3.4 Technical information UltraGas® (800D-1300D)
Type (800D) (900D) (1000D) (1150D) (1300D)
• Nominal output 80/60 °C with natural gas
kW 87-742 87-834 87-926 122-1066 122-1206
• Nominal output 40/30 °C with natural gas
kW 97-800 97-900 97-1000 136-1150 136-1300
• Nominal output 80/60 °C with propane
kW 139-728 139-820 139-910 169-1048 169-1184
• Nominal output 40/30 °C with propane
kW 154-800 154-900 154-1000 185-1150 185-1300
• Nominal load with natural gas
kW 89-754 89-848 89-942 125-1084 125-1226
• Nominal load with propane
kW 144-754 144-848 144-942 175-1084 175-1228
• Working pressure heating maximum/minimum bar 6.0/1.0 6.0/1.0 6.0/1.0 6.0/1.0 6.0/1.0
• Working temperature maximum °C 90 90 90 90 90
• Boiler water content l 822 774 751 1098 1058
• Minimum water ow l/h 0 0 0 0 0
• Boiler weight (without water content, incl. casing) kg 1806 1910 1962 2566 2656
Boiler efciency at full load at 80/60 °C
(related to net/gross caloric value)
% 98.3/88.6 98.3/88.6 98.3/88.6 98.3/88.6 98.3/88.6
• Boiler efciency at partial load 30% (according to EN 303)
(related to net/gross caloric value)
% 108,1/97.4 108.0/97.3 108.0/97.3 108,1/97.4 108.0/97.3
• Standard efciency (according to DIN 4702 part 8) 40/30 °C % 109.8/98.9 109.8/98.9 109.8/98.9 109.9/99.0 109.9/99.0
(related to net/gross caloric value) 75/60 °C % 107.3/96.7 107.3/96.7 107.3/96.7 107.4/96.8 107.4/96.8
• Stand-by loss at 70 °C Watt 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000
• Standard emission rate Nitrogen oxides mg/kWh 43 42 41 48 48
Carbon monoxide mg/kWh 11 12 13 5 5
• Content of CO
in the exhaust gas maximum/minimum output % 9.0/8.8 9.0/8.8 9.0/8.8 9.0/8.8 9.0/8.8
• Dimensions see table of dimensions
• Connections Flow/return DN
DN 125/
PN 6
DN 125/
PN 6
DN 125/
PN 6
DN 150/
PN 6
DN 150/
PN 6
Gas inches 2″ 2″ 2″ 2″ 2″
Flue gas Ø inside mm 356 356 356 356 356
• Gas ow pressure minimum/maximum
Natural gas E/LL mbar 18-80 18-80 18-80 18-80 18-80
Propane mbar 37-57 37-57 37-57 37-57 37-57
• Gas connection value at 0 °C/1013 mbar:
Natural gas E (Wo = 15.0 kWh/m
) Hu = 9.97 kWh/m
m3/h 75.4 84.9 94.3 108.5 122.7
Natural gas LL (Wo = 12.4 kWh/m
) Hu = 8.57 kWh/m
m3/h 88 98.9 109.9 126.5 143,1
Propane (H
= 32.7 kWh/m3) m3/h 29.1 32.7 36.4 41.9 47.3
• Operation voltage V/Hz 230/50 230/50 230/50 230/50 230/50
• Control voltage V/Hz 24/50 24/50 24/50 24/50 24/50
• Minimum/maximum electrical power consumption Watt 60/890 60/1164 60/1490 62/1440 62/2060
• Stand-by Watt 18 18 18 18 18
• IP rating (integral protection) IP 20 20 20 20 20
• Sound power level
- Heating noise (EN 15036 part 1) (room air dependent) dB(A) 74 76 78 75 78
- Exhaust noise is radiated from the mouth (DIN 45635 part 47) dB(A) 74 75 76 72 75
Sound pressure level heating noise
(depending on installation conditions)
dB(A) 64 66 68 65 68
• Condensate quantity (natural gas ) at 40/30 °C l/h 70.9 79.7 88.5 101.9 115.2
• pH value of the condensate pH approx. 4.2 approx. 4.2 approx. 4.2 approx. 4.2 approx. 4.2
• Flue gas system: requirements, values
Temperature class T120 T120 T120 T120 T120
Flue gas mass ow kg/h 1252 1408 1564 1799 2035
Flue gas temperature at nominal output and operation 80/60 °C °C 71 71 72 71 72
Flue gas temperature at nominal output and operation 40/30 °C °C 48 47 49 47 49
Volume ow rate combustion air Nm
/h 933 1050 1166 1342 1518
Feed pressure total at the combustion air/ue gas pipe Pa 60 60 60
60 60
Maximum draught/depression at ue gas outlet Pa -50 -50 -50 -50 -50
Data related to Hu. The boiler series is tested for EE/H-settings. With a factory setting of the Wobbe coefcient of 15.0 kWh/m3 operation at a
Wobbe coefcient of 12.0 up to 15.7 kWh/m3 is possible without new settings.
See also notes at “Engineering”.
Data related to Hu. UltraGas® (250D-700D) can also be operated with propane.
• Boiler ow resistance see diagrams.