SaJbO_Instru_4ions .......... 2-11
Operating In,¢ru_4ions
Auto Feature ............... 21
Care and Cleaning ........ 30, 31
Changing Power I,evel ........ 14
Feattlres of _)/lI"
Microwave Oven .......... 12, 13
Microwave Te_ms ............ 29
Other Features .......... 26-28
Sensor Features .......... 92-25
Time Features ........... 15-20
7}_rmbleshooting Tips . .. 2,
Things That Are No_mal
_ith Ymr Microwaxe Oxen .... 33
Com_mer Support
Consulner Support . . .Back (:oxer
_rrantv . .................. 35
.... 3_ 33
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
},bu can find them on a label in.side of
th(' o\ Cll.
I_D_70P_9 39-40417 02-04JR

For your safe_ the information in this manual must be
foflowed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
opeH since open-door
operation cm_ r('suh ill
harmflfl cxposurc to
lIliCl?()w_vc' ('l)el_-}.
It is imj)ormnt not to
(leJbat or tmnl)er wifll
the satbtv interk)cks.
Do Not Place any o|!iect
b('tw('('l/th(' o_('1/]i'ollt
thc(' and the door or allow
soil or (h'_m('r rcsidm' to
acctmmlate on se_ding
i]/l})()l?tltl/t thklt th(' ()'_('l/(]O()F
close ])rol)erl} and that there
iS 1/0 (]_lH/_tg'(! tO ill(!:
door (|)(_l/t),
hinges _11/(tlat(hes
........................(broken or h)os(!n(!d),
SH]?t_t( (!S.
The Oven Should Not
be a(!justed or rel);dred by
m_yone except 1)rol)erly
quali/ied service persom)el.
When using electrical appfiances basic safety
precautions should be followed, including the following:
Read and tbllow the _t)ecific
t)recm_dons in the Precautions
to Avoid Possible Exposure to
Excessive Microwave Energy
s('(tioll _d)ov(L
This al)l)lim_ce must tie
grom_de(t. Connect only
to a ])rol)erb; gt'(mnded
outlet. See the Grounding
Instructions se(tion on page 8.
Inst_fll or locate this
appliance only in accordance
with the t)rovided Installation
I1 IStl'llCtio1 IS.
Be certaiH to i)lace the ti'ont
sur/i_ce of the door three
inches or more back ti'om
the c()m_tert()p edge to avoid
accidental tipping of the
appliance in normal usag('.

Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this
Owner's Manual
This microwave o_en is not appro_'d
or tested/br marine use.
Do not mount this appliance o\er
a sink.
Do not mount the microwave oven
over or near any portion of a headng
or (()()king applian(e.
Do not store _mything directly on top
o_' the 1//ic17o_%1_(' o_('1/ StlFlitc(' wh('ll
the microvva_.e o_J.'n is ilJ,operation.
Do not oper_ue this applian(e if it
has a dmnaged power (ord or plug,
if it is not working properl b or if it
has been damaged or dropped. I/the
power cord is damaged, it must be
repla(ed by General Ele(tlJc Service
()r }tll allthorized service agei/t/lSillg
a power cord avuilable ti'om (',eneml
I)o not co_T or block any opening_
on tlle appliance.
[lse this _q)t)lim_ e on]} tbr its
intended use as des(ribed in this
mmmal. Do not use corro_i_ •
chemi( als or vapor.,, in this applian_ e.
This mi_ rewake o_en is specifi( ally
desiglled to heal, drx or cook tbod,
and is not imended/or laboratory
or in(tust]Jal use.
Do not store dfis applim_ce outdoor.',.
Do not use dfis product near watel_
tbr example, in a wet basement, near
a swilillilillg pool, near a sink or in
similar locations.
Keep 1)ower cord away ti'om heated
I)o not immerse power cord or
plug in water.
Do not let power cord hm_g o_'r
edge of table or c(mnte_:
"Ib red uce the risk of tire in die
oven cavity:
--I)o not overcook tbod. Careihllv
attend appliance when paper, plastic
or other COl//bllsti|)le l//_ttelJ_l|S are
placed inside the oven while cooking.
--Remo_e wire twist-ties and metal
handles ti'om paper or plasuc
(ontainers betbre placing them in
the ov(,ll.
--Do not use the o_'n tbr storage
tmq)oses. Do not lea_e 1)_q)er
t)ro(tu(ts, cooking utensils or
[()od i]J, the O\'eH wheH Dot i]J, Hse.
--ff materials inside the oven ig_fite,
keep the o_'n door closed, turn the
oven off and disconnect the power
cord, or shut off power at the filse or
circuit breaker panel. If the door is
opened, the fire may spread.
See door sur/i_ce cleaning instructions
in the Care and cleaning of the
microwave oven s( eden of this ];_)m]uul.
This appliance must only be serviced
by qualified service persom_el.
Col/[_tc| I/eal'est _tlltholJzed service
thcilitv/or exmnination, repair or
a(!j IIS[lIlel/[,
As with ally appliance, close
supe_Msion is necessary when
used bv children.
ilii!iiiiii? i;ii!iiii

If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct
the problem.
Arcing is the microwave term
/k)r sparks in the o_'n. Arcing
is caused l_ :
;¢ Metal, such as twist-ties,
poulu 3 pins, or gold-_immed
dishes, in file micro_l\ e.
Metal or/k)il touching the
side of the o_'n.
Foil not molded to t[)od
(upturned edges act like
Do not pot/t_opcorn ill your
lilierowave o_,/'n /lnless ill
a stlecial IIliel'ow2_\ e t)ot)corn
accessory or mfless you use
t)otlcorn labeled ti)r use in
microwave ovens.
Sol//e t)ro(hlctS S/l('h as
whole eggs and sealed
containers t_)r example,
clos_ d jars--a_x • able to
explode and should not be
heated ill this lilicrowave
oven. Such use of the
llliel?owa_e ()sen collld
resuh in in jm T.
Do not boil egg_ in a
llliC1X)W_l_,e O_el/, Pl?eSS/ll?e
_villtmiM ut) inside egg y)lk
and will cause it to burst,
t)ossiNy resuhing in iqjur}.
;; Recycled paper towels
containing small metal pieces
being used in tile microwave.
()pemting tile microwave
with no/k)od inside ti)r more
thall a II/inllte or two lilax
cause damage to tile oven
and eo/lld start a fire.
It increases tile heat _++I'otlnd
tile magnetron and can
shorten the li/i_,of the o\en.
Foods wittl ilnl)lToken O/lter
"skill" such as potatoes,
hot dogs, sausages, tomatoes,
apllles, chicken livers and
od/er gSblets, and egg yolks
should be pierced to allow
stealil to escape (hll?ill}4

Liquids,such aswater,
coffeeortea are ableto be
point withoutappearingto be
boiling.Visiblebubbling or
boiling when the containeris
removedfrom the microwave
ovenis not alwayspresen_
To red uce the risk of i_jm T
to persons:
-- Do llot o_a,rheat the liq/fid.
-- Stir tile liquid t)oth beJkm'
alld l/al/i_,r;'ly tim)ugh
heatillg it.
--Do llot use straight-sided
colltainers with I/arl_)_ r
--Alter heating, allow tile
(O]l{_lil/er 10 Stal/d ill the
llliCl'OW_l\ e ()\ell /t)r a short
time 1)e/k)l_' rel//O\'il/g tile
-- Use extreme care whell
iHsertillg a spoon or <)tiler
uteHsi] into tile contailler.
A\ old heating bah} tt)od ill
g-lax,,jars, e\ ell with tile lid
o/E Make sure all intimt/t)od
is thoroughly cooked. Siir
/t)od to distribme tile heat
e_t'l/]}. Be €are/ill to pl'oVellt
scaMing when wam/ing
]()rl///lla. The COlltail/er IiiHv
/_'el cooler dlan tile/t)rmula
really is. Always test the
/_)rnmla be/_)re t_'eding
tile bat)_..
;_ Don't de/i'ost fi'ozen
be\ emges ill llHrrow-
necked boules {espe<ially
carbonated be_wages).
Even if tile container is
opened, pressure call build
up. This can cause the
container to bursL possibly
resuhing ill il/jur}.
:_ Hot/_)ods and smam call
cause bin:us, ge careflll when
opening ally' containers oI
hot/k)od, including popcorn
bags, cooking pouches and
boxes. To pre\'em 1)ossible
il/jm3', direct smam _l_r_l_r
/i'om hands and tiice.
1)O llOI O_,_'l'c()()k t)()I_lt()es.
The_ couM dehvdmw and
catch fire, causing damage
10 VO/lr ()_,_'l/,
Cook meat and pouhr}
thomughl}mn/eat to
at least all IN I'ERNA[+
temperature of 1(iO°F
alld t)()/lltI'_ ' to at least all
INTERNAI temperat in:e
of 180°E Cooking to dlese
temperaulres usually protects
against tbodborne illness.
iiiiili iiiiiii!
iii il iiilli

Make sure all cook',*,_u:e used in
VO/I1P l//iCl?OWaVe OVell is suitable
/or microwaving. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes,
measm'ing cups, custard cups,
t}ottery or china (tim]erware
which does not hme metallic
trim or glaze with a metallic
sheen can t)e used. Some
cook\val?e is lal)eled "suitable
/_)r microwming."
l/you are not sm:e if a dish is
lIli(Towave-sat( _, /t_,e this test:
Place in the oven both the
dish you are testing and
a glass measuring cut) filled
with 1 cut) of watelmset the
measmJng cu l) either in or
Hext to the dish. Microwave
one minute at high. II the
dish heats, it shotfld not be
used tot microwaving.
If the dish remains cool
and only the x_ter in the
cu 1) heats, then the dish is
II liCl'()W_l_, e-s_lt{'.
ffvou use a *]]eat
thermometer while cooking,
make sure it is sail' R)r use
in microwme o_ens.
;_ Do not use recy{led pal)er
tlroducts. I}..ecy{led paper
towels, napkins and w;4x{'(t
]);4t){T {'_tl/ {'O11|:dil/ l//e|_ll
/h'(ks whi{'h lI/av {;+IllS{'
ar{ ing or ignite. Paper
t )l'Odll{'[S ( OI][_lil/i//g" IIV1OII
or nylon filaments should
be avoided, as they ma_
also igniw.
:_ Some stwoloam tra+_:_,(like
those that meat is pa(kaged
on) haw a thin stri 1) of metal
emt)edded in the bottom+
When microx_\ ed, the metal
can burn the floor of the
oxen or ignite a paper towel.
:_ Do not use the microwave to
(t I_TV' newst]al)ers.
;_ Not all plastic wm l) is suitat)le
/_)r use in microwa\ e o\ens.
Check the package tor
t )lx)peF IlSe.
2_ Pat)er towels, waxed ]}at)er
and t)laslic wra t) can be used
to cover dishes in order to
retain moisture and l)revelJd
spatletJ//g, Be sure to vent
plastic wl_q} so st(,_ll// {_tl/
;_ (;ook_vvuPe lI]:dVt)ecolIle hot
because of heat translcrred
/i'om the heated/_)o(I.
Pot holders may be needed
to handle the cook_are.

"Boilalfle" cooking pouches
and tightly closed plastic bags
should be slit, pierced or
vented as dire(ted bv
package. If th(\_ are not,
t)lastic could burst (huJng or
inm/e(tiately allt'r (ooking,
possibly resulting in il_iury.
Also, plastic storage
containers should tie at least
t)artially iinc(;vel?e(t t)ecallse
tht\v/orm a tight seal. When
cooking with containers
tightly covered with plastic
WF}It) , Yen/ove covelJng
carefllllv and direct steam
}lW_lV/i'Olll hall(Is all(| ]i_€e.
Use/oil onlx as direcied in
this guide. TV (timmrs ma}
1)e micmwmvd in loll trm_'_
less than 3/4" high; remo_v
tile to t) loll co\'er and return
the trm to the box. When
using/oil in the microwave
o\en, keep the toil at least
1" awa} ti'on/the sides of
the ()tell.
Plastic cook_,,_u:e Plastic
cookwa/'e (lesiglle(t tor
mi(rowa\ e (()()king is very
usefill, but shoukt be used
(awfldh. E_('n mi( rowa\ e-
saiL' plastic ma} not t)e as
toh'mnt ot o\ercooking
(on(litions as are glass or
( el?_llIli( l//a|elJ_lls _ln(t
l//_lV so]len or ('hal7 it
sut!iected to short t)e_io(ts
of over(ooking. In longer
exposures to overcooking,
the ti)od and cookware
could iglfite.
Follow thoso guidolinos:
.....................t)lasti(s only and
use them in StlJCt
comt)liance with
the cookware
l//an [lt_tc|/IFel?_S
Do not mi(rowaxe emt)r _
.....................( Ollt_lillel;S.
Do,lott)el / it,l/il("ell
.....................to use t)lasti( ( ook'wal;e
wiiho/lt (ol//t)lete
ilii!iiiiii!!¢ ,,ii!iiiil i

Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of
electric shock.
This appliance must be gromaded. In the e_'nt of an elecirical
short circuit, grom_ding reduces the risk of electric shock b_
t)ro_iding an escape wire t[)r the elecuJc cm:rent.
This appliance is equit_ped with a power (ord hming a gr(mnding
wire widl a gTom_ding plug. The plug must tie t)lugged into an
outlet that is t)rol)erly installed and g):otmded.
Consuh a qualified elecu'idan or service technician if the g_xmnding
instl uctions are not completely tmderstood, or if doubt exists as to
whether the al)l)liance is tm)l)e_ty g)xmnded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is your personal
restxmsibility and ot)ligation to have i_ replaced wid_ a tm)t)erly
grom_ded 3-prong wall omleL
Do not m_(ter any circmnstances cut or remove the third (gT(mnd)
prong ti'om d_e power cord.
\_i' do not recommend using an extension cord Mth this appliance.
ff the t)ower cord is too shorL have _ qualified ele( Ufi(ian or servi(e
_e(lmi(ian install an omlet nero: the _q)t)lian(e. (See I/I/ARNIN6--
/;or 1)est ot)e_ztion , plug this apt)lian(e into its (_r_ electd(_d outlet
_o t)rexem tli( keying of lights, blowillg of f/lse or nfit)t)ing of (it( uit

Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected
Because of poiemial satbiy
haza_xls under ceNain conditions,
we strongly recommend against the pemlittedin&nafla)
use ofan adapter plug. I [OW(_X (_l\ Alignlarge I_'_
ityou still elcxt m ,is{, an adapter, prongs!sLots__ I_ II
2-prong wall re( epta(le by the use TEMPORARYandfirmcoenection
oI a UI Aisted adal)ter whi(]l is
available ai most local l/aFdwal/e s{ores.
The larger sloi in tile adapter must be aligned wiitl tl/e larger sloi
ill tile _;dl recel)tacle to provide proper polarity in tile conne(tion
of the power cord.
CAUTION: Attaching the adapter ground terminal to the wall receptacle
cover screw does not cround the appliance unless the cover screw is
metal, and not insulatea and the wafl receptacle is grounded through
the house wiring.
_bu should h:we the circuit checked by a qualified electrician to
make sure the receptacle is 1)rot)efly grounded.
When disc(mnecdng the power cord ti:om tile adal)ter, alwa}_'_hold
the adapter with one hand. If dfis is not done, ihe adapter ground
terminal is very likely to break with repeated use. Should this
hat)pen, DO NOTUSE die appliance m_til a proper ground has
again been established.
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected
Do notuse an adapter plug in these situations t)(mausc ti'('(lUCnt
(tisc(mncc don o/thc t)ow('F (ol'(t t)laces undue strain on tl/('
adapter and leads to event ual/i_ilure of tile adapter grom_d
terminal. _bu should hint' the 2-prong wall receptacle replaced
widl a 3-tnxmg (gT<mnding) _x'cet)tacle by a qualilied elecu-ician
betore using lhe apl)liance.
METHOD beforeuse.
!iii! iiiiiiii

_\ shoF[ t)oWeF supply cord is provided to _vdme die _-isksresuldng
/i'onl becoming enmngled in or tl_pping oxer a longer cord.
Extension cords n/m be used if'am a_'e careflll in using thenl.
If an extension cord is used--
.....................at least as gl?e;_.tas the elecllS_al _dng of die appliance;
.....................it must be ph|gged ilHO a %slot O/l[let;
dl_ape (7"_e17the (o1111|e17|(7 t) (717tabletop w]lere il (all be pHlled
on by children or |_'ipped over unintentionall>
If you use an e×mnsion €O170, the interior lig-hl *nW flicker and tile
blovv_'l? SO/llld l//_{'_ V_.l"vrwhell tile I//1CF()W_{_' (._'n is oil. Cooking
times lna_ 1)e longel _,too.
