Installation of Hotchkis Front Sway Bar
Sport Sway Bar Kit 22102
2005 Mustang
Thank you for your purchase from our new line of Mustang parts.
Please call us at 877 - 4NO - ROLL if you have any questions
regarding the service or installation of your Hotchkis Performance products.
1F Raising Vehicle
Securely block the rear wheels of the vehicle. Use a jack to lift up the front of the vehicle and
use jack stands to support it. Do not remove the front wheels during installation for safety.
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2F Observe Front Bar
Once the car is raised, observe the position of the front bar and take note of it’s orientation.
3F Remove Subframe Mounts
Locate the 2 subframe bushing mounts. Loosen and remove the nuts that secure the bushing
brackets to the frame.
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4F Remove Endlinks and Remove Bar
At the ends of the bar, loosen and remove nut that secures the endlinks to the sway bar. The
stock bar is now loose and free to be remove.
5F Lube Hotchkis Bushing
Grease the inner surface of the Hotchkis bushing with the provided lube.
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6F Install endlinks onto Sway bar ends
Install the Hotchkis bar ends onto the stock endlinks. At this time, determine how stiff you
would like your front sway bar. The hole closest to the end is the softest setting. Reuse the
stock nut to attached the endlink to the sway bar. Fasten but do not fully tighten these nuts at
this time. Leaving these semi loose will aid the rest of the installation.
7F Install Hotchkis Bushing onto the sway bar
Once the endlinks are attached, spread open the bushing and install the greased bushing onto
the sway bar. Push the bracket onto the bushing.
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