Hotpoint H6TG5F C User Manual


GB English

Operating Instructions



Operating Instructions,1 WARNING,2

Description of the appliance-Overall view,4 Description of the appliance-Control Panel,5 Installation,6

Start-up and use,10 Precautions and tips,14 Care and maintenance,15 Assistance,15

RS Русский

Руководство по эксплуатации



Руководство по эксплуатации,1 ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ,2

Описание изделия-Общий вид,4 Описание изделия-Панель управления,5 Монтаж,16 Включение и эксплуатация,20

Предосторожности и рекомендации,24 Техническое обслуживание и уход,25 Техническое обслуживание,25

UA Украінська

Інструкціі з експлуатаціі



Інструкціі з експлуатаціі,1 ЗАПОБІЖНИХ ЗАХОДІВ,2 Опис установки-Загальнии вигляд,4

Опис установки-Панель управління,5 Встановлення,27 Включення і використання,31

Запобіжні засоби і поради,34 Догляд i технічне обслуговування,35 Допомога,35

RO Românã

Instrucюiuni de folosire



Instrucюiuni de folosire,1 AVERTISMENT,2

Descrierea aparatuluiVedere de ansamblu,4 Descrierea aparatului-Panoul de control,5 Instalare,36

Pornire şi utilizare, 41 Precauţii şi sfaturi,44 Întreţinere şi curăţire,45 Asistenţă,45

KZ Қазақша

Пайдалану нұсқаулығы



Пайдалану нұсқаулығы, 1


Құрылғы сипаттамасы-Басқару тақтасы, 4 Құрылғы сипаттамасы-Жалпы көрінісі, 5 Орнату, 46 Қосу және пайдалану, 51

Конфорканы пайдалану, 52 Сақтандырулар мен кеңестер, 54 Күтім және техникалық қызмет көрсету, 55 Көмек, 55

















Не разрешайте детям младше 8 лет






приближаться к изделию без контроля.

WARNING: The appliance and its


Данное изделие может быть

accessible parts become hot during


использовано детьми старше 8





лет и лицами с ограниченными




физическими, сенсорными или

Care should be taken to avoid


умственными способностями или

touching heating elements.


без опыта и знания о правилах

Children less than 8 years of


использования изделия при условии

age shall be kept away unless


надлежащего контроля или обучения

continuously supervised.


безопасному использованию изделия


с учетом соответствующих рисков. Не

This appliance can be used by


разрешайте детям играть с изделием.

children aged from 8 years and above


Не разрешайте детям осуществлять

and persons with reduced physical,


чистку и уход за изделием без

sensory or mental capabilities or


контроля взрослых.

lack of experience and knowledge


ВНИМАНИЕ: Опасно оставлять


включенную конфорку с маслом или

if they have been given supervision


жиром без присмотра, так как это

or instruction concerning use of


может привести к пожару.

the appliance in a safe way and


НИКОГДА не пытайтесь погасить

understand the hazards involved.


пламя/пожар водой. Прежде всего

Children shall not play with the


выключите изделие и накройте пламя


крышкой или огнеупорной тканью.

appliance. Cleaning and user


ВНИМАНИЕ: Опасность пожара: не

maintenance shall not be made by


оставляйте предметов на варочных

children without supervision.



WARNING: Unattended cooking on a



hob with fat or oil can be dangerous


стеклокерамическая поверхность


варочной панели треснула, выключите

and may result in fire.


ее во избежание ударов током.

NEVER try to extinguish a fire with


Не используйте абразивные вещества

water, but switch off the appliance and


или режущие металлические скребки

then cover flame e.g. with a lid or a fire


для чистки стеклянной дверцы



духового шкафа, так как они могут


поцарапать поверхность, что может

Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or


привести к разбиванию стекла.

sharp metal scrapers to clean the oven


Внутренняя поверхность ящика (если

door glass since they can scratch the


он имеется) может сильно нагреться.

surface, which may result in shattering


Никогда не используйте паровые

of the glass.


чистящие агрегаты или агрегаты


под высоким давлением для чистки

The internal surfaces of the



compartment (where present) may


Если на крышку пролита жидкость,

become hot.


удалите ее перед тем, как открыть

Never use steam cleaners or pressure


крышку. Не закрывайте стеклянную

cleaners on the appliance.


крышку варочной панели (если


она имеется), если газовые или

Remove any liquid from


электрические конфорки еще горячие.

the lid before opening it.


ВНИМАНИЕ: Проверьте, чтобы

Do not close


изделие было выключено, перед

the glass cover (if present) when the


заменой лампочки во избежание

gas burners or electric hotplates are


возможных ударов током.

still hot.



! ɉɪɢ ɭɫɬɚɧɨɜɤɟ ɪɟɲɟɬɤɢ

WARNING: Ensure that the appliance


is switched off before replacing the


ɩɪɨɜɟɪɢɬɶ, ɱɬɨɛɵ ɮɢɤɫɚɬɨɪ ɛɵɥ

lamp to avoid the possibility of electric


ɩɨɜɟɪɧɭɬ ɜɜɟɪɯ ɫ ɡɚɞɧɟɣ ɫɬɨɪɨɧɵ




! When you place the rack inside,







make sure that the stop is directed


upwards and in the back of the cavity.



УВАГА! Під час роботи цей прилад,







а також його доступні частини









нагріваються до високих температур.







Слід бути особливо обережними, щоб


ВНИМАНИЕ: Данное изделие и его



не торкатися нагрівальних елементів.




Діти віком до 8 років мають


доступные комплектующие сильно



знаходитися на небезпечній відстані


нагреваются в процессе эксплуатации


від приладу, якщо неможливо


Будьте осторожны и не касайтесь



забезпечити постійний контроль над


нагревательных элементов





Дозволяється користування цим приладом дітьми віком від 8 років, а також особами з обмеженими фізичними, сенсорними або розумовими можливостями або особами без належного досвіду і знань, якщо вони перебувають під постійним контролем або проінструктовані щодо правил з

небезпечного користування приладу і усвідомлюють ступені ризику. Не дозволяйте дітям гратися з приладом. Операції з очищення і догляду не повинні виконуватися дітьми без належного контролю.

УВАГА! Небезпечно залишати без нагляду плити з жиром або олією, тому що це може призвести до пожежі.

НІ В ЯКОМУ РАЗІ не слід намагатися погасити полум’я/пожежу водою. Необхідно вимкнути прилад і накрити полум’я, наприклад, кришкою або вогнетривким покривалом.

Не використовувати абразивні засоби ані металеві загострені шпателі для очищення скляних дверцях духовки, тому що вони можуть

пошкрябати поверхню, призводячи до розтріскування скла.

Внутрішні поверхні відділення (де вони наявні) можуть нагріватися до високих температур.

Забороняється використання апаратів для очищення парою або високим тиском.

Витріть насухо всі наявні на кришці рідини, перш ніж відкрити її. Не закривайте скляну кришку (якщо вона наявна), якщо газові пальники або електричні конфорки залишаються нагрітими.

УВАГА! Щоб запобігти враженню електричним струмом переконайтеся в тому, що прилад вимкнений, перш ніж заміняти лампочку.

УВАГА! використання невідповідних захисних пристроїв варильної поверхні може призвести до нещасних випадків

! ɉɿɞ ɱɚɫɬ ɜɫɬɚɜɥɹɧɧɹ ɪɟɲɿɬɤɢ ɫɥɿɞ ɩɟɪɟɤɨɧɚɬɢɫɹ, ɳɨ ɫɬɨɩɨɪ ɩɨɜɟɪɧɭɬɢɣ ɜɝɨɪɭ ɿ ɜɫɟɪɟɞɢɧɭ ɧɿɲɿ .


ATENŢIE: Acest aparat şi părţile sale accesibile devin foarte calde în timpul folosirii.

Trebuie să fiţi atenţi şi să nu atingeţi elementele de încălzire.

Îndepărtaţi copiii sub 8 ani dacă nu sunt supravegheaţi continuu.

Acest aparat poate fi utilizat de copiii de peste 8 ani şi de persoane cu capacităţi fizice, senzoriale sau mentale re-

duse sau fără experienţă şi cunoştinţe dacă se află sub o supraveghere

corespunzătoare sau dacă au fost instruiţi cu privire la folosirea aparatului în mod sigur şi dacă îşi dau seama de pericolele corelate. Copiii nu trebuie să se joace cu aparatul. Operaţiunile de curăţare şi de întreţinere nu trebuie să fie efectuate de copii fără supraveghere. ATENŢIE: Lăsarea unui aragaz nesupravegheat cu grăsimi şi uleiuri poate fi periculoasă şi poate provoca un incendiu.

Nu trebuie NICIODATĂ să încercaţi să stingeţi o flacără/incendiu cu apă, ci trebuie să stingeţi aparatul şi să acoperiţi flacăra, de exemplu cu un capac sau cu o pătură ignifugă.

Nu folosiţi produse abrazive, nici perii de metal tăioase pentru a curăţa uşa de sticlă a cuptorului, deoarece ar putea zgâria suprafaţa, provocând astfel spargerea geamului.

Suprafeţele interne ale sertarului (dacă este prezent) se pot încălzi.

Nu folosiţi niciodată aparate cu aburi sau sub presiune pentru a curăţa aparatul.

Eliminaţi eventualele reziduuri de lichid de pe capac, înainte de a-l deschide. Nu închideţi capacul din sticlă (dacă este prezent) cu arzătoarele de gaz sau plita electrică încă calde.

ATENŢIE: Asiguraţi-vă că aparatul este stins înainte de a înlocui lampa pentru a evita posibilitatea electrocutărilor.

!Când introducei Ġgră tarul, asiguraĠivă că opritorul este îndreptat în sus úi în partea din spate a cavitiiăĠ.


ЕСКЕРТУ: Құрылғы мен оның қол жететін бөліктері жұмыс кезінде қызуы мүмкін. Қыздыру элементтеріне тимеуге назар аударыңыз.

8-ге толмаған балаларға үздіксіз бақылау болмаса, құрылғыдан аулақ ұстау керек. Бұл құрылғыны қауіпсіз түрде қолдану бойынша кеңес не нұсқау берілген және ықтимал қауіп-қатерлерді түсінетін жағдайда, оны 8-ге толған балалар мен дене, сезіну немесе ой қабілеті төмен немесе тәжірибесі мен білімі жеткіліксіз адамдар қолдана алады. Балаларға құрылғымен

ойнауға болмайды. Балаларға бақылаусыз құрылғыны тазалауға және оған қызмет көрсетуге болмайды.


ЕСКЕРТУ: Плитада майға тамақ пісірген кезде бақылап тұрмау қауіпті болуы және өрт шығуға әкелуі мүмкін.

Өртті ЕШҚАШАН сумен өшіруші болмаңыз, оның орнына құрылғыны өшіріп, жалынды жабыңыз, мысалы қақпақпен немесе өртенбейтін матамен.

Пеш есігінің шынысын тазалау үшін қатты ысқыш тазалағыштарды немесе өткір метал ысқыштарды пайдаланбаңыз, себебі олар шыныны сызып, оның шағылуына әкелуі мүмкін.

Бөліктің (бар болса) ішкі беттері қызып кетуі мүмкін.

Құрылғыда ешқашан бу тазартқышты немесе шаңсорғышты пайдаланбаңыз.

Қақпақты ашпас бұрын ондағы сұйықтықты сүртіп алыңыз.

Шыны қақпақты (бар болса) газ оттықтары немесе электр плиталар әлі ыстық болған кезде жаппаңыз.

ЕСКЕРТУ: Тоқ соғу мүмкіндігінің алдын алу үшін шамды ауыстырмас бұрын құрылғы өшірілгеніне көз жеткізіңіз.

АБАЙ БОЛЫҢЫЗ: сәйкес келмейтін конфоркалардың қорғану құралдарын пайдалану жазатайым оқиғаларға себеп болуы мүмкін.

! Тартпаны ішке салған кезде шектегіш жоғары қарап, қуыстың артқы жағында тұрғанына көз жеткізіңіз.







Description of the appliance

Control panel




1.GRILL indicator light


4.Hob BURNER control knob

5.Analogue Timer


Descriere aparatului

Panoul de control


1.Indicator GRILL

2.Buton de comanda pentru cuptor i grill

3.Buton pentru activarea luminii din cuptor/ rotisserie 4.Butoane comandi ochiuri aragaz

5.Analogic Timer


Описание изделия




Құрылғы сипаттамасы




Панель управления


Басқару тақтасы

1.Световой индикатор гриль


ГРИЛЬ индикатор шамы

2.Рукоятка управления духовкой и грилем



3.Кнопка включения/выключения освещения духовки


ПЕШ ШАМЫ түймесі / Қуырылған ет түймесі

4. Рукоятки включения газовых конфорок


Плита ОТТЫҒЫН басқару тұтқасы

варочной панели

5. ТАЙМЕР тұтқасы

5. Аналоговый таймер






Опис плити










Панель управління











1.Індикатор гриль

2.Ручка ДУХОВКА й гриля


4.Ручки для керування газовими

пальниками на варильній поверхні

5. Аналоговий таймер





















Description of the appliance

Overall view




1 Hob burner

2 Hob Grid 3.Control panel 4.Sliding grill rack 5.DRIPPING pan 6.Adjustable foot

7.Containment surface for spills 8.GUIDE RAILS for the sliding racks 9.position 5

10.position 4 11.position 3 12.position 2 13.position 1

14. Glass Cover *(Available only on certain models)

Описание изделия

RS Общий вид

1 Газовые горелки

2 Рабочая поверхность

3 Панель управления

4 Решетка духовки

5 Противень или жарочный лист

6 Регулируемые ножки

7 Электрические конфорки

8 HAПPABЛЯЮЩИE для противеней решеток

9 Положение 1

10 Положение 2

11 Положение 3

12 Положение 4

13 Положение 5

14 Cтеклянная крышка

(Имеется только в некоторых моделях.)


Опис плити


Загальнии вигляд



1.Газовий пальник

2.Піддон на випадок переливань

3.Панель управління


5.Полка ДEКО

6.Лапка для налаштування 7.Пoверхня для збирання збiглoї piдини 8.HAПPABЛЯЮЧІ для полиць 9.положення 5

10.положення 4 11.положення 3

12.положення 2

13.положення 1

14.Скляна кришка (Є лише в деяких моделях.)


Descriere aparatului

Vedere de ansamblu


1.Arzătoare pe gaz 2.Grătare plită

3.Panou frontal de control 4.Grătarul cuptorului 5.Tavă de coacere 6.Picioare reglabile 7.Plită

8.GHIDAJE alunecare rafturi 9.nivelul 5

10. nivelul 5 11.nivelul 5 12.nivelul 5 13.nivelul 5 14.Capacul din sticlă

(prezent doar la anumite modele)

KZ Құрылғы сипаттамасы

Жалпы шолу

1.Плита оттығы

2.Плита торы

3.Басқару тақтасы

4.Сырғымалы гриль тартпасы


6.Реттелмелі аяқ

7.Төгілген сұйықтықтарды ұстайтын бет

8.Сырғымалы тартпаларға арналған БАҒЫТТАУЫШ






14.Шыны қақпақ (тек кейбір модельдерде)


Ventilation opening for comburent air


! Before operating your new appliance please read this instruction booklet carefully. It contains important

GB information concerning the safe installation and operation of the appliance.

!Please keep these operating instructions for future reference. Make sure that the instructions are kept with the appliance if it is sold, given away or moved.

!The appliance must be installed by a qualified professional according to the instructions provided.

!Any necessary adjustment or maintenance must be performed after the cooker has been disconnected from the electricity supply.

Room ventilation

The appliance may only be installed in permanentlyventilated rooms, according to current national legislation. The room in which the appliance is installed must be ventilated adequately so as to provide as much air as is needed by the normal gas combustion process (the flow of air must not be lower than 2 m3/h per kW of installed power).

The air inlets, protected by grilles, should have a duct with an inner cross section of at least 100 cm2 and should be positioned so that they are not liable to even partial obstruction (see figure A).

These inlets should be enlarged by 100% - with a minimum of 200 cm2 - whenever the surface of the hob is not equipped with a flame failure safety device. When the flow of air is provided in an indirect manner from adjacent rooms (see figure B), provided that these are not communal parts of a building, areas with increased fire hazards or bedrooms, the inlets should be fitted with a ventilation duct leading outside as

described above.




Adjacent room

Room requiring




















































































































































































































































































































Increase in the gap between the door and

the flooring

! After prolonged use of the appliance, it is advisable to open a window or increase the speed of any fans used.

Disposing of combustion fumes

The disposal of combustion fumes should be guaranteed using a hood connected to a safe and efficient natural suction chimney, or using an electric fan that begins to operate automatically every time the appliance is switched on (see figure).







































































































































































































































































Fumes channelled through











Fumes channelled

a chimney or a branched

straight outside

flue system (reserved for











cooking appliances)

! The liquefied petroleum gases are heavier than air and collect by the floor, therefore all rooms containing LPG cylinders must have openings leading outside so that any leaked gas can escape easily.

LPG cylinders, therefore, whether partially or completely full, must not be installed or stored in rooms or storage areas that are below ground level (cellars, etc.). Only the cylinder being used should be stored in the room; this should also be kept well away from sources of heat (ovens, chimneys, stoves) that may cause the temperature of the cylinder to rise above 50°C.

Positioning and levelling

! It is possible to install the appliance alongside cupboards whose height does not exceed that of the hob surface.

! Make sure that the wall in contact with the back of the appliance is made from a non-flammable, heatresistant material (T 90°C).

To install the appliance correctly:

Place it in the kitchen, dining room or the bed-sit (not in the bathroom).

If the top of the hob is higher than the cupboards, the appliance must be installed at least 600 mm away from them.

If the cooker is installed underneath a wall cabinet,

there must be a minimum distance of 420 mm between this cabinet and the top of the hob.

This distance should be increased to 700 mm if the wall cabinets are flammable (see figure).



Min. 600mm.

min. 650 mm. with hood min. 700 mm. without hood

Min. 420mm.

Min. 420mm.

Do not position blinds behind the cooker or less than 200 mm away from its sides.

Any hoods must be installed according to the instructions listed in the relevant operating manual.



If it is necessary to level the appliance, screw the adjustable feet into the places provided on each corner of the base of the cooker (see figure).

The legs* fit into the slots on the underside of the base of the cooker.

Electrical connection

Install a standardised plug corresponding to the load indicated on the appliance data plate (see Technical data table).

The appliance must be directly connected to the mains using an omnipolar circuit-breaker with a minimum contact opening of 3 mm installed between the appliance and the mains. The circuit-breaker must be suitable for the charge indicated and must comply with current national legislation (the earthing wire must not be interrupted by the circuit-breaker). The supply cable must be positioned so that it does not come into contact with temperatures higher than 50°C at any point.

Before connecting the appliance to the power supply, make sure that:

The appliance is earthed and the plug is compliant with the law.

The socket can withstand the maximum power of the appliance, which is indicated by the data plate.

The voltage is in the range between the values indicated on the data plate.

The socket is compatible with the plug of the appliance. If the socket is incompatible with the plug, ask an authorised technician to replace it. Do not use extension cords or multiple sockets.

!Once the appliance has been installed, the power supply cable and the electrical socket must be easily accessible.

!The cable must not be bent or compressed.

!The cable must be checked regularly and replaced by authorised technicians only.

!The manufacturer declines any liability should these safety measures not be observed.

Gas connection

Connection to the gas network or to the gas cylinder may be carried out using a flexible rubber or steel hose, in accordance with current national legislation and after making sure that the appliance is suited to the type of

* Only available in certain models

gas with which it will be supplied (see the rating sticker on the cover: if this is not the case see below). When

using liquid gas from a cylinder, install a pressure GB regulator which complies with current national

regulations. To make connection easier, the gas supply may be turned sideways*: reverse the position of the hose holder with that of the cap and replace the gasket that is supplied with the appliance.

! Check that the pressure of the gas supply is consistent with the values indicated in the Table of burner and nozzle specifications (see below). This will ensure the safe operation and durability of your appliance while maintaining efficient energy consumption.

Gas connection using a flexible rubber hose

Make sure that the hose complies with current national legislation. The internal diameter of the hose must measure: 8 mm for liquid gas supply; 13 mm for methane gas supply.

Once the connection has been performed, make sure that the hose:

Does not come into contact with any parts that reach temperatures of over 50°C.

Is not subject to any pulling or twisting forces and that it is not kinked or bent.

Does not come into contact with blades, sharp corners or moving parts and that it is not compressed.

Is easy to inspect along its whole length so that its condition may be checked.

Is shorter than 1500 mm.

Fits firmly into place at both ends, where it will be fixed using clamps that comply with current regulations.

!If one or more of these conditions is not fulfilled or if the cooker must be installed according to the conditions listed for class 2 - subclass 1 appliances (installed between two cupboards), the flexible steel hose must be used instead (see below).

Connecting a flexible jointless stainless steel pipe to a threaded attachment

Make sure that the hose and gaskets comply with current national legislation.

To begin using the hose, remove the hose holder on the appliance (the gas supply inlet on the appliance is a cylindrical threaded 1/2 gas male attachment).

! Perform the connection in such a way that the hose length does not exceed a maximum of 2 metres,


2. Unscrew the nozzles using a
7 mm socket spanner (see figure), and replace them with nozzles suited to the new type of gas (see Burner and nozzle specifications table).
3. Replace all the components by following the above instructions in reverse.

making sure that the hose is not compressed and

does not come into contact with moving parts.


Checking the tightness of the connection

When the installation process is complete, check the hose fittings for leaks using a soapy solution. Never use a flame.

Adapting to different types of gas

It is possible to adapt the appliance to a type of gas other than the default type (this is indicated on the rating label on the cover).

Adapting the hob

Replacing the nozzles for the hob burners:

1. Remove the hob grids and slide the burners off their seats.

Adjusting the hob burners’ minimum setting:

1.Turn the tap to the minimum position.

2.Remove the knob and adjust the regulatory screw, which is positioned inside or next to the tap pin, until the flame is small but steady.

! If the appliance is connected to a liquid gas supply, the regulatory screw must be fastened as tightly as possible.

3.While the burner is alight, quickly change the position of the knob from minimum to maximum and vice versa several times, checking that the flame is not extinguished.

! The hob burners do not require primary air adjustment.

Adapting the oven

Replacing the oven burner nozzle: 1. Open the oven door fully

2. Pull out the sliding oven bottom (see diagram).


3. Remove the oven burner after unscrewing the screws V (see figure).

4. Unscrew the nozzle using a special nozzle socket spanner (see figure) or with a 7 mm socket spanner, and replace it with a new nozzle that is suited to the new type of gas (see Burner and nozzle specifications table).

Adjusting the gas oven burner’s minimum setting:

1.Light the burner (see Start-up and Use).

2.Turn the knob to the minimum position (MIN) after it has been in the maximum position (MAX) for approximately 10 minutes.

3.Remove the knob.

4.Tighten or loosen the adjustment screws on the outside of the thermostat pin (see figure) until the flame is small but steady.

! In the case of natural gas, the adjustment screw must be unscrewed by turning it anti-clockwise.

5. Turn the knob from the MAX position to the MIN position quickly or open and shut the oven door, making sure that the burner is not extinguished.

Replacing the Triple ring burner nozzles

1.Remove the pan supports and lift the burners out of their housing. The burner consists of two separate parts (see pictures).

2.Unscrew the nozzles using a 7 mm socket spanner. Replace the nozzles with models that are configured for use with the new type of gas (see Table 1). The two nozzles have the same hole diameter.

3.Replace all the components by completing the above operations in reverse order.

• Adjusting the burners’ primary air : Does not require adjusting.

• Setting the burners to minimum:

1.Turn the tap to the low flame position.

2.Remove the knob and adjust the adjustment screw, which is positioned in or next to the tap pin, until the flame is small but steady.

3.Having adjusted the flame to the required low setting, while the burner is alight, quickly change the position of the knob from minimum to maximum and vice versa several times, checking that the flame does not go out.

4.Some appliances have a safety device (thermocouple) fitted. If the device fails to work when the burners are set to the low flame setting,

increase this low flame setting using the adjustingscrew.


5.Once the adjustment has been made, replace the seals on the by-passes using sealing wax

!If the appliance is connected to liquid gas, the regulation screw must be fastened as tightly as possible.

!Once this procedure is finished, replace the old rating sticker with one indicating the new type of gas used. Stickers are available from any of our Service Centres.

!Should the gas pressure used be different (or vary

slightly) from the recommended pressure, a suitable

pressure regulator must be fitted to the inlet pipe (in GB order to comply with current national regulations).

means of a screw (not supplied with the cooker) to the wall behind the appliance, at the same height as the chain is attached to the appliance.

Choose the screw and the screw anchor according to the type of material of the wall behind the appliance. If the head of the screw has a diameter smaller than 9mm, a washer should be used. Concrete wall requires the screw of at least 8mm of diameter, and 60mm of length.

Ensure that the chain is fixed to the rear wall of the cooker and to the wall, as shown in figure, so that after installation it is tensioned and parallel to the

ground level.

Table of burner and nozzle specifications

Table 1





Liquid Gas


Natural Gas



Thermal Power

By Pass









kW (p.c.s.*)
















































Semi Fast




















































Tripple Ring










































Nominal (mbar)








Minimum (mbar)













Maximum (mbar)















At 15°C

1013 mbar-dry gas


Butane P.C.S. = 49,47 MJ/Kg






Propane P.C.S. = 50,37 MJ/Kg

Natural P.C.S. = 37,78 MJ/m³









Start-up and use

Using the hob


Lighting the burners

For each BURNER knob there is a complete ring showing the strength of the flame for the relevant burner.

To light one of the burners on the hob:

1.Bring a flame or gas lighter close to the burner.

2.Press the BURNER knob and turn it in an anticlockwise direction so that it is pointing to the maximum flame setting .

3.Adjust the intensity of the flame to the desired level by turning the BURNER knob in an anticlockwise direction. This may be the minimum setting , the maximum setting or any position in between the two.

Several models are equipped with an ignition device which is built into the knob; in this case the electronic ignition device* is present (C) but the ignition button is not. Simply press the BURNER knob and turn it in an anticlockwise direction so that it is pointing to the maximum flame setting, until the burner is lit. The burner may be extinguished when the knob is released. If this occurs, repeat the operation, holding the knob down for a longer period of time.

! If the flame is accidentally extinguished, switch off the burner and wait for at least 1 minute before attempting to relight it.



If the appliance is equipped



with a flame failure safety


device (X)*, press and hold





the BURNER knob for



approximately 2-3 seconds



to keep the flame alight and


to activate the device.



To switch the burner off, turn the knob until it

reaches the stop position •.

Flame adjustment according to levels

the burner flame intensity can be adjusted with the knob according to 6 power levels, from maximum to minimum with 4 intermediate positions:

a click will indicate the change from one level to another when turning the knob. The system guarantees a more precise adjustment, allows to replicate the flame intensity and to identify easily the preferred level for different cooking operations.

Practical advice on using the burners

For the burners to work in the most efficient way possible and to save on the amount of gas consumed,

* Only available in certain models.

it is recommended that only pans that have a lid and a flat base are used. They should also be suited to the size of the burner.

To identify the type of burner, please refer to the diagrams contained in the “Burner and nozzle specifications”.


ř Cookware Diameter (cm)



Fast (R)

24 - 26



Semi Fast (S)

16 - 20



Auxiliary (A)

10 - 14



Triple Crown (TC)

24 - 26



! On the models supplied with a reducer shelf, remember that this should be used only for the auxiliary burner when you use casserole dishes with a diameter under 12 cm.

Using the oven

! The first time you use your appliance, heat the empty oven with its door closed at its maximum temperature for at least half an hour. Ensure that the room is well ventilated before switching the oven off and opening the oven door. The appliance may emit a slightly unpleasant odour caused by protective substances used during the manufacturing process burning away.

! Before operating the product, remove all plastic film from the sides of the appliance.

! Never put objects directly on the bottom of the oven; this will avoid the enamel coating being damaged. Only use position 1 in the oven when cooking with the rotisserie spit.

Lighting the oven

To light the oven burner, bring a flame or gas lighter close to opening F (see figure)

and press the OVEN control

knob while turning it in an

anticlockwise direction until it reaches the MAX position.

If the appliance is fitted with

an electronic lighting device*, press the ignition button, marked with the symbol

, then hold the OVEN control knob and turn it in

an anticlockwise direction, towards the MAX position, until the burner is lit. If, after 15 seconds, the burner is still not alight, release the knob, open the oven door and wait for at least 1 minute before trying to light it again. If there is no electricity the burner may be lit using a flame or a lighter, as described above.


!The oven is fitted with a safety device and it is therefore necessary to hold the OVEN control knob down for approximately 6 seconds.

!If the flame is accidentally extinguished, switch off the burner and wait for at least 1 minute before attempting to relight the oven.

Adjusting the temperature

To set the desired cooking temperature, turn the OVEN control knob in an anticlockwise direction. Temperatures are displayed on the control panel and may vary between MIN (150°C) and MAX (250°C). Once the set temperature has been reached, the oven will keep it constant by using its thermostat.

! If the flame is accidentally extinguished, switch off the burner and wait for at least 1 minute before attempting to relight the grill.


To operate the rotisserie (see diagram) proceed as follows:

1. Place the dripping pan in position 1.

2. Place the rotisserie support in position 4 and insert the spit in the hole provided on the back panel of the oven.

3. Acitvate the function by pressing the TURNSPIT button.

Oven light

The light may be switched on at any moment by pressing the OVEN LIGHT button.

* Only available in certain models.

Electronic timer


This function displays the time and works as a timer which counts down to zero.

! All functions will be implemented approximately 7 seconds after they have been set.

Resetting the clock

After the appliance has been connected to the power supply, or after a power cut, the clock display will begin to blink, showing the figure: 0:00

• Press button and then buttons - and + to set

the exact time. Press and hold the buttons to quicken the count upwards.

Any necessary modifications can be made by repeating the above process.

Timer feature

This function may be accessed by pressing the button, after which the display will show the symbol. Every time the + button is pressed it

corresponds to a time increase of 10 seconds, until it reaches 99 minutes and 50 seconds. After this point, each press of the button represents an increase of one minute, up to a maximum of 10 hours.

Pressing the - button reduces the time.

After the time period has been set, the timer will begin to count down. When the timer reaches zero, the buzzer will sound (this may be stopped by pressing any button).

The time may be displayed by pressing the

button, and the symbol indicates that the timer

function has been set. After approximately 7 seconds, the display will automatically revert to the timer.

Cancelling a time that has already been set

Press the button until the display shows 0:00.

Adjusting the buzzer volume

After selecting and confirming the clock settings, use the button to adjust the volume of the alarm buzzer.



Safety Chain

! In order






to prevent











tipping of the




appliance, for




example by




a child clim-




bing onto the




oven door, the




supplied safety




chain MUST be








The cooker is fitted with a safety chain to be fixed by means of a screw (not supplied with the cooker) to the wall behind the appliance, at the same height as the chain is attached to the appliance.

Choose the screw and the screw anchor according to the type of material of the wall behind the appliance. If the head of the screw has a diameter smaller than 9mm, a washer should be used. Concrete wall requires the screw of at least 8mm of diameter, and 60mm of length.

Ensure that the chain is fixed to the rear wall of the cooker and to the wall, as shown in figure, so that after installation it is tensioned and parallel to the

ground level.

WARNING! The glass lid can break in if it is heated up. Turn off all the burners and the electric plates before closing the lid. *Applies to the models with glass cover only.

WARNING! The oven is provided with a stop sys-

tem to extract the racks

and prevent them from

coming out of the oven.(1)

As shown in the drawing,

to extract them comple-

tely, simply lift the racks, holding them on the front part, and pull (2).

* Only available in certain models.



Oven Dimensions

31x43,5x43,5 cm




58 l


width 46 cm


depth 42 cm

relating to the

height 8,5 cm

oven compartment


Voltage and

see data plate




may be adapted for use with any

type of gas shown on the data




EC Directives 2006/95/EC dated


12/12/06 (Low Voltage) and


subsequent amendments -


04/108/EC dated 15/12/04


(Electromagnetic Compatibility)


and subsequent amendments -


2009/142/EC dated 30/11/09 (Gas)


and subsequent amendments -


90/68/EEC dated 22/07/93 and


subsequent amendments. -






Regulation (EU) No 65/2014 supplemen-



ting Directive 2010/30/EU.


Regulation (EU) No 66/2014 implementing


Directive 2009/125/EC.


Standard EN 15181.


Standard EN 30-2-1




By turning the OVEN control knob in an anticlockwise direction until it reaches the position, the infrared ray grill is activated. The grill enables the surface of food to be browned evenly

and is particularly suitable for roast dishes, schnitzel and sausages. Place the rack in position 4 or 5 and the dripping pan in position 1 to collect fat and prevent the formation of smoke.

!The GRILL indicator light shows when the grill is operating.

!Always use the grill with the oven door shut; this achieves better cooking results and saves energy (approximately 10%).

Oven cooking advice table





Preheating time


Cooking time




ht (in





temperature (°C)







































Gratin dishes








































































































Trout baked in foil
































































Savoury pies








Leavened cakes
















Grilled foods








Veal steak
























































Precautions and tips

! This appliance has been designed and manufactured GB in compliance with international safety standards.

The following warnings are provided for safety reasons and must be read carefully.

General safety

The appliance was designed for domestic use inside the home and is not intended for commercial or industrial use.

The appliance must not be installed outdoors, even in covered areas. It is extremely dangerous to leave the appliance exposed to rain and storms.

Do not touch the appliance with bare feet or with wet or damp hands and feet.

The appliance must be used by adults only for the preparation of food, in accordance with the instructions outlined in this booklet. Any other use of the appliance (e.g. for heating the room) constitutes improper use and is dangerous.

The manufacturer may not be held liable for any damage resulting from improper, incorrect and unreasonable use of the appliance.

The instruction booklet accompanies a class 1 (insulated) or class 2 - subclass 1 (recessed between 2 cupboards) appliance.

When the appliance is in use, the heating elements and some parts of the oven door become extremely hot. Make sure you don't touch them and keep children well away.

Make sure that the power supply cables of other electrical appliances do not come into contact with the hot parts of the oven.

The openings used for the ventilation and dispersion of heat must never be covered.

Do not close the glass hob cover (selected models only) when the burners are alight or when they are still hot.

Always use oven gloves when placing cookware in the oven or when removing it.

Do not use flammable liquids (alcohol, petrol, etc...) near the appliance while it is in use.

Do not place flammable material in the lower storage compartment or in the oven itself. If the appliance is switched on accidentally, it could catch fire.

The internal surfaces of the compartment (where present) may become hot.

Always make sure the knobs are in the position and that the gas tap is closed when the appliance is not in use.

When unplugging the appliance, always pull the plug from the mains socket; do not pull on the cable.

Never perform any cleaning or maintenance work without having disconnected the appliance from the electricity mains.

If the appliance breaks down, under no circumstances should you attempt to repair the appliance yourself. Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons may cause injury or further malfunctioning of the appliance. Contact Assistance.

Do not rest heavy objects on the open oven door.

Do not let children play with the appliance.

The appliance should not be operated by people (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capacities, by inexperienced individuals or by anyone who is not familiar with the product. These individuals should, at the very least, be supervised by someone who assumes responsibility for their safety or receive preliminary instructions relating to the operation of the appliance.

If the cooker is placed on a pedestal, take the necessary precautions to prevent the cooker from sliding off the pedestal itself.


When disposing of packaging material: observe local legislation so that the packaging may be reused.

The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), requires that old household electrical appliances must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be collected separately in order to optimise the recovery and recycling of the materials they contain and reduce the impact on human health and the environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin” symbol on the product reminds you of your obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance it must be separately collected.

Consumers should contact their local authority or retailer for information concerning the correct disposal of their old appliance.

Respecting and conserving the environment

You can help to reduce the peak load of the electricity supply network companies by using the oven in the hours between late afternoon and the early hours of the morning.

Always keep the oven door closed when using the GRILL mode This will achieve better results while saving energy (approximately 10%).

Check the door seals regularly and wipe them clean to ensure they are free of debris so that they adhere properly to the door, thus avoiding heat dispersion.


Care and maintenance

The base of your pot or pan should cover the hot plate. If it is smaller, precious energy will be wasted and pots that boil over leave encrusted remains that can be difficult to remove.

Cook your food in closed pots or pans with well-fitting lids and use as little water as possible. Cooking with the lid off will greatly increase energy consumption

Use purely flat pots and pans

If you are cooking something that takes a long time, it's worth using a pressure cooker, which is twice as fast and saves a third of the energy.

• Clean the glass part of the oven door using a



sponge and a non-abrasive cleaning product, then


dry thoroughly with a soft cloth. Do not use rough



abrasive material or sharp metal scrapers as these


could scratch the surface and cause the glass to




The accessories can be washed like everyday crockery, and are even dishwasher safe.

Do not close the cover when the burners are alight or when they are still hot.

Inspecting the oven seals

Check the door seals around the oven regularly. If the seals are damaged, please contact your nearest Authorised After-sales Service Centre. We recommend that the oven is not used until the seals have been replaced.

Switching the appliance off

Disconnect your appliance from the electricity supply before carrying out any work on it.

Cleaning the appliance

! Never use steam cleaners or pressure cleaners on the appliance.

The stainless steel or enamel-coated external parts and the rubber seals may be cleaned using a sponge that has been soaked in lukewarm water and neutral soap. Use specialised products for the removal of stubborn stains. After cleaning, rinse well and dry thoroughly. Do not use abrasive powders or corrosive substances.

The hob grids, burner caps, flame spreader rings and burners may be removed to make cleaning easier; wash them in hot water and non-abrasive detergent, making sure all burnt-on residue is removed before drying them thoroughly.

Clean the terminal part of the flame failure safety devices* frequently.

The inside of the oven should ideally be cleaned after each use, while it is still lukewarm. Use hot water and detergent, then rinse well and dry with a soft cloth. Do not use abrasive products.

Replacing the oven light bulb

1. After disconnecting the oven from the electricity mains, remove the glass lid covering

the lamp socket (see figure).

2. Remove the light bulb and

replace it with a similar one:

voltage 230 V, wattage 25 W, cap E 14.

3. Replace the lid and reconnect the oven to the electricity supply.

! Do not use the oven lamp as/for ambient lighting.

Gas tap maintenance

Over time, the taps may become jammed or difficult to turn. If this happens, the tap must be replaced.

! This procedure must be performed by a qualified technician authorised by the manufacturer.


! Never use the services of an unauthorised technician.

Please have the following information to hand:

The type of problem encountered.

The appliance model (Mod.).

The serial number (S/N).

The latter two pieces of information can be found on the data plate located on the appliance.

* Only available in certain models.


Hotpoint H6TG5F C User Manual

Removing and fitting the oven door:


1.Open the door

2.Make the hinge clamps of the oven door rotate backwards completely (see photo)

3.Close the door until the clamps stop (the door will remain open for 40° approx.) (see photo)


4.Press the two buttons on the upper profile and extract the profile (see photo)

WARNING! When reassembling the inner door glass insert the glass panel correctly so that the text written on the panel is not reversed and can be easily legible.

7.Replace the profile, a click will indicate that the part is positioned correctly.

8.Open the door completely. 9.Close the supports (see photo).

10.Now the door can be completely closed and the oven can be started for normal use.

5.Remove the glass sheet and do the cleaning as indicated in chapter: "Care and maintenance".

6.Replace the glass.

WARNING! Oven must not be operated with inner door glass removed!



! Важно сохранить данное руководство для его последующих консультаций. В случае продажи, RS передачи или переезда проверьте, чтобы данное

руководство сопровождало изделие.

!Внимательно прочитайте инструкции: в них содержатся важные сведения об установке, эксплуатации и безопасности изделия.

!Установка изделия производится в соответствии с данными инструкциями квалифицированными специалистами.

!Любая операция по регуляции или техническому обслуживанию должна производиться только после отсоединения кухонной плиты от сети электропитания.

Вентиляция помещений

Изделие может быть установлено в помещениях с постоянной вентиляцией в соответствии с действующими национальными нормативами. В помещении, в котором устанавливается изделие, должен быть обеспечен приток воздуха в объеме, необходимом для оптимального горения газа (расход воздуха не должен быть меньше 2 м<+>3/ час на 1 кВт установленной мощности). Вентиляционные отверстия, защищенные

решетками, должны иметь воздуховод площадью не менее 100 мм2 полезного сечения и распологаться таким образом, чтобы их нельзя было закрыть, даже частично (см. рисунок А).

Этиотверстиядолжныбытьувеличинына100% - то естьиметьминимальнуюплощадь200 см2 - если варочная панель не оснащена предохранительным устройством отсутствия пламени, и если воздух в помещение поступает из смежных помещений (см. рисунок В), которые не должны быть общими зонами дома, пожароопасными помещениями или спальнями, оснащенных вентиляционным



выходящим на улицу как описано

выше. A

























































































































































































Увеличение зазора между


дверью и полом

отверстия для притока







! После продолжительного использования изделия рекомендуется открыть окно или включить более интенсивный режим вентиляторов.


Дымоудаление должно осуществляться через вытяжной зонт, соединенный с эффективным

дымоходом с натуральной тягой, или посредством электровентилятора, который автоматически

включается каждый раз при включении изделия (см.




















































































































































































































































Дымоудаление через камин или дымоход









Прямой отвод



с медным покрытием (для кухонных



устройств для приготовления пищи)











! Сжиженные натуральные газы тяжелее воздуха, застиваются внизу, по этой причине помещения для хранения баллонов с СПГ должны иметь внетиляционные отверстия у пола для вентиляции возможных утечек газа.

Баллоны с СПГ, полные или частично израсходованные, не дожны размещаться или храниться в помещениях или хранилищах, расположенных в подземных помещениях (подвалы, и т.д.). Храните в помещении только рабочий баллон, установив его вдали от источников тепла (духовок, каминов, печей), которые могут нагреть его до температуры выше 50°C.

Расположение и нивелировка

!Изделие может быть установлено рядом с кухонными элементами, высота которых не превышает поверхность варочной панели.

!Проверьте, чтобы стена, к которой прилегает задняя часть изделия, была из невозгораемого материала и устойчивой к теплу (Т 90°C).

Правильный порядок монтажа:

изделие может быть установлено на кухне, в столовой или в однокомнатной квартире (не в ванной комнате);

если варочная панель кухонной плиты выше кухонных элементов, необходимо отодвинуть их от плиты на расстояние не менее 600 мм.

если кухонная плита устанавливается под навесным кухонным шкафом, он должен

располагаться на высоте не менее 420 мм от поверхности варочной панели.

Это расстояние должно быть 700 мм, если навесные кухонные шкафы выполнены из возгораемого




материала (см.





Min. 600mm.



не заправляйте

650withmm.min.hood 700withoutmm.min. hood

занавески за кухонную

плиту и не приближайте







их на расстояние




меньше 200 мм.




возможная кухонная




вытяжка должна




быть установлена в




соответствии с




инструкциями, приведенными в техническом



руководстве к вытяжке.















При необходимости








выровнять изделие вкрутите





в специальные отверстия по





углам в основании кухонной





плиты прилагающиеся





нивелировочные ножки (см.






Прилагающиеся ножки*

вставляются под основание

кухонной плиты.

*Имеется только в

некоторых моделях

Электрическое подсоединение

Установите на кабель электропитания нормализованную штепсельную вилку, расчитанную на нагрузку, указанную на паспортной табличке изделия (см. табличку с техническими данными).

В случае прямого подключения к сети электропитания между кухонной плитой и сетью необходимо установить мультиполярный выключатель с минимальным расстоянием между контактами 3 мм, расчитанный на данную нагрузку и соответствующий действующим нормативам (выключатель не должен размыкать провод заземления). Сетевой шнур должен быть расположен таким образом, чтобы ни в одной

точке его температура не превышала температуру помещения более чем на 50°C.

Перед подсоединением сетевого шнура проверьте следующее:

сетевая розетка должна быть соединена с заземлением и соответствовать нормативам;

сетевая розетка должна быть рассчитана на максимальную потребляемую мощность изделия, указанную на паспортной табличке;

напряжение и частота тока сети должны соответствовать электрическим данным изделия;

сетевая розетка должна быть совместима со штепсельной вилкой изделия. В противном случае замените розетку или вилку; не используйте удлинители или тройники.

!Изделие должно быть установлено таким образом, чтобы сетевой шнур и сетевая розетка были легко доступны.

!Сетевой шнур изделия не должен быть согнут или сжат.

!Регулярно проверяйте состояние сетевого шнура

и при необходимости поручайте его замену только уполномоченным техникам.

! Фирмаснимаетссебявсякуюответственностьв случаенесоблюдениявышеописанныхправил.

Подсоединение к газопроводу

Подсоединение к газопроводу или к газовому баллону выполняется посредством гибкого резинового или стального шланга в соответствии с

действующими национальными нормативами, после проверки настройки изделия на тип используемого газа (см. этикетку настройки на крышке: в противном случае см. ниже). В случае использования сжиженного газа из баллона необходимо установить регуляторы давления, соответствующие действующему национальному нормативу. Для облегчения подсоединения газовый патрубок является ориентируемым*: поменяйте местами крепежную блокировочную гайку на заглушку и замените прилагающееся уплотнение.

! Для надежного функционирования, рационального использования энергии и более длительного срока службы изделия проверьте, чтобы давление подачи газа соответствовало значениям, указанным в таблице «Характеристики газовых конфорок и форсунок» (см. ниже).

Газовое подсоединение посредством резинового шланга

Проверьте, чтобы шланг соответствовал действующим национальным нормативам. Внутренний диаметр шланга должен быть: 8 мм для сжижженного газа; 13 см для газа метана.

После подсоединения проверьте, чтобы шланг:

не касался частей, температура которых может превысить 50°C;

не был растянут, перекручен, сжат или заломлен;

не касался режущих предметов, острых углов, подвижных предметов и не был сжат;

был легко доступен для проверки по всей длине;

не был длиннее 1500 мм;

был прочно закреплен с обоих концов при помощи хомутов, соответствующих действующим

национальным нормативам.

Точка соединения




Точка соединения














! Если одно или несколько из вышеописанных условий не будет соблюдено, и если кухонная плита устанавливается в условиях класса 2, подгруппа 1 (изделие, встроенное между двух кухонных элементов), необходимо использовать гибкий стальной шланг (см. ниже).

Газовое подсоединение посредством шланга из нержавеющей стали со сплошной оплеткой с резьбовыми соединениями.

Проверьте, чтобышлангиуплотнениясоответствовали действующимнациональнымнормативам.

Для подсоединения шланга снимите блокировочную гайку с изделия (патрубок подачи газа в изделие имеет цилиндрическу резьбу Ѕ газ «папа»).

! Длина подсоединяемого шланга не должна превышать 2 метра при максимальном растяжении. Проверьте, чтобы шланг не касался подвижных деталей, которые могут его сжать.


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