~Use proper pan siz~Avoid
pansthat areunstableor easily
spillovers,make surecookware
is largeenoughto containthe
foodproperly.Thiswill both
savecleaningtime andprevent
food,since heavyspatteringor
spilloverslefton range can
ignite.Use panswith handles
that canbe easilygrasped and
to prevent
.-.,.-... ..... . ..—-—-----------..—.-.-..--.——-
———-—.. ........ ....-————
. ,. . ..—-. -=.l-.—--- . .. .
..-”. .
* wheKRbroiling9ifmeatis too
..”.—-- —.-—.————.——.-.--——
—.—..—--.-.—.—.-..—---- ..— .. —.—-—.—.—..————
close totheflame?the fat may
Trimexcessfat toprevent
tl~ecoolftop—theymaymelt if
lefttoo closeto the vent.
sDe ~lot
leaveanyitemson the
The hotair fromthe
ventmay igniteflammableitems
and willincreasepressurein
causethem toburst.
burn, alwaysbecertainthat the
controlsforailburlle?rsare at
theOFFpositionand all
are COOIbefore attempting to
renlove them.
ev/hen HalRingfoods are
under the heod~ turn the fan
off. The fan?if
*If range islocatednear a
curtainsthat couldblow over
the topburners and createa fire
do not hang long
whenopeningthedoorofa klot
oven.Thehot air andsteam
that escapecancauseburnsto
@Placeoven shelfindesired
oPullingoutshelftothe shelf-
isa convenienceinlifting
heavyfoods,It is
position“R” is not designed
to slide.
oDon9tuse aiunlinumfoil
anywhere intheovenexceptas
described in tilis boolf.Misuse
could resultin a firehazard or
damageto the range.
also a
*Malie sure broiler
pan is in
~If you should
firein thebroiler
havea grease
pan9 turn
off oven, aridkeepovendoor
or broilerdrawer(on models so
equipped)closedto containfire
untilitburns out.
cle~ningYour Range
Clean only parts listed in this
Use and Care Book.
o Keep range clean and free
of accumtllationsof grease or
Spilloversy which may ignite,
* Be carefulwhen you clean the
cooktopbecause the
area over
the pilot (on models so
equipped) will be hot,
2. Use theUP and DOWNpads to
setthe timer.Shorttapson the UP
or DOWN padchangethe timer’s
settingone minuteat a time.
Pressing andcontinuingto hold
the UP pad increases the setting
five minutesat atime untilone
hour (“1:00”) is displayed.After
one houris displayed, pressing and
holdingthe UP pad increasesthe
setting 15minutesat a time. (Short
taps on theUP and DOWN pads
will alwayschange the settingby
1-minuteincrements.)The timer
can be set for a maximum of 9
hours and45 minutes.
3. To start thetimer,press the
TIMER ON/OFF pad. If the
not pressed, thetimer will
automatically startafter a
few seconds.
As the timer countsdown, a
singlebeep will indicatewhen
one minute is left.After this beep,
the display will countdown in
seconds. When the timer reaches
“:00,” you will hear three setsof
three short beeps, and then a single
beep every 10seconds for 10
minutes or until you press any
of the Clock/Timer pads.
When the timeris countingdown,
use theUP and DOWN padto
changethe remainingtime, or
press theTIMER ON/OFFpad
to cancelthe timerfunction.The
timer functioncannotbe cancelled
until “SET TIMER” stops
flashingand “TIMER” appears
on the display.
ToDisplaythe Timeof
Day wMIe the Timer
Pressingthe CLOCK pad while the
timer is operatingwill not interfere
with the timer’soperation;the
displaywill change to showthe
time of day,but the timer will
continueto count down and will
stillsignal when time isup. Simply
pressfie TIMERON/OF~pad
1( -:,
_-. -.. —
. . .. . . . .... .
.. . . . . ... . . . ... .——
— . . ..-. -- ... . ..—---.,— -.... - -.
(“ ‘~
~O~~OWdi~~CtiO~S below if yOU~
range has the clock and timer
ShOW~ above.
To set the CIock,push inthe knob
and turnit to the right. Let the
knob out when theclock hands
reach the correct time. Continue
turningthe knob to 0~.
The Timer has been combined with
therange clock. Use it to time all
your precisecooking operations.
You’llrecognize the Timer as the
pointer thatis different in color
.== &an the clock hands.
Minutesaremarkedup to30,and
hours are marked up to 4 on the
center ring of the clock.
To set the Timer, turn the knob to
the left—without pushing in—until
the pointer reaches the number of
minutes or hours you want to time.
}4tthe end or the set time~a
buzzer s{)undsto tell you time
is up. Turn the knob—without
pushing in—until the pointer
reaches OFF and the buzzer stops.
ranges haves~andingpilotsthat
must belit initially.To lightthem:
1. Be suresurface burnercontrol
knobs arein the OFF position.
2. Remove the gratesand lift the
cooktop up (see theLift-Up
Cooktop section).
3. Locate the two pilot ports and
light each of them with a match.
Note: If the pilot is too high or
low, you can adjust it. See the
“Adjustthe Surface Burner Pilots
If Necessary” section of the
Installation Instructions.
4. Lower thecooktop. Yoursurface
burners are now ready for use.
5. Observe lightecIburners.
Compare the flames to pictures
in the Problem Solver. If any flame
is unsatisfactory, call for service.
Surfaceburnerson theseranges
are lightedby electric ignition,
endingthe need forstandingpilots
with constantly burning flames.
In easeof a polveroutige, you can
lightthe pilotlessignition surface
burnerson yourrange witha match.
Hold a lightedmatch to the burner,
then turn theknob to theLITE
position.Usee-mecaution when
Iigbtingburnersin this manner.
Surface burnersin use when an
electricalDowerfailure occurswill
The electrodeof thespark
igniteris exposed.When one
burneris turnedto LITE, allthe
burnersspark.Do not attempt
to disassembleorclean around
anyburner whileanotherburner
is on.An electricshockmay
result,whichcouldcause you
to knockoverhot cookware.
surfaceBurner controls
The knobs that turn the surface
burners on and off are located on
the control panel in front of the
The two knobs on the left control
the left front and left rear burners.
The two knobs on the right control
the right front and right rear
Eiectric IgnitionModels:
PUSIIthe control knob inand
turn it to LITE. Youwill hear a
littleclicking noise—thesound
of the electricspark igniting
Standing Pilot Modei:
Push controlknob in and turn it to
HI position. The burner should
lig~twithin a few seconds.
After the burner ignites,turn the
knob to adiust the flame size.
FIame willbe almost.horizontal **
md till lift slightlya%vayfrom the,
burner %Vhenthe burner is first
turned on. A blowing or hissing
seeon~.Thisnormalsoundisdue to
the burner.Puta pan on the burner
before lighting it, or adjust the
flame to match pan size as soo~~as
it lights, andthe blowingor hissing
soundwillbemuch lessnoticeable.
-! ,---
. .. ..’
BeforeLig12tinga Burner
s If drip pans are supplied with
your range, they should be used
at all times.
~Make sure both grates on one
side of the range are in place
it heatsquickly andevenly.Most
foodsbrown evenly in an
aluminumskillet.Minerals in food
and water will stainbut willnot
harm aluminum.A quick scour
with a soap-filledsteel woolpad
after each usekeeps aluminum
cookware lookingshiny andnew.
Use saucepanswith tight-fitting
lids when cookingwith minimum
amountsof water.
Cast Iron: If heated slowly,
most skilletswill give satisfactory
Enamelware: Under some
conditions,the enamel of some
cookware may melt. Follow
cookware manufacturer’s
recommendations for cooking
Glass:There are two types of
glass cookware—those for oven
use only and those for top-of-range
cooking (saucepans, coffee and
teapots). Glass conducts heat
very slowly.
Heatproof Glass Ceramic: Can
be used for either surface or oven
cooking. It conducts heat very
slowly and cools very slowly.
Check cookware manufacturer’s
directions to be sure it can be used
on gas ranges,
Stainless Steel: This metal alone
has poor heating properties and is
Llsuallycombined with copper,
aluminum or other metals for
improved heat distribution.
Combination metal skillets usually
work satisfactorily if they are used
with medium heat as the
manufacturer recommends.
wok cooking
Werecommend thatyou useonly [
flat-bottomedwok.They are
availableat yourlocal retailstore.
Donot use woksthat have suppo17
rings. Use of thesetypes of woks,
with or withoutthe ring in place,
can be dangerous. Placingthe ring
over theburner grate may cause
the burner to work improperly
resulting in carbon monoxide
levels above allowablecurrent
standards.This could be dangero~
to your health. Do not try to use
such woks without thering. You
could be seriously burned if the
wok tipped over.
use ofstoveTopGrills
(onmodelswith sealedburners)
Do not use stove top grills on your
sealed gas burners. If you use the
stove top grill on the sealed
burner it will cause incomplete
combustion and can result ii~
exposure to carbon monoxide
levels above allowable current
standards. This can be hazardo~is
to YOUI’ health.
.._._ —..--————.—-——————-. ........-........
Lighting Instructions for
..”, . . ..-_. — ...,, . . . .
.,--T .. --..=----—-—
standing Blot ModeEs
These rangeshave standingoven
pilotsthat m~stbe lit initially.
To light the oven pilot:
Turn theOVEN CONTROL knob
to the desiredtemperature.The
burnershould light within 60
Proper flame configuration:
While usingthe ovenburner,
visuallycheck theburner flamein
the broilercompartment.If flame
does notburn as describedin the
Installationsectionof this book,
adjustthe flame followingthe
directionson thosepages.
Power fai~ure?Anelectrical
power failure willnot affect a
lighted standingovenpilot.
The oven and broil burner
on these ranges islighted by
electric ignition.
Tolight the burner,turn the
Youroven iscontrolledby an
It willnormallytake 30-90
secondsbefore theflame comes
on. Afterthe ovenreaches the
selectedtemperature,the oven
burner cycles-off completely,
then on with afull flame-to
maintainthe selected temperature.
The ovenlightcomes on
automaticallywhen thedoor
is opened.On somemodels there
is a manualon/offswitch to the
left of thesurfaceburner controls.
3. Find the oven pilot port at the
back of the broiler compartment.
The long tube, running from front
to back, is the oven burner, The
pilot port is at the back, about one
inch below the burner.
be litduringa powerfailure.
glowbar ishot.
If theovenis inusewhena
re-lituntilpoweris restored.
. /.:.
L ~. -.,
__._,_.. .
- “~~$i==.openingsat therear of the cooktoP.
- - =7:==”=(SeeFeatures section.)Do not
-.. ,
Theoven is ventedthroughduct
blockthese openingswhen
cookingin the oven—itis
importantthat theflow of hot air
fromthe oven andfresh air to the
ovenburners beunintempted.
‘ The Vefitopeningsand nearby
surfacesmay become hotsDo not
Handlesofpotsand pans on
tileeooktop may become hot if
lefttoo close to the vent.
l~ote:Thevent onyourmodelmay
differfrom that shown in the
aillustrationbut all modelshave
~‘-’ventsat the rear of the cooktop.
“ Metal itemswill become very
hot if
they are left on the Cooktop
and couldcause burns.
QDo not leave any items on the
eooktop. The hot air from the vent
may ignite flammable items and
~villincrease pressure in closed
containers, which may cause them
to burst.
Each shelfis designedwith stoplocks so when placedcorrectly on
the shelf supports,it willstop
before coming completelyout of
the oven and will nottilt when you
are removing foodfrom it or
placing food on it.
When placing cookwareon a shelf,
pull the shelf outto the “stop”
position. Place the cookwareon
the shelf, then slidethe shelf back
into the oven. This willeliminate
reaching into the hot oven.
To remove a shelffrom the oven,
pull the shelf toward you, tilt front
end upward and pull the shelf out.
To replace, place shelf on she!f
support with stop-locks (curved
extension of shelf) facing up and
toward rear of oven. Tilt up front
and push shelf toward back of
oven until it goes past “stop” on
oven wall. Then lower front of
shelf and push it all the way back.
The ovenhas five shelf supports
for normalbaking and roasting—l
(bottom),B, C, D and E (top). It
alsohas a speciallow shelf
position(R) for roastingextra Iarg
items, suchas a large turkey.The
shelfis not designedto slide out a
thisposition. Shelfpositionsfor
cookingare suggested on Baking
and Roastingpages.
As your oven heatsup, the
temperature changeof the air in
the oven may cause water
dropletsto form on the door
glass. These dropletsare
harmless and will evaporate as
the oven continuesto heat up.
1.Position theshelfor shelvesin
the oven.If cookingo~~two shelves
at the sametime, staggerthe
cookwarefor best heatcirculatiori.
Place foodin oven on centerof
shelf.Allow at least2 inches
between edgeof cookware and
oven wailor adjacentcookware.
2. Close oven door.Turn OVEN
CONTROL knob to desired
3. Check food for donenessat
minimum time on recipe. Cook
longer if necessary.T’umOVEN
CONTROL knob to OFF and
remove food.
mustopen the door,open it
partially---only3 or 4 inches-—-and
closeit as quicklyas possible.
~Do not disturbthe heatcirculation
in theoven withthe useof
aluminumfoil. If foilisused,place
a small sheetof it, about10by 12
inchesat themost, ona lower shelf
severalinchesbelow thefood. Do
notplace foilon the ovenbottom.
and Possible
Edges of crust too thin.
~Incorrect baking temperature.
Preheating is very important when
baking foods such as biscuits,
cookies, cakes and other pastries.
Preheat the oven for at least 10
minutes. Preheating is not
necessary when roasting or for
long-~imecooking of whole meals.
Most baking is done on the (B)
shelf position,
When baking three or four items,
use two shelves positioned on the
(B & D) supporls.
B~akeangel food cakes on the (A)
shelf position.
~~o~lowa tested recipe and
measure the ingredients carefully.
If you are using a package mix,
follow label directions.
Bottom crust soggy and unbaked
~Allow crust and/orfilling to cool
sufficientlybefore filling pie shell.
~Filling may be too thin orjuicy.
~Filling allowed to stand inpie
shell before baking. (Fillpie shells
and bake immediately.)
~Ingredients and proper measuring
afiect the quality of the crust. Use
a tested recipe and good technique.
i~ake sure there are no tiny holes
or tears in a bottom crust.
“Patching” a pie crust could cause
Pie filling runs over
*Top and bottom crust not sealed
together well.
~Edges of pie crust not built up
high enough.
~Too much filling.
~Check size of pie plate.
Pastl”y is tough; Crust Ilot flaky
~Too mtlch handlingt
GFat too soft or cut in too fine.
Roll dough lightiy and handle as
little as possible.
~- !.l~~r~ -p
L$. d.dd
~c~i{erises Iligllev QE2one side
~Butler sl]rcadunevenly inpan.
Sl;~il’CS 1101 1~1’’~l.
. .
Doughy center; heavy crust on,
Check temperature.
*Check shelf position.
QCarefully follow baking
instructions as given in reliable
recipe or on convenience food
~Flat cookie sheets will give more
even baking results. Don’t
overcrowd foods on a baking
~Convenience foods used beyond\-Ltheir expiration date.
BrQFvIlingInore nQtiQea!31eon
oOven d[?ornot closed proper!:y.~ ~, ~
s Check shelf position.