Liquidchlorine type,
Only non-chlorinetypebleachwhenneeded.
If colorfast is unusuallysoiled, usehotwater. Use maximum detergentrecommendedon
page 15.
Whiteor colorfast, liquidchlorine type.
Whiteor colorfast, liquidchlorinetype.
Non-colorfast, onlynon-chlorinebleach
Usemaximumdetergentrecommendedin guide onpage 15.
Smallloads reduce wrinkling. Use maximumdetergentrecommended in guideonpage 15.
If unusuallysoiled, use hot water. Use maximumdetergent recommended in guideon
page 15.Smallloads reduce wriidding.
Whiteor colorfast, liquidchlorinetype.
Non-colorfast, onlynon-chlorinebleach
No bleach
Washonly if recommended bythe garment manufacturer. Followinstructions carefully.
Washin your washer onlyif recommendedbythe garment manufacturer.Seldomneeded. If needed, use ordy
No bleach
Washfrequently to fluff up the downandretain the garment’s warmth. Washseparate~y.Wet
downgives off an odor which maybe absorbed byother garments. Odor disappears when
garment is dry. Treatheavilysoiled areas with liquiddetergent or paste made of water and
granular detergent. Closezippers. Wash2 or 3 at a time or addtowelsto balance.
Ibu mayprefer to use a mild type detergent. Do babyclothes separately. Pretreat spots.
Rinse diapers, nightgowns, pads and sheets after use. Keep diapers in a covered pail of cold
water and conditioning agent like Borateem brand.
Youmayprefer to use a mild type detergent. Do hand-knit garments by hand.
Whiteor colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
3nly non-chlorine bleach when needed.
Fill washer, add detergent, allowtodissolve before adding blanket. Do oneblanket at a time.
Pretreat heavily soiled spots with liquid detergent.
On electric blanket, sew a strong piece of cloth overplug to protect blanket and washer from
damage. Do one blanket at a time. Pretreat heavily soiled spots withliquid detergent.
Vacuumout loose dirt before washing.
{o bleach
Yhitcor colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
/hitc or colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
~hiteor colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
If unusually soiled, use Normal/Fast Wash/Spin Speed.
Washonly 2 or 3 rugs or mats at one time. Shakebefore washing to remove excess dirt.
For new “indigo blue” jeans, washat least 3 times in very small loads with full water fill.
Jeans need ample room to moveto avoidwhite lines at creases. May discolor plastic washer
parts. Subsequent washings will reduce discolorations, but will probably never eliminate it.
The stained parts will notdiscolor subsequent washing loads.
~mble on FLUFF (No Heat).
Pillows are made of different materials—dacron, fiber, foam, polyester, natural feathers and
down. h4anypillowscan be machine washed, but inatzufacturers’carelabels nzzistbefollowed
careji~//y.If washing is recommended, check pillows for weak seams or holes and mend to
preventescape of fcuthersor filling. Fill washer, adddetergent and agitate for several minutes
, to dissolve detergent. Add two pillows at a time to balance load, use full,water level.
---’i,l:;or more information on care labe.ling,send for “V{hat’sNew About CARE LABELS~’
~t)rsaic bytile S~]pcrintcndentof Doc~!ments,U.S. Governme:.i Printing Otiice, Washington, D.C.20402.