Hotpoint VVSR1030H8WO, VVSR1030H7WO, VVSR1030H6WO, VLSR1090G5WW Owner’s Manual
Safety Instructions .......... 2,3
Operating Instructions
Careand Cleaning
of the Washer .................... 7
Control Panel...................... 4
ControlSettings ................ 4, S
Features .......................... 6
the Washer ....................... 7
Troubleshooting Tips ...... s-lo
Consumer Support
ConsumerSupport ............... 12
Warrantg ........................ 11
Write the model and serial
number here: Model # Serial #
You can find them
under the lid of
the washer.
175D1807P588 39-90320 02-07 JR
_,WARN!NG! Foryoursafety,the,nformat,on,nth,smanuafmustbefollowedtom,n,m,zether,sk
of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, per-sonaf injury, or loss of tile.
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in o water heater that has not been used for two weeks or more. Hydrogen gas con be explosive under these circumstances.
Ifthe hot water has not been used for two weeks or more, prevent the possibilitg of damage or injurg bg turning on all hot water faucets and allowing them to run for several minutes. Do this before using ang
electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water sgstem. Thissimple procedure willallow ang built-up hgdrogen gas to escape, Since the gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or
appliance during this process.
This washer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used. tf you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet, you con receive one by visiting or by coiling 800.GE.CARES (800.432.2737).
Install or store where itwill not be exposed to Properlg groundwasher to conform with all temperatures below freezing or exposed to the governing codes and ordinances. Followdetails
weather,which could cause permanent damage in InstallationInstructions. and invalidatethe warrantg.
Keepthe areaunderneath and around gour appliances free of combustible materials such as
lint, paper,rags,chemicals, etc.
Closesupervision isnecessarg ifthis appliance is used bg or near children.Do not allow children to
plag on,with or insidethisor ang other appliance.
Use this appliance
only for its intended
purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual.
Never reach into washer while it ismoving. Thelaundry processcan reducethe flame Wait until the machine has completely stopped retardancy of fabrics.Toavoid such aresult,
before opening the lid. carefully follow the garment manufacturer's Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or acids
such as vinegar and/or rust remover.Mixing different chemicals can produce a
toxic gaswhich may cause death. Do notwash ordry articlesthat have been
cleaned in,washed in, soakedin or spotted with combustible or explosivesubstances (suchas
wax,oil,paint, gasoline,degreasers,dry-cleaning solvents,kerosene,etc.).Thesesubstances giveoff
vapors that may ignite or explode. Donot add these substances to the wash water. Do not useor
place these substances around your washer or drger during operation.
wash and care instructions.
Tominimize the possibility of electricshock, unplug this appliance from the power supply
or disconnectthe washer at the building's distribution panel by removing the fuse or
switching off the circuit breaker before attempting any maintenance orcleaning.
NOTE:Turning the CycleSelectorKnob to anoff position,or pressingPAUSEdoesNOTdisconnect
the appliance from thepower supplbl.
Neverattempt to operate this appliance if it is
damaged, malfunctioning, partially disassembled, or has missing or broken parts, including a
damaged cord orplug.
Turn off water faucets to relievepressureon hoses and valves andto minimize leakage if a break or
rupture shouldoccur.Checkthe condition of the fill hoses;Hotpoint recommends changing the hoses
every 5years.
Donot attempt to repair orreplace any part of this appliance unlessspecifically recommended inthis
Owner's Manual,or in published user-repair instructions that you understand and have the
skillsto carry out.
Beforediscarding a washer,or removing it from service,remove the washer lidto prevent
childrenfrom hiding inside.
Donot tamper with controls.
,,,._r_- CAREFULLY.
About the control panel.
Add detergent
Add diluted fabric softener (on models
with a fabric
softener dispenser)
Step I
Add clothes
Step 2
Quick Stort Guide
Select load size end other wash options
Select wash cgcle
Step 4
Close lid
Pull knob
Load Size(on some models)
Looselgload clothesno higher than the top row of holesin the washer basket.The water levelshould just cover the clothes. Adjustthe load sizeaccordinglg.
Temperature (on some models)
Selectthe water temperature for the wash and rinsecgcles.Alwagsfollow fabric manufacturer's care label or instructions when laundering.
Extra Rinse (on some models)
When you useextra detergent or bleachto clean heavilg soiledclothes, gou mag want to usethe ExtraRinse option.
Thisoption providesa second deep coldrinse in the COTTONSand WRINKLEFREEcgcles.Turn the ExtraRinse knob to ON.
Thewasher will pausefor a few minutes before the Extra Rinseoption begins.
_ Wush Selector Knob
The chart below willhelp gou match the wash cgcle setting with gout clothing. The chart is ranked from longest to shortest cgcle time and wash intensitg.
Yourwasher mug not have all these cgcles.
PREWASH For removing surface dirt from heavilg soiled clothes. Make sure to follow with a
regular wash cgcle.
COTTONS For heavg to lightlg soiled cottons, household linens, work and plug clothes.
WRINKLEFREE Foreasg care, wrinkle-free and permanent press items.
DELICATES For lingerie and special-care fabrics with light to normal soil.
KNITS Speciallg designed for normallg soiled knits.
Custom Cure (on some models)
The agitator moves clothes around for a cleaner wash; the basket spins later in the cgcle to release water from the load. The Wash/Spin Speed dial sets the speed of both the agitator and the basket.
Wush Speeds: With Normol wash speed, the agitator willmove at a higher speed. Use for cottons, denims and plug clothes.
With Gentle wash speed, the agitator moves slower. Use for delicate and knit items.
Spin Speeds: The Fast spin speed is for normal items. Use it to remove more water from gour clothes to allow them to drg faster
in the drger. The Slow spin speed is for delicate items like sweaters and lingerie. When using Slow spin speed, clothes will be less drg
than when using Fast spin speed.
About washer features.
The Agitator Cap or Fabric Softener Dispenser (depending on model)
Theagitator cap fits into the top ofthe
agitator If it accidentallg comes off, simplg put it back on.
Thefabric softener dispenser automaticallg releasesliquidfabric softener at the proper time during the cgcle
Do not stop the washer during the first spin. This will causethe dispenser to empty
tOO soon.
To use, follow these steps: I]1 Make suredispenser issecurelg attached
to agitator
[] Useonlg liquid fabric softener
Pour into dispenser,usingamount recommended on package.
Never pour fabric softener directly on
clothes. It may stain them.
r-_-]Add water to dispenseruntil it reaches
the maximum fill line.
Do not pour ongthing into the agitator if the agitator cop or dispenser is removed.
Separate for cleaning
Cleaning the Fabric Softener Dispenser (onsomemodels)
F_] Removethe dispenserfrom the top of the agitator ]Separate the dispenser cup from the cover bg grasping the top and pushing down onthe
insideof the cup with gour fingers. Dispensercup will pop free from the cover
r-_-]Toclean the dispenser,soakboth the dispensercup and the dispensercover in the
following solution:
J US gallon (3.8liters)warm water
1//4cup (60ml)heovbl-dutb!liquid detergent
J cup (240ml)bleach
If necessarg,loosen buildup with a clean, soft cloth after soaking.Donot use a stiff brush; gou mag roughen the surface of the dispenser
[] Rinseandreassembledispenser Placedispenserback on the agitator
Liquid Bleach Funnel (on some models) Thewater filldilutes liquidchlorine bleach as the washer fills for the wash cgcle
Checkclothing care labelsfor special instructions Heasure liquidbleach carefullg,following instructions on the bottle
Never pour undiluted liquid chlorine bleach directly onto clothes or into the wash basket.
Do not pour powdered bleach into bleach funnel.
r-_l Before starting the washer, pour measured amount of bleach directlg into bleach funnel.
Avoidsplashing or over-filling dispenser Ifgou prefer to use powdered bleach, add it into the wash basket with gour detergent.
Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or acids such as vinegar and/or rust remover Mixingcan produce a toxic gas which may cause death.
Loading and using the washer.
Alwags follow fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering
Sorting WashLoads
Sortbg color (whites,lights,colors),soil level,
fabric tgpe (sturdg cottons,easg care,delicates)
and whether the fabric produceslint (terrg cloth, chenille)or collects lint (velveteen,cordurog).
ProperUseof Detergent
Add detergent and start the washer before adding
clothesso that the detergent can work effectively. Usingtoo littleor too much detergent isa common
cause of laundry problems.
Load dry items loosely,nohigher than the top row of holesin the washer basket.When loading wet items, make sure you setthe load/water levelhigh enough
to allow the items to move freely. Water levelshould
just cover the clothes.To add items after washer has
started, lift the lid and submerge additional items next
to the agitator.
Care and cleaning of the washer.
Youcan uselessdetergent if you have softwater, a smallerload ora lightly soiledload.
Do not wrap long items likesheetsorpants
around the agitator.
Do not wash fabrics containing flammable materials (waxes,deaning fluids, etc.).
Agitation will not start with the lid up.
Wash Basket: Leavethe lid open after washing to
allow moisture to evaporate. If you want to clean
the basket, use aclean soft cloth dampened with
liquid detergent; then rinse.(Donot useharsh or gritty cleaners.)
Fill Hoses:Hotpoint recommends changing the hoses every 5years.
Exterior: Immediately wipe off any spills.Wipe
with damp cloth.Try not to hit surfacewith
sharp objects.
Moving and Storage: Askthe servicetechnician to remove water from drain pump and hoses.Seethe
Installation Instructions packed with product for information on how to reinstallthe shipping rod
to keepthe tub stationary when moving the washeE Formore information, visit or call
800.GE.CARES(800.432.2737).Donot store the washer where it will beexposed to the weather
Long Vocations: Besurewater supply is shut off at faucets, Drainall water from hoses if weather will
be belowfreezing.
Before you call for service...
Troubleshooting Tips Save time and money! Review the charts on the following pages,
or visit You may not need to call for service.
PERFECTEMP Possible Causes What To Do
PerfecTemp The washer is in a cold Thisis normal.ThePerfecTemp feature isdesigned not wash temperature rinse cycle to activate during a cold rinsecycle to improvethe energy is incorrect efficiency of your washeE
(ReviewPerfecTemp All the water in your Wait until the water in the water heater isheated to the in the "About washer household water heater correct temperature.
features" section) has been used
WATER Possible Causes What To Do
Toomany suds Too much detergent Measure your detergent carefully. Uselesssoap if you have
soft water,a smallerload or a lightly soiledload.
Type of detergent Switchto a lower sudsing detergent brand andfollow
instructions on package.
Soft water Try lessdetergent.
Water leaks Using too much detergent Uselessdetergent. Uselesssoap if you have soft water,
in washer a smaller load or a lightly soiled load. Fill hoses or drain hose is Hake surehose connections are tight at faucets and
improperly connected rubber washers are installed.Hake sureend of drain hose
iscorrectly inserted in and secured to drain facility.
Household drain mag Checkhousehold plumbing,You may needto call be clogged a plumber
Constant water pressure Tighten hosesat the faucets and turn the water off after
to the fill hosesat the each use.
water source Checkcondition of the fill hoses;they should be replaced
every 5 years.
Water temperature Cooler water temperatures New laundry detergents have been formulated to work seems incorrect provide improved energy with cooler water temperatures without affecting wash
efficiency performance. Water supply isturned off Turn both hot and cold faucets fully on and make sure
or improperly connected hosesare connected to correct faucets. Water valve screens are Turn off the water source and remove the water connection
stopped up hosesfrom the upper backof the washeEUseabrush or
toothpick to clean the screensinthe machine. Reconnect the hoses andturn the water back on.
House water heater is Hake surehouse water heater isdeliveringwater at
not set properly 120°F-140°F (48°C-60°C).
Water pumped out before Lidlifted or cycle was put in Reset cycle. cycle is complete pause for over 24 hours
Water won't drain Drain hose is kinked or Straighten drain hose and make sure washer is not
improperly connected sitting on it.
Top of drain outlet should be less than 8 ft (2.5 m)
above flooE
Washer pauses during The PREWASHCycle or This isnormal. Thewasher alternates between agitate and wash cycle AUTOSOAKOption was soakduring thesecycles to get your clothes cleanerwith
chosen lessweak
Washer pauses during This is normal The washer may pause during the spin cycle to remove spin cycle soapy water more efficiently.
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