Hotpoint IC 644 CRFH User Manual

IC 644 C RFH
Operating Instructions
HOB Contents
Operating Instructions,1 WARNING,2 Description of the appliance-Control Panel,3 Installation,5 Start-up and use,7 Precautions and tips,11 Care and maintenance,12 Technical description of the models,12
Руководство по эксплуатации
Руководство по эксплуатации,1 ВНИМАНИЕ,2 Описание изделия-Панель управления,3 Монтаж,13 Bарочная панель,15 Предосторожности и рекомендации,19 Техническое обслуживание и уход,20 Техническое обслуживание,21
Пайдалану нұсқаулығы
ПЛИТА Мазмұны
Пайдалану нұсқаулығы, 1 ЕСКЕРТУ, 2 Құрылғы сипаттамасы-Басқару тақтасы, 7 Орнату, 22 Қосу және пайдалану, 24 Сақтандырулар мен кеңестер, 28 Күтім көрсету және техникалық қызмет көрсету, 29 Модельдерді техникалық сипаттамасы, 29
WARNING: The appliance and
its accessible parts become hot during use.
Care should be taken to avoid
touching heating elements.
Children less than 8 years of
age shall be kept away unless continuously supervised.
This appliance can be used by
children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.
WARNING: Unattended cooking
on a hob with fat or oil can be dangerous and may result in fire.
NEVER try to extinguish a fire with
water, but switch off the appliance and then cover flame e.g. with a lid or a fire blanket.
WARNING: Danger of fire: do
not store items on the cooking surfaces.
WARNING: If the surface in glass-
ceramic is cracked, switch off the appliance to avoid the possibility of electric shock.
Never use steam cleaners
or pressure cleaners on the appliance.
The appliance is not intended to be
operated by means of an external timer or separate remote control system.
Do not place metal objects (knives,
spoons, pan lids, etc.) on the hob as they may become hot.
After use, switch off the hob
element by its control and do not rely on the pan detector.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Данное изделие и
его доступные комплектующие сильно нагреваются в процессе эксплуатации.
Будьте осторожны и не касайтесь
нагревательных элементов.
Не разрешайте детям младше 8
лет приближаться к изделию без контроля.
Данное изделие может быть
использовано детьми старше 8 лет и лицами с ограниченными физическими, сенсорными или умственными способностями или без опыта и знания о правилах использования изделия при условии надлежащего контроля или обучения безопасному использованию изделия с учетом соответствующих рисков. Не разрешайте детям играть с изделием. Не разрешайте детям осуществлять чистку
и уход за
изделием без контроля взрослых.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Опасно оставлять
включенную конфорку с маслом или жиром без присмотра, так как это может привести к пожару.
НИКОГДА не пытайтесь погасить
пламя/пожар водой. Прежде всего выключите изделие и накройте пламя крышкой или огнеупорной тканью.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Опасность пожара: не
оставляйте предметов на варочных поверхностях.
Еслстеклокерамическая поверхность варочной панели треснула, выключите ее во избежание ударов током.
Никогда не используйте паровые
чистящие агрегаты или агрегаты под высоким давлением для чистки изделия.
Изделие не рассчитано на
влючение посредством внешнего синхронизатора или отдельной системы дистанционного управления.
Не кладите металлические
предметы (ножи, ложки, крышки и т.д.) на варочную панель, так как они могут сильно нагреться.
После использования выключите
варочную панель при помощи специальной рукоятки, не полагаясь на сенсор обнаружения посуды.
• ЕСКЕРТУ: Құрылғы мен оның қол жететін бөліктері жұмыс кезінде қызуы мүмкін.
• Қыздыру элементтеріне тимеуге назар аударыңыз.
• 8-ге толмаған балаларға үздіксіз бақылау болмаса, құрылғыдан аулақ ұстау керек.
• Бұл құрылғыны қауіпсіз түрде қолдану бойынша кеңес не нұсқау берілген және ықтимал қауіп-қатерлерді түсінетін жағдайда, оны 8-ге толған балалар мен дене, сезіну немесе ой қабілеті төмен немесе тәжірибесі мен білімі жеткіліксіз адамдар қолдана алады. Балаларға құрылғымен ойнауға болмайды. Балаларға бақылаусыз құрылғыны тазалауға және оған қызмет көрсетуге болмайды.
• ЕСКЕРТУ: Плитада майға тамақ пісірген кезде бақылап тұрмау қауіпті болуы және өрт шығуға әкелуі мүмкін.
• Өртті ЕШҚАШАН сумен өшіруші болмаңыз, оның орнына құрылғыны өшіріп, жалынды жабыңыз, мысалы қақпақпен немесе өртенбейтін матамен.
• ЕСКЕРТУ: Өрт қаупі бар: пісіру беттерінде заттарды сақтамаңыз.
• ЕСКЕРТУ: Шыны мен керамикадан жасалған бет шатынаған болса, тоқ соғу мүмкіндігінің алдын алу үшін құрылғыны өшіріңіз.
• Құрылғыда ешқашан бу тазартқышты немесе шаңсорғышты пайдаланбаңыз.
• Құрылғы сыртқы таймермен немесе бөлек қашықтан басқару жүйесімен басқарылуға арналмаған.
• Металл заттарды (пышақтар, қасықтар, таба қақпақтары, т.б.) конфоркаға қоймаңыз, себебі олар қызып кетуі мүмкін.
• Пайдаланғаннан кейін плитаны басқару элементінің көмегімен өшіріңіз, таба детекторына сенбеңіз.
3 5
13 1
9 10
Панель управления, описание которои приводится ниже, служит только в качестве примера: она может не в точности соответствовать Вашеи модели
Описание изделия
Панель управления
1 Кнопка УВЕЛИЧЕНИЕ МОЩНОСТИ служит для
включения варочнои зоны и регуляции мощности нагрева (см. Включение и эксплуатация).
2 Кнопка УМЕНЬШЕНИЕ МОЩНОСТИ служит для
регуляции мощности и выключения варочнои зоны (см. Включение и эксплуатация).
показывает, что соответствующая варочная зона была выбрана и следовательно возможно произвести настроики ее функции.
4 Кнопка ВЫБОР ВАРОЧНОИ ЗОНЫ служит для
выбора нужнои варочнои зоны.
5 Индикатор МОЩНОСТЬ: показывает уровень
6 Кнопка ON/OFF (ВКЛ./ВЫКЛ.) служит для
включения и выключения изделия.
7 Индикатор ON/OFF (ВКЛ./ВЫКЛ.): показывает
состояние изделия, включено или выключено.
для настроики продолжительности приготовления
(см. Включение и эксплуатация).
показывает различные настроики программирования (см. Включение и
ВАРОЧНЫЕ ЗОНЫ*: показывают варочные зоны после запуска программирования ( см. Включение
и эксплуатация).
для защиты управлении варочнои панели от случаиных измнении (см. Включение и
показывает, что управления
заблокированы ( см.
Включение и эксплуатация).
13 Кнопка BOOSTER* служит для включения
дополнительного электропитания – 3000 Втиндукционной конфорки (см. Включение и эксплуатация).
14 Индикатор BOOSTER* показывает, что
функция вольтодобавочного устройства включена.
15 Индикатор ТАИМЕР* показывает, что таимер
! Данное изделие отвечает требованиям новой Европейской Директивы по ограничению энергопотребления в режиме энергосбережения.
Если в течение 2-х минут не производится никаких действий после выключения индикаторов остаточного тепла и вентилятора (если они присутствуют), изделие автоматически переходит в режим «ВЫКЛ.».
Возврат изделия в рабочий режим производится кнопкой ВКЛ./ВЫКЛ.
Имеется только в некоторых моделях.
The control panel described in this manual is only a representative example: it may not exactly match the panelon your appliance.
Description of the appliance
Control panel
1 INCREASE POWER button switches on the hotplate
and controls the power (see Start-up and use).
2 REDUCE POWER button controls the power and
switches off the hotplate (see Start-up and use).
3 COOKING ZONE SELECTOR indicator shows a
particular cooking zone has been selected and therefore various adjustments are possible.
4 COOKING ZONE SELECTOR button is used to
select the desired cooking zone.
5 POWER indicator provides a visual display for the
current heat level.
6 ON/OFF button switches the appliance on and off. 7 ON/OFF indicator light shows whether the appliance
is on or off.
8 PROGRAMME TIMER* button controls the cooking
programme times (see Start-up and use).
9 PROGRAMME TIMER* display shows which
programme has been selected (see Start-up and use).
10 COOKING ZONE PROGRAMMED* indicator lights
show which cooking zones are being used during a cooking programme (see Start-up and use).
11 CONTROL PANEL LOCK button prevents
accidental changes to the hob settings (see Start-up and use).
12 CONTROL PANEL LOCK indicator light shows the
control panel has been locked (see Start-up and use).
13 BOOSTER button* activates the booster
function - 3000 W - of the cooking zone (see Start-up and use).
14 BOOSTER indicator light* shows that the
booster function has been activated.
15 TIMER* indicator light shows that the timer has been
! This product complies with the requirements of the latest European Directive on the limitation of power consumption of the standby mode. If no operations are carried out for a period of 2 minutes, after the residual heat indicator lights turn off and the fan stops (if present), the appliance automatically switches to the .off mode.. The appliance resumes the operating mode once the ON/OFF button is pressed.
*Only on certain models
3 5
9 10
Құрылғы сипаттамасы
1 ҚУАТТЫ АРТТЫРУтүймесіконфорканықосады
2 ҚУАТТЫ АЗАЙТУтүймесіқуаттыбасқарадыжәне
4 ПІСІРУ АЙМАҒЫН ТАҢДАУтүймесіқажеттіпісіру
5 ҚУАТ индикаторыағымдағықызудеңгейін
6 ҚОСУ/ӨШІРУ түймесіқұрылғынықосадыжәне
7 ҚОСУ/ӨШІРУиндикаторшамықұрылғы
8 БАҒДАРЛАМА ТАЙМЕРІ* түймесіпісіру
9 БАҒДАРЛАМА ТАЙМЕРІ* дисплейіқай
13КҮШЕЙТКІШ түймесі*пісіруаймағыныңкүшейткіш
14КҮШЕЙТКІШ индикаторшамы*күшейткіш
Басқару тақтасы
жәнеқуаттыбасқарады(«Қосу және пайдалану» бөлімін қараңыз).
конфорканыөшіреді(«Қосу және пайдалану» бөлімін қараңыз).
таңдалғанбелгілібірпісіруаймағынкөрсетеді жәнесондықтанәртүрліреттеумүмкін.
бағдарламаларыныңуақыттарынбасқарады («Қосу және пайдалану» бөлімін қараңыз).
бағдарламатаңдалғанынкөрсетеді(«Қосу және пайдалану» бөлімін қараңыз).
индикаторшамдарыпісірубағдарламасы барысындақайпісіруаймағықолданыстаекенін көрсетеді(«Қосу және пайдалану» бөлімін қараңыз).
параметрлерінебайқаусызөзгерісенгізуге жолбермейді(«Қосу және пайдалану»бөлімін қараңыз).
шамыбасқарутақтасыныңқұлыпталғанын көрсетеді(«Қосу және пайдалану» бөлімін қараңыз).
функциясынқосады-3000Вт(«Қосу және пайдалану» бөлімін қараңыз).
Before operating your new appliance please read
this instruction booklet carefully. It contains important information concerning the safe operation, installation and maintenance of the appliance.
Please keep these operating instructions for future
reference. Pass them on to any new owners of the appliance.
Keep all packaging material out of the reach of children. It may present a choking or suffocation hazard (see Precautions and tips).
The appliance must be installed by a qualified professional in accordance with the instructions provided. Incorrect installation may cause harm to people and animals or may damage property.
Built-in appliance
Use a suitable cabinet to ensure that the appliance functions properly.
• The supporting surface must be heat-resistant up to
a temperature of approximately 100°C.
• If the appliance is to be installed above an oven,
the oven must be equipped with a forced ventilation cooling system.
• Avoid installing the hob above a dishwasher: if this
cannot be avoided, place a waterproof separation device between the two appliances.
• Depending on the hob you want to install, the
cabinet must have the following dimensions (see  gure):
5 mm
5 mm
min. 20 mm
min. 40 mm
min. 20 mm
min. 40 mm
560 +/- 1
490 +/- 1
To allow adequate ventilation and to avoid overheating of the surrounding surfaces the hob should be positioned as follows:
• At a minimum distance of 40 mm from the back
panel or any other vertical surfaces.
• So that a minimum distance of 20 mm is maintained
between the installation cavity and the cabinet underneath.
• Kitchen cabinets adjacent to the appliance and taller
than the top of the hob must be at least 600 mm from the edge of the hob.
The appliance must be installed
on a perfectly level supporting surface. Any deformities caused by improper fixing could affect the features and operation of the hob. The thickness of the supporting surface
into account when choosing
the length of the screws for
the fixing hooks:
• 30 mm thick: 23 mm screws
• 40 mm thick: 13 mm screws Fix the hob as follows:
1. Use short flat-bottomed screws to fix the 4 alignment springs in the holes provided at the central point of each side of the hob.
2. Place the hob in the cavity, make sure it is in a central position and push down on the whole perimeter until the hob is stuck to the supporting surface.
3. For hobs with raised sides: After inserting the hob into its cavity, insert the 4 fixing hooks (each has its own pin) into the lower edges of the hob, using the long pointed screws to fix them in place, until the glass is stuck to the supporting surface.
The screws for the alignment springs must remain
In order to adhere to safety standards, the appliance
must not come into contact with electrical parts once it has been installed.
All parts which ensure the safe operation of the
appliance must not be removable without the aid of a tool.
Electrical connection
The electrical connection for the hob and for any built­in oven must be carried out separately, both for safety purposes and to make extracting the oven easier.
should be taken
• 400V - 2+N ~ 50 Hz
• 220-240V 3 ~ 50 Hz
• 400V 3 - N ~ 50 Hz
• 400V - 2+2N ~ 50 Hz
Separate the wires and connect them in accordance with the instructions given in the following table and diagrams:
Voltage and
mains frequency
400V - 2+N ~
220-240V 3 ~
400V 3-N ~
400V - 2+2N ~
50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz
Electrical cable Wire connection
: yellow/green;
N: the two blue wires together
L1: black L2: brown
: yellow/green;
N1: blue N2: blue L1: black L2: brown
Connecting the electricity supply cable to the mains
If the appliance is being connected directly to the electricity mains an omnipolar switch must be installed with a minimum opening of 3 mm between contacts.
! The installer must ensure that the correct electrical
connection has been made and that it is fully compliant with safety regulations.
Before connecting the appliance to the power supply, make sure that:
• The appliance is earthed and the plug is compliant with the law.
• The socket can withstand the maximum power of the appliance, which is indicated on the data plate located on the appliance itself.
• The voltage falls within the range of values indicated on the data plate.
• The socket is compatible with the plug of the appliance. If the socket is incompatible with the plug, ask an authorised technician to replace it. Do not use extension cords or multiple sockets.
Single-phase connection
The hob is equipped with a pre-connected electricity supply cable, which is designed for single-phase connection. Connect the wires in accordance with the instructions given in the following table and diagrams:
Voltage and
mains frequency
220-240V 1+N ~
50 Hz
Electrical cable Wire connection
: yellow/green
: the two blue wires together
: brown and black together
Other types of connection
If the mains supply corresponds with one of the following:
Voltage and mains frequency
Once the appliance has been installed, the power supply
cable and the electrical socket must be easily accessible.
The cable must not be bent or compressed. The cable must be checked regularly and replaced by
authorised technicians only.
The manufacturer declines any liability should these
safety measures not be observed.
! Do not remove or replace the power supply cable for any reason. Its removal or replacement will void the warranty and the CE marking. INDESIT does not assume liability for accidents or damage arising from replacement/removal of the original power supply cable. Replacement can only be accepted when carried out by personnel authorised by INDESIT and using an original spare part.
Start-up and use
The glue applied on the gaskets leaves traces of grease on the glass. Before using the appliance, we recommend you remove these with a special non­abrasive cleaning product. During the first few hours of use there may be a smell of rubber which will disappear very quickly.
Switching on the hob
To switch the hob on, press and hold the button for approximately one second.
A few seconds after the hob is connected to the electricity
supply, a buzzer will sound. The hob may now be switched on.
Types of noise during normal hob operation:
• Buzz: due to the vibration of the metallic parts that
make up the induction element and the pot; it is generated by the electromagnetic field required for heating and increases as the power of the induction element increases.
• Soft whistle: heard when the pot placed on the
heating zone is empty; the noise disappears once food or water is placed into the pot.
• Crackle: produced by the vibration of materials on
the bottom of the pot due to the flow of parasitic currents caused by electromagnetic fields (induction); can be more or less intense depending on the material making up the bottom of the pot, and decreases as the pot dimensions increase.
• Loud whistle: heard when two induction elements of
the same group function simultaneously at maximum power and/or when the booster function is set on the larger element while the other is auto-adjusted. Noise is reduced by decreasing the power level of the auto-adjusted induction element; pot bottom layers made of different kinds of materials are among the main causes of this noise.
• Fan noise: a fan is necessary to ensure the hob
functions correctly and to safeguard the electronic unit from possible overheating. The fan functions at maximum power when the large induction element is at maximum power or when the booster function is on; in all other cases, it works at average power depending on the temperature detected. Furthermore, the fan may continue to work even after switching the hob off, if the
temperature detected is high. The types of noise listed above are due to induction technology and are not necessarily operational faults.
Switching on the cooking zones
Each cooking zone is controlled using a selector button
and a power adjustment device consisting of a
• To begin operating a cooking zone, press the corresponding control button and set the desired
power level (between 0 and 9) using the buttons
and + button.
Booster function*
The booster function for some of the cooking zones may be used to shorten heating-up times. It may be activated
by pressing the above the button will illuminate. This function boosts the power to 2000 W or 3000 W, depending on the size of the relevant cooking zone. The booster stops automatically after 4 minutes. While the booster for one of the cooking zones is active, the corresponding front or rear cooking zone will operate at a reduced power level (e.g. if the booster for the rear left-hand hotplate has been activated, the power level of the front left-hand hotplate will be reduced). For further information, please refer to the Technical description of the models.
button. The indicator light directly
Switching off the cooking zones
To switch off a cooking zone, select it using the
corresponding selector button and:
• Press the - button: the power of the cooking zone will progressively decrease until it is switched off.
If the - or + button is pressed for an extended
period of time, the display scrolls quickly though the power levels and timer minutes.
* Only available in certain models.
Programming the cooking duration
! All the cooking zones may be programmed simultaneously, for a duration between 1 and 99 minutes.
1. Select the cooking zone using the corresponding
selector button.
2. Adjust the power level of the cooking zone.
3. Press the programming button. The indicator
light corresponding to the selected zone will start flashing.
and +
4. Set the cooking duration using the buttons.
5. Confirm by pressing the selection occurs after 10 seconds. The timer begins counting down immediately. A buzzer sounds for approximately 1 minute and the cooking zone switches off when the set programme has finished. Repeat the above procedure for each hotplate you wish to programme.
Using multiple programmes and the display
button or automatic
2. Set the desired duration using the buttons.
3. Confirm by pressing the button. The timer begins counting down immediately. When the time has elapsed, a buzzer will sound (for one minute).
and +
Control panel lock
When the hob is switched on, it is possible to lock the oven controls in order to avoid accidental changes being made to the settings (by children, during cleaning, etc.). Press
the light above the button will switch on. To use any of the controls (e.g. to stop cooking), you
button to lock the control panel: the indicator
If one or more hotplates are programmed, the display will show the data for the hotplate with the least time remaining, and the light corresponding to the position of the hotplate will flash. The lights corresponding to the other hotplates programmed will be switched on. To visualise the time remaining for the other programmed
hotplates, press the remaining for each hotplate will be shown sequentially in a clockwise order, starting from the front left hotplate.
Changing the programme
1. Press the wish to change is shown.
2. Use the buttons to set the new duration.
3. Confirm by pressing the
To cancel a programme, follow the above instructions. At
step 2, press the - button: the duration decreases progressively until it reaches 0 and switches off. The programme resets and the display exits programming mode.
button repeatedly until the duration you
button repeatedly: the time
The hob must be switched on. The timer can be used to set a duration up to 99 minutes.
1. Press the
indicator light is illuminated
programming button until the timer
must switch off this function. Press the few moments, the indicator light will switch off and the lock function will be removed.
button for a
Switching off the hob
Press the button to switch off the appliance - do not rely solely on the pan sensor. If the control panel lock has been activated, the controls will continue to be locked even after the hob is switched on again. In order to switch the hob on again, you must first remove the lock function.
“Demo” mode
It is possible to set the hob to a demonstration mode where all the controls work normally but the heating elements do not switch on. To activate the “demo” mode the hob must be switched on, with all the hotplates switched off.
• Press and hold the for 6 seconds. When the 6 seconds have elapsed, the ON/OFF and CONTROLS LOCKED indicator
lights will flash for one second. Release the
buttons and press the button;
• The display will show the text DE and MO and the hob will be switched off.
• When the hob is switched on again it will be set to the “demo” mode.
To exit this mode, follow the procedure described above. The display will show the text DE and OF and the hob will be switched off. When it is next switched on, the hob will function normally.
and - buttons simultaneously
Practical advice on using the appliance
Cast iron
Enamelled steel
Special stainless steel
Copper, 
Aluminium, Glass, Earthenware, 
Ceramic, non magnetic Stainless steel
Power level
Maximum operating time in hours
! Use cookware made from materials which are compatible with the induction principle (ferromagnetic material). We especially recommend pans made from: cast iron, coated steel or special stainless steel adapted for induction. Use a magnet to test the compatibility of the cookware.
In addition, to obtain the best results from your hob:
• Use pans with a thick, flat base in order to fully utilise the cooking zone.
• Always use pans with a diameter which is large enough to cover the hotplate fully, in order to use all the available heat.
Overheating protection
If the electronic elements overheat, the hob switches off
appears on the display, followed
automatically and
by a flashing number. When the temperature has reached a suitable level, this message disappears and the hob may be used again.
Safety switch
The appliance has a safety switch which automatically switches the cooking zones off after they have been in operation for a certain amount of time at a particular power level. When the safety switch has been triggered, the display shows “0”. For example: the right rear hotplate is set to 5 and will switch off after 5 hours of continuous operation, while the front left hotplate is set to 2 and will switch off after 8 hours.
• Make sure that the base of the cookware is always clean
• Avoid using the same cookware which has been used
Safety devices
Pan sensor
Each cooking zone is equipped with a pan sensor device. The hotplate only emits heat when a pan with suitable measurements for the cooking zone is placed on it. If the indicator light is flashing, it may indicate:
• An incompatible pan
• A pan whose diameter is too small
• The pan has been removed from the hotplate.
and dry, in order to fully utilise and extend the life of both the cooking zones and the cookware.
on gas burners: the heat concentration on gas burners may distort the base of the pan, causing it not to adhere correctly.
This can also indicate several irregularities:
• An object (a pan, cutlery, etc.) has been placed on the control panel for more than 10 seconds.
• Something has been spilt on the control panel.
• A button has been pressed for too long. All of the above situations may cause the buzzer to sound. Remove the cause of the malfunction to stop the buzzer. If the cause of the problem is not removed, the buzzer will keep sounding and the hob will switch off.
Pressure cooking Pressure cooker
Grilling Boiling
Very high-flame
Medium-flame cookingLow-flame
• ¶
Crêpes Cooking on a high flame and browning
(roasts, steaks, escalopes, fish fillets, fried eggs)
Fast thickening (liquid juices) Boiling water (pasta, rice, vegetables) Milk
Slow thickening (dense juices)
S ¢
Bain-marie cooking
Pressure cooking after whistle
Low-flame cooking (stews)
Reheating dishes
Chocolate sauce Keeping food hot
Practical cooking advice
+ 22 hidden pages