HOTPOINT BCS 311 I User Manual

Fridge/freezer combined

Installation and use

Réfrigérateur-congélateur combiné

Installation et emploi


Installation und Gebrauch


Installatie en gebruik

BCS 311 I

GB Fridge/freezer combined



Instructions for installation and use



Réfrigérateur-congélateur combiné



Instructions pour l'installation et l'emploi






Installationund Gebrauchshinweise






Gebruiksaanwijzingen voor plaatsing en gebruik


To maintain the EFFICIENCY and SAFETY of this appliance, we recommend:


call only the Service Centers authorized by the manufacturer


always use original Spare Parts

Pour garantir l’efficacité et la sécurité de ce produit:

-adressez-vous exclusivement aux Centres d’assistance technique agréés

-demander toujours l’utilisation de pièces détachées originales

Um die Leistungsfähigkeit und Sicherheit dieses Gerätes zu gewährleisten, bitte folgendes beachten:

-wenden Sie sich ausschließlich an unsere autorisierten Service-Stellen

-verlangen Sie, daß nur Original-Ersatzteile verwendet werden

Om de doelmatigheid en veiligheid van dit toestel te garanderen raden wij u aan:

-voor reparaties alleen de Service Centers te bellen die door de fabrikant gemachtigd zijn

-altijd gebruik te maken van originele onderdelen

Safety - a good habit to get into.


Read your manual carefully since it contains instructions which will ensure safe installation, use and maintenance of your appliance.

Your Refrigerator is built to International safety standards (EN60) and has been awarded the European approval mark (IMQ) for compliance with UK electrical safety requirements. It also meets the EC standards on the prevention and elimination of radio interference (EC directive 87/308 - 02.06.89).

1.This appliance must not be installed outdoors - not even in an area protected by a roof. It is extremely dangerous to leave it exposed to rain or storms.

2.It must only be used by adults and exclusively to refrigerate and freeze foodstuffs, following the instructions for use contained in this manual.

3.Do not ever touch or handle the appliance with bare feet or with wet hands or feet.

4.It is highly recommended that you do not use extension cords or multiple socket adapters. If the refrigerator is installed between cabinets, make sure that the cord is not bent or dangerously pinched or compressed.

5.Never pull on the cord or the refrigerator to remove the plug from the wall socket - this is very dangerous.

6.Never touch the cooling components within the appliance, especially with wet hands because this could result in injury. Never put ice cubes just removed from the freezer into your mouth because they could stick to your mouth and cause burns.

7.Never clean or perform maintenance on the appliance without first removing the plug from the socket; in fact, turning the knob for adjusting the temperature to the "0"· setting is not sufficient to eliminate all electrical contact with the mains.

8.Before having your old refrigerator picked up for disposal, remove or make inoperable any locking devices to prevent children who might play in or around the appliance from being locked inside.

9.Before calling for service/assistance in the case of malfunction, consult the chapter entitled “Is There a Problem? to determine whether it is possible to eliminate the problem. do not try to repair the problem by trying to access the internal components of the appliance.

10.If damaged, the power supply cord on this appliance must necessarily be replaced by our service centre because special tools are required for replacement.

11.Do not use electric appliances inside the compartment for food storage, if these are not those recommended by the manufacturer.

12.At the end of the functional life of your appliance – containing cyclopentane gas in the insulation foam and perhaps gas R600a (isobutane) in the refrigeration circuit – the latter should made safe before being sent to the dump. For this operation, please contact your dealer or the Local Organisation in charge of waste disposal.


To ensure that the appliance operates properly and to reduce energy consumption, it is important that the appliance is installed correctly.


The compressor and condenser generate heat and, therefore, need to be ventilated properly. Rooms with less than perfect ventilation are not very suited for installation of the appliance. Therefore, it should be installed in a room with an opening (window or French window) that provide the appropriate amount of air re-circulation. It is also important that the room not be too humid.

Away from Heat

Avoid positioning the appliance in a place where it is directly exposed to sunlight or near an oven, cook top or the like.

Electrical Connection and Earthing

Before proceeding with the electrical connection, make sure that the voltage indicated on the rating plate, located at the bottom left near the vegetable crisper, corresponds to the mains voltage in your home and that the socket is fitted

with a standard earthing wire in accordance with safety standards for 46/90 systems. If the socket is not fitted with an earthing wire, the manufacturer will not be held liability for any damages and or injuries arising out of the use of the appliance. Do not use multiple sockets or adapters.

Position the appliance in such a way that you can access the socket where it is plugged in.

Insufficient power?

The electrical socket must be able to handle the maximum power load of the appliance, which is indicated on the rating plate located at the bottom left next to the vegetable crisper.

Before making the electrical connection ...

After the appliance has been delivered, place it in the vertical upright position and wait at least 3 hours before inserting the plug into the socket in order to ensure that it functions properly.



HOTPOINT BCS 311 I User Manual

A Closer Look

A Removable door shelves with lid,

with egg tray and lidded butter dish

B Removable miscellaneous shelf

C Compartment for a 2 litre bottle

D Removable door shelf for bottles

E Drain system for drawing off

defrost water from freezer compartment

F Compartment for storing frozen foods

G Compartment for storing frozen foods

H Compartment for freezing fresh foods and storing frozen foods

This knob is used to regulate the temperature in the two compartments with the following settings:

0The refrigerator is off;

1less cold;

5 colder



















I Fruit and Vegetable Crispers

J Meat/cheese storage box

K Removable/Adjustable Shelves

L Light for refrigerator compartment



How to Start the Appliance


After the appliance has been delivered, stand it in the upright position and wait approximately 3 hours before connecting it to the electrical outlet to guarantee that it operates properly.

Before storing food in your refrigerator wipe the interior with a solution of warm water and bicarbonate of soda.

After having plugged the appliance into the socket, make sure that the refrigerator light has turned on. Then turn the thermostat knob “H” to setting “3”. After a few hours have passed, you can place fresh food in the refrigerator compartment and frozen foods into the freezer.

How to use the refrigerator compartment...

The thermostat automatically regulates the temperature inside the appliance

1 = less cold

5 = colder

It is recommended that a medium setting be used.

To increase the amount of space, optimize arrangement and improve appearance, this appliance has a “cooling area” located within the back panel of the refrigerator compartment. When the appliance is operating, this panel may be covered with frost or droplets of water depending on whether the compressor is operating or not at a given time.

Do not be concerned about this! The refrigerator is operating normally.

If the thermostat knob is positioned on higher settings while the refrigerator is heavily filled and the ambient temperature high, the appliance may run continuously, resulting in the formation of frost on the back cooling area. This will lead to an increase in energy consumption.

To avoid this situation, just turn the thermostat knob to a lower setting so that the appliance defrosts automatically.

Storing Food in the Refrigerator Compartment


Wrapped meat and cleaned fish

(use plastic wrap or pack in plastic bags)

Fresh cheese

Storage Time

2 or 3 days

3 or 4 days

Location in the Refrigerator

On the shelf above the vegetable crisper (which is the coldest area).

On the shelf above the vegetable crisper (which is the coldest area).


1 month

In special egg rack on door.




Butter, margarine


On any shelf.




Cooked or precooked food



(placer in air-tight containers and when cool store

3 or 4 days

On any shelf.

in refrigerator)






Sausages, salami, sandwich meats in general, fresh



pasta, custards,puddings, chocolates, cream

3 or 4 days

On any shelf.

pastries, bread, dry pastries, red tomatoes






Bottled products, milk, drinks, yoghurt


On special door shelves.




Fruits and legumes


In vegetable crisper.




What Not to Store in the Refrigerator

Garlic (transmits odour), onions and leeks.

Bananas (they will turn black).

Citrus fruits.

Potatoes and root vegetables (store in dark, dry places).



- Within the refrigerator compartment, the air circulates


naturally, with the colder air falling because it is heavier. This


is the reason why meat and cheeses should be placed above


the vegetable crisper.


- Please follow our instructions carefully on maximum stor-


age time: any food, even the freshest, will not remain edible


for any extended amount of time.


- Contrary to popular belief, cooked foods do not store any


longer than raw food.


- Do not place liquids in containers without covering them


because this will lead to an increase in the level of moisture

Fig. 1

within the refrigerator, causing the formation of frost.


-Be careful not to place containers (plastic or glass), food or other objects in direct contact with the cooling area of the back wall of the refrigerator. This could harm the food, increase energy consumption and facilitate the formation of condensate (on food, containers, etc.).

-The refrigerator compartment is equipped with convenient, removable shelves (Fig. 1) which can be adjusted for height using the shelf guides. This allows you to place even large containers and foodstuffs in the refrigerator.

Freezing Foods Properly

-For the preparation of food to be frozen, please consult a specialized manual.

-Food that has be thawed, even partially, must not be refrozen: you must cook it in order to consume it (within 24 hours) or to freeze it once again.

-When freezing fresh foods, remember that they should not touch other previously frozen or deep frozen foods. Place the food that you wish to freeze in the top compartment "I" where the temperature will fall below -18°C, which is ideal for freezing food properly. Remember that proper conservation depends on the speed of freezing.

-During the freezing process, avoid opening the door of the freezer.

-The maximum daily quantity of food that can be frozen is indicated on the rating plate located to the left of the vegetable crisper.

-In order to freeze and then thaw foods optimally, it is recommended that you divide food into small portions so that they freeze quickly and uniformly. The packages should be clearly marked with the content and the date they were frozen.

-In order to obtain a larger amount of space in the freezer compartment, you can remove the central drawer, and place the food directly onto the evaporator plate. Make sure that, after having inserted the load, the door closes correctly.

-Do not open the freezer door in the event of a power failure or malfunction. This will help maintain the temperature inside the freezer, ensuring that foods are conserved for longer.

-Do not place full bottles in the freezer: they could easily burst because all liquids increase in volume when they freeze.

-Fill the ice cube trays about 3/4 full.

-If the ambient temperature remains below 14°C for an extended period of time, the temperature needed for extended storage of food in the freezer will not be reached, resulting in reduced storage life of the food.



Guide to Using the Freezer

Meat and Fish





Thawing Time











Beef Roast


2 / 3

9 / 10

Not required.








1 / 2


Not required.






Pork Roast




Not required.






Veal Roast




Not required.






Veal/Pork Chops

Each piece wrapped in cling wrap and



Not required.

then in tinfoil (4 to 6 slices)











Veal/Lamb Cutlets

Each piece wrapped in cling wrap and



Not required.

then in tinfoil (4 to 6 slices)











Minced Meat

In aluminium containers covered with cling



Slowly in refrigerator.











Heart and Liver

Plastic Baggies



Not required.







Cling Wrap or Tinfoil



As necessary.






Chicken and Turkey


1 / 3


Very slowly in refrigerator.






Duck and Goose


1 / 4


Very slowly in refrigerator.






Pheasant, Partrige and


1 / 3


Very slowly in refrigerator.

Wild Duck










Hare and Rabbit


3 / 4


Very slowly in refrigerator.







Tinfoil or Cling Wrap

5 / 6


Very slowly in refrigerator.






Large Fish

Tinfoil or Cling Wrap


4 / 6

Very slowly in refrigerator.






Small Fish

Plastic Baggies


2 / 3

Not required.







Plastic Baggies


3 / 6

Not required.







Store in salted water in aluminium



Very slowly in refrigerator.

containers or plastic containers.











Boiled Fish

Tinfoil or Cling Wrap



In hot water.






Fried Fish

Plastic Baggies


4 / 6

Directly in pan.








Fruits and Vegetables






Thawing Time













Apples and Pears

Peel and cut into slices.


In Containers (cover


In refrigerator very

with syrup)












Apricots, Peaches,

Peel and pit.

1’ / 2’

In Containers (cover


In refrigerator very

Cherries and Plums

with syrup)














In Containers (cover


In refrigerator very

Blackberries and

Rinse and fry.


10 / 12


with sugar)

















Cooked Fruit

Cut, cook and strain.


In Containers (add


In refrigerator very


10% sugar)












Fruit Juice

Wash, cut and crush.


In Containers (sugar

10 / 12

In refrigerator very


to taste)













Remove leaves, cut head






into small pieces and blanch


Plastic Baggies


Not required.

in water and a little lemon


















Cabbage and

Wash and cut into small

1’ / 2’

Plastic Baggies

10 / 12

At room temperature.

Brussel Sprouts













Shell and wash.


Plastic Baggies


Not required.







French Beans

Wash and slice if required.


Plastic Baggies

10 / 12

Not required.







Carrots, Peppers

Peel, wash and slice if

3’ / 4’

Plastic Baggies


Not required.

and Turnips












Mushrooms and

Wash, peel and cut up.

3’ / 4’

Plastic Baggies or


At room temperature.














Wash and mince.


Plastic Baggies


At room temperature.







Vegetable for Soups

Wash and cut up in small


Plastic Baggies or

6 / 7

Not required.













Various Foods





Thawing time
















Plastic Baggies


At room temperature



and in the oven.

















About 10 minutes at




Plastic Baggies


room temperature,






cook at 100/200°C.










Plastic Containers


At room temperature or



in refrigerator.















In original wrapping


In refrigerator.



or tinfoil












Boiled Food or



Plastic or Glass

3 / 6

At room temperature or

Vegetable Soup




in hot water.













Freeze without shells


At room temperature or



in small containers

in refrigerator.













Tips on Saving Energy

- Install the Appliance Properly

In other words, away from sources of heat and direct sunlight, in a well ventilated room complying with the minimum distances indicated in the paragraph entitled, “ Installation/Ventilation.”.


The consumption tests were performed in 560mm deep column units, the most common installation setting for this appliance.

- Use the Right Temperature Setting

A setting which is too cold increases energy consumption.

- Do not Overfill

To conserve food properly, the cold air must circulate freely within the refrigerator. If it is overfilled, this will prevent proper air circulation, forcing the compressor to work continuously.

- Close the Doors

Open your refrigerator as little as possible because each time you do so you loose much of the cold air. To raise the temperature to the proper level again, the motor must work for a long time, consuming energy.

- Keep an Eye on the Seals

Keep the seals clean and make sure that they adhere well to the door. This alone will ensure that no cold air escapes.

- No Hot Foods

A hot pot or pan placed in the refrigerator immediately raises the temperature several degrees. Let hot cookware and food cool to ambient temperature before placing them in the refrigerator.

- Defrost the Freezer

Check the thickness of the frost on the walls of the freezer and immediately defrost it if the layer of frost is too thick. (see the section entitled, “Keeping your Appliance in Shape”).

Keeping Your Appliance in Shape

Before doing any cleaning, disconnect the appliance from the electricity (by pulling out the plug or turning off the general switch in your home).


WARNING: do not damage the refrigeration circuit. Do not use mechanical devices or other tools to speed up the defrosting process, unless they have been recommended by the manufacturer.

How to Defrost the Refrigerator

This appliance defrosts automatically and the water is channeled to the back toward the drain installed for this purpose (fig. 2). Here, the heat produced by the compressor will make it evaporate. The only thing you must do is to periodically check and clean the hole of the drain, which is located behind the vegetable crispers, so that the water drains properly.

How to Defrost the Freezer

-Every so often, remove the frost with the scraper provided with the appliance (do not use knives or metal objects).

-If the frost is more than 15 mm thick, the freezer must be defrosted.

Proceed as follows: turn the thermostat knob (H) to the · setting "0" (Fig.3). Then wrap all the frozen and fast-frozen food in newspaper, placing it either in the refrigerator or in a cool place. Leave the freezer door open so that the frost thaws completely. You can speed this process by placing containers of warm water in the compartment.

The unit is provided with a system which allows the defrost water to be collected in a container to be placed beneath the unit (proceed as illustrated in fig 4).

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 2



Cleaning and Special Maintenance

Before cleaning the refrigerator, disconnect it from the electrical mains (by removing the plug from the socket or by turning off the main electricity switch for the apartment or house).

-The materials used to build your appliance are hygienic and do not transmit odors. However, to preserve this quality of your appliance, the food stored in it must be well closed and covered to prevent spills which could stain it and cause unpleasant odors.

-Only water and baking soda. To clean both the interior and exterior, use a sponge with warm water and baking soda, which is, among other things, a good disinfectant. If you do not have any in the house, you can use a neutral soap.

-What not to use. Never use abrasives, bleach or ammonia. Solvents and similar products are strictly prohibited.

-All the removable part should be taken out and allowed to soak in hot water and dishwashing soap. Rinse and dry them well before putting them back in the refrigerator.

-When the appliance is not used for a long time. If you decide not to use the appliance (during the summer), it must cleaned and the doors left open to prevent the formation of mold and unpleasant odors.

-Replacing the light bulb.

When replacing the light of the refrigerator compartment unplug the unit from the power supply and chang the used lamp with another one of not more than 15 W.

For access ti lamp "A", remove the centre screw "B" at the back of the lamp cover, as indicated in fig. 5.



Fig. 5



Is There a Problem?

The refrigerator does not function.

Have you checked whether:

The main switch for the electricity to the apartment or home has been turned off;

The plug is properly inserted in the outlet;

The outlet is adequate; try inserting the plug into another outlet in the room.

The refrigerator and the freezer do not cool properly.

Have you checked whether:

The doors do not close well or the seals are faulty;

The doors are left open too long;

The thermostat knob is not on the proper setting;

The refrigerator or freezer is overfilled.

The food in the refrigerator becomes too cold.

Have you checked whether:

The thermostat knob is on the proper setting;

The food is in contact with the back wall - which is the coldest part.

The motor runs continuously.

Have you checked whether

The doors are not closed well or have remained open too long;

The ambient temperature is too high;

The thermostat knob is not on the proper setting.

The appliance makes too much noise.

The gas refrigerant produces a slight noise even when the compressor is not running (this is not a defect).

Have you checked whether:

The refrigerator is level.

The appliance was installed between cabinets or objects that vibrate and make noise.

There is water on the bottom of the refrigerator.

Have you checked whether:

The hole for draining the water from the frost is clogged (see fig. 2).

If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service Centre and inform them of: the type of problem, the abbreviation of the model name (Mod.) and the relative numbers (S/N) written on the rating plate located at the bottom left next to the vegetable crisper (see example in the figure below).

Mod. RG 2330








Cod. 93139180000

S/N 704211801

























220 - 240 V-


50 Hz


150 W











Max 15 w



























































































Poder de Cong

Clase N













kg/24 h 4,0





























R 134 a






































kg 0,090



P.S-I. LOW 140











Made in Italy 13918

Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals.



La sécurité, une bonne habitude


Lire attentivement les avertissements contenus dans ce livret car ils fournissent des indications importantes pour la sécurité de l’installation, de l’utilisation et de l’entretien. Ce réfrigérateur a été construit conformément aux normes internationales de sécurité qui ont pour but de protéger le consommateur. Cet appareil a en effet obtenu le label IMQ que les techniciens de l’Institut Italien de Qualité n’accordent qu’aux appareils conformes aux normes du CEI: Comité Electrotechnique Italien.

1.Cet appareil ne doit pas être installé à l’extérieur, même à l’abri d’un appentis, il est extrêmement dangereux de le laisser exposé à la pluie et aux orages.

2.Il ne doit être utilisé que par des adultes et uniquement pour conserver et congeler des aliments, conformément à ce mode d’emploi.

3.Ne touchez jamais ni ne manoeuvrez l’appareil pieds nus ou avec les mains ou les pieds mouillés.

4.Nous déconseillons d’utiliser des rallonges ou des prises multiples. Si le réfrigérateur est installé entre des meubles, veillez par soucis de sécurité à ce que le cordon d’alimentation ne soit ni plié ni comprimé.

5.Ne tirez jamais sur le cordon ou le réfrigérateur pour débrancher la fiche de la prise murale: c’est extrêmement dangereux.

6.Ne touchez pas aux parties intérieures réfrigérantes surtout avec les mains mouillées, vous pourriez vous brûler ou

vous blesser. Ne portez jamais à la bouche des glaçons à peine sortis du freezer, vous risqueriez de vous brûler.

7.Ne procédez à aucune opération de nettoyage ou d’entretien sans avoir auparavant débranché la fiche de l’appareil; il ne suffit pas, en effet, d’amener la manette de réglage de la température sur la position "0" pour éliminer tout contact électrique.

8.Avant d’envoyer votre ancien réfrigérateur à la déchetterie, rendez sa serrure inutilisable. Vous éviterez ainsi que des enfants en jouant, ne restent enfermés à l’intérieur.

9.En cas de panne et avant de faire appel au service aprèsvente, consultez le chapitre «Quelque chose ne va pas?» pour vérifier si vous pouvez vous-même résoudre le problème. Ne tentez pas de réparer la panne en essayant d’accéder aux parties internes.

10.Si le câble d’alimentation de cet appareil est abîmé, seul notre Service Après Vente peut le changer à l’aide d’outils spéciaux.

11.Ne pas utiliser d’appareils électriques à l’intérieur du compartiment de conservation des aliments s’ils n’appartiennent pas aux catégories recommandées par le fabricant.

12.Avant d’envoyer votre appareil hors d’usage à la déchetterie, veillez à le rendre sûr car sa mousse isolante contient du gaz cyclopentane et son circuit réfrigérant peut contenir du gaz R600a (isobutane).

Pour cette opération, adressez-vous à votre revendeur ou au Service local prévu à cet effet.


Pour garantir le bon fonctionnement de votre appareil tout en réduisant sa consommation d’électricité, il faut qu’il soit installé correctement.


Le compresseur et le condenseur produisent de la chaleur et exigent par conséquent une bonne aération. Les pièces mal ventilées sont par conséquent déconseillées. L’appareil doit donc être installé dans une pièce munie d’une ouverture (fenêtre ou porte-fenêtre) qui permette de renouveler l’air et qui ne soit pas trop humide.

Attention, lors de son installation, à ne pas boucher les grilles d’aération de l’appareil.

Loin de toute source de chaleur

Evitez d’installer votre appareil dans un endroit exposé à la lumière directe du soleil ou près d’une cuisinière électrique ou autre.

Raccordement électrique et mise à la terre

Avant de procéder à tout raccordement électrique, contrôlez si le voltage indiqué sur la plaquette des caractéristiques, placée en bas à gauche à côté du bac à légumes, correspond bien à celui de votre installation et contrôlez si la prise

est dotée d’une mise à la terre conforme, comme prescrit par la loi 46/90 sur la sécurité des installations. S’il n’y a pas de mise à la terre, le Fabricant décline toute responsabilité. N’utilisez ni prises multiples ni adaptateurs.

Installez l’appareil de manière à ce que la prise à laquelle il est connecté soit parfaitement accessible.

La puissance est insuffisante?

La prise électrique doit être en mesure de supporter la charge maximum de puissance de l’appareil, indiquée sur la plaquette des caractéristiques placée en bas à gauche à côté du bac à légumes.

Avant de le raccorder électriquement

Après le transport, pour que votre appareil fonctionne bien, placez-le à la verticale et attendez au moins 3 heures avant de le brancher à la prise.



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