Hoval A 60, A 370, A 250, A 750 Handbook For Design, Installation And Operation

Rotary heat exchangers
for Heat Recovery in Ventilation Systems
Handbook for Design, Installation and Operation
Drive motor
The 3-phase gear motor with belt pulley and v-belt is installed on a rocker in the corner of the casing. The speed
of rotation is innitely adjustable.
Peripheral slide seal
Constant-force springs permanently press the abrasion-resistant ring seal against the casing. The patented system permanently minimises leakage and allows the unit
to be sized for smaller air ow rates.
Adjustable purge sector
The size of the purge sector can be adjusted
to suit requirements. The device (patent pending) prevents contamination of the supply air by the extract air and at the same time minimises purge and energy loss.
Storage mass
Hoval supplies the storage mass in three types of material: for condensation, enthalpy and sorption wheels. The sorption coating guarantees a consist-
ently high degree of humidity efciency, even under
summer conditions.
1 Principle and Operation __________ 2
1.1 Heat transmission
1.2 Humidity transmission
1.3 Leakage of rotary heat exchangers
1.4 Frost limit
1.5 Temperature efciency
1.6 Pressure drop
1.7 Pressure difference
1.8 Hygiene
1.9 Reliable data
2 Performance control ____________ 7
3 Structure _____________________ 8
3.1 Wheel
3.2 Casing
3.3 Peripheral slide seal
3.4 Transverse seal
3.5 Drive
4 Options _____________________ 11
4.1 Drive
4.2 Control unit
4.3 Operating unit
4.4 Rotational speed monitoring
4.5 Inspection cover
4.6 Purge sector
4.7 Duct design
4.8 Coated casing
4.9 Offset wheel position
5 Dimensions of the exchangers ___ 15
6 Unit type reference ____________ 16
7 System design ________________ 18
7.1 Hoval CASER design program
7.2 Design data
7.3 Local conditions, installation position
7.4 Wheel type
7.5 Performance control
7.6 Using and setting the purge sector
7.7 Mixing of the air streams
7.8 Supply air humidication
7.9 Corrosion
7.10 Application limits
7.11 Danger or contamination
7.12 Condensation in the warm air stream
8 Transport and installation _______ 21
8.1 Transport
8.2 Mechanical installation
8.3 Installation of sensors
8.4 Electrical installation
8.5  Assembly of segmented rotary heat exchangers
8.6 Storage
9 Commissioning and maintenance _ 22
9.1 Commissioning
9.2 Maintenance
10 Specication texts ____________ 23
10.1 Condensation wheel
10.2 Enthalpy wheel
10.3 Sorption wheel
1 Principle and Operation
Hoval rotary heat exchangers are regenerators with rotating heat accumulators (category 3) in accordance with the guide-
lines for heat recovery (e.g. VDI 2071). The heat-dissipating and heat-absorbing air ows heat
or cool the rotating, air-permeable storage accumulator.
Depending on the air conditions and the surface of the
accumulator material, humidity may also be transferred in the
process. Supply and exhaust air must therefore be brought together and ow through the heat exchanger.
The storage mass consists of triangular, axially arranged small ducts made of thin metal foil. The depth of the storage
mass (viewed in the direction air ow) is generally 200 mm;
the airway height is normally 1.4 – 1.9 mm, depending on the
application. With these dimensions the storage mass gener­ates a laminar ow in the wheel ducts.
Fresh air
Supply air
Exhaust air
Extract air
Fig. 1: Function diagram and air conditions
Denition of key data according to Eurovent
Temperature efciency
-  t
ηt  =  
 - t
Humidity efciency
 - x
ηx  =  
 - x
Legend: t = Temperature [K; °C]
x = Absolute humidity [g/kg]
Index: …
Extract air
Fresh air
Exhaust air
Supply air
1.1 Heat transmission
The wheel with its axially arranged, smooth ducts acts as a storage mass, half of which is heated by the warm air and
the other half of which is cooled by the counter-ow of cold
air. The temperature of the storage mass therefore depends on the axis coordinates (wheel depth) and the angle of rotation. The function is easy to understand by following the status
of a wheel duct through one revolution (see Fig. 3). The
following can be recognised with reference to the heat transfer from this process:
The air temperature after the exchanger varies; it depends
on the location on the wheel.
The heat recovery efciency can be varied by varying the
The heat recovery efciency can be changed with the
storage mass. This can be done with different cross-sec­tions of the wheel ducts, different thickness of the storage material or by changing the wheel depth. However, in all cases this varies the pressure drop.
The specic heat output depends on the temperature
difference between warm air and cold air. The rotary heat exchanger is therefore suitable for heat and cool recovery, i.e. for winter and summer operation.
Fig. 2: Geometry of storage mass
Fig. 3: States depending on the turning angle
Principle and Operation
Fig. 3: States depending on the turning angle
Warm air entry
The rotation of the storage mass has moved the wheel duct from the cold air to the warm air. The storage material is cooled almost to the temperature of the cold air. This applies particularly to the entry side of the cold air (= exit side of the
warm air). The warm air now ows through
the duct with reference to the temperature
in the counter-ow and is cooled greatly.
The storage mass is therefore heated. The
local temperature efciency, i.e. directly at the inlet to the warm air, is very high.
Condensation can also occur very easily.
Mid warm air
The wheel duct now has passed half of its time in the warm air. The storage mass
has been heated by the owing warm air; therefore, the warm air is not cooled down
as much as in entry inlet zone. The wall temperature at the entry and exit is approxi­mately the same. Condensation occurs only with large humidity differences.
Warm air exit
The wheel duct is now shortly before entry to the cold air. It has virtually reached the temperature of the extract air at the entry side. The transferred performance is still only low. The dwell time in the warm air and in the cold air, i.e. the speed of rotation, is deci­sive for the performance of the rotary heat exchanger. It depends on the storage mass
(thickness, geometry), the heat transfer and
the air velocity.
Cold air exit
The wheel duct has passed through the cold-air section. The storage mass has
greatly cooled, almost down to the cold-air
temperature in the entry section. After
crossover to the warm air side, the cycle
starts anew.
Mid cold air
Half of the dwell time in the cold air is past. The storage mass has already cooled
signicantly. The temperatures at the entry
and exit are approximately equal.
Cold air entry
After the transition from the warm air to the
cold air, the wheel duct now has cold air owing through in the opposite direction
(referring to the temperature). With the high temperature difference the transferred
performance is very high, i.e. the cold air is very strongly heated; in reverse the storage
mass is strongly cooled. Any conden­sate formed on the exchanger surface is (partially) absorbed by the heated cold air.
Principle and Operation
1.2 Humidity transmission
In addition to heat, humidity can also be transported with
rotary heat exchangers. The decisive factor here is the mate-
rial and/or the surface of the storage mass. Characteristic
features for different designs have been developed with detailed measurements of wheels from different manufac-
turers by the building technology test centre of the University of Lucerne. The reference factor for the humidity efciency is the condensation potential; that is the humidity difference
between warm-air humidity and the saturation humidity of the
cold air (see Fig. 4).
Fig. 4: Denition of condensation potential κ
Sorption wheel
Enthalpy wheel
Condensation wheel
Warm air entry
Cold air entry
Saturated cold air
Condensation potential of
warm air κ
Humidity efciency η
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Condensation potential κ [g/kg]
The following must be noted:
The greater the condensation potential the greater the
volume of condensate that can be expected at the warm air side.
If the condensation potential is zero or negative, no
condensation can take place. Humidity transmission is therefore only possible by sorption.
The derived characteristics reect typical values of 1 : 1
for the mass-ow ratio and the pressure drop of approx. 130 Pa at an airway height of 1.9 mm.
The area of application of reference magnitude κ, i.e. the
condensation potential, is restricted to the standard condi-
tions of ventilation technology. The temperature efciency
must be at least 70 %. The humidity transmission must not be restricted by the saturation curve (e.g. with very low outside temperatures).
Fig. 5: Typical course of humidity efciencies of various wheels depending on the condensation potential
WaterRelative humidity
Principle and Operation
There are 3 different designs:
Condensation wheel
The storage mass consists of smooth, untreated aluminium, which only transmits humidity if condensation occurs on the warm-air side and it is picked up by the cold air (partially).
Humidity efciency rates greater than 80 % can be reached if
the temperature difference is high. The use of condensation wheels for heat and humidity trans­mission is recommended primarily for ventilation systems without mechanical cooling, i.e. for winter operation.
Enthalpy wheel (hygroscopic wheel)
The metallic storage mass has been treated to form a capil­lary surface structure. The humidity is transmitted by sorption and condensation, with the sorption component being very
low. Humidity transmission in summer operation (κ < 0) is
also very low.
Sorption wheel
The storage mass in this case has a surface that transmits humidity by pure sorption (i.e. without condensation). The
humidity efciency is therefore virtually independent of the
condensation potential. The low decrease can be explained with the simultaneous reduction of the temperature differ­ence.
Sorption wheels are recommended particularly in systems with mechanical cooling. The high humidity efciency, even
under summer conditions, dries the fresh air. This requires less cooling capacity and reduces energy costs for cooling up to 50%.
1.3 Leakage of rotary heat exchangers
Rotary heat exchangers transfer heat and humidity via a
rotating storage mass that alternates between the exhaust
air and supply air ows. This functional principle delivers extremely efcient energy recovery, but it does also entail a certain leakage: the exhaust air and supply air ows cannot
be completely separated from one another. The seals are not able to withstand the existing differential pressure with 100 percent effectiveness. The rotating storage mass trans-
fers a small quantity of air from one air ow to the other on
every rotation (carryover). The effects of the leakage must be taken into account during
planning and conguration of air handling systems. The draft standard EN 13779:2014 consequently denes the calcula­tion method for the leakage. It describes the following two
Exhaust air transfer ratio EATR
This is the quantity of exhaust air that enters the supply air due to carryover and seal leakage.
Outdoor air correction factor OACF
This is the ratio between the quantity of the fresh air and
supply air ows.
These two values are calculated using the design program
for a differential pressure to be specied between the supply air and extract air (Δp
22 -11
). From April 2015, this calcula-
tion will be mandatory for Eurovent-certied rotary heat
Based on the calculated leakage values, it is possible to take suitable measures according to the application. The following must be noted:
The transfer from exhaust air to supply air can be signif-
icantly reduced or even completely eliminated by taking the following measures:
Using a purge sectorSuitable arrangement of fans (supply air pushes,
exhaust air sucks)
The OACF value is decisive for setting the dimensions of
the fans:
An OACF value greater than 1 means that fresh air
gets to the exhaust air side (due to seal leakage and/
or purge air). The size of the supply air fan will have to be increased accordingly to ensure that the required air volume is supplied to the building. This means more energy is required for pumping the air.
An OACF value less than 1 means air is moving in the
opposite direction, i.e. there is a proportion of recircu­lated air in the supply air.
Denition of leakage according to EN 13779:2014 (draft)
Exhaust air transfer ratio:
– a
(Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio)
....... Concentration in supply air
....... Concentration in fresh air
....... Concentration in extract air
Outdoor air correction factor:
m 21
m 22
(Outdoor Air Correction Factor)
m 21
..... Mass ow of fresh air
m 22
..... Mass ow of supply air
Principle and Operation
1.4 Frost limit
If the warm extract air stream is very strongly cooled conden­sate can be formed and it may even freeze. The fresh air temperature at which this starts is referred to as the frost limit.
Condensation wheel, enthalpy wheel: The condensate
generated by cooling the extract air may freeze at low outside temperatures. There is a frost hazard at equiva-
lent mass ows for exhaust air and fresh air if the average inlet temperature of the two air streams is less than 5 °C.
t11 + t
 < 5 °C
Sorption wheel: The gaseous humidity transmission by
sorption generally prevents condensation; the frost hazard
is reduced.
1.5 Temperature efficiency
Appropriate design and serial layout allows virtually any temperature efciency to be reached. The 'correct' temper­ature efciency depends on the applicable regulations and
the economy calculations, i.e. the operating data such as energy price, service life, operation time, temperatures,
maintenance requirements, interest etc. Even minor changes (a few percent lower temperature efciency, a few pascals more pressure drop) can mean signicantly poorer results for
capital value and amortisation period.
1.6 Pressure drop
Heat recovery units cause pressure drop on the extract
and supply air sides and as a result operating costs. With
current general conditions the economical values for wheels
are between 80 Pa and 130 Pa. However, to reduce costs,
more and more heat recovery units whose pressure drops are above these economically reasonable values are being installed. This affects the feasibility of the system.
1.7 Pressure difference
A distinction is made between internal pressure difference
(between exhaust air and supply air) and external pressure difference (between the exchanger and the environment).
Internal pressure difference:
The internal leakage between the two air streams depends greatly on the pressure difference. Hoval rotary heat exchangers with high tightness seal compared with other designs are certainly very leak-proof, but the following infor­mation should be taken into account in the design:
The pressure difference in the rotary heat exchanger
should be as low as possible.
In applications that involve the danger of odours the pres-
sure gradients and therefore possible leakage from the fresh air to the exhaust air must be considered.
However, the internal pressure difference may also cause
deformation of the casing; a pressure difference of more than 2000 Pa is not permitted.
The pressure difference depends on the layout of the
fans. Overpressure on one side and underpressure
on the other side add up.
External pressure difference:
This is a major factor for the external leakage of the heat exchanger. If a duct system is correctly and carefully
installed, this effect can be ignored.
1.8 Hygiene
Hoval rotary heat exchangers with high tightness seal have been tested for conformity with hygiene requirements at the
Institute for Air Hygiene in Berlin. The test criteria were the
requirements relevant to hygiene for applications in general
building ventilation and in hospital applications. All hygiene
requirements were met.
Hoval rotary heat exchangers are tested and certi-
ed for operation in hospitals in accordance with DIN 1946-4. Install rotary heat exchangers with the 'coated casing' option for such applications.
Fig. 6: Certicate of hygiene conformity test
(valid for Hoval rotary
heat exchangers with high
tightness seal)
Principle and Operation
1.9 Reliable data
Hoval rotary heat exchangers are always tested by inde­pendent test organisations (e.g. at the building technology
testing laboratory of the University of Lucerne). All technical
data are based on these measurements. This means that they are reliable data for planners, installers and operators.
Relative humidity efciency
10 15 20 25
0 %
20 %
40 %
60 %
80 %
100 %
Speed of rotation [rpm]
Fig. 8: Dependency of the humidity efciency on the rotational speed
Relative temperature efciency
10 15 20 25
0 %
20 %
40 %
60 %
80 %
100 %
Speed of rotation [rpm]
Fig. 7: Dependency of the temperature efciency on the rotational speed
2 Performance control
The Hoval rotary heat exchanger always operates as a
temperature rectier between the two air streams. The ow direction of the heat is irrelevant in this context, i.e.
depending on the temperature gradients between extract air and fresh air either heat or cold is harvested. Therefore, regulation of the output of the Hoval rotary heat exchanger is not necessary if the extract air temperature is identical to
the setpoint temperature. In this case, the fresh air is always
either heated or cooled in the direction of the set temperature by the heat exchanger. However, in most cases there are heat sources in the ventilated rooms (people, machines, lighting, solar radiation, processing systems) that increase the room temperature, i.e. the extract air temperature is higher than the setpoint
temperature. In this case, check the outside temperature
from which the system is heated at full performance of the rotary heat exchanger and – if this cannot be tolerated – the performance of the heat exchanger must be controlled.
It is very simple and economical to reduce the performance
of the rotary heat exchanger for heating and also for humidity
transmission by reducing the speed of rotation. All Hoval
rotary heat exchangers can therefore be supplied with speed-controlled drives. There is also the option of diverting one or both air streams past the wheel by a bypass. The method – used primarily in
process technology and at various air ow rates – must be
installed by the customer.
Performance control
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