Part No. i62D6736PO04 Pub. No.39-6424-i 9-99 JR

Welcoule lo our fhlnil}-.We're proud of our
qualily producls and we are couunitled lo
prmiding dependable selxice. You'll see il in
lifts easy-lo-use ()_mer's Manual and you'll
hear il in lhe fliendly voices of{mr cuslolner
sel_ice deparmlenl.
Best of all, you'll experience these values
each filne you use your refligeralor. Thal's
imporlanl, because your new refligerau)r xdll
be part of your fmnily for many }'ears. And we
hope you _dll be parl of ours for a long filne
ID COllie.
We appreciale your purchase, and hope you
_dll continue 1orely on us whenever you
need qualily appliances for your home.
Fill oul and lemm lhe Consumer Producl
Regisl]afion Card lhal is packed x_lh lhis
producl. If you cannol find it, please send
in lhe duplicale card prinled in lhe back of
Ibis manual.
Write themodel and serial
Youcan find them on alabel on the
upper left side of the fresh food
Staple sales slip orcancelled
check here.
Proof of the original purchase date
is needed to obtain service under
the warranty.

A Service Partnership.
We stand behind our products with
unmatched quality service. However, did
you know that most questions result from
simple problems that you can easily
fix yourself injust a few minutes ? This
Owner's Manual can tell you how
Inside )sin xdllfind many
helpful hints on how lo use and
mainlain your refligeralor
properly..lust a liule preventive
cm-eon your pmt can save )xm a
gTeat deal of time and money
over the life of your refligerator.
Safety Information
SafetyPrecautions .......... 4
ProperDisposal............. 5
How toConnectElectricity .... 6
UseofAdapter Plugs...... 6,7
Useof ExtensionCords ...... 7
TemperatureControlDial ..... 8
Shelves ............... 9, 10
StorageDrawers........ 11. 12
Automatic Icemaker........ 13
Careand Cleaning ...... 14-16
Installation Instructions
Install theRefrigerator ... 17, 18
WaterLineInstallation... 19-23
DoorSwing ........... 24-29
You'll find many answers to
common problems here.
lf)xm review our chin1 of
Troubleshooting Tips firsl,
yOUInWnol need to call fbr
sel_ice al all.
If YouNeedService
lf)_m do need sel_-ice, )_m can
relax knoxdng help is only a
phone call awW. A list of loll-flee
cusR)Iney se_ice numbers is
included in the back section.
()r >m can alwws call the
GE Answer Center ®at
800.626.2000, 24 hours a d W,
7 dws a week.
NormalOperatingSounds ...30
Before You
CallForService......... 31-33
ProductRegistration....... 37
Warranty................ 39
Numbers .......... BackCover

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions
should be followed, including the following:
This refligeralor must be
properly inslalled and
localed in accordance _dfl_
the Installation lnstnlcfions
befin-e il is used.
Do nol allow children lo
climb, sland or hang on dm
shelves in llle refligeralor.
They could damage llle
refligeralor and seriously
injure lhemselves.
Do not louch tim cold
surfaces in tim fieezer
comparlment, particularly
when bands are damp or wel.
Skin m W slick lo lhese
exu-emely cold sm-thces.
Do not slore or use gasoline
or olher flmnmable vapors
and liquids in tile vicinily of
tiffs or any olher appliance.
In refiigeralors xdfll
mm)malic icemakers, avoid
conlact xdfll tile moving pans
of the ejeclor mechanism, or
_dth lhe beating element lhal
releases lhe cubes. Do not
place fingers or bands on lhe
mlu)mafic icemaking
mechanism while lbe
refligeralor is plugged in.
Keep fingers out of tim
"pinch point" areas;
clearances belween lbe
doors and bel_veen lbe doors
and cabinet are necessarily
small. Be careful closing
doors when children are in
tile area.
IJnplug tim refiigeFalor
befine cleaning and making
bya qualifiedindividual.
Turning tim control to lhe
OFFposition does not remove
power lo lhe light circuit.
Do not refleeze frozen fi)ods
which have lhmved

Child enuapment and suffocation are not problems of
lhe past.Junked or abandoned refligerators arestill
dangerous...even it lhey _dll sit for ".just a few days."
If>m are gelling rid of your old refiigerator, please
fbllow the instnlclions below to help prevent accidents.
Before YouThrowAway YourOldRefrigerator
or Freezer:
Take off the doors.
Leave the shelves in place so that children may not
easily climb inside.
Your old refiigeralor has acooling system that used
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). CFCs are believed to harm
stratospheric ozone.
If)sin are throating mvayyour old refiigeralor, make
sure the CFC refiigerant is removed fbr proper disposal
by a qualified sel_icer. If)xm intenlionally release tiffs
CFC refiigerant >m can be subject to fines and
imprisonment under provisions of the Federal Clean

Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third
(ground) prong from the power cord. For personal safety,
this appliance must be properly grounded.
The power cord of d_is appliance is equipped _dth a 3-prong
(grounding) plug which mates _dth a standard 3-prong
(grounding) wall oullel R) minimize lhe possibility of elecuic
shock hazard fiom this appliance.
Have tile wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified elecuJcian
lo make sure the oullel is properly grounded.
Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is encountered, it is your
personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced u_th a
properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
Tile refligerator should always be plugged into its o_I1 indMdual
elecuical oullel which has a vohage rating lhal matches the rating
This provides tile best pertormance and also prevents overloading
house xdring circuits which could cause a fire hazard flom
overheated _dres.
Never unplug yore-refligerator by pulling on the power cord.
Ahvays grip plug firmly and pull suaight OUt fl-om the oullel.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that have become
fiayed or other_dse damaged. Do not use acord that shows cracks or
abrasion damage along ils lenglll or al either end.
When moving the reflJgerator mvavflom the wall be careflll not to
roll over or damage the p(mer cord.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an
adapter plug.
However, if you must use an adaptor, where local codes pennil, a
temporary connection may be made to aproperly grounded 2-prong
wall outlet by use of a IJL-lisled adapter availal)le at most local
hardwm-e stores.

d_ewalloutletto provide proper polan b, in the connecuon of the
power cord.
When disconnecting d_e power cord fiom tim adapter, always hold
dm adapter in place xdtb one hand while pulling the power cord
plug xdd_ the odmr band. If this is not done, the adapter ,ground
temdnal is veU likely to break _dd_ repeamd use.
If tim adapter ground terminal breaks, O0 NOTUSEd_e refligerator
until a proper ,wound has been established.
Attachingtheadaptergroundterminaltoa walloutletcoverscrewdoesnot
groundtheapplianceunlessthecoverscrew/} metal,andnotlesuleted,andthe
walloutlet/} groundedthroughthehousewiring.Youshouldhavethecircuit
checkedbyaqualifiedelectricianto makesuretheoutletisproperlygrounded.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an
extension cord.
However, if you must use an exmnsion coM, it is absolu/ely
necessmy lbat it be a UL-lismd, 3-_dre grounding t}i)e appliance
extension cord having a grounding 1}i)eplug and outlet and that
the electrical radng of the cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and
Your continued health and safety are important to us.
Please read and follow this Safety Information carefully.
We want you to remain a happy and healthy part of our

Aboutthe temperature control diaL
Turning the dial to OFFstops cooling in both compartments--
fresh food and freezer.
Temperature ControlDial
The temperatme control dial has nine settings plus OFF.
I is the wmmest. 9is the (oldest. At first, set the dial at 5.
After using the reflJgeramr, a(!just the dial if necessm)_.
Insert a coin into the slot in tim middle of the dial and you can turn
the dial to fl_e setting flint's best suited to your needs.
Allow 24 hours for tl_e reflig_ramr to g_t cold.

Shelf supports at various levels allow you to custom-space your shelves.
Not aft features are on aftmodels.
Half-Width Shelves
One end of lhe shelf rests on a molded side-wall
support; a bracket on the other end hooks into a track
on the rear cabinet wall.
Toremove,litl the shelf up al ft-onl, then offthe supporl
[_Tilt uu
and Out of the u-ack.
Toreplace,select desired shelfheighl. With shelf flont
raised slightly hook the brackel's top lug inlo lhe lrack,
then lower the shelf ()nit) the support.
NOTE."The shelf lo the zight of the u-ack is desig3md It)
hook into the right-hand sit)l; the shelf lo the left is
designed 1o hook inlo lhe left-hand slol.
Full-Width Shelves
Some models have a smel _dre sliding shelf, a sladonm T
lempered glass shelf or two smel _dre sladonm T sheNes.
These shelves can be moved lo anolher place in lhe
ftesh food comparlment.
L t ¸(¸¸7
The full-xddfl_ sliding shelf has stop-locks. X#3mnplaced
coneclly on the shelf supporls, the shelf will slop beft)re
coming complemly out of the reftigeralor and x_ll not
lilt when you place food on it or remove food ftom it.
Toremovethefull-widthshelves,liftlhe rear of lhe shelf
and pull forward.
Toremoveafull-widthshelf whenthefreshfood
compartmentdoorcannotbeopenedfully,lift:lhe rear of
the shel£ pull fbrward and do_m, lilt the shelf and lake it

iiiii! lIi!iHi
Aboutthe freezer compartmentshelves.
iiiii! iiiiii! i!ii
Some models have an ice-tray shelf and some have a full-width step shelf.
PlugSupports Ice-TraySheff
Toremove the ice-tray shelf."Lift I}_e left side of the shelf
off its supporLs, then pull I[_e shelf to I[_e left to f-ee it of
the plug supports. Pull the shelf to the light to Dee the
pins ft-om the holes in the cabinet wall.
Step Shelf
Toremove the stepshelf."
Lif lef side of shelf slighllv.,.
Move shelf to the left to Dee its nghI ends flom holes
in lhe cabinet wall.
Lower lighl side of shell )hove shelf It) lhe lighl and
take it Otll.
Toreplace the step shelf."
With shelf tilled as sho_m, fit left ends of shelf into
holes in cal)inel wall.
_ Lift left side of sheff slightly, s_dng shelf up, fit: dghI
ends of shelf into holes in cabinel wall, and lower
shelf inlo place.

Aboutthestorage drawers.
Not all features are on all models.
Fru# and Vegetable Drawers
Excess water thai may accumulate in the bottom of the
drawers should be empded and the drawers wiped dU.
Utility Drawer
The utility drmver can be moved to the most useful
locadon for your family's needs.

About storage drawer and coverremoval.
Not all features are on all models.
Drawer and CoverRemoval
Drawers _dll stop before coming all the wayout of the refligeralor to
help prevent contents ftom spilling onto the floor. These drm_vrs
can be removed easily by grasping the sides and lifting up slightly
while pulling drawers past the stop location.
Full-Width Drawer with Plastic Cover
To remove the cover, lift it off its supports, pull it
fbrward, tilt it and take it oul.
Twin Drawer With Glass Cover
Reach....in push the front ofglass_cover up and, at the
same time, pull it ft)rward as tar as it_dll come.
Tilt it and take it out. Avoid cleaning the cold glass cover
_th hot water becmlse the extreme temperature
difference m W cruise it to break.
{_{ Remove the drinker flame. (Ahvays remove the glass
cover 1)etore VOtltake out the drmver ftame.)
Lift the flmne off tim supports at each side and back,
pull itftn-ward, tilt it and take it ()tit.
Ix)wer the ft-ame until it rests on the supports at each
side and back.
Replace the glass cover, pushing its rear edge firefly
-' into the rear flame channel and gently l(mering the
ftont into place.
Replace the drmvers.