use Ofadapterpl~
Becauseofpotential safetyhazards
recommendagainstuseofan adapter
to use an adapter,where local
codespermit, a TEMPORARY
CONNE~ION maybe made to a
properlygrounded two-prongwall
outletbyuseof a UL listedadapter
The largerslot in the adaptermust
bealignedwiththe largerslotin the
walloutlettoprovide properpolarity
in the connectionofthepowercord.
CAUTION: Attachingan adapter
ground terminaltothe walloutlet
coverscrewdoes not ground the
applianceunlessthe cover screw
ismetal, andnot insulated, and
the walloutletis grounded through
the house wiring. Youshould have
circuit checkedbya qualified
electrician to makesure the outlet
isproperly grounded.
WIlelldisconnectingthe power
the adapter with one hand. If this
is notdone, the adapter ground
terminal is very likely to break
with repeated use.
Because of potential safety hazards
under cf:rtainconditions, we
strongly recommend againstthe
use of an extension cord. .However,
ifyou still elect to use an extension
ct>rd,it is :~bsolutelyriecessarythat
it I}ca UI.
!istcd3-wire grounding
type applianceextensioncordhaving
a groundingtypeplugandoutlet
cordbe 15amperes(minimum)and
120volts. Suchextensioncordsare
The refrige~tir should
~lwaysbe plugged inh iti
individual electrical outlet—
(115volt,60 Hertz,or 100volt,
50 Hertz, singlephaseAC). This is
recommendedforbest pefiorrnance
andtoprevent overloadinghouse
firehazard fromoverheatingwires.
Refrigerator location
Install the refrigeratoron a floor
strongenoughto supportit when
it is fully Ioaded.
Do notinstallrefrigeratorwhere
temperaturewill go below60°F.
becauseitwillnotrun ofienenough
Also seeEnergy-SavingTips
AIIowthe followingclearances
for ease of installationand proper
air circulation:
Sides,3/4” Top,1“ Back, 1/2”
If Model ~X19 isto be installed
againsta wall on the hinge side,
allow 1*A”for door clearance.
water supply to Ieemaker
Youwill need to connect your
icemaker to a cold water line. A
water supply kitcontainingcopper
tubing, shut-off valve,fittingsand
instructions is available at extra
cost from your dealer.
Villen building a new home
Consider providinga water supply
to the refrigerator location. It will
simplify connection of an optional
automatic icemaker should you
wisl~to install one at a later date.
Rollers/bveli~ bgs
roIlemthatenableyouto move
therefrigeratoraw;y from thewall
forclea~ing;other modelshave
legsshouldbe set sothe refrigerator
isfirmlypositionedon the floor
andthefrontis raisedjust enough
thatthe doorscloseeasily when
Turnthetwofrontroller adjusting
screwsor four corner levelinglegs
clockwiseto raisethe refrigerator,
counterclockwiseto Bowerit.
Whenadjusting rollers or leveling
legsfor properdoor closure, we
edgeofthe cabinetbe approximately
3/4”fromthe floor.
If your refrigeratorhas a base
grille, you can turn the adjusting
screwsthroughopeningsin the gfle.
youwouldrather removethe
base grille, grasp the bottom of the
grille and pull it out.
Toreplace the base gl”ille,line Llp
the clips on the back of the grille
with tie openings in the baseplate \iand pt~shthe grille forward until it
snaps intoplace.