Safely Instructions .......... 2-1l1
Operating Instructions
Auto Feature ............... 21
Care and Cleaning ........ 30, 31
Changing Power I_evel ........ 14
Feanlres of Your
Microwave Oven .......... 12, 13
Microwave Temas ............ 29
Oilier Features .......... 26-28
Sensor Features .......... 22-25
Time Features ........... 15-20
Tl_oubleshooting Tips ., 2, 33
Things That Are Nomml
With Your Microwave Oven .... 33
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ...Back Cover
Warranty . .................. 35
Writethemodelandserial numbershere:
?rim cml lind them on a label inside of
the oven.
39-40490 01-06JR

For your safety, the information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
Do Not Attempt to opel_ate
this o_n with the door
()pen since openKloor
opeFation can resnh in
harmflfl exposure to
microwave energy.
It is important not to
deteat or tamper with !i_ hinges and latches
the satetx interlocks. (broken or loosened),
Do Not Place an? ol?iect door seals and sealing
between the oxen flont surf:aces.
t:ace and the door or allow The Ove_ Should Not
soil or cleaner residue to be adjusted or repaired by
accumulate on sealing
surtaces, qualified serxice personnel.
DoNotOperate the oven if it
is damaged. It is particularly
important that the oven door
close properly mM that there
is no damag_ to the:
an?one except properl}
.................................................. When using electrical appliances basic safety
........... precautions should be followed, including the following:
Read and tollow the specific Install or locate this
precautions in rile Precautions appliance onl} in accordance
to Avoid Possible Exposure to with the proxided Installation
Excessive Microwave Energy Instructions.
section alx)ve.
This appliance must be smtace of the door three
grounded. Connect onl_ inches or more back fl'om
to a propefl} grounded the conntertop edge to axoid
outlet. See the Grounding accidental tipping of the
2 Instructions section on page 8. appliance in normal usage.
Be certain to place the hont

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this
Owner's Manual
Tllis microwmv o_vn is not approved
or tested for marine use.
Do not mount tllis appliance over
a sink.
Do not II/Otlllt tile ii/icrow_p,'u oven
over or near aW portion of a lleafing
or cooking appliance.
Do not store anytlling directly on top
of tile microwave oven surli_ce wllen
tlle microwave oven is in opecafion.
Do not opelate tllis appliance if it
has a damaged power cord or plug,
if it is not working properly, or if it
llas been damaged or dropped. If tlle
power cord is damaged, it must lie
replaced 1)y General Electric Service
or an autllorized service agent using
a power cord availal)le flom Gcnecal
Do not cover or block any openings
on tile appliance.
Use this appliance only tbr its
intended use as described in tills
manual. Do not use corrosive
cllemicals or xapors in tills appliance.
Tills microwave oven is specifically
designed to lleat, dry or cook food,
and is not intended for labocato W
or industrial use.
Do not store tills appliance outdoors.
Do not use tills product near wateI_
tor example, in a wet basement, near
a swimming pool, near a sink or in
similar locations.
Kce I) power cord away fl'om lleated
Do not immerse power cord or
plug in wateI:
Do not let power coM llang over
edg_ of tal)le or countel:
To reduce tile risk of fire in tile
oven cavity:
--Do not overtook tbod. Carcflllly
attend appliance wllen papel, plastic
or otller coml)usfible materials arc
placed inside tlle oven wllile cooking.
--P.emovc wire twist-ties and metal
llandles flom paper or plastic
containers before placing tllem in
the oven.
--Do not use tlle oven tbr stolage
purposes. Do not leave paper
products, cooking utensils or
food in tile oven wllen not in use.
-- If materials inside tile oven ignite,
kee I) tile oven door closed, turn tile
oven off and disconnect tile power
cord, or sllut off power at the fllse or
circuit breaker panel. If tlle door is
opened, tile fire may spread.
See door surfi_ce cleaning instructions
in the Care and cleaning of the
microwave oven section of this manual.
Tills appliance must only lie serviced
by qualified service personnel.
Contact nearest autllorized service
t{miliW for examination, repair or
As witll any appliance, close
supervision is necessary wllen
used by cllildrcn.

If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct
the problem.
Arcing is tile microwave/erm
%r sparks in tile oven. Arcing
is caused by:
Metal or foil touching the
side of the oven.
Foil not molded to food
(upturned edges act like
Metal, such as twist-ties,
pouhry pins, or gx)ld-rimmed
dishes, in the microwave.
Rec)vled paper towels
containing small metal pieces
being used in the microwave.
ii!iHiH# iHiiHiiiiiii;i
iiiiiiiiilliiiiiii!i i!iiiHi
Do not pop popcorn in your
microw;P,_ o_,_11 tlllless ill
a special microwave popcorn
accessory or unless yO/l rise
popcorn labeled for use in
II/ic 1X )_V_Ive ovens,
Some products such as
whole egg:s and sealed
containers tot example,
closedjars--m_e able to
explode and should not lie
heated in this microwave
oven. Such use of the
microwave oven could
result in il/.iury.
Do not boil egg:s in a
II/icrowltx_ O_,_n. PresstlFe
will build up inside egg yolk
and will cause it to burst,
possibly resulting in il/jury.
Opelafing the microwave
with no food inside for more
than a minute or two may
cause damag_ to the oven
and could start a fire.
It increases the heat around
the magnetron and can
shorten the life of the oven.
Foods with unbroken outer
"skin" such as potatoes,
hot dog_s, sausages, tomatoes,
apples, cl-ficken livers and
other giblets, and egg yolks
should lie pierced to allow
steam to escape during

iii!_!:;_SUPERHEATEDWATER iiii_i;;;
Liquids,such aswater,
coffeeor tea are ableto be
overheatedbeyond theboiling
point without appearingto be
boiling. Visiblebubblingor
boiling when the container is
removedfrom the microwave
ovenis not alwayspresent.
To reduce the risk of injm T
to persons:
-- Do not overheat the liquid.
-- Stir the liquid both betore
and hall&vay through
heating it.
-- Do not use straight-sided
containers with narrow
-- After heating, allow the
container to stand in the
microwave oven for a short
time before rem(Mng the
-- Use extreme care when
inserting a spoon or other
utensil into the container:
Avoid heating baby tood in
g_ass,jars, even with the lid
olE Make sure all inlimt food
is thoroughly cooked. Stir
tood to distril)ute the heat
evenly. Be careflfl to prevent
scalding when warming
formula. The container may
feel cooler than the formula
really is. Ahva):s test the
tormula belore tceding
the baby.
Don't deflost flozen
1)e_,_Fages ill narrow-
necked bottles (especially
carbonamd beverages).
Even if the container is
opened, pressure can build
up. This can cause the
container to burst, possibly
resulting in iqjury.
Hot toods and steam can
cause burns. Be careflfl when
opening any containers of
hot tood, including popcorn
bag:s, cooking pouches and
boxes. To prevent possible
inlur); direct smam away
fl'om hands and e_ce.
Do not overtook potatoes.
They could dehydmm and
catch fire, causing damage
to yo/Ir O_,_11,
Cook m eat and poultry
thoroughly--meat to
at least an INTERNAL
tern pel_lture of 160°F
and poultry to at least an
INTERNAL temperature
of 180°E Cooking to these
tempecatures usually protects
aKainst tbodborne illness.

Make sure all cookware used in
your microwm'e oven is suitable
for microw_Mng. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes,
measuring cups, custard cups,
poue W or china dinnerware
which does not have metallic
trim or glaze with a me/allic
sheen can be used. Some
cookware is labeled "sui/able
for microw_Mng."
ii!iHHHi!+iIH iHiiHiiiiiii:i
If you arc not sure if a dish is
microwave-sale, use this test:
Place in the oven both the
dish you arc testing and
a glass measuring cup filled
with 1 cup of water---set the
measuring cup either in or
next to the dish. Microwave
one minute at high. If the
dish heats, it should not be
used for microwaving.
If the dish remains cool
and only the water in the
cup heats, then the dish is
II/ic 1X)Wit_-SaJ_.
If )xm use a meat
thermometer while cooking,
make sure it is sale for use
ill II/icrowave O_llS.
Do not use rcc)vled paper
products. Rcc)vled paper
towels, napkins and w;txed
paper can contain metal
flecks which may cause
arcing or ignim. Paper
products containing nylon
or nylon filaments should
be axx)ided, as they may
also ignite.
Some st_roJbam tr, ty:s (like
those that meat is packaged
on) have a thin strip of metal
embedded in the bottom.
¼'hen microwaved, the metal
can 1)urn the floor of the
oven or ignite a paper towel.
Do not/Ise tile microwave to
dl T ne_vspapers.
Not all plastic w_ap is suital)le
for use in microwave ovens.
Check the packag_ Jot
proper use.
Paper towels, waxed paper
and plastic w_ap can be used
to cover dishes in order to
retain moisture and prevent
spattering. Be sure to vent
plastic w_ap so steam can
Cookwarc may become hot
because of heat tFansfcrred
fl'om the heated food.
Pot holders may be needed
to handle the cookwarc.

"Boilable" cooking pouches
and tightly closed plastic bags
should be slit, pierced or
vented as directed b)
package. If they are not,
plastic could burst during or
im mediately after cooki ng,
possibly resuhing in il/jury.
Also, plastic storage
containers should be at least
partially uncoxered because
they form a tight seal. When
cooking with containers
tightl} covered with plastic
Wl_ap, remoxe covering
carethll} and direct steam
awa} from hands and face.
Use t[)il only as directed in
this guide. TV dinners may
be microw;tved in t[)il tl, t):s
less than 3/4" high; remove
the top t_)il cover and return
the tl_,ty to the box. h'hen
using t_)il in the microwave
oven, kee I) the t[)il at least
1" away fl'om the sides of
the oven.
Plastic cookware_Plastic
cookware designed t_)r
microwave cooking is very
useflfl, but should be used
careflflly. Even microwave-
sale plastic may not be as
tolel, mt of ovcrcooking
conditions as are glass or
celamic materials and
may soften or char if
sub iecmd to short periods
ofovercooking. In longer
expostlres to o_rc()()killg,
the t_)od and cookware
could ignim.
Follow theseguidelines:
......................plastics only and
use them in strict
compliance with
the cookware
I1/Hit IlJilC t tlrer_s
Do not microwaxe en/pt_
Do not permit children
......................to use plastic cookware
without complete

Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of
electric shock.
This applim_ce nmst be grounded. In the exent of m_ electrical
short circuit, grounding reduces the risk of electric shock by
providing m_ escape wire for the electric current.
This applim_ce is equipped with a power cord hmqng a grounding
wire with a grounding plug. The plug nmst be plugged into m_
outlet that is properly installed m_d gr(mnded.
Consult a qualified electricim_ or service technicim_ if the grounding
instH_ctions are not corn pletely understood, or if doubt exists as to
whether the applim_ce is properly gr(mnded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is your personal
responsibility and obligatkm to hme it replaced with a properly
grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
Do not under m_y circmnstances cut or remoxe the third (gr(mnd)
prong ti'om the power cord.
We do not recommend using an extension cord with this appliance.
If the power cord is too short, have a qualified electrician or service
mchnician install an outlet near the appliance. (See WARNIN6--
For best openttkm, plug this applim_ce into its own electrical outlet
to prevent flickering of lights, blowing of fl_se or tripping of circuit

Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected
Because of potential safety
hazards under certain conditions, (Adaptap/ugsnot
we strong& recommend against the permittedinCanada)
use of an adapter p/ug. Howeve*, Alignlarge I _-_ II
if}ou still elect to use an adapter; _
where local codes permit, _ _'_-_ ")_ I!
be made to a properl} grounded
2-prong wall receptacle b) the use TEMPORARY and firmconnection
of a I llAisted adapter which is
axailable at most local hardware stores.
The larger slot in the adapter must be aligned with the larger slot
in the wall receptacle to proxide proper polaritx in the connection
of the power cord.
CAUTION: Attaching the adapter ground terminal to the waft receptacle
cover screw does not ground the appliance unless the cover screw is
metal, and not insulated, and the waft receptacle is grounded through
the house wiring.
METHoD beforeuse•
5_im should have the circuit checked by a qualified electrician to
make sure the receptacle is properl} grounded.
When disconnecting the power coM fl'om the adaptet; alwa?,:s hold
the adapter with one hand. If tl-fis is not done, the adapter ground
terminal is very likely to break with repeated use. Should tlfis
happen, DO NOT USE the appliance until a proper ground has
again been estalxlished.
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected
Do not use an adapter plug in these situations lxecause fl'equent
disconnection of the power cord places undue stlain on the
adapter and leads to eventual failure of the adapter ground
mrminal. You should have the 2-I)rong wall receI)tacle reI)laced
with a 3-prong (grounding) receptacle by a qualified electrician
beJore using the appliance.

A short power supply cord is provided to reduce the risks resulting
ti'om becoming entangded in or tripping over a longer cord.
Exmnsion cords may be used if)_m arc carcflfl in using them.
If an extension cord is used--
!:_iii The marked electrical ,ating of the extension cord should be
.......................at least as great as the electrical caring of the appliance;
.......................it must be plugged into a 3-slot outlet;
.......................dcape oxer the countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled
Ifvm use an extension cord, the interior light may flicker and the
blower sound m W x;t W when the microwave oven is on. Cooking
times may be longer; too.
The extension cord must be a groundinwt) pe 3-wire cord and
The extension cord should be arcanged so that it ,,ill not
on by children or tripped over unintentionall 3
