)• Read and follow the specific
ENERGY" found on page 3.
• To reduce the risk of fire in the
oven cavity:
--Do not overcook food. Carefully
attend appliance if paper, plastic
or other combustible materials
are placed inside the oven to
facilitate cooking.
--Remove wire twist-ties from
paper or plastic bags before
placing bags in oven.
--Do not use your microwave
oven to dry newspapers.
--Paper towels,napkinsand
waxpaper. Recycledpaper
products can contain metal flecks
which may cause arcing or ignite.
I O,_./ctaL IJIOLItgltbt_ bUltlI.Otllllll_ tiff LVII
or nylonfilamentsshouldbe
avoided_ as they may also ignite.
--Do not pop popcorn in your
mierawnvo avon nnle._,qin a gnecinl
--Do notoperatetheovenwhile
empty to avoid damagetothe
ovenand the dangeroffire. If
emptya minuteor two,noharm
is done.However,try toavoid
operating the oven empty at tux
times--it saves energy and
prolongs life of the oven.
--If materials inside the oven
oh,_,,IA;c,n;ta lra,:,n n_7_. An,ar
closed, turn oven off, and
disconnect the power cord, or
shu_:off power at the fuse or
circuit breaker panel.
• Some products such as whole
eggs and sealed containers--for
example, closed glass jars--may
explode and should not be heated
in this oven.
• See door surface cleaning
instructions on page 28.
•Don't defrost frozen beverages
in narrow-necked bottles (especially
carbonated beverages). Even if
the container is opened, pressure
_UII 1)11111,1 U[J* 1111_, _._g:Lllt_O.UL3I_ tll4G
container to burst, resulting in
• Use metal only as directed in
K'4_ -1-L - -1- T___'I ___= ........ _1 _
I[._OOKHOOK. U011 Stl-lpS _tS tidied 011
meat roasts are helpful when used
ae_hnsun in ('_nnlrhnnlc
l_t_ tJ_A_vv u Jt_i _,.J_vvx_,
TV dinners may be microwaved
;n G-all t_.o_Tolace th,ar_ _4IAtvh_ah.
111 l_.Jll LI(/.J_._ JL%.._o¢.._ tllgJLll JI-T 111_11,
remove top foil cover and return
tray to box. When using metal in
microwave oven, keep metal
(except for DOUBLE DUTY TM
shell) at least ! inch away from
sides of oven.
•Cooking utensils may become
hot because of heat transferred
from theheated food. This is
especially trueif plastic wrap has
• DOlling eggs is not
recommended in a microwave
_,_r_rt Dr_,eellra. o_n hlli|/_l iin
inside egg yolk and may cause it
to burst, resulting in injury.
• Foods with unbroken outer
i_ll_lllt _ut_ll O__ l./_,..'l.O.tr,./r_, _ttt.tott_t..o,
tomatoes, apples, chicken livers
and other gibleL%and egg yolks
(see previous caution) should be
pierced to allow steam to escape
during cooking.
• ph_fie I Itep_LIs--P!astic utens_s
designed for microwave cooking are
very useful, but should be used
carefully. Even microwave plastic
may not be as tolerant of
overcooking conditions as are
glass or ceramic materials and
lllUy _uILg;ll UL _110,1 11 _UUJGt_L_U tu
short periods of overcooking. In
lnnot_r _Ynng_w_ to nv_.r_oNkinfr
themin strict compliancewith
been covering the top and handles
of the utensil. Potholders may be
can become toohot totouch.Be
_ ._ -11 __'_ ........ 1_]__
aim alter COOKlllg,
• Do not use any thermometer
in food you are microwaving
the utensil manufacturer's
recommendations. 2) Do not
suoj¢ct _IIII31L_/ UtCll_ill3 tU
microwaving. 3) Do not permit
oh;lctr_n tn uea,rdn_tlo _t,_n_il_:
%_JtI/JL%,4_JLWlt a_,_ ¢¢v _JX¢_xv _tWtA_l_
_ g£1_ _i al qq __ _I__ .... •
-'_Ollaole'" COOKing pOUCHeS
and tightly closed plastic bags
should be slit, pierced or vented
as directed in Cookbook. If they
unlessthe thermometer is designed
or recommended for use inthe are not, plastic could burst during
_. ................ or immediately after cooking,
m_crowaveoven. possibly resulting in injury. Also,
• Remove the temperature plastic storage containers should
probe from the oven when not be at least partially uncovered
using it to cook with. If you leave because they form a tight seal.
the probe inside the ovenwithout "".... '-" -"1-..... ".....
inserting it in food or liquid, and
turnon microwaveenergy,itcan
create electrical arcing in the
oven, and damage oven walls.
•Avoid heating baby food in
glassjars, even without their lids;
especially meat and egg mixtures.
w nen coorang w_m COlll211llC[_
tightly covered with plastic wrap,
remove covering carefully and direct
steam away from hands and face.
i (continuednextpage)_