Performance Data Sheet
MWF Cartridge
Thissystemhasbeen testedaccordingtoNSF/ANSI42/53forreductionof thesubstanceslistedbelow.
The concentration of the indicated substances in water entering the system was reduced to a concentration
less than or equal to the permissible limit for water leaving the system, as specified in NSF/AIVS142/53.*
'100%safety factors built in for unmetered usage)
Standard No. 42: Aesthetic Effects
Parameter USEPA hlfluent
MCL CJlalle_ge ConcenWafion
Chlorine -- 2.0 mg/L + 10%
T&O -- --
Paniculate** -- _>10,000 parddes/mI,
1.96 mg/I,
Average Maxhnmn
9.06 rag/I, 9.11 rag/I,
58,833#/mI, 150,(X)0#/mI,
% Reduction
Average Mi_fimmn
96.77% 94.74%
9!).14% {)7.{)7%
Mhl. Required
> 50%
I,ead at ])It 6.5
Lead at pit 8.5
Me_vuU at Ill t 6.,',
Met*:ttU at Ill t 8.5
I h/dane
0.5 NT[
_>99% Re(ht(tion
0.015 mg/L
0.015 mg/L
0.002 mg/L
0.002 mg/L
0.002 rag/I,
0.0(X)2 mg/L
0.079 mg/L
0.003 mg/L
0.005 mg/L
0.040 mg/L
0.075 mg/L
0.003 rag/I,
Standard No. 53: Health Effects
Challe_,_ge Concentration
] 1 k ] NqT ***
Mflfimum 50,000 I,
1(F to 1(>sfib( I_/I,; > 10itm
9.15 rag/I, ± 1()f_
9.15 rag/I, ± 1()f_
0.006 mg/L + ] 0!¢
0.006 mg/L + ] 0!¢
0.04 rag/I,± 10!¢
().002 rag/I, ± 1()f_
9.210 rag/I, ± 10%
0.015 mg/L ± 10%
0.015 mg/L ± 10%
0.080 mg/I, + 10%
9.225 rag/I, ± 10%
0.0(_} rag/I, ± ]0%
10.5 NTU
1] 8,750 #/I,
57 MF/I,
0.1567 mg/I,
0.1433 rag/I,
0.(X)59 rag/I,
0.(X)57 rag/I,
0.0367 rag/I,
0.(X)20 rag/I,
0.2033 mg,,'I,
0.01 (_) mg,,'I,
0.0145 mg,,'I,
0.0830 mg,,'I,
0.2283 rag/I,
0.1_)87 rag/I,
Average Maxhnmn
9.14 NTU 028 N'IT
< 1 #/I, 4#/I,
0.996 MF/I, < 1 MF/I,
<0.001 rag/I, <0.001 mg/I,
< 0.001 mg/L < 0.001 mg/I_
0.0(X)350 mg/L 0.0007 mg/L
0.0(X)325 mg/L 0.0006 mg/L
0.0(X)23 rag/I, 0.0004 mg/L
<0.(X)(X)2mg/L <0.(XXX)2mg/L
0.00337 rag/I, 0.011(X)0 rag/I,
0.00](X) rag/I, 0.(X)I(X)0 rag/I,
0.0(X)5(X)rag/I, 0.(X)0500 rag/I,
0.0010(X) mg/L 0.(X)I(X)0 rag/I,
0.0(X)5(X)rag/I, 0.(X)0500 rag/I,
< 0.0(X)5 rag/I, < 0.(X)05 mg/I
% Reduction
Average Mil_nmn
98.54% 97.20%
>99.99% >99.99%
99.69% 99.39%
99.36% {)9.2{)%
99.39% {)9.2{)%
94.79% 87.50%
93.20% 89.29%
99.34% !)8.67%
99.(_)% 98.95%
98.32% 94.50%
93.44% 9] .67%
96.51% !)5.83%
98.78% !)8.65%
9{).78% 99.77%
94.22% 93.33%
Mill. Required
0.5 NTU
0.010 rag/I,
0.010 rag/I,
0.002 rag/I,
0.002 rag/I,
0.002 rag/I,
0.079 rag/I,
0.003 rag/I,
0.005 rag/I,
0.04 mg/I
0.075 rag/I,
0.003 rag/I,
Tested using a flow rare of O.50 gpm; pressure of 60 psig; pH of Z5 _+O.5; temp. of 68 °_+5°F (20° _+3°C)
** Measurement in Particles/ml. Particles used were 0.5-1 microns
*** NTU:Nephelometric Turbidity units
gperafing ,
Ca I)a(itv" certified h)r. IU) to ._00 ,("all°ns_ ( l 1:,_5 1);. u ). to _six
months for models without a rel_a(ement filter m_tl(ator hoht;
up to one xear for models wKh a replacement filter indicator hght
• . .! , . c , c . '
• P_ essm e _eqtm ement: 40-120 psi (2.8-8.2 ba_ ), non-shock
• Temperature: 33-100°F (0.6-38°C)
• Flow rate: 0.5 gpm (1.9 lpm)
General Installa{!on/Operation/Maintenance Requirements
• Flush new cartridge at full fl(/w tilt 3 minutes to purge out
trapped ain
• Replace cartridge when the indicator light flashes or water
flow rate is rechlced on non-indicator t{nits.
Special Notices
• Installation instructi(ms, parts and service axailabilitv, and standard
wail'ant)' are included with the product when shipped, o_=,
• This (h'h_king water svsteln must be nmilmfined according to
inai_tdacturer s instructions, mchKlmg replacement of filter cartndges.
• Do not itse wid/water flint is microbiologi&flly tmsafe or of tmkamxm'
quality wifl/out adeqtrate disinfecfi(nl h.efilre or after die svstenl. M_ty
gvstelllS certified foi" cyst reducfi(m max be used on (fisinfected water r,,xapti_n_
tl_at may contain filtefuble cysts.
• The cohtanfilmnts or ethel" substances relnoved or reduced bv this
water ti'eatlllent svstell/are not necessarily in VOtli" wateE
• Check for complihnce with the state and local laws and regulations.
• Note that while the testing was pei_onned under standard lal)olatoI5
conditions actual pei-loi{nance inax xm'v. Sxstelns inust be installed'uld
operated in accordance with inalm_actt/rei:'s reconm/ended procedures
and gmdehnes.
StmMard No. 42: Aesthetic Effects
Chemical 17nit
Chlorine 'Ihste and Odor
Mechanical Filtralion Lnit
Part{( ulate Reduction, Class I
System "[-csted and Certified bv NSF Int( rnational against
_kNSIiNSF Standard 42 & 53 ior the reduction of:
Standmxl No. 53: Healfll Effects
Chemical Reduction Lnit
Alachlor and Atl'azine Reduction
Benzene and Cm-bofiwan Reduction
1,4 dichlorobenzene and 2,4-1) Reduction
Lead and Lindane P.cduction
Mercm T and Toxaphene Reduction
Mechmfical Fihrdtion [ nit
Tin-bid fly l_cduction
(:7,st and A',bestos Rcduction
Slate 0f Calflbrnia
Department of Health Services
Water Treatment Device
Certificate Number
05- 1698
Date Issued: Pebruary 2.2(_b
Raled S_,r_ic_, ( aparil_: 3(X) gal
Conditionsof Cvrlificalian:
Do n_ u _ _hem w ater is mwrobi_oglcally uns_ _z_with water ot unk_)wn :luaIxt). except that sys_m s cerulxeo 1{_
cyst reduction may tx_u_d on dxsxnl_ ted _aters that may c_mtam fi{ter_le cysts¸
Mamfli_ctu red tot: (;enerdl Electric Compan}; Louisville, t\'Y 40225
El).\ EST. No. 070595-MN4t01