“!. For pwsortai safety the oven must be properly
11. !30n’t cWrost frozen liquids-especially carbo-
grounded, See
gm,mding h@rw2tk3ns f3n p~~e”6 Of
nated ones-in the oven, Even if the “container is
this baok. For best operation, plug this appliance into
opened, pressure can build up. This can cause the ,
its own e{ectrica] out!et, to prevent flickering of lights,
container to burst, resulting in injury,
blowing of fuse or tripping of circuit breaker.
12. Don’t overcook food. Ex~essive overcooking
dries fodd out, and may caus~ ~t th ignite in some
2. Use of Extension Cords. SeCause of potgntia! -----
-safetyhazards under certain coridition~ we strongiy
~a~e~. .-..=.-..,=..:=-..... --!- -----
13. It tood should ever ]gnik?:Keep the oven door ‘
recommend against the use of an ,extension=bo~@,.,,...
However, if youstiil elect to use an exterrsion-c~rd, it
--ciost%.f. Turn M the Dower -Inwnw,fiate!v:Touch
is absolutely necessary that it be a LfL listed 3vwire
grounding type appliance extension cord and that the
current carrying rating of the cord in ,&rn”peres-be 15
amperes cmgreater..Such extension
cord with ybadrmicrowave oven,the interior light
may flicker and the
blowerscyndmayvarywhen ,ovefi
is in use. . ,
., ~
. .
CLEAf3/C)FF or disconr;ect powei ‘cord o; shut off
~ power at the fuse circuit b~eakerpanei. . ~ ~
14, i3011klgeggs
(in and out of shell] k not recOrn-
mended for microwave cooking: “Pressure can build ‘
up inside egg
yolkandmay cause it tb burst, resultirig
,tatoes, hot dogs or sausages, -to~atoes~ applps,
chicken livers and other gibiets,a,~~ eggs (see above)
should be pierced to allow steam tci escape ‘during
3. Se certain to place fhe front surface of the door
three inches or more back from the countertop edge
to avoid accidental tipping ofthe
cooking. ., ~
76. “Boilable” cooking pouc%s and tightly’ closed
plastic bags, or plastic wrap tightly covering containers should be slit, pricked or-vented as otherwise dk
rected in, Cookbook. if they are not, plastic could
burst during or immediately after cooking, resulting. in
injury. Also, plastic storage containers sh~uld bb at
least partially uncovered because they form such a
tight seal, ~
4. Use metal oniy as directed in cookbook. Metal
trips as used cm meat rogsts are helpful in cooking
food when used as directed. Metal trays may be used
for TV dinners. However, when using metal in the
microwave oven, keep metal at least l-inch away.
fromsides of
5. Do not operatethe oven while emptyto avoiddam-
age to the oven and the danger of fire. If by accident
the oven should run empty a minute or two, n,oharm is
done, Ffowewer,try to avoid operating the oven enipty
at ail times—it saves energy and prolongs life of the
17. Do not pop popcorn in your microwave oven unless in q special microwave popcorn accessory or un-
less you use popcorn labeled for use in microwave
ovens. Because of the heat generated without these
precautions, the container could catch fire,
18. Piastic Utensiis–Plastic utensils designed for microwave cooking are very usefui, but should be used
carefully. Even microwave plastic may not be as tolerant of overcooking conditions as are giass or ceramic
materials and may soften or char if subjected to short
periods of overcooking. in longer exposures to overcooking, the food and utensils could ignite, For these
reasons: 1) Use microwave plastics -only “and use
instrictcompliancewith the utensil manufac-
turer’s recommendations. 2) Do not subject empty
utensils to microwaving. 3) Do not permit children to
use plastic utensils without complete supervision.
19, Do no! use your microwave oven to dry news-
papers. If overheated, they can catch fire.
20. Use of Shelf AccessoryXt.Toposit,ion shelf so that
it is securely “seated,”
insert into the oven cavity
ebove shelf supports and completely to the back oven
wall. Dro~ !nto place so that the recessed areas are
6, Cooking Merwiis may become hot because of heat
transferred from the heated food. This is especially
true if plastic wrap has been ‘covering the top and
handles of the utensil. Pot holders may-be needed to
handle the utensil.
7. Sometimes, the oven sheif can become too hot to
touch. Be carefui touching the shelf during and after
8, DO not use any thermometer in food you are
microwaving unless that thermometer is designed or
recommended for use in the microwave oven.
9, Remove
the temperature probe from the oven
when not using it@
cook with. If you leave the probe
inside the oven without inserting it in food or liquid,
and turn on microwave energy, it can create electrical
arcing in the oven, and damage oven walis.
over the” shelf supports. To remove shelf, lift shelf
10. $Wnove wire twist-tik% cmpaper and plastic bags
before placing in ovrm “~wist-ties sometimes cause
dag to heat, and n-mycause fire.
above supports and then pull forward and out, Do not
olace food on shelf unless it is securelv “seated” cm