Let's G et Started!
Welcom e to the new world of XTOMP!
XTOMP is a n ultra thin ef fects p edal stomp box that sim ulate s all
kinds o f iconic cla ssic, v intag e, or modern p edals a nd creates
ori ginal s tanda rd/novel algo rithms throu gh its growi ng effects
lib rary.
XTOMP us es iOS* , Android* a nd PC app s to mana ge all your ef fects
and t ransfers t hem to your st ompbox via B lueto oth .
*Blu etoot h is a trad emark o wned by t he Blue tooth S IG, Inc.
Thist radem arkwasus edmere lytoide ntifyt hefunc tionch aract er
ofthep roduc t.
*iOSi s a trade mark of A pple, I nc., reg ister ed in the U .S. and o ther co untri es.
*An droid is a t radem ark of Go ogle, I nc.
What's Inside?
XTOMP ×1 / H andy Gu ide ×1 / St icker s ×3
·Ult rathi n design, ro ck soli d zinc al loy casing
·Rel ay base d true bypas s foots witch with h alo LED
·6 Kno bs with h alo LED s
·Powe rful TI C67 se ries DSP onboa rd, 24-bit A /D/A co nversion
·Free i OS, And roid an d PC apps for lo ading a nd mana ging ef fects
via B lueto oth
·USB j ack for firm ware upgra ding, load ing/m anaging ef fects
wit h PC apps, and m ore
·Out stand ing fre quenc y respo nse and d ynami c range ; very
low n oise le vel
·CDC M System for real istic p laying exp erien ce
·Ste reo I/O: L - Rel ay True Byp ass or an alog Bu ffered Byp ass,
R - Ana log Buf fered Bypa ss
·Growin g effec ts algo rithm l ibrar y
·9V DC p ower suppl y

Hardware & System Requirements
·iOS 8 .0 or lat er
·iPh one* 4s o r later
·iPad* wi th Reti na disp lay (3 Gen ) or late r
·iPad Min i* or lat er
·iPad Pro* o r later
·iPod Touch* 5 Gen or l ater
·XTOMP ap p
And roid*
·And roid* 4.3 (Jel ly Bean ) or la ter
·Any devi ce that s uppor ts BLE (Blu etooth Low Ener gy*)
·XTOMP ap p
*Blu etoot h is a trad emark o wned by t he Blue tooth S IG, Inc. T his tra demar k
was us ed mere ly to ide ntify t he func tion ch aracte r of the pr oduc t.
*iPh one, iPo d Touch, i Pad and iP ad Mini a re trade marks o f Apple , Inc.,
regi stere d in the U. S. and ot her cou ntrie s.
*An droid an d Jell y Bean are t radem arks of G oogle , Inc.
Pedal Introduction
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