Hotpoint RVM1435WD002, RVM1435BD002 Owner’s Manual

959 Watts
Model: RVM1435
Counter Saver Plus Microwave Oven
Owner's Manual
Important Safety Information
Operating Instructions
Helpful Information
If SomethingGoes Wrong
liOl1 INIF
39-40364 ]
06-03 JR
nlusl be tollowed It, nlinimize tile risk of tire
For yotlr bal(q y lhe illli)rllla[ioll ill /his lllalltlal
DD L_f -TA [ F'F[[-'_ )_ T_ or explosion or lo prment properly damage.
! II.I_'-lUllUJ_¥J personal inj ur} or loss of lift'.
TO AVOID OoNotAttempt
MICRO WAVE ,t is impormn, no, to
ENER GY ,le sad, ,v intel'locks.
_o operate tllis o_xm with tim door open since open-door operallOll CHll restll| ill hannfld exposure
_o lnicrowave energ).
,lelent or L_llllpeF with
Do Not Place ally' object belween /he OV(?II ][l'O/ll
Ihce and Ihv door or allow soil or cleaner residue io nCCtlllltll_tte
ell sealing surlaces
Do Not Operate tile o_xm
if il is dmnaged. 11 is particularly importmn
Ilia| the ovell door close properly and
that there is _lo damage to the:
I dool bent).
2 hin4es and latches
broken or loosened,.
3 (looI seals and seMing
SLII'I _tces
The Oven Should Not
be adjusted or repaired
b\ _lllvone excep/
properb qtmlil]ed
seY'vl ce persolillel.
\Velcome to the GE timfily. We're t)roud ot ore: qu_dity products and we belie\'e in depe;`;`dable service.
"fi)n'll see it in tiffs
eas_-lo-nse mmmal and you'll hear it in tl;`e IHendly
voices of our consmner selMce del}armlem.
Start Here!... Before using your Microwave
Best of _dl, you'll experience _l'[ese values e_(h ti;`i;`e yet/
/lse }o/lr l//icrow_lve. That's
important, because your new micro_m e will be part ot yore: limfily/_)r a long time.
getore you call tor service, there are a/ew things you c_l_ do to help ;`;`s s{'rve volt
Write down the model
and serial nmnbers here.
_I]]e_ ;u'e (m a label inside
the o\ ei/.
Model number
Serial number
Date of purchase
Read this manual.
It (Ollt_lil;`S illstrtlctiOl;`S to help you use and lnaintain
VO/lr ;`Ili(Tow;-Ive prot;`erly.
If you received a damaged
oven..,imllle(liatel'}' {Ol;`t_l(t the dealer (or t)uiMer)
tl;`at sold veil tl;`e ovel;`.
Save time and money.
(]t;`e{k the se(tio;`l titled
"1t Sometl;`il;`g (;oes Wrong" t)e/i)re calling.
This section helps you solve common problems
t];`at might ()cell;'2
Staple yourreceiptto the inside back cover ofthis
manual. Youwill need it
toobtainservice under warranty.
If VO/I (to need service,
you can relax knowing
help is only a t}hone call away. A list of toll-fiPee
customer servi( e munbers is included i;`;`the back ot
this mamml.
This microwave oven is IlL listed for installation
over electric and gas ranges.
This microwave oven is not approved or tested
for marine use.
Read and lbllow the specific "Precamions to
A\oid Possible Exposure
to l_2xcessive Microwave Energy" on 1)_ge 2.
This _ppliml(e must be gr(mnd_ d. C(mnect only
to properly gr(mnded omlet. See (;r(mnding
Inslrll(|ions s('(tlon on
t)_ge 10.
l)o not momH this _q)l)liam e over _ sink.
Install or lo(_te this _l)plian(e only in
_ccor(tan(e with the provided Installation
I1 IS[1711('[ions.
This ove_=the-range oven was designed/or use over
ranges no wider dmn 36." It may be installed o_er
bod_ gas and elecu:ic cooking equipment.
I)o not operaw this appliance if it has a
damaged power cord or plug, i/it is not working
properl}, or if it has 1)een damaged or dropped.
I! the power (ord is damaged, it must be
replaced by General Ele(tric Servi(e or an
m_thorized service agent using a power cord/i'om
(',enerM Ele( u:ic.
I)o not cover or block any openings on the
Llse this applimwe only /br its imended use _s
described in this mmmal.
Do not IISC €orrosive
chemicals or vapors in this appliance. This
microwave o_en is specifically designed to
heat, dl_ r OF ('ook/hod, and is not intended
/or laboratory or industrial use.
l)o not store this applimace outdoors.
Do not use this product
11('_117 W;+It(T ]()17 UX_ll//pl(',
in _ wet basement, nero: _ swimming pool,
nero: _1sink or in similm: locations.
Keep power cord :_wm tt'om heated stn:tilces.
Do not immerse power cord or ph N in water.
To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity:
-- I)o not overtook/ood. Carcflfllv attend _lpplian( e
when paper, pla_,tic or other ( ombustiMe
materials are placed inside the oven while
-- Remove wire twist-ties m_d metal hmldles fi'om p_q)er or plastic
containers betore placing
thelll ill the O\ell,
-- Do Dot use the ()_,_+I1
ti)r storage puq)oses. Do not le_l\ e t)aper ptx)ducts, cooking
utensils or tDod in the o\'cn when not in use.
-- lJ materials inside oven ignite, keep the oxen
door closed, turn the
OV('n ()]t and disconnect
the power cord, or shut off power at the fi_se or (ircuit t)reaker 1)ariel. //the door is opened, the lit',.' lm_y spread.
See door sttrtilce cleaning instructions in the Cat'('
and Cleaning section (s) of this gtfide.
This appliance must only be serviced by qualified ser\'ice pers(mnel+ Comact
nearest mlthorized ser\'ice /itcility t6r exmnination,
l'(+p_liF Or _t(!i/IStI//('l/t+
As wifll any appliance, close supelMsion is
necessary when used bv children.
I)o not store m_ything directly on top of the
mi(rowa\'c o_en surJi_ce when the mi(rowa\'c oven
is in operation.
Ariing is the l//i( FO+V+r_++x+e
term t_>l"st/arks in the o+,en. Ariing is ( aused by:
Metal or foil tou(hing
the side of the o'_ell.
Foil not molded to ti)od (Utmlrned edges a(t like
Do not poll l/Ol/COrn in
your microwave ()veil mlless in a special
lnicrowave t)ot/corn accessory or unless you use l/Ot_(orn labeled t_)r
use in microwave ovens.
Sol//e t)lTo(hlctS Stlch as
whole eggs and sealed containers ti)r exan/ple, closed jars--are able to ext)lode and should not
be heated in this
lilicrow_ve ovel/. Stletl/Ise
of the lllierow;+_+e ovel/ (ould result in i_j/lry.
1)0 not boil eggs in a
microwave oven. Pressure will build ut) inside egg
yolk and will cause it to burst, t/ossibly resuhing
in il+jury.
Metal, such as twist-ties, t)oultry pins, or gold-
tin/reed dishes, in the nil( rowa_ e.
Recycled l/al/er towels containing sn/all metal pieces being used in
the llliCl+OW_4ve+
()t/erating the n/ierowa_e with no ti)od inside for
n/ore than a n/inute or
tWO lIl;+l_ ' C;+l[lSe d_tl//Hge
to the o_en and could st_++rta [ire. It illcreases
the heat aromld the n/agnetron and can
shorten the li/i' of the ()Veil.
Foods with mlbroken outer "skin" su(h as t)ot_toes, hot dog.',,
S_I/IS_Iges, t OlIl_tt oes,
apples, chicken li_ers and other giblets, and egg yolks should be pierced to allow steam to escape dm:ing cooking.
Liquids, such as water, coffee or tea, are able to
he overheated beyond the boiling point without appearing to he boiling.
Visible bubbling or boiling when the container is
removed from the microwave oven is not always present.
To 1",_'(1me the risk o/il_j/lry to persons:
-- I)o not overheat tile
-- Stir the liqukl bodl
be/ore and hall\ray through heating it.
-- Do not use straighbsided
containers with narrow necks.
-- ,\lier heating, Mlow
the container to stand ill the microw_v oven /or a short time belore
rel//O\'illg the contailleE
-- Use extrelile care whell
inserting a Sl)OOn or other utensil into tile
A_oid heating baby/ood ill glass jars, e_en with tile
lid o/E Make sure all in/m/t/ood is thoroughly
looked. Stir/ood to distribute die heat e_vnlv.
Be careflfl to prevem scalding when warming
tbrmula or breast milk. The container Inavtcel cooler than the milk really is. Alwms test the milk
betore tbeding tile baby.
I)on't det_'ost t_'ozen beverages ill narrow-
necked bottles (especially carbonated beverages).
Even if the container is
opened, t)ress/lre Call
build Ul/. This can cause tile container to burst,
t)ossibly resulting in i,_juv}.
t tot toods and steam call cause burns. Be
careflll when ot)ening an\' containers of hot
tood, inchlding poll( orn bags, cooking i/ouches and boxes. To prevem t/ossible il_im:}, direct
stean/ awa\'/i'om hands and/ace.
I)o not overcook
potatoes. They could dehydrate and catch
fire, causing damage
to your o_en.
Cook nleat and poultv}
thoroughl}--meat to at least all INTERNAI_
temperature of 160°F
and t)oHltrv to at least all
INTERNAI, temperature of 180°E Cooking to these tenlperat ures usually protects against
/oodborne ilh/ess.
Make sure all cookware used ill Your microwave oven is suitable tor
n/icrowaving. Most glass casseroles, cooking dishes,
l//easllring CllllS , Cllstar(t
Clll/S , potter} or china dinnerware which does not
have metallic u:im or glaze with a metallic sheen Call
be/lsed. Sol//e cook'_,are is labeled "suitaMe [ilr
HOW tO tesl for a microwave
safe dish
[J _,ou m'e not sure Jl
a dish is lnicrowa,e-sa/c, use thia test: P|;_ce ill the
ovcu both the dish you are testing m_d ;1 glass
ule;_euril_g cup filled with
1 Clip ofw;ttor--e('t the
f/le;tMIril/g ell l) eit]ler ill or next to the dish.
Microwave 30-45 seconds
at high. /f the dish heats. it should not be uaed/or
If the dish relnains cool and only tile water ill tile
cup heats, then the dish is microwa_ e-sati'.
If VO/l /ISe a l//eat the_
monleter while cooking, make sm:e it is sati'/or
use ill lnicrowave o_ens.
Do not use recycled paper products. Recycled
paper towels, nallkins and waxed paper Call
contain metal flecks which n/w_' cause arcing
or ignite. Paper products containing nylon or
nylon filaments should be avoided, as they him also ignite.
_Ol//e stvro/oal// tlT_l'_is
(like tl/ose that meat is
packaged on) ha\e a tl/in strip of n/etal embedded
ill tile bottom. When
lilicro'_,_l_,e(I, the metal can
burn the/loor of the oven or ignite a paper towel.
Do not use the microwave to dry
Not all plastic wrap is
suitable £)r/lse ill lllicro- wave ovens. Check the
pa(kage/or t)roper use.
Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic wrap
Call tie used to cover dishes ill order to retain
l//oistllre and prevellt spattering, ge sure to
vent plastic wrap so stealll
Call escape.
Cookware lilav becollle hot because of heat
transti'rred/i'om the heated/ood. Pot holders
n/m be needed to handle tile (ookware.
"Boilable" cooking t)ouches and tightly closed plastic bags should be slit, pierced or vented as directed by package. If they are not, plastic could burst during or
immediately _dter looking, possibly resulting
ill il_iur }. Also, plasti( storage (omainers should be at le_lst pm:tially
uncovered because they /orm a tight seal. When
cooking with containers tightly covered with plastic wrap, ren/ove co_ering carefllllv and
direct steal// aW_lV /i'Ol// hands and {ilce.
Use/oil only as dire(ted in this n/m/ual. TV dinners may be n/i/rowa_'d in toil
trays less than 3/4" high; renlo_e tile top toil lover
_ll/(I ret/lrl/ the tr_l} t/) tile
box. When using toil in
till' l//i('rowa\ e ()veil, kee t)
tile/oil at leasi 1" away ti'on/ tile sides of il/e oven.
The/ml will operate automatically under
certain conditions (see Amon/atic Fan teamre).
"I:dke (are to prevent the starting and spreading of
accidental cooking fires while file _ellt tml is in use.
Clean tile mlderside of the l//icrowa_.e o/lell.
Do n()t allow grease to build till on tile
nlicrowave or tile
tml tihers.
Plastic cookware--Plastic cookware designed tot
nlicro_a_ e cooking is very' usetill, bm should be used
(aretillh. E_en n/icrowa_'- sale' t/lasfic may not be as
toleram of o_ercooking COllditiOllS as are glass or
ceralIliC materials and may soften or char if
subjected to short periods of o_er/ooking, hi longer exl)os[Ires to o_a_r/ookil/g,
tile tood and cookware couM ignite.
Ill tile event of a grease
tire Oll till' S/lr/il('e Ill/its
below the n/icrowave oven, smother a {]anling
pall OIl the s/lr]i_ce HI/it lg covering the t)an con/pletely with a lid, a
(ookie sheet or a [lat tray.
Use care when cleaning the veto/hn tihers.
Corrosive cleaning agents, such as lye-based
()Veil cleal/ers, l//_l}
danlage the tihers.
Follow these guidelines:
I Use n/icrowa\e-sa/_'
plasti/s only and use theln in stfi/t /on/plim//e
with tile cookware
l//_ll//lt_tl | liter's
recol//lIlel/d a|iol/s.
2 [)o I/or II/icrowave eli/lily'
COl/tail lets.
3 Do not permit children
to use plastic cookware without / on/plete sut/el-vision.
When prel/aring
flaming toods raider the n/icrowa_e, turn tile vent
]_tl/ 01/.
Never lea_e surtace m/its beneath your microwave
oven unattended at high heat settings. Boilovers cause smoking and greasy st)illo_ers that may ignite and spread if the
l//icrowa_e Vellt ]_tl/ is
operating. "lb minimize automati/ tan operation, use adequate sized cook_,are and use high
heal Ol/ siirl_lce [lllitS
OlllV whell I/ecessaFL
Ensure proper ground exists before use.
Improper use of the grounding plug can result
in a risk of electric shock.
This appliance nlust be gr(mnded. Ill tile e_'nt of
an electrical short circuit, gTounding reduces tile
risk of electric shock 1_ providing all escape wire
/_)r tile electric current.
This appliance is equipped
with a power cord having
a gT(mnding wire with a gromlding plug. The plug must be phlgged into an O/ltlet that is properl} installed and gT(mnded.
Consuh a qualified electrician or service
technician if tile gr(mnding instructions are not
completely understood, or if doubt exists as to
whether tile appliance is properly grounded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is
your personal responsibilit_
and obligmion to hmv it repla(ed with a properly grotmded 3-prong wall
1)O llOt /lnder ;41iv cirCtll/l-
stan('es ('tit or rel//o\e the
third (gTotmd) prong/i'om tile power cord.
Do not use an adapter plug with this appliance.
Do not use an extension cord with this appliance.
If tile power cord is too short, hm e a qualilied
electrician or service technician install an outlet
near tile applian(e.
For best operation, plug this appliance into its ()_rt_ electri(al outlet to prevent flickedng of lights, blowing offllse or tripping of circuit
Filler Panel Kits JX4OWH or JX46WH--White JX41 or JX46BL--Black JX4OAL or JX46AL--Almond
When repladng a 36"
range hood, Hiller panel kits Hillin tile additional
width to provide a custom btdh-in appearance.
For installation between (abinets only; not/or
end-ot_cabinet installation. Ea(h kit contains two
._4%wi(te filler panels.
Filter Kits
dX81A--Recirculating Charcoal Filter Kit
Filter kits are used when tile microwave oven cannot be vented to tile outside.
A\ailable at extra cost/ir)m your t]otpoint supplier.
1 Door Handle.
Pull to open the (|oo_': The door must be
se(urelv latched [or the mi(To_ave to ot)erate.
2 Door Latches. 3 Window with Metal
Shield. Screen alh)ws
cooking to be viewed while keel)|rig
microwaves confined in the oven.
# Touch Control Panel
5 Cooktop Lights.
6 Grease Filters. 7 Removable Turntable.
"I'ur_,t:_lbh, a_,d supl)ort
must be in t)la(e when using the oven.
The ttllTntable may be removed h)r cleaning.
8 Convenience Guide.
NOTE:Rating t)late, oven
ven|(s) and oven light are
located on the inside walls of the microwave oven.
The Controls on Your Microwave Oven
(Tlnvugq_oul this ma_ua[, fi_alurc_5m_d al)l)ectranc_ma) vm3 j}_)m 3our modeL)
Youcan microwave
by time, or with the AUTO / TIMEJ
convenience _
featnres, minute cook - 1 - 6
Press Enter
TIME COOKI & II (PressonceOrtwice) Amount of (ookhlg dmc.
DEFROSTAUTO/TIME(Presstwice) Amount of defi'osting time. MINUTE COOK Starts Jll_,ll_,(!(lJatelv!
POWERLEVEL Power lexel 1-I O.
ADD 30 SEC Starts Jll_,ll_,e(lJat(_lv!
+ 28 hidden pages