Safety Instructions ............ 2
Operating Instructions
Control Panels ............... 3-5
Control Settings ............. 4, 6
Features ...................... 7
I,oading and Using
the _'asher .................. 8, 9
Troubleshooting Tips ...... 10-19
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ..... Back Co_er
Product Registration ........ 13, 14
Warranty .................... ]5
V_RXR I090
<b_SR3 100
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Y_m can find them behind the control panel
on the back of w)ur washe_:
175D1807P347 39-90016 O&OIJR

A WARNING! Foryoursafe ,theinformationinthismanuaImustbefoIIowedtominimizetheriskoffire
or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injur)4, or loss of life.
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may beproduced in a water heater that has not been used for two weeks
or more. Hydrogen gas can be explosive under these circumstances.
If the hot water has not been used fi}r two weeks or more, prevent the possibility of damage or iqituy by turning
on all hot v,_lter fimcets and allowing them to run fiw several minutes. Do this lx_fi}re using any electrical
appliance which is commcted to the hot water system. This simple procedure will allow aW btfilt-up hydrogen
gas to escape. Since the g_ls isflammable, do not smoke or use ;:lIlopen flame or appliance dulJng this process.
This washer must be properly installed and located • I_stall or store Bhere it wi]]/_ot be e×posed to
in accordance with the Installation Instructions before temperatures belo_ fi'eezi[_g or exposed to
it is used. ff you did not receive an Installation the *_eathe_:
Instructions sheet, you can receive one by visiting
Hotpointcom, or by calling 8ORGECARES (800.4322737). • Properly ground _asher to c{mfi}rm _ith all
goverl]i[]g codes ;rod ordi_]a[wes. F{}l!o_ derails
i[] I_]sta!l:_d{m h]st[ucti{ms.
• Keep the area underneath and around your,
appliances fl'ee {}fcombustible materials such
as lint, papei; rags, chemicals, etc.
• Close supervision is necessai) if this appliance is
used b'_ or near chiMren. Do not allow children to
pla) on, with, or inside this or an) other appliance.
• Never reach into washer while it is moving.
Wait until the machine has completely stopped
before opening the lid.
Use this
only for its
purpose as
described in
this Owner's
• Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or
acids such asvinegar and/or rust removei;
Mixing different chemicals can produce
a toxic gas which may cause death.
• Do not wash or {liT articles that have been
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted with
combustible or explosive substances (such as
wax, oil, paint, gasoline, degreaseis, dry-cleaning
solvents, kerosene, etc.) which may ignite or
explode. Do not add these substances to the
wash wateI; Do not use or place these substances
around your washer or dryer during operation.
• The laundIw process can reduce the flame
retaMancy of fi_brics. To avoid such a restflt,
careflllly ti}llow the g_mnent manufimmrer's _;_sh
and care instructions.
• To minimize the possibilib' {ff electric shock, tmi)lug
this appliance fl'om the power supply or dis{{mnect
the washer at the household distribution panel by
removing the filse or switching off the circtfit
breaker beloIe attempting any mainmnance or
cleaning. NOTEJTurning the Cycle Selector knob u}
an off position or pressing PAUSE does NOT
dis{_mnect the appliance ti'om the power sui}ply.
• Never attemi)t to operate this ai)i)liance if it is
damaged, malfiu]ctioning, partially disassembled,
or has missing or broken parts, including a
damaged coM or ph g.
• Turn off water fim{'ets to relieve pressure on hoses
and wdves and U} minimize leakage if a break or
rupture should occm: Check the condition {}fthe
fill hoses; they should be replaced eveiw 5 veai5.
• Before discarding a washei; or remo\ing it fl'om
service, remove the washer lid to prevent children
fl'om hiding inside.
• Do not attempt to repair or replace any pair of
this appliance unless specifically recommended in
this Owner's Manual, or in published use>repair
instructions that vou undei_tand and have the
skills to carry {)tit.
• Do not tamper with controls.

Aboutthe washer controlpanel
(models VVSR1070,VBXR1090,VBSR3100,and VLXR1020)
You can locate your model number on the back of your washer, behind the control panel.
• Selectloadsize and
• Adddetergent
• Adddilutedfabric
softener(on models
with a fabric
Model VVSRI070
° Add clothes
otherwash options
• Selectwash cycle
• Closelid
• Pull knob
Model VBXRI090
O 0 _eaf
e N_R_CL&L

Aboutthe washer controlpanel (cont.)
Model VLXR1020
Control settings.
_ Load Size
i.oosely load clothes no higher than the top row of holes in the washer tub. The water level
should just cover the clothes. A(!just the load size accordingly.
Select the water tempe_mu'e fin" the wash and _inse cycles. On some models, the temperattH'e is
controlled bv the wash cycle knob. _Mwavs fi)llow tid)_-ic mantt_i_cturer's care label or instructions
when latmde_ing.
warm wash
con wash
O_ Wash Cycle (on some models)
The wash cycle controls the length of the washing process. The chart below will help you match
the wash cycle setting with your clothing.
COTTONSForheavyto lightlysoiledcottons,householdlinens,workandplayclothes.
KNITS Speciallydesignedfornormallysoiledknits.
DELICATESForlingerieandspecial-carefabricswith lightto normalsoil.