Aboutthe automaticicemaker.
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12-24 hours to begin making ice.
Automatic Icemaker (onsomemodels)
There are 2 types of icemakers:
PoWerLight I l
Power switch model
FeelerArmill up position
the.ON down)
Feeler arm model
The icemaker will produce al)pro_nmtely
3 to 3½ lbs. alice in a 24-hour period,
depending on the fl'eezer comI)amnent
tellll)ei'atui'e , i'OOlll tellll)ei'atui'e , ntlll/beF
at door openings and other rise conditions.
There are two _'pes of icemake_: power
switch models and teeler aml models.
If tile refl_igerator is operated beffwe tile
water cmmection is made to tile icemaker,
set tile power switch to 0 (ell) or move tile
feeler am/ to tile STOP (up) position.
_Al/en tile reti_igerator has been comlecmd
to tile water sui)ply, set tile power switch to
tile ] (on) position or move tile teeler aml to
the ON (down) position. On power switch
models, tile green light will come on.
The icemaker will fill with water when it
cools to 15°E A newl>installed refligerator
may take 12 to 24 hom_ to begin making
ice cubes.
Once tile icemaker starts to make ice,
it may take up to 48 hom_ to fill tile bin,
del)ending, on tile temperature.setfimm_.
[llld ntlll/beI" of door ol)enings.
You will hear a buzzing sound each time
the icemaker fills with water:
Throw awm tile fi_t few batches of ice
to allow tile water line to clem:
Be sm'e nothing inte_%res with tile sweep
of tile teeler amL
\Allen tile bin fills to tile level of tile teeler
am/, the icemaker will stop producing ice.
It is natural t0r several cubes to be joined
If ice is not used fl'equenfl> old ice cubes
will become cloudy, taste stale, shrink or
fiBe together:
On power switch models, tile green power
light will blink if ice cubes get stuck in the
icemake_: To con'ect this, set tile power
switch to 0 (off)and remove tile cubes.
Set tile power switch to I (On)to restart tile
icemake_: _Mter tile icemaker has been
turned on again, there will be a delay of
about 45 minutes before tile icemaker
I'eS/lI//es opei'ation.
NOTE:In homeswith lower-than-averagewater
pressure,you mayhear the l?emakercycle multi)de
times when maklbgonebatch of ice.
Icemaker Accessory Kit
If your refl_igerator did not ah'ead_ come
equil)ped with an automatic icemake_;
an icemaker accessory kit is ax filable at
extra cost.
Check tile back of tile refligerator fiw tile
specific icemaker kit needed for ",'our model.
, WaterFilterAccessory
Tile water filter is an option at extra cost
and is available from }am" deale_: Specit}
X,\R97X0214. It has complete installation
tr )
instructions and installs on 1/4 ( .D.
COl)per water line or plastic tubing that
is included m a GE Smatt(xmnect
Refligerator Tubing kit. XAqmn using the
plastic tubing, an additional piece of plastic
tubing (_A'X08X 10002) I/ltlSt also be
ordered since tile plastic tubing should
not be cut.
suppliedi# GESmartConnect_Refn)emtorTubing
becausethei/beis underpressureatafttimes.