Safety Instruc_'ons ......... 2-4
Operating IrL_tructions
ConuoI Panels ................ 5
Control Settings ............... 5
Loading and Using th_ Dryer . . .6, 7
Installation Instructions
Electrical R+quiremems ........ 9
Exhausting the Dryer . ........ l0
Installing tll+ Dryer . ....... 11-17
Preparing to Install th_ D_yer . . . 8
Troubleshooting Tips ..... 18, 19
Consumer Support
(onsumer Support .... Back C<)v( r
Product Registtvltion ....... 21, 22
Warramy ................... 23
NI,L l l 3
NVL + +3
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Y<>ucan fin(1 them on [h+ label
on lh+ fi-ont ot the lett side ot
the door opening.
134204000B 175D1807P441 39-90177-1 08-03JR

For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire
or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.
• Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids hi the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
• hlstallatiml and service must be performed
by a qualified installer, service agency or
the gas supplier.
[] Do not try to light a match, or cigarette, or
turn onany gas or electrical appliance.
[] Do not touch any electrical switch;
do not use any phone in your building.
[] Clear the room, building or area of all
California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act
This act r((luires Ih( go;¢ rnor of Califi_rnia I:opul)lish a list of substanc(s known to I:he stale to cause canc( l
I)iI'Ih (1uf(_(ts o1" oth('l" 1"( })l'odllcliv(? ll_lllll _ll(] l'('(]/liI'(?q Z)llSil](%s(?q Io _,%11"11 (/IS[Olll(!l'S of l)Otell[i_tl (!x_)oS/ll'(!
I0 stl(h st//)SHIllt-_ s.
(;_t'; _?l[)l)liall(7(:s ({/11 ({/llSe lllillOr ( x[)l)Slll-( Io [()!ll- o}" [h(s( sill)sHill( t_, ll_lll(_]y [){ llZ(tll{Y_ (Till'bOll lllOllOXi(l(
fonnaldehyd( aIM soot, catlsc d primarily by th¢ incoml)lc tc combusli(_n ot nalul_al gas or LP tilds.
Properly a_/justed (h}ers will minimize in(omplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be
minimized filrther by l)roperly venting the dl)'er to the ollt(loors.
[]Immediately call yourgassupplierfrom
a neighborsphone.Follow thegas
[] ff you cannot reach your gas suppfier,
call the fire department
This dryer must be properly instafled and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions
before it is used.
• Properly groined dryer to conlorm _ith all
governing codes and ordinances. Follow
details in tll( hlsta//afion instructions section.
• Install or stor_ wh_re il will not be ¢ Xl)osed
[O [_!lll})( I'_II/II'(?S b( l()x,V ll'(!eZillg Or ( Xl)OS(d
1o [lie wt?_ll]lel',
• Com_(cl 1o a [)rol)erl ?' rated, [)r()le(:ted and
sized l)<m( r supply circuit to avoid ck (tri(al
• Remove all shar l) packing items and dispose
ot all shil)l)ing mat( rials prol)erly.
[]This (h)'er MUSTbe exhausted It) Ihe outside.
]l s( (rely rigid metal 4" (/Jam(l{ r du(:t_ork
insi(l_ th_ (h-?,'(r cabinet. [Js( only rigid metal
or flexible m(tal 4" dimneter duclwork tor
(xhausting to the outside. USE OF PLASTIC OR
Follow details in th( Installation Instructions s((tiOll.

Keup []lU arch L/lid( l'lle_[h and HrOlllld VOIlF
applianc(s fr(_ of combustibl_ mat_rials, such
as lint, papeh rags, chemicals, gasoline and
other flammable vapors and liquids.
• Keep the floor around your appliances clean
and dry to reduce the possibility of slipping.
• Keep area around tile exhaust op(ning and
surrounding areas h-e( [1-o111tile ac(:mmllati(m
of lint, dust and dirt.
• Do not obstruct the flow of ventilating air.
Do not stack or place laundry or throw rugs
against the front or back of tbe drven
• Never reach into the dlTer while th( drum is
lnoving, getore loading, unh)ading or adding
clothes, wait until th( drum has completely
• Cleanthe lint filter beforeeach loadto prevent
lint accumuLItion inside tile (liner or in lll(
• Do not wash or dry articles that haw! been
cleaned in, waslled in, soaked in or spotted
with combustible or explosive substanc(s
(such as wax, oil, paint, gasoline, d( greasers,
dw-cleaning solvents, kerosene, (tc.). These
substances give ot] vapors lbat may ignite
or explode, f)o not add tbes( substances to
tbe wash water. I)o not use or [)lace these
substances around your washer or (by(r during
• Any m-ticl( on wbicll you llave used a cl(aning
solvent or that contains flmnmable materials
(such as cleaning cloths, mops, towels used in
bealll_ salolls, restatlrallts or bal'b( r sllops,
etc.) nmst not b( placed in or near the dryer
mltil solvents or flammable mateiials have
been removed. There are man 3 higbly
flammable items used in homes such as
acetone, delmtured alcohol, gasoline,
kerosen(, some household cleaners, some spot
1"( lllOVel's, t!lrpelltilleS_ waxes, wax l-elllOX el-s
and products containing p(troleum distillates.
• The laund_ T process (:all r(duce th( flame
retardancv of' fabrics. To avoid such a resuh,
carefully tollow th_ garment mamlfhcturer's
care illS[ l-/ictil)llS,
• (lies( sup(rvision is necessary if this applianc(
is use(I by or near children. Do not allow
children to play on, with or insid( this or
any other appliance.
• Keel) all lmmdrv aids (such as (let(rgents,
bleaches, etc.) out ot the reach ot children,
pret_vrably in a lock(d cabin(t. Observe all
warnings on contab_er labels to avoi(I il_jury.
• Never climb on or stand on tile (liner top.
• Do not install or store this apl)lianc( wb(re
it will be exposed to the weather.
• I)o not d W articles containing rubl)el; plastic
or similar materials such as padded bras, telmis
shoes, galoshes, l)ath mats, rugs, bibs, baby
pants, plastic bags, pillows, elc. thai may m(h
or burn. Some rubber materials, wben healed,
Call lllld( r certaill ( iF( tlmstallces prodll( e fire
b} spolltalleOllS (Olllbtlstioll.
• I)o not store plastic, paper or clothing that
ilia', bl/rll or ill( It oll top of tile (hTer during
• Garments labeled Dry Away from Heat or Do Not
Rlmble Dry (such as life jackets containing
Kapok) must not b_ put in your dryen
• Do not dry fiberglass articles in your dryer.
Skill irritation could resuh flom the renmining
particles tllat may be picked tip by clothing
du ring subs_ quent d_T(r uses.
• "Ii_minimize tbe possibili U of electric shock,
unphlg lllis appliance hom the pow(r supply
or discolmect th_ do_r at the household
distribution panel 1)yremoving tile time or
switching off the circuit breaker betin-e
att(mpting all} nmimelmnce or cleaning
(exc(pt the removal and cleaning of the lint
tiher). NOTE:Turning the Cycle S(lector knob
to an off' position, or pressing PAUSE(leesNOT
disconnect the appliance fi-om tile power
• Do not spray any lype ot aerosol into, oil or
near dryer at any time.
• Do not place ilems exposed to cooking oils in
your dr}el-, hems COlltaminated with cooking
oils mm contribute to a chemical rea(tion
Ibal could caus( a h:md Io catch fir(. 3

• Never art(rapt to operate this appliance
if it is damaged, maltm_ctioning, partially
disassembled, or has missing or broken parts,
inchlding a damaged cord or phlg.
• The interior of the machine and th( (xhanst
duct colmection insi(le th( dl?er should be
ckaned at least once a year by a qualified
t_chnician. S_e the Loading and Using the Dryer
set tiOll. Do llOt rise any type ot spray ck aner
when cleaning dwer intmiol: Ilazardous flml(s
or (lectrical shock could occm;
• If w:mrs is a gas dryer; it is equipp(d with an
automatic electlic ignition and does not haw
A MATCH.Burns ma) rcsuh h-ore having )our
hand in the vicinity of' the burner when the
allttilllall( lglllllOll [llrlls oil.
• Grasp the plug firmly when disconnecting this
appliance to avoid damage to the (ord while
pulling. Place the cord away ti-om traffic areas
so it will not be stepp(d on, tripped over or
sul)jected to damage.
• You may wish to soti_ n )our lmlndered fabrics
or reduce the static electricity in them b) using
a dwer-applied thbric softener or an anti-static
conditioner. _,V_recommend you use either a
tabric softener in the wash cycle, according to
tile mantdbcmrer's instructions for those
producls, or try a dw(>added producl for
which the mamllbcturer gives written assurance
on tile package thai their product can be safblv
used in your (h-}en Se*wice or p(rlormance
problems caused by use of lh(se l)rodtlcP, are
tile resl)onsibilit 3 ot tile manuthcturers oi
those products and are not covered under
tile warranl} to llais appliance.
• B( f;.)r( discarding a (liTer, or remoGng il
['rOlll Sel-vi(7(, r( lllOV( the dFy(r (]oor to
pr(xent chiMr( n h-oln hiding inside.
• Do llOt tamp(r with controls.
• I)o llOt almmpt to repair or replace any part
of"this applianc( or attempt any servicing
unless specifically recommend(d in this
Own( r's Manual or in published user-repair
illstructions thlt )ou understand and hive
the skills to carry out.
\l I S

Aboutthe controlpanel Ho,.oi.,co.,
Youcan locate your model number on the label on the front of the left side of the door opening.
Model NLL113
Model NVL333
LESS _ ,_
o .oM?2o .Me,%°,,
_ CO01.DoWN
OFF 10 • • • e60
20 30 40 NOHEAT
--Fz 0
Aboutthe controlsettings.
NOTE:Not all features are available onall dryer models.
IMPORTANT" Clean the tint filter each time yon use the dryer.
0 Aurom_tdc cycl(!s aurommically d(!tennil_e f_lbdc (h;,'ness. Sel(cr lESS DR}"it you w_lHt)'¢_urcloda_s slighd Nd_lmp _ttthe _1_(I
of'd_(_drying cycle. S(4ect MOREORYitvou _tnr them ro l_(_l(:11i(_1:
Drying Cycles
COTTONS ForcottonsandmostIll,cos.FermostloadsselectOPTIMUMDRY.
WRINKLEFREE Forwrinkle-free,permanentpressanddelicateitems,andknits.
FLUFF Providesno-heattumblingforfresheningorfluffingalreadydryclothing,fabric,linensandpillows.
_Sta_(3lose lh(e d12.'er dool: 'lhrH rhe STARTcolmol clockssis( Io START. t Ioh:] f'or 1-2 s(_con(:ls ;rod 1-(le;ls(. ()p(_lfit% the
door dtwing ,.)|)(:l_tion will sto F,lh,. ch3'(m "1_)r_.:st:lrt th(_ ,:hT,'(:l,('los( tll(_ door al_d s(l((t STARTto ,.oln/)l(t( th( (y(l(.
NOTE: Dryhlg times will vary according to the type of heat used (Electric, Natural or LP gas), size of load,
types of fabrics, wetness of clothes and condition of exhaust ducts.

Loadingand usingthe dryer.Always_ollowt_ofabricm_,,_cturor'_c_roI_bolwho,Ia,,do,i,g.
/ _' So_/ngandLoadingHints
_ ,ksa g(m( ral ruh,, il (lothes are sorted proper b Do notoverload.This wastes energy andcauses
for the x_asher, they are sorted prol)erly [or wrinkling.
the dlT,'er.
Donot add fabric softener sheets once the load has
become warm. Theymay cause fabric softener stains.
Bounce_'FabricConditioner Dryer Sheetshave been
approved for use t7 aft GEDryers when usedin
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Do notdrythe following #ems: fiberglass items,
woolens, rubber-coated items, plastics, items with
plastic trim andfoam-filled items.
CareandCleaningof the Dryer
TheExterior:Wipe or dust any spills or washing
compounds with a (Imnp cloth. I)ryer (ontrol
panel and finishes may be damaged by some
laun(h-) pretr(atm( nl soil and stain remover
products. Apply these products away from lhe
dryel: The t_lbric may then be washed and dried
normally. Damage to your dryer caus(d b) these
products is not co',ered by your warran D.
TheLint Filter:Clean lhe lint filter bet;_re each
use. Remox( by pulling straight up. Run xour
finger_ a(ross tile filtel: A waxy buildup may tb_m
on file lint f'ilmrfiom using dryer-added fi_bli(
sof_cner sheels. To remove this buildup, wash tile
lint screen in warm, soap) watel: Dr) )horoughly
and replave. Do not operate tile (hTer without
the lint filter in pla£:e.
I]ax,e a qualified technician vacuum the lint
t'l'Ol]] the dlyel OllCe a ye_/l,
TheExhaustDuct:Inspect and clean tile exhaust
ducting at least once a year to prexent clogging.
A partially clogged exhaust can lengthen tile
dr3ing time.
Follow these steps:
[_ Turn oft el( ( tri(:al SUl)l)h' by discomlecting
th( plug fr<ml Ih( wall socl_(t.
[2_ Dis(onne(t the (Itl(I lrom Ill( (lry( r.
[_ VaCtlUll] the dtlcl with the host attachment
_llld l-(COlllleC[ the (lllc[.
The Exhaust Hood: Check fi-om th( oulsi(le that
the flaps of tile hood mox{ tieely when operating.
Make sure that th(re is no wildlitb (birds, ins(cl_,
etc.) n(sting inside tile duct or hood.

wash m
cycle Normal PermanentPress/
wrinkle resistant
Water • • • • • •
temperature Hot Warm Cold/cool
(50°C/120°F) (40°C/105°F) (30°C/85°F)
Gentle/ Donot wash Donot wring
delicate Handwash
_ymuul_ Anybleach Onlyno,_-oHorinehloooh Donotbleach
(when needed) (when needed)
_r. Donotdry
Dry Normal PermanentPress/ Gentle/ Do not tumbledry (usedwith
High Medium Low Noheat/air
Linedry/ Dripdry Dryfiat Inthe shade
wrinkle resistant delicate donot wash)

Read these iustrections completely aud carefully.
• This dixer nmst be exhausted to tile outdoors.
l Jse only rigid metal or flexible metal 4"
diameter ductwork for (xhausting to tile
outside, kse only rigid metal 4" diameter
duclwork inside the drver cabinet.
• Never use plastic or other combustible ductwork.
See Exhausting section.
• This apl_lianc( lllllSl l)( properly grounded
and inslalled as descril)ed in these Installation
• I)o not install or store appliance in an area
"_,]leFe it will be (xposed io wateF//weatheF.
See Location of Your Dryer section.
• "File National Fuel Gas code restricts installations
of gas appliances ill garages. They lll[ist be 18"
(45.7 cm) oil the ground and protected ti-om
vehicl(s bv a barriel; S(e Location of Your Dryer
S( CtiOll.
• The electrical service to the (hver must contk)rln
with lo(al cod(s and ordinances and the latest
edition of th( National Electrical Cod(,
• The gas service to the (h2,er must conform with
local codes and ordinances or the latest edition
of tll( National Fuel (;ms Code ANSI Z223.1.
The gas dr}er is designed under ANSI Z 21.5.1
tor home use only. This dr}er is not
reconnnend(d t_:,r commercial ai)i)lications
erich as l-(stat/lalltS Of beatll} salollS, etc.
F1 Phillips head s(rcwdriver
F1 A(!iustabl( pliers
F1 Carp( nter's level
F1 Rigid ill" flexibk rectal 4" (10.2 cm) (lu(t
F1 Vent hood
FI Pil)e thread seal( r (GAS DRYER)
FI Flat or straight blad( screwdriv( r
F] I)uct tape
[_ Pr(l)ar( the ar(a alld (xhallst for installation
of tilt n(wdry{r.
[_ Check to be sure thai the exisling (xlernal
exhaust is clean an(I that it meets allach(d
installation sI)ecilicati,..ms.
[_ / sing Ill(' /'Dill- shipping carton (orn(r posts
as l)adding (two on each hide), car_full} lay
the dryer (:mils left side and remove foam
shil)l)ing pad.
CAUTlO_2 "Ib prevent damag e,
do not use tile control panel as a means
to pick up or moxe the drx er.
[_ Return tile drx(r to an uDright position.
[_ Move the dlwer 1o the desired location.
[_ Connect th( (xternal (xhaust.
[] A({just the leveling l(gs to lnalch the washer
h(ighl. The dryer must 1)e level and rest
firmly on all fi-mr leveling legs.
[_ Conn(cl th( po',v( r suppl}.
[_ Ch(ck the operation (;t the power supl)ly
and v( ming.
_ Pla(e the (/_Vll( l"S Manual _llld th(
Installation Instructions ill a Io( ation where
they will 1)1 noticed I)v the olgll(!l-.