be changed. To save the changing press the „Store“- key, which will be confirmed by blinking twice (Wait for blinking before pressing any further keys!). If the „Store“- key won‘t be pressed, the settings are not saved.
Mode indication
Value indication
Meaning, Description
It is possible to read monetary
values from here
Point is blinking
e.g. 45°
Current flow temperature (Heating water temperature)
e.g. 40°
Current return temperature
e.g. 60°
Current temperature in water heater
e.g. 3°
Current outdoor temperature
e.g. 55°
Current flue gas temperature
e.g. 50°
Flow set value in the heating system
e.g. 70°
Flow set value in hot water operation
e.g. 23 RPM
Fan speed in hundreds
e.g. 4 µ A
Ionisation flow
Settings can be changed in this mode.
Point appears
P. 7
= Hot water set value if there is no TopTronic® attached.
P. 18
= Max. Flow temperature during heating operation
1. Select parameter Mode (press Mode key 2 x) Parameter (P.7) and setting appear
Par. 18
Flow temperature
Outdoor temerature
2. Select parameter to be changed (Step key)
3. Change setting using + - keys
4. Save (press Store key 1 x)
Automatic return to standby mode in 20 minutes or with Mode key.
Other parameters only with service code
4 205 254 / 03 Technical details
Adjustable parameters2.6
Parameter 7 (2AH) – Set point DHW charging temperature – Using this parameter the reference value for the DHW temperature can be set where there is no room con­trol unit or other regulatory device installed. If a reference value is transmitted via an OT bus, the latter (value via OT) will always override this parameter.
Parameter 8 (2AI) – Pump after-run time (DHW) – During the time which can be set using this parameter the pump continues to run after a phase of hot water demand. The after-run time occurs before a switchover to heating operation as well as before a switchover to to stand-by mode (to be set at the RS-OT or control unit) or when the firing device is switched OFF. It also occurs of course when the desired DHW value has been reached and further heating operation is not required.
Parameter 9 (2AJ) – Legionella protection time – The boiler is periodically heated to the temperature defined using parameter 2AF for the time period which can be set using this parameter for protection against legionella infestation. If the parameter value is set to 0 the legionella protection function is deactivated.
Parameter 10 (2AK) – Maximum fan speed in DHW mode – The parameter defines the maximum rpm value for the fan during DHW operation.
Parameter 18 (2BH) – Maximum heating temperature (when minimum outside temperature has been reached) – The value which can be set here determines the flow temperature which is to be achieved when the out­side temperature falls below the value set using parameter 19 (2BI) (minimum outside temperature). (see diagram 2). If the OT bus sends a reference value to the firing device, this value is limited by the value set using parameter 18.
Parameter 19 (2BI) - Minimum outside temperature - 19 (2BI) – Minimum outside temperature – This parameter defines the minimum outside temperature which marks the limit where the flow temperature target is to be set at the temperature given by parameter 18 (2BH).
Parameter 20 (2BJ) – Minimum heating temperature (when maximum outside temperature has been reached) – If the outside temperature sensor registers the value set using parameter 21 (2BK), then the system targets the minimum heating temperature set using this parameter. If the outside temperature exceeds the param­eter value, the heating demand is cancelled.
Parameter 21 (2BK) – Maximum outside temperature – If the outside temperature exceeds the values set using this parameter, the heating demand is cancelled. At the point where the parameter value is reached the system targets the minimum heating temperature which has been set using parameter 20 (2BJ).
Parameter 22 (2BL) –Restart delay following temperature blocking in heating operation mode – When the boiler is shut down on account of a temperature limit being exceeded, i.e. a set point plus offset, the boiler restart is delayed for the period which can be set using this parameter – irrespective of whether the hysteresis set for the next heating demand has expired or not.
Parameter 23 (2BM) – Restart delay following heating demand during heating operation – Immediately following the end of a heating demand phase boiler restarts are delayed. That is to say, if the boiler is shut down on account of a reference value trigger being sent from the OT bus to the firing device, a restart (triggered by another reference value being reached) is delayed for at least the period of time which can be set using this parameter.
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